This will be a collection of One Shot- some related and some not- featuring an Avengers team that is in some way 'supernatural'. Meaning: Werewolves Vampires, ECT Read the notes beforehand to see if the one shot is related to another.

To get a visual on how I see my Werewolves think the movie Van Helsing (With Hugh Jackman) and that's what I'm seeing.


Tony Stark had a secret. He was a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. He was Ironman. Everyone knew that.

No, what no one knew was he was a real life werewolf.



It had happened on vacation ironically. He had left the cabin (It was really just a wooden log mansion but still) after one of his fights with Howard. His mom had talked his dad into going to the middle of nowhere in the woods of Pennsylvania and Tony had gotten into a fight with his dad before escaping into the woods.

Little did he know that by the end of the night the sixteen year old version of him would have a very surprising problem. He had run into a dying werewolf and had gotten too close. It may have been dying, but it still had the strength to bite the hell out of him.

He had passed out from the pain and when he woke up the wound was gone. If he hadn't had a torn shirt on with remains of his blood still staining it, he would have thought the whole thing had been a dream.

Instead he had gone back to the cabin, snuck inside and cleaned himself up before burning the remains of his clothes in the fireplace inside his room.

It wasn't until the next full moon that Tony figured out what he was. He ended up changing at moonrise. He had been glad the next morning that his parents were out.

Tony had to set some stuff straight about werewolves though.

Werewolves were not like Hollywood portrayed them. Not exactly. They had the super strength, they had the excellent senses, but they were not mindless flesh eating monsters.

Tony did not suddenly become mindless thank you.

Werewolves were more prone to anger and Tony had had to learn to control his emotions, since anger tended to lead to a change. They operated on instinct. Werewolves were meant to have a pack. They were at heart social creatures, though the people they chose to socialize with were very carefully chosen. Another thing that Hollywood got wrong was the whole 'werewolves only change on the full moon' thing. Tony could change wherever and whenever he wanted. On the full moon it was better if he changed for a few hours, but in case of emergencies Tony didn't actually have to. Only really young werewolves had to change on the full moon. Granted if Tony didn't change he tended to feel…restricted and jittery, but it was possible for him to not change on a full moon.

Another thing about werewolves: they are very protective of children. It's an instinct thing. Children haven't learned to fear them, not yet, and they were innocent and new to the world. They were the next generation and important. Tony actually loved kids. The instinct thing helped that along, but he liked kids because they didn't expect anything from him. There weren't any hidden agendas with kids. As a result most of his business partners' children adored Tony. The only reason he had gotten bit by a werewolf in the first place was because he approached one that was in pain and dying and hadn't taken the multiple warnings he had been given via body language and growls to leave the wolf alone.

Until Pepper Tony had thought he would be a 'lone wolf' for the rest of his life. It…well it kind of hurt, but Tony had expected that. His wolf was picky about who it let close to him and as a result Tony wasn't really…close with anyone, didn't trust them.

Then Pepper came along, all fury spirit and pepper spray in his security's face, and pointing out his math mistakes.

His wolf had sat up and taken notice.

It hadn't been interested in making her 'pack'. Not then. But his wolf had liked her spirit.

It was one of the reasons he pulled her in as his PA. The 'math mistake' had been planned, to find someone who was trustworthy and would call him on it. Pepper's reaction on her way to tell him, getting fired in the process and still coming to tell him earned her the place as Tony's PA. Despite that, it wasn't until after the whole 'I am Ironman' press diabolical that his wolf began to identify Pepper as pack.

She was his and he would protect her.

Then the whole 'you're dying' thing popped up with the Arc Reactor and Tony had cursed up a blue streak, and kind of sort of just….stopped…before he was forced to create a new element and fix it. Afterwards he had had a serious metal talking to himself. He was rather angry with himself for almost leaving Pepper- his pack- alone simply because he hadn't wanted to try anymore.


After that, Tony showed her his wolf.

His still smirks when he thinks about that reaction.

Tony is only 5'9" normally. Granted it's 5'9" of muscle, but still it's only 5'9". When he 'goes wolf' he shoots up to a solid 6'5" of muscled black fur covered clawed fanged wolf. His legs shirt a bit and he's standing on paws with normal hands that have long dangerous claws, a very muscled midriff, his neck has thick fur leading up to narrow but useful ears, shining golden eyes, and down a very strong powerful jawline to huge fangs. He knows he's a scary fucker when he shifts.

He had pulled Pepper into his labs, set her down and explained he needed to show her something. He told her flat out "I know I look terrifying, but I swear to you it's still me, you're perfectly safe, I will not hurt you, and most of the stereotypes are lies okay?" Pepper had been a little scared and worried for him- he could smell it on her warm ginger and oranges scent- but she had nodded and told him okay.

He had pulled his shirt off, having already created a pair of pants that shifted with him and wouldn't rip, before turning to face Pepper and with a deep breath he shifted. He felt bones and muscles shift and grow even as his face elongated a low growl escaping before he stood in front of the woman his wolf had decided was pack- and if she could accept this part of him, would be his mate. Tony was a wolf at heart. Ever since that night when he was sixteen and changed, he hadn't bedded a single person no matter what anyone said. He was a wolf and wolves mated for life.

Pepper's mouth had dropped open in shock and she had dropped like a sack of potatoes. Only Tony's quick reflexes saved her from meeting the floor painfully as she dropped in a dead faint. He hadn't meant too, but Tony had started laughing. It came out like a huffing growl but he was laughing, and it woke Pepper up. Tony is still convinced that it was that laughter as he carefully held her in his arms that really convinced her it was still Tony standing in front of her. Still she had accepted the wolf, and had even sat with his while he was changed and pet the fur.

Pepper told him he was gorgeous as the wolf once.

He had never heard anyone describe him that way. Granted no one else knew what he was nor had anyone seen his form, but it had shocked him into stillness and silence.

"No, really Tony. Have you ever looked at yourself? You're absolutely beautiful. Solid black, silky fur, moon white claws on your feet and hands, a perfect predator body, and your eyes. They turn liquid gold. Then there's the fact that despite all that strength, the ability to crush the strongest of things in your hands you can handle the wires and gadgets and pieces of delicate equipment and technology you work with in and out of wolf form without damaging any of it, that you can handle me and you're so gentle…it's…you're absolutely gorgeous Tony."

It's the only time Tony can remember blushing and it not being faked.

Then the Avengers happened.

Oh boy did Tony have some issues with them - Steve – at first. His wolf didn't like that so many people were in his space that they kept challenging him and insisting they knew how he worked. They didn't know anything. The Press lied about him all the time- case and points the playboy reputation- and Tony regularly hacked into SHIELD so he'd really like to know why they think the report Natasha gave them was really how he worked since he had known she was there before even she had known he was her next mission.

Bruce was really the only one his wolf liked from the very first moment. The man was very well controlled and he was a genius thus could keep up with Tony on a rant. He loved it. It helped that his core scent of old forests and wild things spoke to his wolf of freedom and joy under the moon.

Scent was a core part of a person. It gave away so many things about people it was ridiculous, from their core personality, to how they felt at any given moment to whether or not someone was telling the truth.

As the whole thing with the aliens progressed the next person to earn his regard was Thor. The Thunder God smelled of power and lightning storms and it made Tony think of the time he had gone running through one of his forested properties in the rain and lightning. It was surprisingly cleansing and he enjoyed it every once in a while, so Thor earned his wolf's regard next.

Then Steve earned his and his wolf's respect and regard during the Battle of New York when the man- who smelled like warm vanilla and clean linen- managed to lead the entire team of misfits and make them all work together as if they had been a team for years. It helped that after that battle Steve stopped judging him based on rumors, his masks, and mostly stopped expecting him to be a carbon copy of the Howard Stark he knew.

Natasha- smelling of peaches and cream- earned the wolf's regard next. It was also during the entire Battle of New York that she managed this, when she fought like a little demon and flung herself onto an alien craft to shut the huge portal. It helped that they were forced to work together and she began to learn that he wore just as many masks as she did, and started trying to learn about him because she wanted to know the man who was willing to fly a nuke into space and not because he was an assignment.

Clint was actually someone Tony got along well with. Clint smelled like sandalwood and open air. Tony acknowledged Clint during the Battle as well since it was the only time the agent wasn't under Loki's control and the agent had managed to watch the back of everyone on the team all the while showing very impressive marksmanship. The man, it turns out, it actually mischievous and had a dry sarcastic kind of humor that Tony appreciated.

Still…despite earning the wolf's regard and in some cases respect – ironically Steve – none of the Avengers had been acknowledged as pack.

Not then.

Still, Tony had offered the Avengers his home. Had offered them all a place at what he now referred to as Avengers Tower, because he realized even then that the Avengers had the potential to be pack.


This one will have a sequel. I can feel it. Still. It may or may not be the next chapter. Like I said. This is a collection of related and nonrelated one shots involving the Avengers in a Supernatural world. Read the A/Ns to see if the one shot has a related chapter.

Again: My werewolf looks like the werewolves from the movie Van Helsing with Hugh Jackman.