Predaking's Mate

WARNING: This story will have a Mech/Mech relationship in it, so don't read.

Megatron was sitting on his throne thinking up ways to destroy Prime's team, when Knockout came briskly walking in with anger and agitation clear on his face.

"Lord Megatron, I have a complaint on Shockwave's beast." Knockout hissed the last word in displease.

Megatron glanced at Shockwave who was a little ways off, talking to Starscream, and then turned back to Knockout. "What complaint do you have doctor? I thought that Starscream was the one who complained, and called Predacon a beast."

Starscream scoffed but otherwise remained silent and walked over to hear what Knockout was going to say better, Shockwave followed to better hear about what his predacon did to cause trouble.

"Do you know what that big flying metal piece of junk has been doing to me? Look! Look at my paintjob!" He gestured up and down his body with, bringing everyone's attention to the predacon colored paint transfers all over him, "He keeps pouncing on me and pinning me down, he stalks me, he's always around, and he rubs up all against my paint!" Knockout's voice went deeper as he spoke, getting angrier, "Something has to be done about him," he turned to Shockwave, "You need to tame your beast."

"Hmm… that's fascinating. It seems as if the Predacon is showing the signs of the beginning of his mating cycle towards you." Shockwave thought out load.

"What! What do you mean, mating cycle?" Knockout was yelling, very close to having a panic attack.

"I mean that since he is the last of his kind; he has chosen you to be the carrier of his sparklings so that Predacons don't become extinct again."

"I am NOT, going to be that things carrier! Forget that, I'm not going to be a carrier!" Knockout yelled angrily and advanced towards Shockwave, leaning forward, invading the bigger bot's space, "You better put a fraggin leash on that damb beast of yours."

Shockwave nodded, in shock from being threatened by a smaller mech that would usually run and hide to save his finish.

Knockout looked up and down Shockwave before he turned around and stomped out of the Command room.

The room was silent for a minute before Starscream decided to speak, "Well… that was…" he trailed off not sure on how to describe what just happened clearly.

Shockwave finally moved and let out a loud sigh before finishing Starscream's sentence with a question, "Odd, strange, eventful?"

"Yeah." Starscream answered lamely.

Megatron shifted on his throne to get the two Con's attention before he began to speak, "Get back to work, and Soundwave…"

Soundwave, who had been 'hiding' by his monitors doing whatever it is that he does on them, turned towards his Lord and gave a small bow of his head. "I want you to go and try to fix our doctor if you can. I don't want my medic to be in an emotional frenzy more than he already is on a daily basis."

Soundwave nodded and headed out the door.

AN: I'm not too proud of how the chapter ended, but it was the only way I could see it ending.

There will be more of this so please review so I can know if people like this or not. Thank you for reading and hopefully reviewing.