Dean and Castiel stumbled into their new motel room, mouths connected and hands clutching at each others' clothes. Dean kicked the door shut with his foot, as he pulled the angel's coat down his arms. Castiel took hold of Dean's shoulders and carefully shoved him up against the wall, feeling their tongues flick briefly together.

"Good...good job...exorcising the house," Dean breathed into Cas's mouth, as he hushed to remove his belt.

They kissed again. Castiel pushed Dean's shirt up over his head, breaking their lips once more as he took it off. The angel ran his hands all over the man's warm chest, feeling the heart inside racing. He leaned forward instantly, to bring their mouths back together.

"You did a...good job yourself,...Dean," Castiel spoke inside their kiss.

Dean wrapped his arms around Castiel and walked with him toward the bed. They landed on the semi-flat surface, bouncing a little. Unable to wait any longer, the angel braced a hand on each of their bodies and disrobed them. Dean made a small noise at the sudden absence of clothing. Castiel paused to take in the splendor of Dean's bare body once again, eyes quickly darting to behold every beautiful inch of exposed skin.

Dean reached up to pull Castiel to him, rolling with him in his arms. Once on top, he raised up to his knees and swiftly bent the angel in half. Castiel whimpered a little as he took hold of his own legs. He watched Dean gather saliva in his mouth, before spitting it in his own hand. The man slicked his throbbing erection and lined himself against Cas's entrance.

A deep moan fell out of Castiel's mouth at the sensation of Dean launching inside him with full force. Cas clung to the bed, leaving his legs to fall against Dean's broad shoulders. Dean began to thrust rapidly into him, pounding hard against his backside.

"D – dammit,...Cas," Dean breathed, his green eyes wide with lust.

Castiel whined again. He loved feeling Dean inside him; sharing his vessel. The angel stared up at Dean's glistening face while he hammered into him. He could see that Dean enjoyed this just as much.

"Dean," Castiel cried, clinching harder around him.

A few whimpers tumbled out of the man's mouth. He reached down to wrap his fingers tightly round Cas's stiff, veined erection. The angel gasped at the feeling, instantly starting to move with Dean's thrusts. Dean promptly stroked Castiel's member, rubbing his thumb over the head each time. Dean's sexual expertise never failed to arouse Cas. He groaned louder, nearly bucking into the man's hand.

"Ahh! Dean!" Castiel moaned, "harder!"

Dean's hips hammered against Cas, his throbbing erection burying deep within him each time. Castiel panted, gripping the bed tighter as he arched his back. He angled Dean's member, allowing him to caress that certain spot inside.

"Dean," the angel shouted.

Castiel fell over the edge with cries of pleasure. His erection pulsed in Dean's hand, releasing the white stuff all over his own abdomen. He lingered in the height of ecstasy, savoring Dean's hard member continuing to thrust into him. Every molecule of Cas's being was doused with erotic satisfaction.

Castiel blinked his hazy eyes open to look at Dean's perfect face, and watch him reach his own sexual climax. The man's mouth hung open and all his muscles began to tighten. His emerald eyes seemed to stare straight down at Castiel when he finally pounded his way to the top of mountainous bliss.

"Cas! Y – Yes! Ahhh," he moaned.

The angel tightened as much as he could around Dean, to give him the highest dose of pleasure possible. Dean's eyes rolled back slightly as his hips became erratic, thrusting the best they could. Castiel knew Dean was pulsing inside him, and it made him ache with arousal.

Dean eventually halted to a stop. He slowly slid out of Castiel, leaving the angel's body to quake in the absence of the large erection. Dean gently fell over to lay beside the angel. They both laid motionless for a moment as their bodies gradually returned to functioning order. Breathing slowed and eyes focused again.

Castiel rolled onto his side to see Dean properly. The man looked back at him, a smile twitching on his open mouth.

"I think we could fill an ocean, with all the come we've gotten out of each other," he mumbled, reaching up to brush away some of the white stuff from Cas's chest.

Castiel pondered on Dean's words, imagining a vast sea full of white stuff.

"That sounds like the perfect habitat for the Kraken," Castiel mused in a serious tone.

Dean chuckled, his laugh shaking the bed. Castiel smiled, enjoying Dean's happiness. He was glad he could give Dean something that Dean always gave to him – a blissful peace. The man settled down, his smile lingering as he looked at the angel again. Castiel stared at him, seeing deep thoughts emerge in his expression.

"Why did you pick me?" he asked quietly.

Castiel blinked, a little confused.

"Pick you?" he repeated.

"Yeah," Dean said, "to get rid of your virginity and all..."

Castiel gulped, thinking back to the day he first asked Dean to fornicate with him. It was difficult to remember a time when their relationship had not yet become physical. He knew Dean had considered him a close friend at the time, but nothing else. It had taken him a while to feel what Castiel was already feeling. Now, Dean was wondering why he had chosen him to be his first – and only – sexual partner.

Castiel gently brought his left hand up to trace Dean's jaw with his fingertips. Their ring shined against the soft light of the dim motel lamps. Castiel looked deeply into Dean's emerald stare.

"We've always shared a strong bond, Dean," he said, "I know you doubt your purpose and you feel that you are unworthy of love, but know this...I have loved you from the moment your creation was set in motion."

Dean visibly gulped, his eyes searching over Castiel as he continued.

"Of course I chose you. I couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else," he said, placing his hand over the scar on Dean's arm.

Dean glanced down at it before returning his eyes. Castiel was glad to see the smile return to his lips.

"This might be the orgasm talking," he began, "but so help me, I'm gonna bang the hell out of you every chance I get, Cas Winchester, until the day I die."

Castiel smiled back at him, glad to hear his full name again. He eased closer to Dean, nestling himself against the man's chest. Dean slung his arm around Cas, holding him close.

"What about after that, Dean?" the angel whispered softly.

The man around him took a deep breath, filling his lungs to exhale slowly.

"I hope everybody upstairs has earplugs," Dean replied, "'cause we're gonna be shattering windows up there, too."

Castiel grinned, pressing himself against Dean. His heartbeat drummed against the angel's ear as they laid tangled together in silence. Castiel was content in the choices he'd made, that brought him here; to the place he'd always wanted to be...

Surrounded by the love of Dean Winchester.

Author's Note:

"Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can...And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you, they're a raging pain in the ass." - Chuck, 5x22 Swan Song

Yes, dear readers. This was the final chapter of Virgin Graces. It's been a long, smutty, fluffy, and kinda funny road for all of us, I'm sure. :) I, honestly, never thought this story would be loved so much by so many people. In the beginning, I was just writing to entertain myself. By the end, I was writing to entertain all of you, too. :) I'm gonna take a page out of Rae Robert's book, and list all the people who blessed me, and this story, with beautiful reviews. In no particular order, I would like to thank:

Rae Roberts, Krista, eboncat, sillypandalover91, 67impala, Angel of Randomosity, chihiro-okami, airam06, Time Princess 16, KelseyCat26, lilpandabr, Crutchly, buriednurbckyrd, Harlequin27, swlfangirl, katie1689, FracturedMirror, The Grimreaper PT, iheartgdragonandgrell123, Vallhalla's Dog, TheSmileyFaceGuy, MadWithMusic, airiesgrl, L-Lover61, tealla, watergoddesskasey, LoryLily, WRATH77, CastiellaWinchester94, DestielFan1989, doglady.1, Evocative Decadence, Rosie The Riveter, Momo42, LadySalvatore92, SailorCrossbowDixson, FlyFeather, SasuNarufan4ever, shinofangirl, LA Suka, River Song, Chrisinele-hime, aramit, Chellyisback, bryncalynn, sakuita, cowsaremyfriends49, smalls907, mynamjo, MsMermaid925, unexpecteddreamz, vampivy92, ThouShaltNotFall, NCISBALTOFAN, PancaekPirate, laura118b, Minty4ever, Rosesred003, The Third Biker Scholar, and every single guest who took the time to drop me a line.

No words can possibly express how much your thoughtful, amazing, funny, and sweet reviews have carried me through these past few months. Hearing some of you refer to me as "Castiel" just about killed me with flattery. :) I love each and every one of you, from the bottom and top of heart, for your loyal support. Hugs and kisses all around.

I'm planning to write plenty more Destiel, and maybe some more Sabriel, in the future, of course. I love my bow-legged hunter and socially-awkward angel too much to stop. :) But for now, I'm taking a very small hiatus, just to regroup. Ending this story caused me true emotional damage. *Sobs* For now, I'm going to re-read the whole thing, and smile upon all of your awesome reviews. Hope to hear from you again, soon! Thank you all so much. :)

- Snailhair101