Elsa POV
I wonder where Jack is. Hm... It's lunch and I'm sitting with my friends. Flynn told me that he told Jack to find us during lunch.
"Hey where's Jack?" Kristoff had now voiced my thoughts.
"I dunno... Do you think we should send someone to find him?" Flynn asked. Rapunzel and Anna shared evil grins.
Before I could decipher what it meant, Rapunzel had shouted,
"We should send Elsie after him!" It was very loud, but it sounded normal since the Cafeteria was louder by comparison.
I sighed. Knowing Anna and Rapunzel most of my life, I knew that I couldn't fight back. Even though I was older.
"Fine. Anybody know where he last was?" I stood up in my seat, waiting for any answers.
"Eh, I thenk he was en the Science Room," Merida offered, putting emphasis on the 'oo' sound in 'room'.
"Thanks Mer'." And I was off to the science room.
On my way there, I ran into Periwinkle and Tinkerbell, the popular girls.
"Periwinkle, how come this wannabe of you touched us?" Tinkerbell sneered.
"Uh, I don't know, Tink, but this wannabe should get lost before I make it's life, horrible," she smirked.
I was angry.
"Listen here, bitches," I snapped. They jumped back in surprise. "I. Am. Not. A wannabe. I've had my hair like this since I was born, idiots. And you can't make my life horrible. You're only popular because you're rich, you morons. Nobody likes you. And Karma will get you back for all that you've done! Now, if you'll excuse me!" I pushed past them, and walked away.
I faintly heard them say, "Ugh! Another one talked back to us!"
I chuckle to myself... What such bitches...
Jack POV
After my little confrontation with Periwinkle and Tink, I walked toward the Science Room to talk with the teacher. As I come nearer, I hear talking.
"Oh is Jack here by any chance?" I identify the voice. It's Elsa's. Why is she asking about me?
"Hey Elsa. You looking for me?" She spins around, causing here blonde braid to hit my face. I sputter and try to spit the hair out.
"Oh! Sorry Jack. Flynn was wondering where you were. You weren't there at the lunch room," Elsa laughs, pulling her hair out of my mouth.
"Yeah. Let me just talk to the teacher and we'll both walk to the cafeteria together." Elsa nods.
When she's out the door, I ask my uncle.
"What page are we supposed to read in the Science book again?"
He chuckles. "Just because I'm your uncle, doesn't mean you can space off in class! Just ask another classmate."
"Aww! Uncle!" I whine.
"No Jack," He says sternly.
Elsa and I were walking to the lunch room, when the two sisters, Periwinkle and Tinkerbell approached me again.
"Jack, whatever plans you have Wednesday, can't you just cancel them and come to our party?" Periwinkle demanded.
"There will be booze!" Tinkerbell offered, as if alcohol would change my mind.
"No thanks. I don't like snooty, rich, popular girls, to be honest. And I have two reasons I don't want to go," I said.
Both of them glared at me but didn't say anything, so I take that as a chance to tell them my reasons.
"One, you two are too bitchy for my taste, and Two, I already have plans," I said it real slow, as if they were dumb animals.
"Well, who do you have plans with?" Tinkerbell asked pathetically. I freeze. I didn't really have plans... Shit.
"Um, I-I have plans with Elsie here!" I said cheerfully, hugging her shoulders.
'C'mon Elsa! Work with me!' I say mentally in my mind. Elsa does.
She holds on to my hand and sticks out her tounge toward the girls.
"Ha! He likes me better than he likes you!" She says in a teasing tone. Who knew Elsa can be sassy?
"Well see you later!" I said, saluting them. When we walk away, I heard Elsa mutter,
"Bitches." I stare at her in shock. Elsa can curse, too?! Wow.
"Sooo... We have plans?" Elsa asks.
I freeze. Dammit. Now I have to explain to her.