
Six months later…

"You should be resting," Thin lips ghosted over Will's jaw, peppering his fevered flesh with kisses as he watched the steel of Will's blade carefully worked down the length of creamy flesh beneath his hands.

"I still have another couple of hours before heat starts," The empath retorted, more intent on his current task then the worries of his lover.

At first he hadn't thought it possible, but after being bound to this killer Will had found a certain calm within his life. The world and all its horrors still moved around him; it spiraled like an endless storm filled with a rage, it was a chaos that would never be sated and if given the chance would drive Will to the insane. But now he stood in the eye of that storm, controlling its path as he walked the planes of the earth with Hannibal at his side, guiding him in the careful control of this terrifying chaos and the ways of adding his own horrors to its winds.

At first he had feared it, had even ran from the man he'd come to love; but now, it made him feel powerful. "I want to finish this before we go." He argued, placing his implement to the side to peel back milky flesh.

Licking a dot of stray blood from his cheek bone he pinned a corner of the loose flesh back, "Then at least let me help you." Hannibal offered.

"If you must," Will sighed, returning his earlier kiss as he handed the Ripper a scalpel, "Can you peel off her face for me? I want her to see the look on it while she dies and forgot my mirror at home." He admitted, finding himself pleased with the change in design.

"You never were a fan of Tattle Crime," Taking the knife he moved to the squirming body, skin peeled back from its torso to reveal mouth-watering offal. Looking into horror filled green eyes Hannibal smiled like a killer, quiet and polite. "Good evening Miss. Lounds, you should be pleased with yourself, you were right after all." Tilting her head to the side he slid the point of the blade under the skin of her jaw, making the careful incision needed to remove the skin from her face while keeping the woman alive, "Will Graham is a psychopath." The scream that sounded from the ball jammed behind teeth seemed to bring a certain pleasure to his empath, the man sighing in delight as he looked over organs, being choosy about their dinner. "But he did warn you about pissing him off, you only have yourself to blame for your end. You have been quite rude in your behaviour towards Will, and that doesn't sit well with either of us."

Another scream emitted around her gag as flesh was carefully pulled from muscle and a pretty face was turned to look down upon one of bloody muscle and sinew. "What do you think Miss. Lounds? Should we hang it in the bedroom?"

"I don't' want to keep it," Will muttered, pulling a length of intestine from her cavity in consideration of sausage. "I just want her to look at it while she dies." Frowning at his own indecisiveness he turned to his lover. "What do you think we should have for dinner?"

"How do you feel about liver? I have been wanting a nice pate." Hannibal suggested meeting his mate for a kiss as the screams raged on before them.

"Yeah," Will smiled, taking the warm organ in hand, "That sounds good."


It was beautiful to behold, Will's new found confidence, his skill with a knife and his cruelty towards those who had wronged him. It was as though the man had finally emerged from his cocoon, at last transformed into the predator he had always been meant to be.

Even more glorious was how his new found confidence seemed to effect the rest of his life; Will was taking advantage of his abilities as an empath now, at last using his gift to read the people around him, meeting their eyes and absorbing their secrets, all in search of his next pray.

He walked with a confidence he had never possessed before, emitting a power all his own, Will had become that which he had always feared and in his transformation he had flourished.

But the change Hannibal was currently studying was the one he had brought to the bedroom.

They marked each other now, his Omega refusing to know his place beneath his Alpha, creating his own chain of small bloody marks around Hannibal's throat. He found himself wearing those thin ropey scars with pride, enjoying the glances and gaps that moved throughout the socialites of Baltimore's elite whenever they caught a glimpse of the little red chain that peeked above his collar; the audacity of an Alpha wearing the mark of an Omega.

But they had never witnessed his quiet Will's true nature, even while lost in the throes of heat he had changed into something more, pushing Hannibal to lie on his back Will he rode him, forced the Alpha to submit to his Omegan dominance.

The very act of surrendering to his Omega warred with his biology, twisting something instinctual in his gut to throw him down and ruin him, but as he lay there watching Will atop him, head thrown back and body exposed to show Hannibal his entire splendor, he found himself far too aroused by Will's newfound nature to smother it with his own.

He watched his Alpha from under half lidded eyes, light gasps parting his lips with every rise and fall of his hips. He held his lover still with the palms of his hands, fingers splayed over the toned planes of his belly as he focused his heat rattled mind on the pleasuring of his mate.

"Hannibal," He purred the word, making the simple sound of his name seem lewd as it sounded through kiss swollen lips, "cum for me," He demanded, arching above him, speeding himself wider and taking in more of the man beneath him.

"Only once you have finished my love," Hannibal answered, reaching between his mates spread legs to urge him into climax.

Unable to resist the skilled fingers that tugged his sex Will found his end with a strangled cry, spilling his seed over Hannibal's stomach as the feeling of his knot began to swell, the enlarged flesh tugging at his entrance and making his still, bringing an end to his movements.

But even as Hannibal knotted him and Will could no longer move to tease him with the slow rolling of hips he wrapped himself around his Alpha, trapping the man beneath him as he found his own release filling Will with his warmth, and marked him. Blunt teeth sinking into the soft flesh of his shoulder to stake their claim.

It was a passion Hannibal would groom and grow within his mate until fully developed, until Will overflowed with his sense of dominance over the world, because they were above the pigs they dined on. But he was not above his mate. Once that he finished Will's grooming he would reaffirm his place as Alpha, taking the powerful Omega beneath him and reminding him of his place. But until then, he would be satisfied to help his killer grow.


Thanks to everyone who has read and enjoyed the story and especially to those of you who have left me reviews~3