I'm with you
Whenever you tell, my story
For I am all I've done
Remember, I will still be here
As long as you hold me, in your memory
Remember me
I am the one voice in the cold wind, that whispers
And if you listen, you'll hear me call across the sky
The night was dark, a handful of stars scattered across the sky. Their light was bright, nearly blinding, as Isabelle stared into them, thinking that maybe this was it. The last thing she would ever see. She imagines Max to be one of the stars, shining down at her, guiding her home to where he was. He had been gone for so long now, months had passed, but Izzy had never stopped missing him and most of all she had never stopped blaming herself for letting him die. She had been his older sister, she should have protected him.
A distant voice cried her name but Isabelle was tired. Her eyes were heavy and she had a hard time keeping them open but she knew the person calling her war Alec. It was always Alec who kept them together and who made sure they were alright. They had lost each other on the battlefield around midnight. Alec went after a demon which attacked Magnus and Isabelle had helped Jace to get through to Jonathan, hoping that they were able to finally kill him. The Elapid demon had caught her off guard while she was fighting two fallen Nephilim. Its venomous teeth had sunk into her shoulder and one of its legs had stabbed her in the stomach. Isabelle had sunk to the ground, choking on her own blood, where she still lay, waiting for her life to end. The poison was burning in her veins, the wound in her stomach gaping, but Izzy was too far gone to care. The stars were all that mattered now. Their light in the darkest of nights, when hundreds of Nephilim fell under the blades of Jonathan's army and tomorrow was lost for so many of them. Isabelle had always expected to die young but now that it was happening, she felt like time had run out too quickly for her. She was 17 for only a few weeks, so much in life was still unknown to her. It had always been her wish to die on the battlefield, doing something heroic like taking the blade for someone else. Instead she had just been too busy to see the demon approach. The one thing she now realized was that there was nothing glorious in dying. It was cold, painful and lonely. She felt so light and dizzy, yet the pain was excruciating, like fire running through her veins, spreading through her whole body and setting everything in flames.
Two hands grabbed her and dragged her somewhere but she could not see who it was. When blue sparks mixed with the white light of the stars she was sure that Magnus had come to her aid. But it was already too late, she felt it. The warmth of his magic could not fill her and she heard the warlock growl.
"Izzy, hold on!"
Her brother's voice was suddenly loud and dominant in her dizzy mind and Isabelle's eyes wandered from the stars to his face, seeing the stains of tears on it, traces of pain on his dusty skin. He took her hand in his and Isabelle felt save. She wasn't alone anymore and that alone made her feel better. "Stay awake, Iz, please! You can't leave me, you just can't!" His pleading hurt somewhere deep inside, where the venom had not yet reached her. Isabelle's heart ached for her brother who was so desperately trying to save her. He was holding on for dear life, clutching her hand in his as if that alone would save her. She wanted to say something, but her mouth was so dry she couldn't speak. The blue and green sparks that floated out of Magnus' hands mixed with the rest of the colors she was still able to see and her vision blurred into a spectrum of rainbows. Alec's voice faded until Izzy was only able to make out single words, as she slipped into imminent, comforting darkness, in which the pain stopped existing and her body's torment was far away.
Hey everyone! Hope you liked the first, angsty chapter! If so, let me know and fav or review 333