So I kept putting this story because I had so many ideas how to end this, but I figured I should stop putting it off. So I hope you enjoy! And I really loved writing this story.. My first story on fan fiction. Thank you guys! (:

It didn't take long for them to get to the hotel, it still felt like a dream to Rachel. How could this happen? She still didn't have an answer on to how the love of her life was back...

Finn slide his room key and pushed open the door, throwing his stuff in the room he turned back to Rachel. Before she could say anything he swooped her off her feet and carried her bridal style into their room, pushing his foot back he kicked the door closed.

Finn was no idiot, he could sense his becoming wife lost in her thoughts. Carrying her to the bed he sat down placing her on his lap. Placing a finger under her chin he smiled at her.

"What's wrong Rach?"

Looking at him, really taking him in. He looked so handsome in his honeymoon clothes, but still she couldn't shake off the feeling that he might disappear. Not even bothering to hold back her tears she let them run down her face, she reached out and placed her hand over his chest. Feeling his heartbeat it settled somewhat of her nerves.

Finn didn't know what she was doing or what was going on in her head, but he knew he had to make her smile. After all it was their honeymoon

"I feel like this isn't real...I feel like this is a dream a wonderful yet terrifying dream, and if it is I'm scared to wake up and find that you're not next to me.. That you were never here... or that Cory never got to meet you...or our wedding never happened or that this baby will never exist, I-I... can't imagine waking up, I don't want to go through that pain again... I CAN'T go through that again"

He felt his heart break at his wife's confession, he knew that his death would never go away... It was stuck with not just her but his whole family and friends. But he knew he couldn't change that, he would have to move forward and live for now. Sliding his hand down her neck he rested it on her flat stomach, moving it slowly in small circles.

"I know I have no answers for you about how I came back, but this IS real Rach. I promise you... I'm here. I got to see you, I got to meet Cory, I saw my best friend who is now the godfather to our boy, I got to see Kurt, Blaine and Santana, My mom and Burt. The whole Glee club gang...I even got to marry the love of my life! And I AM going to be right here with you with our second miracle... I promise I won't miss anything from here on out. God gave me a second chance and there is no words to describe how happy that makes me! I love you so much baby and I am going to love you for the rest of our lives."

By the end of his speech they both had tears streaming down their faces, Rachel brought her hand behind his neck and kissed him as passionately as she could. Pulling away she rested her forehead on his.

"I love you Finn Hudson...please make me forget you were ever gone"

Giving her one of his half smile, he reached behind her and unzipped her summer dress. Reaching or the hem of it he slowly lifted it over her head throwing it across the room. She let out a soft giggle and brought his shirt over his head, having a little trouble with it they both found it funny.

She made the next move to undo his pants with a little help from her Husband they now laid in front of the bed. He bent down carefully and placed soft kisses to her neck, hearing a little moan escape her mouth he wrapped his arms around her unclasping her bra, tossing it on to a nearby chair.

He could tell she was getting impatient by her sliding his boxers off, laying her down on her back he continued to place kisses all over her body while he slid down her panties. Wiggling around she just wanted more games. With all her strength she switched them around so she was now on top.

Laughing he looked up at his sexy Wife

"No fair Rach..."

Smirking down at him she felt the rush of her taking charge, leaning down she kissed her love and guided him to her entrance. Finn smiled and placed his hand on her cheek bringing her closer (If that was possible) he decided if she wanted to play so did he, before she could guide him in her, he simply pushed his hips up making him thrust hard inside her.

Rachel let out a piercing moan, never in their relationship were they like this. It was always sweet and loving but this was hot, erotic...mind blowing.

It was just them, together. He was actually there with her and she went back to enjoying her time with her Husband...Finn

... ... ...

"FINN!? Come on...we are going to be late!"

It had been a couple months since their honeymoon, it was beyond perfect! All though now she was now 6 months pregnant and she felt like a balloon. But today they had a sonogram appointment to find out the sex of the baby. There was even a bet with money involved of course about what their baby was going to be. Apparently there was $300 dollars on the line.

Rachel was waiting by the door with Cory holding her hand. Smiling down at her son she gave his little hand a squeeze.

"Daddy is always running late isn't he?"

Letting out the cutest giggle he nodded his head


"I'M HERE...I'm here let's get going"

Finally they were at the doctors. Any second now they would find out what they were going to have.

"Well Congratulation's Mr. & Mrs. Hudson you're having a...

... ... ...


Flinching at the last part of her sentence, Finn decided to laugh nervously.

"I know baby, but just imagine when our baby is here... in our ARMS! I love you so much and I know you can do this again."

Grabbing a hold of her hand, she gave him a little nod and turned her focus back to the doctor. Taking a shaky breath it was time to push.

5 hours later

"You did great Rachel... she has your eyes, hair and same little pout."

Looking at her husband sitting next to her she laid her head on his shoulder gazing at their daughter. It was a shocker to everyone that she was going to have a little girl, Kurt & Santana had already made up every outfit choice that would last till she was 17. Good luck to her for having to put up with those two.

"Hello my darling girl"

Slipping her finger in her daughter's tiny hand she gave her mother a tight squeeze. Oh yea, she will be a tough one just like her brother there is no doubt about it. Hearing the door open they both turned to see the whole family, including some glee club members.

Rachel and Finn smiled at their son who was holding hands with Noah, Rachel held out arms so she could pick him up.

"Want to meet your sister Cory?"

His face lit up with glee, running towards the hospital bed Rachel lifted him up and sat him down on her lap.

"She's beautiful... just like you mommy"

Cory smiled down at his baby sister, slowly leaning forward he placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"No dating till college sissy...right daddy?"

Looking up at his dad, he heard a room full of laughter. Finn nodded his head, it was cute to see Cory the big protective brother already.

"You got it buddy"

Everyone stared at the tiny family on the bed, how much they all have been through. This sight was a miracle all of its own, Kurt who was wrapped in Blaine's arms smiled.

"Have you both decided on a name yet?"

Rachel looked at Finn and smiled at her loving Husband

"Everyone I would like you to meet Lea Ann Hudson"

Again thank you guys. I will be finishing 'Something borrowed' and 'how could this happen to me' soon.

Love you bunches (: