AN/ Hi! So here's the last chapter to this story. I hope you liked it. Please leave me a review to tell me what you think. Sorry about any mistakes, they're all mine. Enjoy! :P


The grip on her throat loosened and Emily took a big gulp of air... before it got expulsed out of her lungs when Witcher's dead body collapsed on her very sore one.

She pushed him off of her to release her and that was when she realized he was as dead aas one could get and blood was drippinf from a hole on his back.

Emily raised her eyes to see the shooter, thinking it was one of her team. To say she didn't expect what she saw was an understatement. Standing in front of her, holding her gun in trembling hands, a look of pure shock in her baby blue eyes, stood none else than Jennifer Jareau. The witness that she was supposed to protect, not the other way around.

Slowly, Emily got her feet, gave a few seconds for the floor to stop spinning and calmly raised her hands in what she hoped was a reassuring gesture.

"Easy Jennifer, it's over, he's dead, give me the gun." JJ let go but her eyes were glued to the unsub's body. She looked like she was frozen. "Hey, look at me. Look at me. That's it. Now, come on, we'll wait for the others outside. There's no need to say in here."

Emily led the blonde out in the building corridor. From there, both ladies could hear the familiar sound of police sirens and footsteps in the stairs. Not ten seconds later, a SWAT team emerged, with Morgan on the lead. Hotch was not far behind, but the new guy, Reid, Emily remembered his name, was nowhere to be seen.

"Ow! C'me on! Here I was, knight in shining bullet proof armor, hoping to save the day, and what do I see? You already did it! Not cool Princess, not cool." Morgan joked as soon as he saw them, making a face. He went inside the appartment with the SWAT guys and properly cleared it, applying protocol.

"Sorry buddy, but this time it wasn't me. But you can blame Jennifer if you want." Emily offered with a wink to the blonde.

JJ, who had refound some colour on her face, said : "What?! Why? It's not my fault you're too late."

"She has a point there, Morgan." Emily noted.

That was the moment Hotch chose to interrupt them : "Prentiss, take Jareau with you, and go get checked out by a medic." Seeing the look on their faces, he promptly added "Sorry, standard procedure. After that, I'm gonna need both of your statements."

He took Emily's gun and backed away a little to make a phone call.

"And the Bossman has spoken." Morgan laughed, watching the girls go.

Once everything was settled there and that Emily made sure JJ was okay, mentally speaking – she assured that she was fine and that she "has been through a lot already, I know how to cope." - the team plus JJ went back at the police station to make their depositions.

Charlie came to pick up JJ and drove her to her own place, after a chat with Morgan and an exchange of phone numbers that didn't go unnoticed by her mate.

The team was going over reports to try and link Jack Witcher to the murders. They were gathered around Chinese food when a call from Quantico interrupted them.

"Hey Baby Girl! You're on speaker."

" Hello there, my favorite crime fighters in the world. So I dig into your creep's life and here's what I found. So, turns out..." Garcia was stopped mid-sentence by Emily. "Wait! Jennifer made me promise to call her once we've found something." She dialed the number and waited for JJ to pick up the phone.


"Hey, it's Emily. We've got some info on Witcher."

"Oh, okay I'm listening."

"Hey Blondie! So, like I was saying, super creep had a bad start in life. The father left before he was even born, and the mother died in delivery. He had a twin brother, Kevin, who died at 8 year-old. He was hit by a car and his brother witnessed the entire thing. The driver left the scene and didn't even call 911. According to Jack's statement, the driver a young blonde female, but he wasn't able to recognize her when the cops showed him pictures. Ever since, he moved from foster family to foster family, before leaving the system at his 18th birhtday. He accumulated small charges from petty thefts up to aptemted mureder on one of his caretakers. Then, about a month ago, his pick-up truck was involved in a hit-and-run."

"Probably our stressor." Hotch said. "Thanks Garcia." He hung up.

"Wow, well, thanks for calling me and thanks for stopping this guy."

"No problem. Bye, Jennifer."

"Bye." And she ended the call.

Hotch started to gather the files and told his team they would be leaving around 5p.m.

-Charlie's dorm room -

JJ and Charlie were sitting on the latest's bed,tallking about the last days events. The they got the call from the FBI. Once they hunged up the phone, an heavy silence fell in the room. A few minutes passed by, before JJ laid back on the bed, sighing loudly.

"It's finally, totally, completely over!" She turned on her side to give her friend a relieved look. "I can go back to my life the way it was before all this crazyness happened."

"It wasn't just bad that came out of this." Charlie pointed out.

"Oh yeah? Like what? 'Cause I don't have anything coming in my mind right now." JJ said sarcastically.

"Well, for one, I got to meet a handsome FBI agent, and I got his number." she winked.

"Yeah, sure." JJ laughed and sat back up on the bed. "But, why do I sense a second?"

"Because there's one." She paused to look into her eyes. "Second, you, my friend, have now someone you like and who likes you and cares about you."

This conversation had taken a very serious turn, which unnerved JJ very much so.

"Can you, please, not talk about it? Please?" She pleaded, but with Charlie it was a lost cause. Once that girl had something in mind, you couldn't get her out of it.

"Oh come on! You can't tell me you didn't think about it. Actually, I'm pretty sure you're still thinking about it. Besides, she too has a thing for you." Charlie said with finality. "I saw it, and I know those kinds of signs when I see one."

"Charlie, please! Stop twisting the knife!" She tried to add something to change the subject. But Charlie was faster.

"Ahah! So you admit there's a little crush on an FBI agent here?" She questionned with a winning glim in her eyes.

"Uh...maybe." this time she was quick to talk, "but nothing could possibly come out of it. I mean, look at us. I'm still in college, in Pennsylvania. And she's an achieved FBI agent, living all around the States to stop psychos. There's not even the shadow of a chance here." She finished in a whisper, defeated.

"Oh Sweetie, I told you to stop over thinking things, didn't I? You can't possibly know how it will turn out. All I say is 'go, enjoy yourself a little. Who knows, you might find someone to care about, and maybe someday love'. You deserve it, Jayje."

"But they're leaving. Tonight. It's too late."

"It's never too late. I happen to know when and where they're leaving, thanks to this gorgeous FBI agent I told you about. I'll drive you and you, dou do your magic with Emily."

"Wow, you really thought it through." JJ was a little impressed because her friend wasn't really known for her organisation. "Fine, I'll go."

-Airport, 4.30p.m.-

On the short walk to the airstrip, Morgan kept looking behind him, as if he was expecting someone. It annoyed greatly Emily.

"What the hell are you waiting for?"

"Nothing." He answered quickly, maybe a little too quickly.

"Yeah, sure. And I'm the Smurfette." Emily rolled her eyes.

They walked for two more minutes before Derek stopped abruptly, with a big grin on his face.

"What now?" Emily wanted to leave, to forget about this case, well, it really was a certain blonde she wanted to forget.

"Look behind you."

The brunette profiler turned around, rolling her eyes at her partner, but she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw what he was waiting for. JJ was running to them, her golden hair flying behind her. Charlie was right behind her and she smiled at them, but her eyes were focused on Morgan.

"Wait up!" JJ called out. Finally, she stopped in front of them, breathing deeply to regain a normal heartbeat. "Thank God you're still here. I was afraid you were already gone." Emily just stood there dumbfounded. "I, uh, I wanted to thank you again for what you guys did." She noticed the pointed look Charlie was giving her, and added, "And, uh, I was hoping I could talk to you?", looking straight in Emily's eyes.

"Um, yeah sure. You guys go ahead." She said to her teammates.

"Okay, but don't take too long, Hotch is a little grumpy today." Morgan replied while going off with Reid and Charlie, probably to talk about their respective best friends.

"Thanks Derek." Now that she was alone with JJ, she wasn't sure of what to say. She decided on something light, she didn't want any tension.

"You know you don't have to thank any of us. It's our job. Besides, you're the one who saved my life, I should be thanking you."

"Yeah, but I'm sure you would've been fine even without my help." She gave a small, timid smile. They were both silent for a moment before JJ talked again. "So, um, I didn't tell you, but I applied to the FBI academy in Quantico."


"Yeah, and, um, I got the answer just a couple of days before this all happened." She took a deep breath, she had vowed to herself not to back down. "I got accepted. I'm starting this fall." She didn't look Emily in the eye anymore.

"That's great! I mean, it's huge. So, you want to be FBI?"

"I want to help people, so I figured I'll be in the law enforcement. This whole thing just convinced me even more." She looked back up and finally said what she had wanted to since she got at the airport. "I'm gonna be living in the DC area. Any chance we could meet there, when you're not on a case, of course?"

"Yeah, sure. Absolutely. I'd love to. And if you need anything, advice, anything, just give me a call." Their eyes locked. Then, on an impulse, JJ put her hands on each side of the brunette's face, and kissed her. It wasn't desperate, or needy, or anything. It was slow, and caring, and full of emotions and promises. Promise a future, promise of something bigger. When they broke off for air, they both were smiling from ear to ear, their bodies still close to each other's. They kept looking at each other for what felt like hours, but was actually just a couple minutes, when Morgan's voice startled them.

"Princess, you coming? The jet is ready to take off."

"I'm coming Morgan. I'll call you as soon as I can. I promise." She kissed the blonde one final time and was off.

JJ watched her go, but she wasn't sad. They would stay in touch, they would call, text, e-mail. And then, they would be reunited. And she couldn't wait.

The End