/comes out from hiding behind the couch
Ohai guys! Didn't see you there... hehe /rubs back of neck sheepishly
I'm SOOO sorry it took me forever to update! So many things have been going on in my life, including new fandoms, school, soccer, and a bunch of other stuff. So again, SORRY.
Pokemon World- Ash's POV, sorta~
Ash lay on his back, staring up at the star filled sky, deep in thought. He sighed, and then turned onto his side. This sure was a confusing day.
Ash's day had started out normally enough, that is, until they ran into a boy named Takato, and his partner, Guilmon. They'd all been shocked by the boy's and his digimon's abilities when they went up against Team Rocket, but nothing had prepared them for the initial shock that Takato and Guilmon were in fact from another world.
A few hours ago, in front of a roaring campfire, the scarlet eyed Tamer had told the trio about his world and Digimon, and also the place where said creatures were from, the Digital World. Ash could tell that Takato was leaving a few things out, but he brushed it off as unimportant.
The whole thing was pretty cool though. Ash wouldn't mind knowing the friends Takato had, and their Digimon. The fact that they could only have one partner was completely overshadowed by the overall strength most Digimon seemed to have. Ash was fascinated by the fact that Digimon could evolve into different levels, and then change back! The whole thing was so interesting; it was no wonder Ash was having trouble falling asleep.
But just as he was thinking that, Ash's eyelids began to droop, and he soon fell into a dreamless sleep.
"Pika Pika!"
Ash groaned, blinking open his eyes, and stared into the yellow face still blurred by sleep. He blinked several times, until his eyes came into proper focus. He grinned, reaching up a hand to pick his hat up.
Sitting up properly, he stretched a bit. "Good morning, Pikachu!" He said, still grinning at the small electric mouse that was sitting on his lap. Plopping his hat onto his head, he stood up, Pikachu jumping onto his shoulder as he did so.
"Good morning Ash!" Dawn said, smiling. She and Brock were over and a makeshift table, preparing what looked like breakfast. That is, Brock was making human food and Dawn was making Pokepuffs. (A/N: That's what they're called, right? I can't remember) Buneary, Piplup, Happiny, and the rest of the gang's Pokemon were out playing around.
Ash looked over at Takato, and was a bit amused at what he saw. Takato was lying on his back, mouth open, and snoring softly. Guilmon was laying on the brown-haired boy's stomach, muttering something about what sounded like 'bread' in his sleep. Every now and again Takato would twitch a little, causing Guilmon to also twitch slightly.
Pikachu jumped off Ash's shoulder, landing nimbly on the ground. The raven-haired boy watched, smiling, as his partner went and leaped up lightly onto the red dinosaur's nose. Guilmon let out a small growl, opening one eye slowly.
Ash's little yellow mouse let out a chirpy "Pikachu!" in greeting and lifted a tiny paw. Guilmon opened his other eye and gave Pikachu a wide-eyed look. Then, (with Pikachu still on his head) Guilmon turned over a bit and stood up next to the still sleeping Takato. Guilmon tilted his head slightly and poked the Tamer with a claw.
"Takatomon, get up." The red Digimon whined. Ash blinked, he still wasn't used to hearing the dinosaur talk, especially in such a childish voice. He watched as Pikachu jumped down onto Takato's chest, causing the goggle-headed boy to start awake. "Bwahh?" He muttered in an incoherent voice, staring confusedly at the Pokemon in front of him.
Ash chuckled and finally walked over. "That was your wake-up call." He said cheerily, offering the boy a hand. Takato smiled and accepted the gesture. Lifting up his other arm, he rubbed the sleep out of his face, and then adjusted his goggles.
"So, what are we doing today?" The Tamer looked curious. Standing next his partner (Ash was again reminded of how tall the Digimon actually was), he was smoothing out his light brown hair. Ash was a bit surprised of how soon Takato was starting to adjust. After hearing about the boy's everyday schedule, he'd have thought it would take a while to get used to their world.
Takato noticed the look in Ash's eyes and smiled. "This isn't the first time I've been to another world." He reminded Ash. "You guys said it was fine for me to tag along until Guilmon and I can figure out how to return to our own world, so I want to know the basics." He grinned.
"Well," Ash smiled. "I'd say the proper way to start the day is with breakfast!" Guilmon's ears pricked up at that. "Bread?" He asked hopefully, a pleading look on his face. Takato laughed a little and rubbed the Digimon's head. "You'll never change, will you?"
Brock chuckled from the makeshift table. "Come and see," he invited the red reptile, "Who knows what I might've cooked up!" Guilmon was immediately at the table. Ash and Takato laughed, and then headed over themselves.
Tamer's World- No particular POV~
Inside a small apartment room, a young blue-haired boy was typing a school report up on his computer. His eyes narrowed slightly, then widened again as he wrote down his last sentence. Sighing, he saved and closed the file, then leaned back on his chair, closing his eyes. What a way to spend a Saturday.
Oh well, at least he'd finished relatively early. He'd have time to hang with his friends, play computer games, and go looking for a new ph-
The boy groaned as his apartment's phone started ringing. Ducking out of his room, he yelled, "I've got it!" and walked over to the hall table. Picking up the phone, he said into it, "Wong residence."
"Henry, have you heard the news?" A feminine voice on the other side of the line didn't lose time with pleasantries. Henry was struck by the urgency in the girl's voice. "What news?"
"Takato's gone missing!" The Chinese-Japanese boy's eyes widened in surprise. "What? When?"
"His parents said he didn't come home yesterday after school. They asked around, but no one's seen him. But I'm betting he was at the park last, that's where he usually goes after school."
Henry's voice lowered. "You don't think?"
"Yamaki wants all the Tamers to go to the HYPNOS building tomorrow at 9. Be there. Bring Suzie."
Yes! I'm done! Although I feel this was a bit short...
Agh my hand hurts. I don't have much to say, so yeah. Thanks for all the reviews, alerts and faves. It really makes my day! Also! Do you want Takato to meet Barry and Paul? I especially want him to meet Barry, 'cuz I think it's be hilarious. But yeah.