Kage no hon'no: Hi everybody! I've got a new fic for you all. I really don't have much to say, so I'll bring in the disclaimer!
Disclaimer: I do not own Starcraft. Starcraft is owned by Blizzard Entertainment. I also swear that I am not stealing any of the characters, words, or planet from East Bridge's story 'The Zerg Swarm'. The only thing I am using is the very basic concept and nothing more.
Word Guide
"Hello" Normal Talking/ Story
"Hello" Normal Thinking/ Book
Congratulations on receiving this copy of A Guide to Being Overmind! If you are reading this, then you are one of the few that have been gifted with the ability to become the Overmind of the infamous Zerg Swarm. This book is meant to help guide you in your journey and make the proper choices fitting of an Overmind. For the Swarm!
-Introduction, A Guide to Being Overmind
Prologue: Chapter One: Getting Started
When you start on your journey, the situation will usually start out the same. You will start on a foreign planet, usually with no idea which one, due to the planet being random or to the author's discretion. You will awake from a state of unconsciousness, with only the clothes on your back. You will have nothing else with you except for your own abilities until you are transformed into the Overmind.
He woke up to find himself lying on the ground, the sunlight blinding him as it shined down on his face. He closed his eyes, waiting until his eyes had adjusted somewhat. After some time, he opened his eyes again and started to sit up.
The most known way of being transported is being struck by lighting. It is not really know why this causes you to be teleported to another planet, or why you will carry the wound from where you are struck, usually on the chest, but this is usually the last thing that a potential Overmind remembers before they arrive on a new planet.
Pain flared across his chest, causing him to groan and fall onto his back again. After the pain died down somewhat, he lifted his head to see why his chest hurt. A jagged wound ran across his chest, along with several severe burns that spread out from the wound. He put his head back down, trying to figure out what was happening. But his mind was completely blank, he couldn't seem to remember anything. He had no idea who he was, what he was, even his name seemed out of his reach.
When you wake up, you may find yourself in the company of other terrans, who will claim to be related to you. This is because for some unknown reason, you will take the place of their relative. Because of this, you will have conflicting memories between their life and yours. Although, if you are alone, you will have no memory whatsoever of what has happened before. This is because since you are not in the company of other terrans, there is no need to have these memories, and makes the transition from terran to zerg easier.
Well, everything was an exaggeration. He could still recognize and put a name to the things he could see, and apparently had a decent vocabulary. All things aside, he need to figure out where he was, and he couldn't do that lying down. He slowly rolled onto his chest, trying to ignore the pain in his chest. Once he finished rolling over, he placed his hands on the ground and started pushing himself up, pulling his legs under him so he ended up on his knees. He waited for the pain to die down before he started standing up. After some time, he managed to stand up straight. Having accomplished that task, he looked around, trying to see where he was at. He was currently standing in the middle of a large clearing, in the imprint of where his body was in the tall undergrowth. Tall trees were clustered closely at the edge of the clearing in front of him, preventing him from seeing any further. A large stone building loomed several feet behind him as he looked back, a square shaped hole in the side, though he couldn't see what was inside, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to. Looking at the entrance, he began to feel very odd, making him to want to get away from it. He turned around and started to head towards the edge of the clearing.
Now, normally when you begin, you have already been transformed into the first stage of evolution. If this has already happened, please go to section three of this chapter. However, sometimes you may not be so lucky and are still a terran. But don't worry, things have already been set so that you may receive the abilities of an Overmind. You will appear next to an area that will allow for this to happen. Of course, still being a terran, you will not want to go, so soon after you arrive, then there is a method that will convince you to go in if you try to leave the area.
A soft rustling was the only warning that he would get. Something wrapped around his waist and dragged him towards the stone building. He grabbed frantically at the ground, but the thing grabbing him was too strong, and his grip was pretty weak at the moment. Everything went dark as he was pulled into the building.
We never specified how.
After what seemed like forever, whatever was dragging him stopped. He took the respite to yell from the renewed pain, his wound had reopened from being dragged across the ground. The respite was temporary however, as more things similar to the one around his waist bound his arm and legs and turned him over. He still couldn't see anything, but he could sense something hovering over him. Several seconds later, something dropped onto his cheek. He started to shake his head to get it off, but his head was held in place by one of the creatures limbs. Slowly, the thing on his cheek started to crawl up towards his eye. He frantically tried to move his head, but it was held creature on his face moved on top of his right eye, it paused for a second before it started to burrow in. He screamed as pain erupted from his eye, and he tried to get free of his binds, but to no avail. The creature made short work of his eye, as it finished its meal, it settled in his eye socket and started to change. As it did so, his body went limp, and he fell into the realm of unconsciousness.
When you have gained your Overmind abilities, you will be able to monitor the status of both you and your Swarm. You will also be able to create your first Hatchery, but that's for the next chapter. For now, let's focus on being able to monitor you and the Swarm. At first, you will only be able to read information about you and the Hatchery, you will be able to read more as time passes and your swarm grows, but that's later on. Normally, this information is told as if you're reading a book, only without the words. this may be reversed if your initial stage is of a lesser quality.
He awoke to find himself exactly where he was when he first woke up, only the pain in his chest was gone and he could no longer see out of his right eye. He quickly stood up and looked around again. He was in the same clearing, only the stone building had collapsed, making entrance into it impossible. Suddenly, something appeared in his right eye. Green words started scrolling from the bottom of his eye to the top. The words should have been too small for him to read, but he could read them perfectly.
Overmind Evolution Stage: Alpha
Overmind Bio-energy: 50/250 b.e.
Overmind Bio-energy Production: 25 b.e/cycle
Swarm Bio-energy: 0/0 b.e.
Swarm Bio-energy Production: 0 b.e./cycle
Requirements for next Evolution Stage:
As the words disappeared at the top of his eye, the new Overmind could only say one thing. "The #$%?!"
Kage no hon'no: And that was the first chapter! Thanks for reading, hopefully, I'll see you in the next one! Be sure to Read and Review! Ja ne!