AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the first fiction that I have wrote in first person. It could take me a couple of chapters to get used to it. The chapters in this fiction will vary between both Four and Beatrice's point of view. This fiction may also get rated M in the future. Thank you for viewing and if you choose to, thank you for reviewing in advance.

Chapter One – Beatrice

Burning the Past

I stand in the far corner of the training hall as Eric strides in followed by the initiates. I watch from a distance with Christina as Eric makes his demands. I analyse the group of initiates and smile. They all resemble each other in one way or another. My attention drags back to the doorway again as Four enters. I step back slightly as he looks right at me. I see what I assume to be a fraction of a smile on his lips, but it fades. His dark eyes meet mine and I start to feel unsteady, so I hold my breath. He looks shocked as he moves to Eric's side. He exchanges his gaze to the initiates and I finally breathe. His hair is still short like I remember and as he talks to Eric I can see his muscles contracting beneath. He seems unpredictable and slightly aggressive. I suddenly feel stupidly short of breath again. I watch Eric respond lazily and Four travels across the room in long strides and sit on the edge of the table.

I feel empty as I silently watch a brute initiate, Alex, beat his partner, Drew, repeatedly. It's my first day in initiate training and already I regret it. Every refined hit causes Drew to cower, his hands raised protectively over his head. Alex punches him hard in his exposed ribs and the blow knocks him to the floor. Drew is relentless and I pity him, he rises to his feet and bravely faces Alex, who is smirking malevolently. I stand with my arms folded over my chest, as if it will give me the slightest bit of comfort, but it doesn't. I gulp. My throat is dry and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. The unfair match is vicious to watch, but my eyes refuse to stray from what is stage one of the assessment. It reminds me of my initiate training two years ago.

I glance sideways at Four. He seems bored and I begin to feel my blood boil. I continue to watch as Drew attempts to fight back, he reaches out to grab Alex's shirt and misses. Now both his ribs and head are exposed. Alex clenches his fists and punches him hard in the head. I assume it to be an act of kindness. Drew's head twists to the right as his back hits the matt firmly and a cracking sound echoing around the silent room. He's lifeless. The irony that his exterior should mirror my inner feelings.

"No shame," Cristina mumbles to me. I notice her hidden smile and turn to the table next to me. I begin retrieving throwing knives from my slip pockets and place them down. I also take the gun from off my back and place it alongside them.

"Remind me why I transferred again?" I say smiling wryly.

"Well I'm sure it had something to do with initiate training being less time consuming…" Christina replied and I roll my eyes. I guess she never realized it was rhetorical.

"Nothing's changed," I mention and she looks at me in awe.

"Should it have?"

I don't bother to answer her. I only glimpse at her momentarily and watch as Eric burdens other dauntless with carrying Drew to the infirmary. I then turn my attention to Four. He stands in the far corner observing the situation. His facial expression is unreadable. I hear voices rivalling each other in the ambiance and Cristina nudges me with her elbow and points. I listen carefully and hear Eric distinctly mumble about the incompetence of his fellow faction members.

"Four! Monitor the transfer's will you. I'm surrounded by idiots," he yells throwing Drew over his shoulder and storming out. The door slams shut behind him and I share an amused glance with Christina. I smile amused, but then Four's voice sounds and it fades.

"Pair up in two's… should be easy now there's an even number," he jests. No one but Alex laughs. I watch as he cracks his knuckles looking proud of his achievement. "You will fight in these pairs until I say otherwise…" he continues and I notice his gaze holds longer on Alex, "satisfaction is fleeting."

"Then I want her," Alex announces and I loosely turn my gaze towards him.

I'm surprised to see his finger pointing at me. Christina laughs loudly by my side and under her hysterical influence, I smile. I glimpse at Four whilst tying my hair into a tight pony tail. His tough eyes, which I have found impossible to forget the past two years, are warming my heart. On my next intake of breath I glance away. It's the first gaze we've shared in months. The last being when I literally ran into him in the cafeteria. I ran past him when he was tipping the remaining contents of his dinner tray into the bin, causing my head to collide with his knuckles. The impact giving me a black eye. He had looked at me tenderly that day, now his eyes resembled the dense quality of stone.

"Do you wear contacts?" Four asks and Alex looks bewildered. His hand drops and he shrugs.


"Glasses then?"


"Then perhaps you need to redeem your free optician's coupon because she," he aims his index finger at me, "is your new head trainer. Meet Tris," Four finishes with his arms folded over his chest and I stand there feeling insanely awkward. Alex shoots me a look that I'm not sure I like. It's malevolent with a hint of sensitivity. I glare at Four as I realize he is purposefully trying not to make direct eye contact with me. What is Four playing at? Provoking them on my behalf?

"That's right," I announce sternly, loud enough to make all the initiate's to look at me. "My name is Tris! I see a glimmer of disbelief on your faces, but do not be fooled. Eric may have been brisk but I am brutal. Sexist views will not be tolerated either. Christina and I will train you to the best of our ability, beyond that your life is in your own hands. As for Four…" I pause and frown, "what is it you do again?" I witness Four chew his lip as Christina along with the initiates snicker.

"I will be overseeing the physical side to training," he beamed, "that's anything from tying your shoe laces to throwing knives."

"And what about Christina?"

"I'll be monitoring your progress, anything I notice will go towards your rank. I will also be controlling your simulation in phase two."

"Now that we're all acquainted… do as Four has demanded. Get into pairs and I am sure Four will deliver the rest," I nod towards Four and the group turns to face him. His eyes linger on me momentarily before turning to face the group himself.

I feel my heart begin to sink. This was harder than I had thought. I was merely minutes into my first day and I was completely and utterly overpowered by nerves, but it wasn't the initiates. It was being in Four's presence. Being around him again made me feel not only inferior, but lost. The passions that had grew for him had remained intact over the years, but being reserved helped. Now I was in a close proximity and it was insufferable. He was close enough to touch and I couldn't.

Once the session is over, I leave the initiates with Christina and leave for the infirmary. I had a needless desire to enquire about Drew. I remember Will being just like Drew when I first joined Dauntless. I haven't seen Will in a long time. He worked on the city security when I covered shifts for them. I'd see him from afar, but we'd merely acknowledge each other with a nod. Our meals were always eaten at separate times so I never got the chance to make myself known. My mind becomes distant as I realize how my duty dragged me away from the comfort zone that I had built upon entering this faction.

As I enter into the infirmary I see Drew in the far corner. I quickly walk over, trying not to be noticed by the others in the room. As I get to his side I notice that he is unconscious, which is unsurprising. He had taken many blows, several of them to the head. Alex was merciless. I smile weakly and cross my arms over my chest. I tend to do this a lot lately. I'm not sure whether I'm mimicking others or comforting myself. If Will had been awake I probably wouldn't have bothered coming to his bedside, but seeing him so vulnerable opens something inside of me. I'm not good with socializing and being his trainer means I can't show him that I care, at least not yet. With that thought buried deep within mind I abruptly take my leave. Upon exiting the infirmary I collide carelessly with Four.

"Tris!" He stifles over a gasp and I straighten myself.

"At least your knuckles aren't exposed," I joke whilst moving around him and attempting to walk away. He smiles faintly and reaches out towards me.

"You never told me you were transferring," he mentions and I pause to shrug.

"Yeah… I guess Eric deserved to be a leader more than me," I nod and Four shakes his head.

I fail to comprehend why I would have told him. Especially when I can't recall our last conversation. My mind then turns to Eric. He had been lethal on me when I was an initiate and I suddenly recall how horrible I had been when making my speech that afternoon. It was unlike me and I regret it. Have I lost who I am? Are the new initiates helping me to remember who I once was?

"You're lying," his lips purse and I cross my arms over my chest again.

"Straying from the truth is not exactly a lie," I reinforce.

"You admit it then…"

"I admit to nothing," I answer sternly.

"Life outside of these walls has made you cold."

"I was cold to begin with. Stiff… remember?" I scorn and he takes a step away from me. His eyes pass over my appearance abruptly as if I had offended him.

"That's not what I meant at all," he quickly adds and I smile in return.

I don't reply. I can't reply. In fact, why should I reply? Instead I opt against replying and turn to walk away from him. I don't glance back, but my mind wanders whether he is watching me leave or whether he carried on himself. I enter into the cafeteria and after collecting my food tray, I seat myself beside Christina. She smiles towards me and I pick up my fork, but not before someone pushes it away and replaces it with cake.

"Hey!" I growl looking to see who the perpetrator is.

"Food poisoning," Will says from behind us, "Majority of the faction has gone down with it and we need you on the City Security tonight." I haven't spoken to him in a long time and he makes it seem so natural. I find it comforting as it makes things less awkward.

"The numbers are down by that much?" I ask frowning.

"Yes, can you cover my partner Mack?" He asks and I roll my eyes. This means I will be deprived of my sleep for another night.

"What about me?" Christina asks and I look at her half eaten plate of food before I do her.

"A little too late to save you," Will laughs nodding to her plate and Christina gasps realizing her current situation.

"Oh god!" She yelps with her right hand over her mouth. She pushes her tray around with the other one. As I glance around the room I notice that the majority of the Dauntless in the room are eating large slices of cake.

"Don't worry it takes 24 hours right?" He jokes and she scowls.

"That's not funny! I have initiate training tomorrow!"

"If you fall ill I will cover for you," I nod attempting to reassure her. "Second thought…I might need my own back up if Four has eaten this food…" I take a bite of my slice of cake and glance at Will as he seats himself beside me. "Thanks," I finally say.

"I figured if I did save you, I'd need to bribe you," he nods towards the cake, "In any case, I will gladly cover for either Christina or Four."

"No… I'm glad to get some air and thanks," I admit. All my previous jobs had me outside the faction compound. Today was my first day locked indoors and it was insufferable. I desired freedom or what I could get of it at least.

"How's your arm?" Christina asks. I move back, confused by her question.

"Its fine," Will replies sourly.

"Did I miss something?" I ask scooping the strawberry jam from the centre of my cake with my index finger. I slide it into my mouth and suck the remnants off.


"Will pulled a muscle by lifting his gun last night," Christina jokes and I laugh.

"You're serious?" I choke amused and Will's face doesn't alter. "What were you doing with your gun in hand anyway?" I ask through another mouthful of cake.

"I was messing around with Mack," he shrugs.

"That sounds entirely inappropriate…" Christina muses.

"You sure you don't need a night to rest your arm?" I tease and Christina joins me in laughing on his behalf. I look at her as she leans her head on my arm. I then glance towards Four's table. He's sitting with his usual associate's, but his eyes are fixed on me. When our eyes meet he looks at the table. I hadn't seen him come in after me.

"No! I'll prove it!" He says aggravated and my attention snaps back to Will.

"Oh yeah? How?" I ask after polishing the last of my cake off.

"I'll run around this room with you on my back," he says and I laugh. He was willing to go to that extreme? The cake gets stuck in my throat and I take a gulp of water to wash it down. I look at him but he's gone. I look behind me and he's standing with his hand out.

"Wait… you're serious?" I ask clearing my throat. My unbelieving eyes grow wide.

"Yes," he replies bluntly. I deliberate whether it is wise, it's all good fun, but I don't want to embarrass him if he fails. His face is determined so I get up from my seat and brush myself down. Cake crumbs fall to the floor.

"Fine," I say but my voice is muffled as I move behind him. He changes his position into a stance and I carefully jump onto his back. He barely flinches. Since I first met him his muscles have grown inexplicably. I feel his back muscles begin to tense as he straightens up, his hands wrapped decisively to the tops of my legs. I feel inflexible as my legs remain locked firmly at his side. I stare at the back of his head and then move my face to balance above his shoulder. I'm shocked at the difference in height as I witness the scenery from a different angle.

"What do we get if you fail?" Christina asks Will and he glances at her.

"This… I do for fun," and he is off. My body bumps erratically the further he travels around the room, each one making me laugh hysterically. All I can think about it that hope in which he does not fail. I don't fancy colliding with the floor any time soon. Other Divergent's within the room watch us wearily as we pass them rapidly. He is more or less sprinting with me on his back and I wonder how it is even possible. Once he arrives back to the table Christina claps her hands together loudly and I laugh. I rest my chin on his shoulder momentarily. I had underestimated him.

"Well you sure proved us wrong," I admit as jump down off his back.

"Sure I did," he says feeling smug.

"Well make sure you're at your best for tonight," I nod and pick up my gun from beside Christina. "I'll see you later!" I call back to them as I hang the strap of the gun on my shoulder and leave. I glance back and see Will sitting beside Christina, boasting with his muscle's flexed. I also notice that Four is gone.