Hi Dears
I know it has been a while and I'm sorry. Things have not been the best. However I have been finding that writing is suddenly relaxing to me again. I'm going to try and keep this moving. As always, thank you so much for reading and enjoy The Oddity Tales.
"Ugh," Amy cringed, gently pulling Lizzie's shirt back down, "Your bruises are better with that stuff on, but you look terrible." Lizzie snorted as she rubbed her face into her hands, brushing out any sleep that could have been there. After a night with barely any sleep and thoughts in her mind running rampant with multiple subjects, of course she would look terrible.
"Thank you so much for that vote of confidence," she quipped. "My self-esteem will be shining all day."
Amy let out an aggravated groan, grabbing Lizzie by the hand and pulling her over to a chair. "You know that's not what I meant," she defended as she sat Lizzie down in front of her, rounding to the back of the chair to fiddle with her hair. "I'm saying you look like you had no sleep. Bags under your eyes, hair in a ball at the top of your head. Did you sleep on the floor?"
"Does this chair count? It's made out of the same stuff-Ow!" Lizzie jumped as Amy pulled out a large snag in her hair. "Not so hard! I don't want to be bald!"
"Hey! Don't yell at me!" Amy chuckled, seeming to enjoy Lizzie's fit. "It's not my fault Vincent wasn't a gentleman and didn't let you have his bed."
"Well he did offer," Lizzie restored. "I was just worried about you and the Doctor. I wanted to stay down here and wait for you. Besides it was basically morning when we went to bed anyway. And no-" she cut Amy off, knowing exactly what she was going to ask. "Nothing happened. We talked."
The smirk that was forming on Amy's faced quickly fell in disappointment. "Fine!" she conceded, pulling the last of Lizzie's hair out of its bun and throwing it on her shoulder with a thwop. She sexily walked over to the chair adjacent from Lizzie, trying to give her an example of what she should have done last night be plopping down on the seat. "I just thought you would have learned something from me by now."
"Oh yes," Lizzie chuckled, eyeing her friend up and down. "How to have two week long relationships down to a science. It's been locked in my brain since we were sixteen."
"Oh ha ha," Amy retorted, crossing her arms and legs at the same time. "Look at you being cheeky for once."
Lizzie shrugged her shoulders, giving a cocky smile. "It had to happen sometime," she said before leaning back in her chair and giving Amy another look over. Her skin was still dewey and porcelain, her hair perfectly waving across her shoulders, and her clothes which should have been covered in dirt from last night were spotless. "And how do you not look like death warmed over?" Lizzie asked. "I at least got some sleep. How do you look that good after chasing an invisible creature all night?"
"Talent," Amy proclaimed, a smirk taking over her face. She giggled as Lizzie's hand reached over to smack her arm. "Ok! The rest of the truth then," she began to tell her story. "I ran into the Doctor after he was basically done with everything he wanted to do. So, I suggested that we run back to the Tardis so I could get somewhat cleaned up. Well we got back and I was able to get in just fine. The doors were wide open for me. But as soon as the Doctor tried to get in she slammed the doors tight and locked him out! Can you believe it? She was actually nice to me for once! She locked him out but she was like actually communicating with me!"
"That's wonderful Amy!" Lizzie cheering, grinning at her friends pride. "But why did she lock the Doctor out?"
"She was angry about what he did to you!" Amy answered, pointing in her direction. "Properly angry! The Doctor keep asking her to let him in but all she did was buzz and let off sirens while flashing pictures of you on the screen. So I just assumed that she knew how he treated you! I tried to press a few buttons and figure out what she wanted to do over the noise and the Doctor yelling outside, and then I remembered your favorite flowers. Flowers are good makeup gifts! And the Tardis read my mind! She put a field on Forget-me-knots on the screen from that Planet of Flowers we went to. The next thing I know the Doctor was let in, and after a few minutes of squabbling, the Tardis cleaned us both off and sent us to get you flowers. Sooooo," Amy concluded with a smirk, crossing her arms in pride. "You're welcome."
"That. Is. Amazing!" Lizzie giggled out, trying to wrap the story around her head. "I can't believe she did that! All over some little argument."
"I can't believe I did that!" Amy countered, standing up and walking over to where Lizzie had placed her bouquet from the Doctor. They were neatly placed in an empty coffee cup near the window, the bent flowers falling slightly to the side. "I talked with her. Actually talked with her through my brain, to get you these!" She picked up the flowers and held them close to her chest in a romantic fashion. "I think the Tardis and I may have a real romance blooming."
Lizzie let out a small snort of laughter, placing her hand over her mouth. "As long as I get to be the maid of honor at the wedding, I don't have a problem."
Suddenly, the humor died down. Both girls attempted to let out a small laugh, but somehow they couldn't. Talking about a wedding somehow did not seem right. At least not in this context. It should have been about something else or someone else or…
"Yeah right, wedding," Amy casually muttered, placing the flowers down in their makeshift vase. "Like I'll ever get married."
Lizzie watched as Amy's usual cheery face fell sullen, her eyes locked in a tight stare off somewhere, as if she was trying to remember something she couldn't reach. 'You lost someone important to you. You and Amy both,' Vincent had told her last night. It didn't make sense to Lizzie at first but seeing how Amy was now, everything connected. They had both been acting like this for a while. A certain subject would come up and suddenly everything would stop for them, as if they could not bare to go on thinking about it because it just didn't seem right. Lizzie haphazardly started to fiddle with her journal that was seated on the table next to her, running that name of the man who was missing through her head. Rory. Sweet, lovable Rory. She couldn't see his face, she couldn't remember his voice, but Lizzie knew this name, this man, meant something. It felt so good to think about but it felt as if her heart was breaking at the same time.
"Lizzie," She snapped out of it when she felt Amy's hand on her own, gently rubbing her thumb back and forth over it. "What's wrong? You got that look like you're about to cry," Lizzie blinked her eyes, feeling the tears that had been swelling up roll over onto her cheeks. This man meant something. He really meant something to her.
"Yeah, I'm fine Amy. I promise," she confirmed, wiping her cheeks clean with the back of her free hand. She slowly got up, grabbing her journal and flipping through it, finding a page in the back where she had wrote the man's name. She quickly hand it to Amy, anticipation building in her, hoping she was not the only one who could recognize this. "Look at this for me please."
"What is it?" Amy questioned, razing her brow and glancing at the page. "A list?"
"A bit yeah. Don't focus on that so much but that name," Lizzie pointed out, coming around to stand at Amy's shoulder. "Does that name mean anything to you?" She watched as Amy began to focus on the page, scanning the name over and over again with her eyes and letting it softly roll off her lips. "Rory," Amy muttered before doing it a second time. "Rory...Well that's kinda a stupid name isn't it?" Lizzie stood shocked as Amy threw the journal back over to her. The red head casually made her way over to the window, opening the curtains to see the masterpiece she had made with her sunflower display. "Do you think Vincent will like them?" she questioned, leaning on the sill with both hands.
"Amy," Lizzie chimed in, attempting to keep her tone positive. "This name doesn't mean anything to you?" She again walked over to Amy, holding the journal for her and pointing directly at the name in question. "Right here. Rory. That doesn't do anything to you?"
Amy smirked down at her, taking the book out of hands and closing it with a 'flop' before tossing it back on the table. "If you're trying to get me to help out with one of your characters again, I'm not doing it. We always get in a fight when I try to help you do stuff with your writing," Amy turned back around to her, crossing her arms in defiance while attempting to give her 'professional' advice. "The only thing I'll tell you is that Rory is a stupid name. Well for a boy at least. It would be cute on a girl I think! If you're making a character have that name, have it be a girl. Awwwww," she cooed, walking back over to Lizzie and teasingly poking her in the sides. "She can be our own little baby!"
"No, Amy please listen," Lizzie said, objecting to the teasing pokes and making her way back over to her journal. She snatched it back up from the table, skipping over her annoyance that Amy had bent some of the pages with her throw and open it back up to the last page. "This name really means nothing to you?" she pondered, walking back over once again and showing it to Amy.
"Lizzie stop it with that," Amy groaned, "You're weirding me out!"
"Seriously? Nothing about this means anything? The name doesn't do anything to you?"
"No!" Amy scoffed, then letting out a lengthy groan when she saw the hurt look on Lizzie's face. "No, no, I didn't mean it like that Lizzie. I'm sorry." She pulled Lizzie over to her, gently rubbing her shoulder while closing up the journal with her other hand. "Why are you getting so upset over one silly name? It's writing! You can always go back and redo it."
Lizzie scrunched her face in aggravation, attempting to get her thoughts together so Amy could understand. She needed to understand! "That-ugh-that's not it! It's not the writing at all, it's just-"
"Just?" Amy offered, slowly turning to face her while taking the journal out of her hands.
"The name means something to me!" Lizzie exclaimed, snatching back the journal, as if it was the one thing that could hold this name or whoever this person was intact.
"Hey! Don't be rude!"
"Amy listen please!" Lizzie pleaded, her feet quickly moving her to pace around that room. "Whoever this person is...they mean something! I don't know how but they do. It-It's like a memory that's just at the edge of my mind that I can't fully get to yet," She let out a groan of aggravation, running her hand through her hair. "Something's wrong."
"Well calm down for a minute and maybe I'll tell you what's wrong!" Amy said, giving her a small smile.
"...Excuse me?"
"If something feels off it's because we haven't been in danger for almost two months!" Amy proclaimed as if it were obvious, raising her hand up on both her sides. "We haven't been hurt or scared for months. And now an invisible creature shows up and starts terrorizing us? Yeah, something is gonna feel off!" Lizzie had told hold back a huff of frustration as Amy walked up to hurt, taking one of her hands. "Things suddenly got weird again and it threw you off. Everythings ok! Paranoia is getting to you. You're reading into things too much!"
Lizzie couldn't hold in the slight snarl that was forming on her face at Amy's words. Paranoid! Ha! She knew this was real. This name meant something to her and Amy both, and she knew it.
"Come on," Amy pleaded, suddenly grabbing Lizzie by the cheeks trying to smoosh her face back to normal. "Don't give me that face! You know I'm right about this."
As calmly as she could Lizzie took Amy's hands from her face and into her own. She let out large sigh, trying to calm the tenseness and aggravation in her body. Amy couldn't see it. She didn't understand that something was seriously wrong. And even if she had an inclining that it were, she didn't want to admit it. It hurt her too much to try and figure it out. For some reason, Lizzie was only able to see the lines connect with the help of Vincent. And if Vincent could blatantly see what's wrong that meant the Doctor could too. "I-" Lizzie started, forming a lengthy protest in her head to Amy's short explanation to her stress. She knew they were both hurting, and there was nothing Lizzie wanted to do more than to make things alright. She hated seeing Amy hurt. However, she couldn't force her to see what was wrong when she barely understood it herself. Forcing herself to stop before she said more, Lizzie took another breath and looked up at Amy.
"No, you're right," She conceded. "Getting back in the swing of 'dangerous' time travel things has been weird. It really did throw me off. And waiting up for you and the Doctor all night probably isn't helping my train of thought today. You're right, I'm just being paranoid."
"I didn't want to say told you so but-" Amy looked down at her with a knowing grin and raised brows, biting her lip in an attempt to keep her triumph contained.
"Oh yes! The all knowing Amelia Pond! Who am I to ever question her vast knowledge?"
"No one," Amy said bluntly, laughing out loud at the little face it caused Lizzie to make. Still laughing she pulled her into a tight hug, causing Lizzie to start laughing as well . "I love you, you know that right?"
Lizzie smiled into Amy's shoulder, rubbing her back as they swayed a bit from side to side. "Yeah Amy, I know. I love you too."
"And I know I'm a little...harsh sometimes, but you can talk to me about anything."
Lizzie clung to Amy a little tighter, knowing somewhere in her heart that wasn't entirely true. Especially not now. She made a hard note in her mind that she needed to talk to the Doctor about this name and why it wasn't affecting her and Amy both the same way. She swallowed a lump in her throat, pulling back from the hug and giving Amy a big grin. "And you can talk to me. Anything that is making you upset just blurt out when you need to, okay?"
"Well if I can find you in that cascade of a Library, maybe! You could hide in that thing for days!" Lizzie chuckled, knowing it was entirely too true that if no one ever came to get her, she really could live in the Tardis Library, never realizing how long she was in there.
"So," Lizzie began a change of subject, walking back over to the window. "I think you have a little something to show Mister Van Gogh." She gestured casually to the large arrangement of sunflowers Amy had so carefully put together.
"Do you think he'll like it?" Amy questioned, wandering over and smiling a bit at her work.
"Amy we've seen all those paintings of his sunflowers!" Lizzie retorted, giving her friend an encouraging push with her hip. "They're probably his favorite plant. He'll love them and I'm sure he'll love to paint them."
"Really?" Amy grinned, a little red rushing to her cheeks.
Lizzie giggled at her friends rare embarrassment before declaring, "Yes!" and pointing her towards the stairs. "Why don't you go wake him up and show him? I'd think he'd like the surprise."
"Oh no!" Amy began, turning around and throwing her hands to her hips. Her cheeks started to go even more red. "I couldn't do that. No way. Besides he likes you more anyway!"
"No he does not."
Amy rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Oh please he flirts with you constantly," she strolled her way over to Lizzie's side and leaned against the window sill. "I won't be surprised if my God kids have the last name Van Gogh one day."
Lizzie smirked at Amy's scrunched up faced, amused in her displeasure that she wasn't the center of attention with a man for once. "Vincent just flirts to flirt," the she clarified remembering her talk with the artist last night. "He's a very sweet and loving man. Trust me, he'll start flirting with you too the minute he gets a moment alone with you."
Amy smirked at this, standing up straight and throwing her hair over her shoulders. She teasingly began to walk over to the stairway and earning an eyeroll from Lizzie as she said, "The minute he gets me alone you say?" Just as she was about to walk up the stairway, Amy paused and looked out the window with a twinge of annoyance on her face. "What is he doing now?"
Lizzie turned to see what Amy was talking about, only to see the Doctor run into the courtyard with a dining tray in hand. Once he carefully place it near the end of the wooden table, Lizzie could see that he had gotten a whole breakfast together. There was oatmeal, a baguette, what looked to be tea or coffee (as if Vincent really need anymore caffeine), and then some fresh squeezed orange juice. "I really hope he didn't steal that…" Lizzie muttered under breath, a small smile working onto her face as she watched him.
"Me too, but who knows with him." Amy sighed, coming back by the window to join her.
Lizzie watched on as the Doctor moved around the courtyard, inspecting it for perfection a few more times before he even realized that the girls were in the window. Once he discovered them, he gave them a large grin and a wave then spinning on his heels with his arms out as if to say, 'Does it look good?' Both girls nodded enthusiastically, Lizzie giving him a little thumbs up to go with it. She saw the Doctor chuckle at her, with his ears going slightly red when he looked her eyes. She presumed it was from his silly behavior after she kissed him on the cheek earlier, but with him she could never really tell. The Doctor pointed both of his index fingers towards the door, as a sign of him coming in. Amy walked over to open it for him, stepping up to meet his chest as soon as he walked in.
"Where did you get that food?" she interrogated, a devilish look in her eye.
"Made it," the Doctor said casually, giving her a smile and a bop on the nose before making his way over to Lizzie.
"Made it?" Amy snorted, shutting the door and walking after him. "When did you have time to make that?"
"You've been out all night," Lizzie agreed, crossing her arms as the Doctor stood in front of her. "I don't think you would have time to learn how to cook in just one night."
"Oi, I can cook!" The Doctor proclaimed point a finger at himself. "After 900 years I can make a perfectly decent breakfast. You two just haven't seen me in action yet."
"Okay," Amy elongated with a smirk, "Where did you get the stuff to make it with then?"
The Doctor looked at both the girls with a blank stare, causing them to chuckle. "We have a little thing called the Tardis girls. All I had to do was run into the kitchen, slap a few things together and boom!" he smiled with a clap of his hands. "Quick. Easy. Ready to eat meal. Figured it would be a nice surprise for Vincent."
"I think that's a great idea," Lizzie encouraged, looking back out at the lovely display. It was sure to make Vincent smile and hopefully showed that they really cared. "He'll love it. I just can't believe you had time to make a baguette."
"Oh no I didn't make that I got it on a loan." The Doctor admitted casually as he fiddled with his hair.
"What?" Both girls chorused.
"I ran into a nice woman walking down the road. Very old. Very sweet. Very stingy with her prices. I told her I would pay her back by this afternoon so we need to find money at some point. Anyway," he breathed, clasping his hands together after that long winded explanation. "Why don't you both go sit and wait outside while I go and wake Vincent?"
Amy frowned, coming to Lizzie's side and crossing her arms. "Why can't one of us do it?"
The Doctor paused, one foot halfway up the first step already. "Well," he back peddled. "Amy, the flowers were your idea for him. I thought it would be nice if you were in the middle when he saw them is all and Lizzie can't go because…" he paused and looked her over, as if trying to come up with an excuse. "Her back still needs to be looked at."
"Amy already looked at it." Lizzie countered, eyeing him up and down in amusement.
The Doctor fidgeted in his place, taken back by the answer. "And it's fine?" he asked.
"No severe bruising?"
"And she put the medicine on it already?"
"Well then, I-ummm,"
Lizzie grinned at him as he fumbled around trying to look for another excuse, finding the red that touched the tips of his ears completely adorable. "Are you sure I can't go up?" she egged him on, walking a few feet closer to him. She couldn't get over how strange the Doctor was acting when it came to her being near Vincent. Seeing in flustered was something completely new and fascinating. And she loved it.
"You've just stayed up with him all night, and I figured you could maybe use a break from looking after him is all." he quickly breathed out. Lizzie noticed the little gulp he made with his throat as she smirked and got closer.
"Ugh fine we'll go!" Amy conceded, abruptly grabbing Lizzie's arm and pulling her back towards the door. "Just don't give him a wake up call like you give us! No pots and pans!"
"Promise," he breathed out. Lizzie saw him adjust his hair and bowtie, giving her a final look before Amy pulled her out the door and to the table to sit down.
"Why did you do that?" she asked, adjusting herself in her seat as she heard the Doctor shout 'Wakey, Wakey!' from inside the house. She watched as Amy stared at the window of Vincent's room, barely able to see the outline of the Doctor in it. Amy scrunched her face up and shook her head before coming to sit on Lizzie's left. "I just didn't want him to start acting weirder if we questioned him more. You know his little-" both girls jumped as the Doctor slammed Vincent's window open, causing the chickens on the other side of the courtyard to let out a screech. "Tantrums."
"Woah!" the Doctor exclaimed, looking out in the sun with a grin before walking back into the room as the girls heard him shout, "Amy's got a surprise for you!"
With that Amy looked up and smiled as Vincent came to the window, looking down in amusement of what the girl had created. Lizzie simply sat there, grinning in content at the two. "I thought I'd bright things up a bit to thank you for saving us last night," Amy chimed, seemingly posing with the sunflowers around her as she placed her chin in her hand. "I thought you might like, you know, possibly to perhaps paint them or something?" Lizzie smirked as Amy gave her a wink at the hint. "Might be a thought."
"Yes," Vincent smiled at them both, leaning into his window sill as the Doctor came down and fiddled with the plate of breakfast. "Well, they're not my favorite flower."
The three time travelers stopped what they were doing and looked up at the man in shock. Lizzie let out a short snort of laughter, causing everyone to stare at her.
"And what is that about?" Vincent asked her, a confused smiled on his face. Lizzie choked down a bit of laughter and placing her hands on her knees.
"Nothing, nothing," She explained, attempting to keep a straight face, earning a smile from the Doctor. "You just seem like a sunflower type of man is all."
"You really don't like sunflowers?" Amy questioned, her jaw going a bit slack in shock before she bit back a smile.
"No, it's not that I don't like them," Vincent told them, as his carefully traced the petals of one of the sunflowers Amy had placed outside his window. Both girls listened to him intently as the Doctors poured them some orange juice. "I find them complex. Always somewhere between living and dying. Half-human as they turn to the sun. A little disgusting. But, you know," he contemplated, smirking a bit. "They are a challenge."
"And one I'm pretty sure you'll rise to," the Doctor chuckled at the irony, placing the girls juice down and turning back to Vincent. "But, moving on, there's something I need to show you." He ushered the girls to follow him as he walked back in the house, pointing at Vincent to come the stairs as well. The girls quickly downed their juice and followed the Doctor into the living area. When Vincent came down the Doctor offered him a chair, handing him a small paper that he had been saving in his jacket pocket.
"That's him!" Vincent breathed out, looking at the paper intensely. Lizzie came to his shoulder and looked down at the paper in shock. One the page was a picture of what looked like to be a large bird. But almost not a bird at all, somehow some sort of mix between creatures. It seemed almost reptilian, as if it belonged to the beginning of time.
"Is that-"
"The creature," Vincent finished for her. "Yes. Those eyes. Without mercy.
"How did you find it?" Lizzie questioned, looking up from the page to the Doctor. "I thought you weren't able to see it?"
"I got some help from a good friend of yours," the Doctor replied, pointing over to Lizzie's flowers in the coffee mug. The short blonde smirked. Apparently the Tardis decided to forgive him and help him out a bit today.
"Well what is it?" Amy asked, as curious as everyone else.
"This creature is called the Krafayis," the Doctor explained in a breathy yet urgent tone, going to sit in the chair across from Vincent. "They travel in space. They travel as a pack, scavenging across the universe. And sometimes one of them gets left behind. And because they are a brutal race, the others never come back." He began to fidget, making his way back out of the chair and waving his hands about as he finished his tale. "So, dotted all around the universe are individual, utterly merciless, utterly abandoned Krafayis. And what they do is, well, kill, until they're killed. Which they usually aren't. Because other creatures can't see them."
"But I can." Vincent uttered, looking up at all three of them.
"Exactly," Lizzie assured him, looking at the Doctor as his plan seemingly synced into her mind. She placed her hand on Vincent's shoulder, giving him a warm smile. "And that's going to help save this town."
"Yes!" the Doctor pointed excitedly at the two of them, walking over to sit on Vincent's desk. "And that's why we are in a unique position today, my friend, to end this reign of terror. So," he continued, nodding at Lizzie and Amy to confirm the plan. "Feeling like painting the church today?"
"What about the monster?" Vincent questioned, looking at the Doctor in confusion.
"Take my word for it. If you paint it, he will come."
Vincent smiled proudly. He grabbed Lizzie's hand off his shoulder and lightly kissed it, causing the Doctor to twitch a little. "Okay," he grinned, letting go of her and walking towards the doorway. "I'll go get my things."
"Do you need any help?" Lizzie asked, slightly following after him.
"Oh no, I'll be fine." He insisted, "You'll all have been more than a help to me already. The least I can do is get my own supplies."
The Doctor's eyes followed between the artist and Lizzie before letting out an airy laugh. "Please, get your things in your own time!" he announced awkwardly, standing and coming to Lizzie's side. "And I promise you, we'll be out of your hair by this time tomorrow."
"Yes," she agreed with a small smile, "We've already caused you enough trouble." Lizzie frowned her brow at the look Vincent gave her. He stood there for a moment, somewhere in a state between smiling and crying before walking off into the other room. What was that about? She only snapped out of it when she heard the Doctor sigh next to her, lightly shaking his head in worry.
"This is risky…" he muttered, looking off to the side.
Amy looked over at the door way to make sure Vincent wasn't there before asking, "Riskier than normal?"
"Well, think about it," the Doctor whispered, double checking that Vincent wasn't in hearing distance before grabbing Lizzie's hand and pulling her over to sit next to himself and Amy. "This is the middle of Vincent Van Gogh's greatest year of painting! If we're not careful, the net result of our pleasant little trip will be the brutal murder of the greatest artist who ever lived. Half the pictures on the wall of the Museé D'Orsay will," he made a little poofing motion with his hand before saying, "Disappear...and it will be our fault."
Lizzie swallowed, the real severity hitting her of what time traveling really meant. Of course she knew things would change if they messed around with time. It was in every sci-fi book she has ever read. But with the Doctor laying it out for her to hear in full detail, the reality of what they were doing hit her harder than ever before. She had only known Vincent a day, but Lizzie could not imagine a world without him existing. She looked over at Amy only to see the situation hitting her hard as well. She even turned to the Doctor, hoping to get at least one more word out of him, but he simply stared at the ground in worry.
"We'll be alright," she tried to cheer, grabbing the Doctor's hand and kicking Amy's leg to get her attention. "We always are. If something goes wrong we'll fix it and figure it out. That's what our little Trio does right?"
The Doctor looked at her solemnly for a moment, looking into her eyes with a sadness she couldn't explain. It was almost like an apologie of some sort. "You're right," he concluded, grabbing both her and Amy's hands and squeezing them tight. "Our trio can get things done." He patted both the girls hands before getting up and walking towards the door way. "I'm going to go and check on Vincent. How about you two go outside and finish up the breakfast before we go? I don't want to chickens getting to it."
"Sure," Amy said, forcing a comforting smile to come onto her face as he left the room. Once the Doctor was gone, Lizzie came over to her and rubbed her shoulder. "Come on." she quipped, ushering Amy outside to the wooden table. The two quietly sat down, after shooing a few chickens away, before lightly poking at the cold oatmeal.
"Do you really think we'll mess up the future by being with Vincent?" Amy muttered after a few moments, picking up the baguette and feeding small pieces to the chickens.
Lizzie bit her lip, taking in a breath before speaking. "There is always a possibility," she noted. "We're time travelers. It's going to happen at some point."
"But do you think it will happen with this? Lizzie this is so important. He is so important, and if we take away his success in the future-"
"That's not gonna happen," Lizzie retorted, putting down her spoon full of oatmeal and running her hand through her hair. "We can all be worried about what will happen today, but we have the Doctor. He's been doing this far longer than we have. If something goes wrong he'll know what to do."
Suddenly there was a large shout. Someone had screamed 'Get out!' from inside the house. Lizzie's gut flipped as she heard Vincent's frantic sobbing follow. Not a second later the Doctor walked out the door, a solemn look on his face. Quickly Amy and Lizzie ran up to him, still hearing sobbing from the window.
"What's happening?" Amy asked as the Doctor leaned on the wall.
"We're leaving," he whispered quietly, not looking into either of the girls faces.
"Why?" Lizzie questioned, her face wrinkled with concern. "What happened? What did he say?"
The Doctor simply shook his head at her, letting the sound of Vincent's sobs be the answer. "Everyone knows he's a delicate man," he muttered, coming off the wall and running his hand down his face. "Just months from now he'll, he'll-"
"He'll kill himself." Lizzie finished bluntly, knowing it was a fact she could not change. However when the words flew out of her mouth, she felt her heart sink into the pit of her stomach. She subconsciously ran her finger over her locket as the Doctor and Amy looked at her with wide eyes, the truth hurting more than it should. With a sigh the Doctor walked past both the girls, back into the bottom portion of the house. The only thing that stopped him was Amy's voice.
"Don't say that," she sniffed, tears coming to her eyes. "Please. Not the both of you."
The Doctor stared at his two companions, unable to give them the answer they both so desperately wanted to here. He knew the universe well enough to know nothing would change the outcome of Vincent's life. Lizzie swallowed the knot in her throat as he spoke. "Come along," he concluded in a low voice. "We'll have to do this ourselves." With that he turned his back on the two of them, cueing them to following. Amy and Lizzie quickly met eyes, unsure of what to do or what to say. There was a moment's pause before Amy sadly walked along to catch up with him. Just as Lizzie was about to the same, another heart breaking sob came from Vincent's room. She couldn't let this happen. Not to him. She broke. Without a word, she rushed back into the Van Gogh house.