Well, here it is. My first crossover :). Unlike the other stories on this crossover section (with the exception of maybe 1-3), I won't abandon this story. I hope you enjoy and I will try to put out a chapter every 2-5 days.

Pairings: Renji x Rukia, Danny x Sam

The exhausted sun was setting over the small town of Karakura, sluggishly falling down as the day came drawing to a serene end. The amazing sky lit up with different a different variety of colours: a pulchritude orange which washed over from sun, rippling across the sky; a heavenly pink which reflected off the clouds; a hidden blue which hid amongst the different colours, coyly disappearing.

Ichigo Kurosaki was walking home, bag over is shoulder as he strolled down the street after coming home from the first day back from the Summer holidays. The refreshing autumn breeze wavered amongst the world, washing against his face as he heard two voiced muttering in the distance. He snapped his attention towards the two figures and noticed that they were dressed in black shihakushos (sp?). Obviously Soul Reapers. The orange-haired boy examined them from afar and noticed one had crimson, spiky hair and the other had raven hair, 'Renji and Rukia!' He thought to himself before he ran dwn the street to catch up to them.

"Hey, Renji, Rukia!" Ichigo called out as he ran down the street towards the two Lieutenants.

"Hey, Ichigo," Renji greeted, raising his arm in a waving manner. "What are you doing here?" The spiky, red-haired Lieutenant pondered aloud, his expression slightly bewildered.

"What am I doing here? I live here!" Ichigo half-yelled, trying not to attract attention due to the fact that it would look as if he was talking to himself. Both Soul Reapers were not in their Gigai, therefore they could not be seen by humans of whom who have low to no spiritual pressure.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down!" Renji tormented, raising his hands to the halfway point of his body in defence.

"Whatever... Anyway, what are you guys doing here?"

"Head-Captain Yamamoto held a Captains' meeting discussing the recent events in the twelfth division. Apparently some strange spiritual pressure unlike no other had been found in the world of the living. Its location is unknown, though it is predicted that the mysterious spiritual pressure will be coming to town of Karakura," Rukia explained. "My brother Byakuya sent Renji to go and Captain Ukitake heard about this, so he decided to announce to the whole of the thirteenth division that I am going on a trip to the world of the living for one month with Renji. Because Renji and I are dating, you don't know how awkward that was..."

"Well, that clears that up. Anyway, I have to go. See you another time." Ichigo waved, turning around and heading home.

"Oh and Ichigo-"


"Me and Renji will be coming to your school tomorrow," Rukia mused, laughing along with Renji after hearing Ichigo's sigh in annoyance. Both Lieutenants had always made a fool out of him at school; like at the time with the Bounts, Ichigo had jumped on top of Renji in the most awkward position, threatening Renji to come out of his Gigai.

"Do we have to?!" Danny whined, pacing back and forth in the living room of his house.

"Yes, Danny, we are going to Karakura town in Japan to investigate those mysterious ghost sightings!" Jack repeated, squealing in excitement as he had heard about the ghosts which would always rampage through the town. Unbeknownst to him, they weren't your ordinary ghosts, but hollows instead. Vicious beasts of which have no heart. They kill people and devour their souls as they continue to grow stronger. The blood-thirsty creatures never rest as they would do whatever they can to get their own way.

Danny ran upstairs after hearing about the one-month long trip to Japan, a country he had never been to before, 'this is going to be so boring!' Danny thought to himself. 'I'm going to get major jet lag and I still have to go to school there! I know nothing about the country! Luckily enough, Jazz taught me Japanese for a year a while ago...'

The ghost-boy flipped up his phone and decided to text his friends in the miniature chat room they had created a while ago of which they rarely ever used.

Danny: Hey guys...

Sam: Hey, what's up?

Tucker: Don't tell me Technus is back again... or Vlad, or Ember - wait on second thought I'd prefer it if it were Ember.

Sam: Tuck...

Tucker: Sorry!

Sam: You're such an idiot.

Tucker: Oh really?

Sam: Obviously!

Tucker: Who gets straight A's in every class?

Danny: Have you two finished yet?!

Tucker & Sam: Sorry.

Danny: I'm going to Japan for one month.

Sam: What, why?!

Tucker: On second thought, I'd rather you said Vlad was back...

Sam & Danny: TUCKER!

Danny: My parents are obsessed with these ghosts in the small town called 'Karakura' so they're making us go there for a while. I have to go to this high-school there as well.

Tucker: Karakura? That's the place where loads of bad stuff happen, isn't it? It's always over the news. Gas pipes exploding, huge holes being punctured into large buildings.

Danny: I know, that's why they're interested.

Sam: Japan is such an amazing place! It's huge and wonderful, you should be happy.

Danny: Should be happy? How can I when I'm away from you.

Sam: Aw.

Danny: Well, I have to go. My plane leaves in four hours and we have to be at the airport in an hour. See you in a month - I won't have reception there.

Sam & Tucker: Bye.

As Danny flapped his phone down, he sighed in annoyance for the umpteenth time today. His raised his shiny blue eyes to the ceiling before lowering them down onto the floor again, examining his room around him before he had to say goodbye to it all in a few minutes. The halfa ran a soft hand through his raven, black hair before he jumped off his bed and sauntered downstairs with his suitcases.