AN: Hello my fellow readers, you're probably really really angry right now and that's fine. I completely understand. I would be too if I've been waiting as long as you guys and then receive this sort of authors note. So basically, the reasoning why, and I'm sorry, I really am sorry, that I'm not going to continue on with this story is that I've re-read it a few times and to be perfectly honest I'm just not happy with it and I'm not going to do a rewrite because I've come up with a new and better idea for an OC fic and I've already started writing it. I love this idea I'm doing and I'm way more prepared and way more enthused about it than I was with this fanfic and trust me, it's loads better than this. This needed a lot of work and I just don't have the time or motivation to fix it I'm sorry. I'm still going to leave this up but it's going to be discontinued. If any of you want to adopt this fic, go ahead and continue it if you want! I'm more than happy to pass this over to someone else if they want it. Just remember to have lots of fun with it. So anyway, now that's that, here's the title to my other fic if you want to go check it out. "What Has Not Been Done". It's 11th Doctor instead of Ten because I felt with the OC I created, he would be better suited to bring her more out and have a better relationship dynamic than with Ten. So go check it out if you want, and I really hope I didn't upset you guys too much. I'm so sorry if I did. Just remember to stock up on chocolate. Anyway, happy reading! Bye!