The two turtle brothers just starred at the ground. Their hands where tied to and above their heads, it streched the twos arms out because it was really high off the ground so their feet dangled below them. The two had been captured by there worst enemy.

"What are we going to do?" The first asked. He hoped his two other brothers where searching for them. "I don't know... I'm scared." The second replied. The first turtle wanted his brother out before the second got hurt.

"Don't worry. I'm sure the other to are looking for us right now. We'll be out of here soon."

"You mean it?"

"Yeah I mean it. And if they don't I'll get us out of here."

"Good I don't like it here. It's dark and scary." The second was scared.

The capture, Shredder, entered the room. "Well, how are my little prisoners today?" The Shredder mocked. He went to the second and smirked when he saw the fear in the little turtle's eyes. "Ah, is the little turtle scared?" The Shredder got close to the turtles face, making him whimper.

"You leave him alone!" The first turtle yelled wanting to get the Shredder away from his brother. The Shredder went to the first brother and glared. "

You dare yell at the Shredder!" He slapped the first one. "You pathetic reptile." Shredder growled then left.

"Raphie. Are you ok?" The second asked his brother.

"Yeah, I'm fine." After saying that Raph whispered to himself. "Please guys hurry up. Before he hurts Mikey."