Chapter 1: Going Home
Yuki's POV
I was walking down the street one day. There was a group of girls walked ahead of me.
One of them had this power coming off her. Was she a priestesses?
If she was then why would she be here in the modern day? Then I heard her talking to her friends.
"Inuyasha is still in love with his old girlfriend."
That name it couldn't be. My master all was wanted to have a son by that name. "Come on Kagome you can do better then him."
One of her friends said. But then the girl named Kagome had to go.
I followed her to her house. Then she went inside the house. I waited out side till she came out.
When she finally came out she had a huge yellow back pack. Then she headed for a shrine that had a will that looked like Bone-Eater's Well.
I watched her as she jumped into the well and vanish. I walked over to it I wonder if this could take me back?
Will it wouldn't hurt to try. So I jumped in and then I was traveling back in time.
I looked up there was the sun. I could smell demons and I knew I was back.
Then the voice came down.
"What took you so long Kagome?"
Said a anger voice.
"Sorry Inuyasha I had a test today."
Said Kagome. Then a new voice came down.
"So Kagome what did you bring me?"
The voice sounded young and happy.
"Yes Shippo I got you some new candy."
The one named Shippo was happy. Then Inuyasha said.
"There is a someone here but I cant tell if it's a miko or a demon."
I moved so fast that they couldn't tell what I was.
Inuyasha tried to follow me but I flew up into the sky.
I made my way to Totosai's place. I walked in and he had his back towards me. "Hello Totosai long time no see."
I said softly. He jumped and looked at me.
"Yuki is that you?"
Totosai said. I nodded my head.
"Were is my master? When I came back I didn't scene him any were?"
Myogo jumped on my shoulder.
"Yuki there is something we have to tell you."
I sat down. Then they told me what happened to my master.
Tears ran down my face.
"I wish I was here when that happened. Its all my fault."
Totosai put a hand on my shoulder.
"Its ok the master knew that you were ok."
I nodded my head.
"I need to go there is something I need to do. I see you two later."
I got up and left them. I took to the sky once more.
I headed for the forest that I grew up. As I pasted through the barrier.
It was the same as the day I was sucked through the portal that took me to the modern world.
I didn't know how to get back till today. I walked down a old path that I walked down with my master.
I came to the meadow there he teach me every thing I knew. I then opened a portal to the other world.
Through it came my master.
"Yuki you have grown so much. I am happy that you came home."
Tears were running down my face. He walked over and pulled me into a hug.
"Its ok my child let it out."
I took in his scent that I missed so much.
"I missed you so much master. I'm sorry that I wasn't here when you passed away."
He rubbed my hair.
"I do not blame you Yuki. If you stayed here you would have be killed. But there is something I wanted to ask for something."
I looked up into my masters face.
Inuyasha's POV
It was night fall and we were in Kaede's village. We were in her hut when someone knocked on the door.
Kaede got up and went to the door.
"Hello who are you?"
She said. Then a voice came through the door.
"Hello I don't mean to bother this late. But I'm looking for Inuyasha and they said he would be here?"
I got up and walked to the door.
"Who's looking for me?"
I said as I looked at the person that was coved up in a cloak.
"May I came in so we can talk?"
But then Tetsusaiga started to move towards this person.
"Hello Tetsusaiga. Its been a very long time since I seen you."
I couldn't believe that this person knows Tetsusaiga and it knows this person. "Come on in."
Kaede said. I didn't like this but I moved out of the way.
The person walked in and took off the cloak. She was a girl but her clothes were like Kagome's but hers has more skin showing.
She walked over to Kagome.
"Who are you?"
Kagome asked her. The girl sat next to her.
"My name is Yuki."
She smiled at us.
"What are you doing here for?"
I said to her.
"I made a promise to my master to look after you."
I looked at her.
"Who is your master?"
She might be working for Narako. But then something bit me.
"Myogo what are you doing here?"
I said as I slap him.
"Sorry master Inuyasha I just seeing if young Yuki was here."
That took all of us by surprise. Miroku looked at Yuki.
"How do you know Inuyasha and Myogo?"
Yuki looked at him then to Myogo.
"Before anyone of you were born. I was abandon when I was a few days old. My master came across me and took me in. He raised me in a forest inside a barrier. He was a great teacher and he was like a father to me. But one day a portal opened up one day when I was playing alone. I got sucked up into it and I came out one the other side. It was the modern day were I spend many years trying to find my way back. Then I saw Kagome here walking down the street. The power she was giving off made me follower her. Then I saw here go down the well and I did the same."
Kagome looked at her.
"You were the one walking behind us?"
Yuki nodded her head.
"But I didn't scents any thing from you."
Kagome said and Yuki closed her eyes.
"I can hide my powers and make it seem like I'm a human."
We never heard of anything thing that before. How could she do something like that.
Yuki's POV
"I call him master but you Inuyasha would have called him Father."
I said. It took Inuyasha a while to get what I just said.
"Wait you knew my father!"
He yelled at me. I looked at him.
"Yes Inu no Taisho was my master. He took me in like I was his own pup."
Then the other girl named Sango spoke up.
"So you are a demon then?"
I looked at her.
"Yes Sango I am a demon. But I can choose to smell human if I please."
They looked at me.
"What kind of demon are you?"
Kagome asked me.
"I am a wolf demon."
Inuyasha didn't like that.
"Like that damn Koga."
I didn't know who this Koga was but I wasn't like the other wolf demons.
"I don't know who this Koga is but there is no other wolf demon like me around here."
Before we could started a fight. I summoned Tetsusaiga to me and Inuyasha didn't like that.
"What the hell are you doing!"
I didn't say anything.
"Master Inuyasha let Yuki do what she needs to do."
Myogo said. But Inuyasha kept on coming.
"Sit boy."
Kagome said and Inuyasha hit the ground. I withdrew Tetsusaiga and it grew to its full size.
I ran my hand over it blade.
"Poor thing you are so dull."
I said to my self.
"No its not."
Inuyasha said. I looked at him.
"Yes it is. Spiritually its dull."
The I cut my hand on the blade and smear my blood on both sides of the blade then put it in a barrier.
"What did you do to it?"
Miroku said.
"It needs spiritual blood ever now and then to make it stronger. No priest or priestess would ever do this for a demon."
Miroku looked at me.
"But you're a demon with spiritual powers."
I lifted a eyebrow.
"Yes I do have spiritual powers."
I said to the monk.
"I never heard of a demon with spiritual powers before. But why didn't I sensed it when you walked in?"
Miroku said. I smiled at him.
"Like I said before I can hide my scent. And I can hide my powers from anyone."
Inuyasha looked at me.
"If you are a full demon then why don't you hurt humans?"
I turned my green eyes towards him.
"I would never hurt a human."
Kagome moved closer to me.
"Why would you do that for?"
I smiled at her.
"Cause humans could never win against a demon or half demon. That's not right to just go and kill them for now good reason. They need to be protected from the blood thirst ones. But the bad humans need to be stopped."
Being in the modern world there was a lot of them.
"You are very different from the other demons Yuki."
Sango said.
"My master tart me what was good and what was bad. Besides humans aren't as bad as you might think."
Inuyasha was eyeing his sword.
"Don't worry Inuyasha you sword will be done tomorrow night at the same time the blood touched it. It needs a full day for it to soak it up."
He looked at me.
"What was my father like?"
They all looked him then at me. I knew he didn't get the chance to meet my master.
"He was great Inuyasha. Very nice but pissed him off and you would die. Had the patience to teach me ever thing he knew. And when I got older he took me out of the barrier to see what I had. Oh and I helped him make Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga."
There eyes got huge.
"You really helped them make them?"
Kagome asked me.
"Yes that's how I knew about Tetsusaiga and the powers for Tenseiga came from me."
Miroku looked at me.
"Tenseiga's powers can bring the dead back to life. So you can bring the dead back as while."
I looked at him.
"The power came from me but I'm still learning how to use them. Being in the modern most of my powers wouldn't work. But then again I didn't think it was a good idea to try and use it. People could have been hurt. So I'm still learning what I can still do. But what my master saw in me. And the power did come from me. So I think I can but I don't know how to do it."
I said to them. None of them said anything. So we just started to fall asleep.