Maria let go of Georg's hand. Everyone was quiet. The children had seen the change between the dancing couple.

"Your face is all red." Brigitta acknowledged Maria's flushed face with a slight smile.

"Is it?" Maria felt her cheeks. "I don't suppose I'm used to dancing." She looked in Georg's eyes and he gave her a grateful nod, his love for her shining through his eyes.

"Yes I think it's time the children said goodnight." Georg took of his gloves to keep his mind occupied.

"We'll be in the hall in a moment." Maria began hesitatingly. "We've got something very special prepared, right?" Maria looked at the excited children. Their excitement grew as they all agreed with her and with that, they ran off behind the box-trees.

Maria lingered for a moment longer needing some sort of confirmation from Georg that he was happy for the children to present their surprise. Georg gave her this conformation by looking at her intently and giving her a small wink. This soothed Maria's conscience and she hurried after the children.

Georg had been standing with his back to Elsa and was grateful for it. He was sure when she could have seen his face she would have known what was going on. Georg sighed, knowing he had to return to the madness that was called the Party.

Turning around he gave Elsa a fake smile, hoping she fell for it. They walked to the ballroom. Elsa made some small talk as they strolled inside, talking about him having 'found a friend' at the party.

At that moment, Georg wanted to tell Elsa that Maria was much more than a friend to him. But looking at the woman beside him, he could see the disappointment in her eyes and he truly didn't want to hurt her. Turning towards Elsa he started to say that he wanted to talk to her alone but before his voice was heard, he was interrupted by Maria's voice over the crowd, informing the guests that the children wanted to say goodnight to them.

He looked around and raised his shoulders, feigning that he had no idea what Maria was talking about and hurried with the rest of the guests into the hall. He saw Maria giving them some last instructions and blowing them a kiss before she disappeared behind one of the pillars in the hall.

The music began; the children came down the stairs and started singing. Marta was the first to say 'goodnight' followed by Friedrich. When it was Liesl's turn she asked if she could stay for a glass of champagne. Georg said resolute "No." Looking in Maria's direction he searched for her confirmation for giving the right answer. Not having the time to fret about it because Kurt came with a high-pitched note. Brigitta and Louisa fluttered around the room. Gretl was the last and sat on the stairs to say goodnight. All of them sung the last notes while walking upstairs. With the last few goodbyes they all saw the children disappear to their room. The guests waved goodbye.

Georg looked across the room for Maria, their eyes locking in a tiny precious moment. Georg gave Maria a loving look. The crowd started talking and the moment was lost.

A few of the people praised Maria and Max talked to Georg.

Maria wanted to walk off but she heard her name. "Maria, please join us for the rest of the party." Georg held her arm. Maria was taken back by him and didn't know how to respond. "Please?" Georg pleaded.

Maria started stumbling on her words. "No really, I-I…can't."

Max came to the rescue. "You can be my dinner guest." Before Maria knew it Max ordered Franz to set a plate beside his. Georg had been happy for his friend's help but got sidetracked by a few of the guests who wanted to talk to him.

"I'm not suitably dressed." Maria protested some more. She knew Georg didn't mind her appearance at all. He even told her she looked beautiful.

"You can change if you like." Max said.

Georg overheard the conversation before telling Maria if she wanted to change they would wait for her.

Elsa had watched this little scene with confusion. Why did Georg ask his governess to stay and why Max was playing along? She wondered.

Maria put her hand up to her head and though her hair as she left the hallway to walk up to her room.

Elsa needed to talk to Georg about this. He knew the society rules, so why would he do something like this?

Before she could reach him he was in a conversation with Baron and Baroness Eberfeld. Elsa looked around the room, scanning Georg again, facing her eyes toward the upper floor where Maria would be right now. Reflecting on what just happened she made a decision.


Maria was taking off her dress when the Elsa appeared in her room and told her she wanted to help Maria.

Maria thanked her, although feeling a bit hesitant. Maria stepped out of her dress and put it on the bed to close the buttons. She felt very uncomfortable. Maria told Elsa she wasn't sure she had anything appropriate to wear.

"Now where is that lovely little thing you were wearing the other evening when the Captain couldn't take his eyes of you?" Elsa asked smiling while opening Maria's closet looking for the blue dress.

Maria was still buttoning up her dress but stilled her actions. "Couldn't take his eyes of me?" Maria asked as her posture became a bit more defensive.

"Oh my dear we are woman, we can not pretend we don't know when a man notices us. Here we are." Elsa took the blue dress out of the closet.

Maria could feel Elsa's underlining tone and wasn't sure how to handle this situation.

Elsa told Maria she shouldn't be defensive and that she was a very attractive woman and that the Captain would hardly be a man if he didn't notice her.

Maria looked out of the window, her back towards Elsa. Maria knew that Georg noticed everything and anything. That's one of the things she loved about him.

Maria sighed, knowing that Georg should have been the one talking to Elsa, not her. Maria turned around, about to apologize as she wanted to tell Elsa they didn't wanted for it to happen like this.

Elsa interrupted her apology. "There is nothing more irresistible to a man than a woman who is in love with him." Elsa didn't know where this was going. She was hoping to play with Maria's innocence and conscience, but what came next blew her away.

"I do love him." Maria whispered. "And he loves me."

"What did you say?" Elsa couldn't believe her ears.

"I'm sorry Baroness, we… Georg wanted to tell you this afternoon. We couldn't find you. I'm really sorry." Maria's heart was pounding in her chest.

Elsa was struck speechless in shock. Composing herself after a moment, she gathered her posture as she straightened her back.

"My dear, I don't know what you are talking about. You must be under some kind of illusion." Elsa replied dismissive, as she didn't believe her.

"Really Baroness, we never meant to hurt you…" Maria tried to explain.

Elsa started shaking her head in disbelieve, shaking slightly.

Maria walked toward her, reaching out her hand to her. "Baroness? Are you alright?"

Elsa didn't answer and shook off Maria's hand walking out of the bedroom, she needed to find Georg.

Maria stood there, frozen to the spot. What had she done? Turning around she looked at the blue dress on her bed. Taking it she pulled it off the hanger and tried to put it on as quickly as possible.


Max saw Elsa walking into the ballroom looking franticly around the room. Approaching her with two glasses of champagne. "Elsa, there you are darling!" Handing her a flute, he toasted. "To a successful party." Max took a large sip.

"Max, where is Georg? I looked all over, I can't find him." Elsa asked sounding a bit agitated.

Max looked up from his glass telling Elsa he didn't know where Georg was. "What's the matter? Can I help you with something?" He asked.

Elsa took a sip from her glass and told Max what Maria just told her.

"As if Georg would fall for someone like her." Elsa snorted with a mock laugh.

Max looked at the woman beside him swallowing the sip of champagne he just took.

"Please come with me." Max said quietly as he took Elsa's elbow.

"Where are we going?" Elsa questioned as they left the grand ballroom.

Max didn't answer her but took her out on the terrace.

"Max, what is it?"

Max turned to look at her. "It's true Elsa, Georg loves Maria." Max told Elsa bluntly.

Elsa stood there perplexed; she had seen the looks between Georg and Maria. Had she been this blind and not seen the truth? Elsa wondered as she started pacing up and down the terrace. How could Georg do this to her?

Max started to put his hand out to her but Elsa just shrugged it off. She didn't say a word and just walked through the crowded ballroom. Max opened his mouth to call out to her but she ignored him. He shook his head hoping that Georg would sort all of this out quickly.

As Elsa entered the ballroom, she saw people laughing, dancing and having a marvellous time. She gave a polite nod now and then towards a few of the people she met tonight. Slowly she disappeared out of the crowded room, and slipped upstairs to her bedroom.


Georg stood at the iron gates looking over the lake. The crowd had gotten to him a few moments ago and he needed some fresh air.

When Maria retreated upstairs to change her outfit, he found that just had to do something. He needed her close. Georg felt the need to see and be with Maria the whole evening. Looking up at the moon he smiled to himself. How lucky was he that he found such a wonderful woman! Now he was waiting for Maria to come downstairs again. Just a few more minutes and then he would go back and look for her.

Georg took a few more moments and then made his return to the house. But before he could reach the backdoor he saw Maria hurrying towards him. The look in her eyes scared him.

"Maria? What's wrong?" He quickly asked her, taking a few steps towards her as he reached out to hold her shoulders.

"She knows. Elsa knows." Maria stammered. She was shaking and her face was pale.

Georg looked at her a bit puzzled. "What did you say?"

"I told her about us. I didn't mean to, it just happened…" Maria explained how Elsa had come up to her room, starting making assumptions about Georg and her.

Georg closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. Oh this is exactly what he didn't want to happen. He thought, feeling angry with himself for not being able to talk to Elsa before the party.

Georg held Maria close. He whispered in her ear. "I'm sorry Maria. This is my fault; I'll go and find her. I need to talk to her myself and explain."

Georg held Maria close for a few more moments, reassuring her of his love for her. Knowing that he had to find Elsa quickly, he gave Maria a quick kiss on the cheek and left her.

He strode purposefully into the house to look for Elsa.