A/N: Advance warning, this is a very mature piece. Not for young or sensitive readers. All others, please enjoy!

Lucy awoke to the sound of her window opening and sat up. A cool spring breeze drifted in, chilling her skin a little. She looked around, but saw no one. 'Must have left it open before I went to sleep, and just dreamed I heard it open.' She closed it and laid back down, cuddling snugly under her pink comforter.

There was another noise in her room, which made her bolt up right.

Natsu stood in a dark corner of the room, his arms folded across his chest. He wore his single sleeved black coat, black pants, and signature scarf. The shadows mostly hid his face from her, but something screamed danger.

Lucy mentally shook herself. That was crazy. This was Natsu, after all, and he would never hurt her. "Hey, Natsu, what's up?" Her voice trembled a little against her will. What has wrong with her? Why was she scared?

Natsu said nothing, but let his arms fall to his sides and walked purposefully to her bed. His onyx eyes were dark with sadness, desire, and anger. "Don't fight me, ok, Lucy? I don't want to hurt you."

"What do you mean, you don't want to hurt me?" Lucy started to get out of the bed, her cream silk nightie sliding against her skin, but he was on her in an instant, grabbing her wrists and pushing her back down against the bed. "Natsu, what are you-"

He silenced her with a harsh kiss, his mouth dominating hers. His tongue filled her mouth while his sharp fangs scraped against her lips. He pulled back after a moment, breathing heavily. "I want you to enjoy this, Lucy. I don't want it to hurt, but if you fight me, it will."

"Natsu..." her voice came out in a rasp. What was he saying? It had to be a joke. She forced a smile. "Good one Natsu, very funny. Now how about you let me up and I make us something to drink?" But she knew, staring into his eyes that seemed to glow from the moonlight, that he wasn't messing with her.

Natsu dropped his head to the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply. "I've always loved the way you smell. Sweet, but not overpowering." He licked her shoulder and she shivered.

"Natsu, let's talk about this." His breath was warm and heavy on her skin, a sharp contrast to the cool air in the room. It made her shiver with both delight and anxiety. What was wrong with him? Why?

"There's no time for talking, Lucy," he growled loudly, then his voice became soft and tender as he kissed her throat. "I promise I'll be gentle. Just don't fight me. I need you." He released her right wrist and began pulling up her nightie, still laying half on top of her. His hand slowly touched her soft curves and Lucy began to shake.

"Stop!" Lucy shoved her gown back down to cover herself. This was moving way to fast. She needed to talk some sense into him before they got out of control. But before she could get a single word out, he growled, pulled back and ripped the thin fabric from her body.

She screamed in shock and covered her breasts with her arms. She wore nothing but her blue panties and a few bits of torn fabric. She tried not to cry as she watched her best friend stare down at her, hungry. He had one knee resting on the bed while his other leg hung over the edge, pinning down one of her legs.

After a long moment, he grabbed each of her wrists and pulled them away from her body, though she fought to keep covered. He stared at her heaving breasts for a split second, his look dark and thoughtful, before he lowered his head to gently lick her right nipple.

Chills ran through her treacherous body and she felt her core growing moist and hot, tightening with each tentative lick. It was like he was sampling a rare treat and didn't want to be done too quickly. After a few samples of her skin, he pulled her nipple fully into his mouth and sucked, swirling his tongue around the hard bud.

A little moan escaped Lucy's throat, unbidden, which seemed to encourage Natsu.

He released her arms and squeezed the breast he was already toying with, while playing with the nipple on the other. Lucy almost wanted to give in, to let him take her without a fight, but this was wrong. This couldn't be 'her' Natsu.

Lucy took a deep breath, fought the tears in her eyes and the throbbing of her body and shoved his shoulders with all her strength. She forced him back enough to unravel her body from his, making a break for the door. He grabbed her ankle and she fell face-first on the floor.

The loud growl she heard terrified her. She couldn't move. Before she could turn over to face him, Natsu had a fistful of her blonde hair. He pulled back on it tightly, forcing her to look up at him. His face was angry, his mouth twisted into a snarl.

"I told you not to fight me, Lucy. I wanted you to feel good, too, but now you've pissed me off." Natsu released her hair and laid himself roughly on her back with his legs between hers.

She sobbed and squirmed under him, trying to buck him off, but he wouldn't budge. He reached between their bodies and shredded her panties as easily as he had her nightie, then pressed his hand to her soft, wet core.

Lucy whimpered and cried, not ready for this. Not like this.

"You're pussy is so wet. I'd wanted to taste it." He growled against her ear as he shoved a finger inside. She gasped, moaned and cried all at once. The foreign feeling of his hand teasing her was both erotic and terrifying. He pumped his hand a few times, building the fire that already raged between her legs, then withdrew his hand to shove his pants down just past his hips.

Using one hand on the middle of her back to hold her down, he stroked his throbbing erection a couple of times before pressing it to her entrance.

"No!" Lucy cried out. "Not like this, Natsu," she sobbed against the floor. "Please, I'm begging you, not like this. I wont fight. I wont fight!"

Natsu grinned against her neck. "That's more like it." He pulled back and flipped her over to her back and sat on his heels, his knees spread, between her legs again. He pulled his scarf off, his eyes never leaving hers. His eyes, those laughing onyx eyes, had turned a deep, menacing gold that made Lucy want to cry even more.

He stripped himself, exposing his toned, lean body, then moved back and nestled his face between her thighs. Lucy's back arched and she gasped as his tongue explored her hot sex. Waves of pleasure washed over her with each lash of his tongue, every nip and suckle delivered to her sensitive clit. As she felt her climax coming, Natsu abruptly sat up. He pinched and rolled the sensitive nub between two fingers and fingered her with his other hand.

She cam hard, her inner walls clamping down on his fingers, her nails biting into her palms, and a scream escaping her lips.

Natsu grinned lustily and licked the two fingers that had been inside her. "You taste like strawberries,"

Lucy slowly came down from her high and blushed at the mention of his favorite fruit.

He slowly kissed his way up her body, leaving a little love bite on her right breast. He licked her earlobe and settled his hips between her thighs. "My turn, Lucy. Are you ready?"

Lucy realized what was about to happen and the fear returned. Her voice shook While she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "W-wait, please, not yet."

Natsu half sighed, half growled against her neck. "I can't, Lucy. I've waited too long as it is. I need to be inside you. Now." He reach between their bodies and positioned the tip of his member against her still-wet entrance.

She gasp as she felt it begin push past the soft lips to enter her. On instinct, she dragged her nails from his shoulders to his hips, causing him to arch his back and hiss. She could feel little drops of blood on the tips of her fingers. Instantly, she realized that had been a mistake.

He growled and bit down on her left shoulder, making Lucy scream from the pain. It suddenly intensified when he added his fire, his fangs still digging into her flesh. She screamed and writhed as heat filled her body, engulfing her from the inside out. It slowly receded, leaving just a slight burn in the middle of the bite.

Natsu pulled back from her, frowning, a warning in those golden eyes."You're mine," he said simply, squeezing her left breast so hard, she knew it would be bruised in the morning.

Lucy's body shook from fear, pain, and, worse of all, lust. She'd imagined him playing rough with her before, but in her fantasies, it had been with her consent. Now, her body betrayed her and, with those two simple words, she felt herself growing wet again. She hated her hormones.

Natsu lifted her hips off the floor to meet his, and continued to glare down at her as he slowly slid himself inside her warm sheath, tilting his head back and panting.

Lucy squeezed her eyes shut and whimpered as pain spread through her, her inner walls slowly adjusting to his impressive length and width. She couldn't restrain a small cry as he pierced her Maidenhead, tearing her innocence. Once he was buried deep inside, Natsu grinned down at the blonde, who still had tears running down her cheeks.

"Don't worry, Lucy. It gets better from here." He withdrew slowly, causing Lucy's body to quiver from the sudden absence, then, slid himself back inside, more quickly this time. Lucy gasped and whined, both with pleasure and pain, as he quickened his thrusts.

Before she could stop it, a moan escaped her lips and her hips lifted to meet his. As much as she hated the circumstances, he felt so amazing, she found herself giving in.

Natsu was panting, beads of sweat rolling down his toned body. He released one side of her hips and rested it above her shoulder, leaning forward to ravish her mouth.

Lucy's body acted of its own accord, her legs wrapping around his hips, and her hands clutching his shoulders. Their kisses were brief, breath barely coming to them with their heated pace.

Natsu moved from her mouth to her ear and laughed huskily. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were enjoying this."

Lucy turned her head away from him, not wanting to encourage him any more than she was, but he grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him.

"Be honest, Lucy. You like this as much as I do." He thrust hard and deep, making her yelp. Unable to deny it, she nodded slowly, chills running through her body when he grinned evilly at her.

"Say it. I want to hear you tell me how much you like me fucking you."

Lucy closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, not wanting to say the words, but his hand grew hot against her hip. She cried out.

"Say it!" he demanded in a growl.

Lucy whimpered and finally answered. "I love it, Natsu. It feels so good."

He gave her another hard thrust, burying his face against the crook of her neck, and she felt her walls tighten around his cock as he pounded into her at a frenzied pace.

"I love it when you say my name," he breathed against her neck. "Say it again."

"Natsu," she moaned softly, whimpering when he nipped her throat.


Lucy groaned and panted as she felt an orgasm begin to claim her. "Natsu."She gasped out.

Natsu moved the hand at her shoulder to push her leg up, allowing him to push harder and deeper inside of her. "That's it, Lucy. Just like that."

Lucy gripped his shoulders and her back arched, bringing them closer. "Natsu. Natsu. Natsu!" She let out a strangled cry as her world exploded, ecstacy wracking her body over and over, each of his dominating movements taking her higher.

"Lucy," Natsu growled through gritted teeth, his own fulfillment at hand. Within seconds, he threw his head back and cried out, joining her in absolute bliss and spilling his hot seed deep inside her body. He gave her a few more sharp thrusts, pulling the last bit of pleasure from them both.

Finally sated, Natsu sat on his heels again and rested his forehead against Lucy's abdomen, trying to get his breathing under control. Then it hit him, like a knife to the gut.

The smell of sex and sweat... Lucy's tears... Her blood... Her fear...

Natsu sat up and stared at the beautiful woman who laid unconscious below him. All of a sudden, it was like a haze lifted from his eyes, and, even in the darkness, he could see the damage he'd done to her.

Bruises marred her pale skin, claw and teeth marks beaded with blood. Her thighs were skill slick with blood and fluids, deep gashes still dripped on her shoulder, and her hip was sligthly blistered and red from when he'd used his fire on her.

Tears ran from his eyes in shock and horror at what he'd done to the woman he loved. He moved to her side and cradled her in his lap, holding her head against his shoulder. He wished it had happened differently. He wished he'd been able to control the emotions that had been raging through his body for the last few days.

Right now, he wished he were dead.

Natsu sobbed against Lucy's blonde hair and rocked her gently. "I'm sorry, Lucy. I'm so sorry."

A/N: Alright, I'll be the first to admit it's not my best, but I haven't written anything in several years. Constructive criticism is more than welcome, but only if it helps me to improve the work. NO FLAMING PLEASE!

Also, I'm debating on if I should continue the story. I have a great idea for it, but I'll let you guys decide. If you would like me to write more, let me know in the reviews or just fav/follow the story. Muchly appreciated.