Author's note: I don't own any of Stargate or the lines from the movies. This is an AU story of Stargate. I planning on it going through the movie into the tv series. I wont be doing every episode, but I will try to get the most important ones in. This is my first Stargate fanfiction so I hope you enjoy.

Stargate Legacies

"Do not fight for yourself,

fight for others,

others who may be saved

through your efforts."

-Stargate Ark of Truth-

Chapter One

The Stargate

I groaned and clutched my head in my hands, letting my blonde hair hide my face as yet another professor left the auditorium. Sure Daniel was a brilliant archeologist with revolutionary ideas but his people skills, or his lack of, really got to be trying sometimes. I mean it was obvious to me that he was quickly losing everyone listening to his lecture, he just didn't seem to realize it yet.

"When is the academic community going to accept the fact that the great pharaohs did not build the pyramids? Inside the great pyramid, the most incredible structure ever created, there are absolutely no writings what so ever."

"Dr. Jackson," a man called out from the audience, "you left out the fact the Colonel Vise found the inscription of Kafu's name within the pyramid..."

"Yes. Well, his discovery was a fraud."

A roar of disapproval rose around us. Come on Dani, discredit a world renowned professor in front of a room full of scientists who looked like they could chew us up?

"Well Dr. Jackson, who do you think built the pyramids?"

"I don't have any idea who built them, I mean that..." He stumbled over his words as he started to get nervous, finally picking up the hostility in the room.

"Maybe it was men from Atlantis or martians perhaps?"

"It doesn't matter who built them," Daniel stated loudly over all the rising voices in the room. Pretty much everyone was starting to leave. "the point is when they were built. We know archeological evidence dates the sphinx back to way before we even thought, I meant we need to start to reevaluate all we think we know, I've deciphered evidence of a fully developed writing system dating back the 1st and 2nd dynasties and even earlier." I got up from my seat in the front row and climbed the steps looking a Daniel sadly. Everyone was gone and we were alone. "Is there a lunch or something I missed?"

"Come on, lets get out of here." I said grabbing our suitcases.


"Dr. Jackson? Miss Clark?" a man in a military uniform approached us as we left the Museum of Antiquities. It was raining and in a few seconds we were soaked.

"Yes?" I asked. "Who are you?"

"Someone wants to speak with you." He opened the door to a black, ridiculously expensive car and motioned for us to get in.

"The air force? What is this?" Daniel stared at the open car door.

"Please get in the car sir, miss."

We slid into the car, it was thankfully warm and dry inside. I got in first and I looked over to see and elderly woman sitting next to me holding some files.

"We going somewhere?" Daniel asked when the man shut the car door.

"Dr. Jackson, Miss Clark are these you're parents?" she held up a picture of our family when Daniel was a young teenager and I was a baby being held by our parents.

Daniel answered her, "My foster parents, her parents. What is this all about?"

"A job." the woman looked over at us expectantly.

"What kind of job?" I asked. Given our reputation as quacks of the academic world I was surprised anyone wanted anything from us.

"Translation, Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Interested?"

"We're going to go now." Daniel gave me a stern look and started to open the door.

"Dani!" I all but shouted. "We need a job." I added in a hushed whisper.

"Go where?" The woman gave us a skeptical glace looking at our luggage sitting in the rain outside. "You've just been evicted from your apartment, your grants have run out. Miss Clark, you've been laughed out of college and your scholarships have been suspended. All you own are in those two bags. You want to prove that your theories are right? This is your chance."

She dug into her pile of files and pulled out two envelopes and handed them to me.

"What are these?" I asked.

"Travel plans."


After a few hours of ridding in a car we arrived in Cheyenne Mountain Colorado of all places. Looking up at the barbed wire fence surrounding the military base Daniel turned to me, "What are Egyptian hieroglyphs doing here?"

"Let's just give it a chance."

He nodded as military personnel came up to the car and led us out, carrying our bags. We came to an elevator which opened to reveal the man we had seen before when the woman had offered us the job.

"Hello again." I smiled at him and held out my hand for him to shake.

"Miss Clark," he said shaking my hand then Daniel's, "Dr. Jackson thank you for coming."

"Well it's nice to be here um..." I glanced around his shirt looking for a name tag.

"Lieutenant Colonel Kawalsky." he stated pulling his name tag out of his pocket.

"It's nice to meet you again. Ahh!" I jumped, slamming my arm into the side of the elevator when Daniel let out a sudden sneeze. After all these years you'd think I'd be used it by now.

I rubbed the sore spot on my arm while Daniel blew his nose, giving me an apologetic look.

"Cold?" Kawalsky took a small step away from him.

"No allergies. Always happens when I travel." He stuffed his handkerchief into his pocket.

"You should have seen him on the plane." I giggled, jabbing him playfully in the ribs. "It was like he was hyperventilating, only with sneezing."

Daniel glared at me. "Very funny."

"Ah, here you go." Kawalsky stated when the doors opened up. Waiting for us were several people with clipboards full of notes. What is with all those files?

"Dr. Jackson, Miss Clark." A plump man with dark hair came forward and held out his hand. "Dr. Barry Micheals. How are you?"

"Hi." Daniel acknowledged him with a nod then continued to rove his eyes around the complex.

I sighed. Seeing that the man wasn't going to get any more from Daniel I decided to save him and took his hand that he was still holding out awkwardly. "Please call me Erin, pleased to meet you."

"Erin," he looked relived. "welcome."

"Thanks I'm glad to be here, where ever here is." I stepped out of the way as a couple of military personnel walked by carrying a crate. "What is this place?"

A middle aged woman came up to me and shook my hand, "An old missal silo. But don't worry it's been completely converted. Barbara Shore, hi."

She led us to a set of doors at the far end of the hallway. As the doors opened I saw something unlike anything I had ever seen before. Daniel froze staring up at the strange sight. A set of dozens of stone tablets hung on the wall forming a circle. Hieroglyphics and symbols I didn't recognize adorned them.

"Dr. Jackson, Miss Clark, glad you could come." The woman who had offered us the job approached us opening her arms in welcome.

"Thanks," Daniel said breaking out of his stupor, "this, where'd you find this."

The woman smiled and looked up at the tablets. "Giza Plateau, 1928."

"Wow!" I breathed out. I wondered why I had never heard of a find like this since I had studied about as much Ancient Egyptian artifacts and history and Dani.

"I've never seen anything like this." Daniel echoed my thoughts

"Of course you haven't, no one has."

Barry came up, pointing at different places in the formation of tablets. "Now there's two lines of hieroglyphs, the inner tracts have the classic figures, but the outer track is like the cartosh in the center. It's got writing unlike any we've ever found before."

"Those aren't hieroglyphics." Dani stated.

"Indeed," I agreed taking a closer look at the writing. "It may be some form of hieratic or cuneiform."

I saw a blackboard over to the side with an attempt at a translation on it. "Hey Dani." I tapped his shoulder and pointed at it.

Dani walked over and immediately erased some of the translation."Well the translation of the inner track is wrong. Must have been Bocks, I don't know why they keep reprinting his books."

"Ah, hey! Excuse me but... what are you doing?" Barry protested. "We've used every known technique."

"I'm sorry Barry." I said. "A lot of times you just sort of have to roll with him."

"This is a curious writing." Daniel called over to us, tapping on a particular word.

"Well yeah." Barry stuttered.

I came closer to the board. I could see what Dani was getting at. I tugged on his jacket and showed him another part of the translation. "And that verbeal 'Conceal'. It should be 'Sealed and buried.'"

"Very good!" Dani exclaimed looking at my work.

"Excuse me!" Barry shouted.

"'From on High'" Daniel muttered. "Who the hell translated this?"

"I, I did." Barry answered. Oh, that one had to hurt.

When he was finished erasing and writing Dani turned to the group "This should read "Nine years into the sky Ra the sun God sealed and buried for all time"

"Its not door to heaven," I said wiping away a part he missed. "His 'Stargate'."

"Why is the military so interested in nine thousand year old Ancient Egyptian tablets?" he asked looking back at the group.

"My report says ten thousand." a loud commanding voice said from the front of the room.

"Afternoon Colonel." Kawalsky saluted the man.

"Um, do I know you?" the woman who brought us here asked.

"I'm Colonel Jack O'Neill from General West's office. I'll be taking over from here."

Oblivious to the change in the rooms atmosphere Dani looked at Barbara. "Ten thousand really that's ludicrous. I mean Egyptian culture didn't even exist then."

"I know but the sonic and carbon tests are conclusive." She said showing him some sheets.

"Well what about the cover stones, is there a tomb underneath?" he asked gesturing to the tablets.

"Oh no no no, but we found something." she said softly. "A lot more interesting."

"Excuse me but this information just became classified." The Colonel O'Neill handed Kawalsky some paper work. "From now on no information is to be passed onto non-military personnel without my expressed permission."

"Catherine what's going on here?" Barry asked. So Catherine was her name.

"I'm not sure." she followed the Colonel out of the room.

I've never heard of any military taking such an interest in some old artifacts. What was going on?


"It's two o'clock in the morning Dani, just give it a rest." I guzzled down my ninth cup of coffee. Great I'm empty again.

Daniel leaned on a desk with his books strewn all over it and the floor listening to his notes, "I've compared the symbols to all writings both pre and post and have found no matches. I'm never gonna get payed."

I laughed at his last statement. "Your probably right." I saw that he had ran out of coffee to. "Hey you want some more."

"More what?" he asked, he turned to look at me and I saw deep circles under his eyes.

"No more caffeine for you." but I grabbed his cup anyway and walked out of the the lab.

Out side there was a security guard reading the paper. "Hey lady." I showed him my security card. "Oh ok." I went to the coffee machine. "It's empty!" he shouted over.

"Great." I was waking back to the room when something caught my eye on the paper he was reading. On the back was the picture of some constellations, one in particular drew my attention. "Can I have this piece?" I asked tapping on the front page.

"Yeah sure, I was almost done with it. Here." he handed my the whole paper.

"Thank you." I clutched it to my chest and ran back, bursting through the doors and startling Dani who had been dozing off.

"You gotta see this." I rushed the ladder over to the center piece of the tablets that held the cartosh. Scrambling up I slapped the paper with the constellations next a symbol. "What does this look like to you?" Pointing at the last marking of the sequence in the stone.

Dani climbed next to me. He looked back and forth between the paper and symbol groggily, then suddenly he was wide awake and staring at me in comprehension. "It that Orion?"

I nodded. "I think we figured it out."


Daniel and I walked into a meeting that had been called after our little discovery. I carried a neatly put together report on our findings in a binder while Dani stumbled next to me trying to carry all his maps and books. "You missed a book." I joked.

"What are you serious?!" He stopped short. "I need to go back."

I grabbed his arm before he could move. "As long as you've known me you can't tell when I'm joking? You need to loosen up it's going to be an informal presentation, there's nothing to be..." My words were corruptly cut off when we entered the briefing room. About half a dozen men in full military uniforms sat around the table with at least as many scientists. "Oh crow." I squeaked out.

"Dr. Jackson Miss Clark, I'd like you to meet General West." Kawalsky introduced us to one to the men present.

"Oh right you." Dani said shaking the General's hand. The General shook my hand to before taking a seat.

"So you think you two have solved in 14 days what they haven't solved in 3 years?" He said.

"3 years?" Daniel asked incredulously.

"Anytime you feel like starting." The General snapped impatiently.

"I have some stuff." Dani spread out some of his sheets of star maps and constellations, while I handed the General our formal report. "Ah just pass them down, sorry you'll have to share I don't have enough. So what were looking at is a picture of the cover stones." He drew a crude representation of what was printed on the papers on a white board. "The outer track was originally believed to be words to be translated where in fact," He grabbed a set of maps, accidentally hitting one of the military officers, "sorry about that, were in fact star constellations. These constellations put together in a sequence form a map or address of sorts. Seven points to outline the course to a position." Dani made a diagram on the board showing how a course would be plotted. "To find the destination within any three dimensional space you need six point to determine any specific location."

"You said you needed seven points." Colonel O'Neill spoke up from the corner where he was standing.

"No six to determine the position of destination," I took the marker from Dani's hand, "to plot a course you need a seventh, a point of origin." I drew a line connecting the last two points.

"But there's only six symbols on the cartosh." Barry said waving his hand at a picture of the tablets lying on the table.

"Yes, the seventh is just below here," Daniel traced the symbol with his finger. "A pyramid with two funny neat little guys and a funny little wine glass. Anyway..." a couple of officers snickered.

"They did it." Catherine announced.

"We, we did what?" I asked.

"No, no way," Barry protested, "that symbol isn't anywhere on the device."

"There's a device?" Dani looked at Barry confused.

Genral West rose from his seat and gave a stiff nod to an officer standing by a the blast-doors."Show them." The officer returned the nod before pushing a button on the wall next to him.

Behind us the blast-doors opened. Daniel and I walked over to the widow that was revealed and looked down. Below a massive ring stood in the center of the room. Running along the sides I could just make out the symbols that we had used in our presentation only moments earlier.

"That's an eye opener." I breathed out. "What is it?"

Catherine came to stand next to us looking down at the ring for a moment, then she turned smiling. "It's your Stargate."