
For some reason, anytime I finish a novel or a poem book or anything really, I stop and think about who helped me get here. Who helped me feel comfortable enough to fully express myself? And once I know the answer, I smile, I cry, and feel truly loved and blessed. I have been through some hard times, some serious ups and downs and I know now who I have in my life at this moment, are my solid ground. I can count my five true hearts and know that they will never break.

To my mom, who is honestly my whole world. If I had no one else but her, I can honestly say that my life wouldn't be lacking anything. She is my best friend and my bae. She knows me so well that I can be myself to a fault and know that she sees how I truly feel, sees who I truly am. Do you know how amazing it is to know someone who can just look at you and know how you're feeling, because I do. My mom is that person, my hero, my guardian angel, and my true north. I love you and thank you for raising me and for helping shape the strong and proud person I am. You have only showed me love and strength and because of you I am not afraid to stick up for what I believe in and myself. You are my strength. Thank you.

To my dad, who is the funniest person I know. Even when your jokes are really lame, somehow I laugh. Is that credit to you or to me? I don't know but I'll keep tossin' and turnin' it all night. You made me, as a child, think outside the box, to feel free to tap into some creativity and that honestly made me a writer. You knew before I did, somehow that I was meant to do this. Thank you. To all the stupid made up songs, to the pizza pies in my eye, to the you are so beautiful moments and the ups and downs and heart to hearts, you made me smile, appreciate the magic and wonder of being a child, and also made it ok to still hold the heart of a child. To say you are one of my heroes is an understatement. I'm blessed to be a part of you and truly honored to have your crazy blood in my veins. You are my inspiration and my creative spark. I love you.

To my brother Thomas, you have put up with my strange writer ways the most. I mean we share a wall. There isn't much you can hide. You've heard me talk to myself, sing loudly and mostly off key, and yet have never complained. You have had to listen to my theories and my ramblings of a fan girl all without saying go away or I don't care. Even if you don't remember all these little things, I do, and I'll never stop being grateful. Thank you.

To my brother John, oh brother. We fight, a lot, and I get pissed off at you and vise versa but you have one of the biggest hearts out there. You truly care and are passionate about many things and when you are truly happy, it's a beautiful thing. You make me laugh and I can tell you things (bitch and complain mostly) that I can't with anyone else. You tease me and make me laugh, and having you for a brother is a gift from God. Even though at times, I can't stand to be by you, I will never wish you gone. I don't want to have a weird George Bailey moment where I have to go and see what it would be like without you. I'll forever be your Padawan, my Jedi Master.

And onto my friends, I have five true hearts. And you all should know who you are but there are so many to thank. I'll start with Rachelle, I met you in the weirdest way, by being stuck to work with you, it was fate as we are meant to be friends. I love you and love that we both love Castle and I appreciate you never thinking me too crazy.

Stephanie, you make me laugh at work and you give amazing advice. Just seeing you at work, eases my mind. For some reason I can't be stressed when you're around, and you know how much of a stressful person I am. You are a great friend, a true friend and I never want to lose that. Thank you for being a part of my life. I won't be pissin' a bitch but I might begin to rap some more for you. HAHA.

Maggie, oh man there is just so much I want to say. I honestly have been truly blessed by God, I got to meet you. And it's all because of Jennifer Morrison, He does work in mysterious ways. But we have so much in common, from our dreams to our wishes, even the same type of guy. I can tell you anything and I usually get the same response right back, that you are the same way. It's so nice to have someone who shares the same beliefs as you and that they see the world the way you do. We have the same look on life and we put everything we do into our God. It's amazing and I honestly look forward to talking to you everyday and I can talk for hours to you and somehow that is never enough. I smile and laugh like I have never before. They say that sometimes friends can be family, and honestly Maggie, you are like family. I can't imagine my life without you and hopefully I never will have to. You are truly an amazing friend, and you've made an impression on my heart that will never fade. When we become famous authors and all, we can share my Hampton house. HAHA. Thank you for the gift of your friendship. I love you.

Jamie, you aren't a friend, you're my sister. I think the reason God didn't give me a sister by birth was because he was waiting for you to come into my life. And I thank him everyday for sending you along and into my life. I can tell you anything and say and be anything and know that you see me just the way that I am. Yes I broke into a Bruno Mars song, but trust me I didn't intend for that to happen. We have so much in common and when I am with you, I am completely comfortable with being myself and I trust you with my life and my family. You are family Jamie and I love you sissy. Now and then, we'll have to look backā€¦

Twinnie, sorry, Ashley, you are freakishly my twin. I know you so well because we are practically the same person. I can tell you anything and I mean anything and know that it won't shock you at all. Or the times where we snort from laughing so hard. Those are the precious moments I treasure. You don't judge nor do I. You also know what it feels like to be utterly hurt and betrayed, not many people do and yet even though we were fractured, our friendship healed those old wounds. I feel less broken with you. I love you as if you were blood, I think you might be. Who knows? Lol. Thank you for honestly loving me and accepting me for who I am. You are the definition of what a true best friend should be. I love you and we're here to stay. Peanut butter to my jelly. Sweet and salty nuts? We're perfect. Hahaha.

And to anyone else I didn't mention, doesn't mean I don't love you, I just don't have the time to say everything about everybody. Sorry. I still love you all. And I couldn't imagine my life without you. To my Mickey(we make a good team), Mandy, Pauline, Rachel(my love), Marie, Ali, Kayla, April(my buddy),Bonnie, Requita(God blessed me with your friendship) Megan (my fellow Oncer), Brianna (my china doll), Nancy, Cathy(remember Hampton house party), Savannah, Sierra, Don, Laura(my comedian), Trouble, Angela (my girl), Rihanna (my chickadee), Tara (papa bird), Darlene, Deb, Claudia, Bernadette(my goodies, it's an inside joke) and Cindy thank you all for filling my life with happiness and love.

I know I wasn't going to say anything else but I owe it to this person: Deb, thank you for never making fun but laughing because you know how crazy I am. For listening to me ramble on and on about Caskett and my love for them. For sharing music, swapping stories, and honestly caring, I love you. And I don't have my grandma anymore, and I don't want to insult you by saying this, but you honestly don't make me feel as if she is completely gone. Thank you for cheering me on, for considering me as one of your babies, and making my life a little better to live in.

Thank you to anyone who has ever read this story, for anyone who has commented on it, and for anyone who truly felt this story as a part of them. I thank you because I do it for you and our common love. I love you all and hope that this ending didn't upset you but if it did, I made you feel. I'm sorry for the hell and ups and downs I put you through but I thank you. You have just received all my love balls. I'm quirky I know.

Love Always,
