Crickets sang their song in the inky blackness of night. Toby 'Tobuscus' Joe Turner just looked around the abandoned forest. His curly brown hair twitched softly as a warm, dry breeze passed by him.

"Ok. So, I'm in a forest…..HHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPP!" he screamed loudly his voice bouncing around the dark forest till it slowly faded to nothingness.

Gulping, he wiped his brow and moved his sweaty hair out of his face. His green Tobuscus shirt dirty, encrusted in dirt and leaves almost like someone had dragged him to this dark place. Not too far off something snapped causing his head to look up frantically. "

Hello…." He whispered his eyes scanning the area. Squaring his shoulders, Toby braced himself while clenching his fists so tightly that his nails dug into palms.

Seeing a stick on the ground he acted fast and picked up, he held it like a baseball bat and spoke, "

Whose there!?" he demanded. Another snap this time closer, he held the stick tighter and his breathing picked up to a faster pace. The bushes moved from side to side. Thinking fast he swung the stick into the bushes. He was met with a loud yelp then a groan.

He moved the bushes apart and saw a very familiar person, a person who's name always pop up in his gaming channel.

"Pewdy?!" he yelled out, the blonde haired male was on the forest ground, clutching his nose. Felix's only response was angry Swedish talk.

"Din jävla jävel, du bröt min näsa!" (you fucking bastard, you broke my nose)

Toby looked at the stick still in his hands and threw it to the side. He placed his hands behind his back and smiled at Felix

"Heeyyyy buddy" he said trying to act causal. Felix jumped up and practically hissed at Toby his shoulders brisling up "YOU BROKE MY NOSE!" he yelled loudly and Toby just laughed awkwardly "

Yeah…about that…..sorry?"

Pewdiepie wrapped his hands around Toby's neck and started to shake Toby.

"I'm Sorry! I didn't know! I DIDN'T KNOW!" Toby screamed clutching Felix's wrist trying to pry the man off.

"Hey!" Felix let go of Toby, dropping the brown hair male to the ground, none to gently. Two other figures emerged from the bushes, Toby chuckled "Smosh!" he yelled getting back on his feet. Felix glared at Toby wiping the blood off his face. Ian and Anthony walked up to the two.

"Whoa, Pewds, what happened to your face?" Ian asked taken back by the blondes smashed nose, Pewdiepie turned to Toby and crossed his arms. Toby scratched the back of his head and smiled

"yeah…I hit him…with a stick" Ian and Anthony snickered; Felix growled "It's not funny!" It didn't help, if anything it made it worse. "Shut-up!" Felix yelled and Toby chuckled "Really Pewds, I didn't mean it!"

"I know you didn't, but who fucking swings a stick at bushes!"

The Smosh duo laughed again and Toby stuffed his hands in his pockets looking down.

"Ok…Now….where are we?" Anthony asks once they stop laughing, Ian looked at a nearby tree and started to walk around it.

"This place…it seems so familiar…anybody else think this?" Felix asks looking at the inky black sky. Toby looked up at the sky as well with his hands still stuffed in his pockets then he said,

"You're right…It does…have a familiar aspect to it, doesn't it?"

"Yeah." Anthony agreed, he then looked around "Where did Ian-"


Ian came running full speed, something clutched in his right hand, Pewdiepie noticed it was a yellow piece of paper. His heart dropped into his stomach, he knew where they were and judging by the look on Toby's face he put it together as well.

"A piece of paper?" Anthony asked taking the paper out of Ian's hand.

"We….we have to go" Toby whispered to Felix his face now looking pale, even in the moonlight. Ian and Anthony both just scoffed at the paper, Felix and Toby looked at each other and then nodded as if reading the other's mind.

With little to no warning both Toby and Felix walked up to the Smosh duo and gave each other one last look. Toby grabbed Ian's arm and Felix grabbed Anthony's arm. Then both men started to drag the duo.

"Whoa! Hey!" Ian yelled.

"We have to get out of here! How we even so much as got here….I don't know, But I do know that were we are is not a happy place" Felix said looking around making sure nothing was following them. Toby kept his grip on Ian's arm, his breath picking up rapidly.

"Well, don't just….what's that noise?" Anthony stopped in his tracks along with Ian causing Pewdie and Toby to stop as well. All had their heads up and listened carefully, it was a slow, dull, low thumping sound.

"Then…we should hurry" Felix said finally and let go of Anthony's arm, he started to walk away and Toby let go of Ian's arm but he didn't walk just yet. Anthony let out a growl,

"Where are you going?!" he demands and Pewdie chuckled,

"To find the seven notes…don't you see? We are in the game Slender, how? I don't know, why? I don't know. But I do know that I've played this game four times, I know that Toby played this game more than that. You two only played it once, so, take this advice. We need to work together and if we find the seven notes then we might just go home faster…"

He stopped walking and turned to the trio, Ian looked around, the dull thumping not stopping. Anthony didn't look too happy but then he shrugged "

Fine. I'll play along with this sick joke but …I say we split up two groups, Ian and Toby, you and me" Anthony crossed his arms and watched Felix's movements.

"Why don't you want to pair with me?" Ian asked, Toby noticed the slightly hurt voice. Anthony never gave him an answer he just stared fully at Felix. Toby smiled and wrapped an arm around Ian's neck "I like the idea! We can get the notes faster!" he said trying to lift the mood, Felix's eyes flashed for a brief moment then he shrugged

"Fine, but if you know anything from playing games with me Anthony, you know anything can happen" with that Felix backed down and looked at Toby and Ian.

"You two ok with this?" he asked and Toby nodded, Ian made no movements.

"Fine, Anthony and me will go straight, you and Ian will go back there, try to stay alive and remember the battery life is limited…" without another word Felix turned and walked forward, Anthony not too far behind. Toby and Ian started to walk as well. Ian sighed after a few seconds.

"Anthony is trying to be…well, in charge….he doesn't trust Pewds, he never had really…"
Toby shook his head and smiled and Ian wrapping an arm around the man's neck on more.

"Never mind them! ONWARD IAN! ONWARD TO THE NOTES!" he yelled and then started to run dragging Ian with him, going deeper into the forest not knowing the fate that may haunt them.