Disclaimer : I do not own Naruto or the characters.

He is breathtakingly beautiful…

That is the first thought that comes to mind as Sasuke observes the other out of the corner of his eye. They are on the rooftop of Naruto's apartment building, waiting for the fireworks to start to mark the end of the year and the start of another. Naruto's head is angled upwards, watching the nights sky; and because the moon is full, the silvery glow bathes his face, making him appear ethereal. It is a flattering pose for his best friend and Sasuke wishes he could capture the moment forever.

Their eyes meet, Naruto's cerulean hues glittering with excitement as a contented smile curves his lips. Then those eyes playfully narrow, before darkening in a sultry manner. Sasuke suddenly finds it hard to breathe. In the distance the fireworks begin and they both break their gazes to look up. Someone shifts, shuffles closer, fingers creeping towards the others… linking them. Neither take their eyes off the rainbow of explosions lighting up the sky.

The fireworks are beautiful.

The siren of the ascent, the explosive climax, the rain of star-like sparks falling to the earth… it is hypnotising. Naruto's fingers give a little squeeze and for Sasuke, it's like he has received a little electric shock.

The next blast is a little closer this time, the golden light reflecting in their eyes. Sasuke's heart races and now Naruto is turning to face him. His body tingles pleasantly when he feels warm breath fan his lips, intermingling with his own. He trembles. Naruto is whispering his name. Sasuke's lips part but no words emerge from them. What is this feeling? It's suffocating and invigorating at the same time. He wants to drown in it.

It is love. All consuming and unmerciful. Months of skirting around each other, flirting and fleeting touches. Was this the night they finally stopped messing around?

The fireworks are winding down. The explosions happening further and further apart. Sasuke feels a sense of urgency and stares back at Naruto intently. Azure blue linger on dark hues for a moment before dropping to his lips, asking the silent question. The one he had already said 'yes' to. Did he even have to ask? Naruto should know now that he makes Sasuke's pulse quicken, that he takes his breath away and makes it near impossible to feel normal. He should know that Sasuke is completely in love with and has been for a long time.

Naruto leans forward as more fireworks go off overhead. Sasuke stops breathing. The wait feels like forever, his heart aching for this very moment.

Then it finally happens. Lips brush his own, crushing all the air out of his lungs. Sasuke tries not to sob as his hands cup whiskered cheeks, lips pressing urgently back against the others as he loses himself in the raw passion of the kiss. Brushing, pecking, bruising, sucking.. lips meet and part and meet again. Heads angling to accomadate a deeper, more intimate kiss. Naruto tastes just as good as Sasuke had always dreamed.

When they finally part, they are breathless, flushed but more importantly they are smiling with tears glistening in both their eyes.

"Happy new year teme.." Naruto mutters huskily.

"Happiest new year ever." Sasuke adds. They both laugh and cuddle into one another as they watch the very last of the display. Sasuke has a good feeling about this new year.

A very good feeling.