What Roy doesn't know won't hurt him. That singular sentence flits around my mind. An age old relic of a once harmless saying. But now everything's changed, and what Roy doesn't know is bound to hurt him. He should have been there! WHY COULDN'T HE HAVE JUST BEEN THERE!

No - now is not the time to get angry. And especially not at Roy; he couldn't have helped even if he was there. Dick was dying, his wings clipped. I watched as the light died in his eyes and it destroyed my soul. No one can take away the pain that created, not even Linda. I couldn't put Roy through that, he's already lost so much.

In the hero business your life expectancy drops about 40 years. You know that when you sign up for the job…but we were so young. We never really understood how much danger we were in. We were trained. We Thought we were ready. We were so wrong. I think the first time I ever really appreciated the fact that all heroes die early was in the simulation when I was 15. I'll never forget my little brother grasping my hand, he knew he was going to die. What's worse? He was completely cool about it.

I suppose the future echoes the past right? And just like the simulation, Dicks death leaves me dead inside.

I walk up to the shabby apartment door and swallow before knocking on it roughly. I shouldn't have kept this from him, it wasn't right…I just couldn't bring myself to break the news. I was a coward. The door suddenly swings open revealing a smiling Roy Harper. I look down, weighed down with the knowledge that im about to rip away his happiness "Wally! Man it's good to see you! Where's short and annoying?" I look up, emerald eyes rimmed red. "That's what I need to talk to you about" He leans to the side, Smile faltering. "He's alright isn't he?" I want to say yes, god I wish I could. "Can I come in?"

I sit on Roy's springless sofa and he sits the other side watching me with caution. "There was a um accident on our last mission" My voice cracks and I have to look away to stop myself from sobbing. I chew on my lip and when I'm finally ready I release it. "he was shot" At this point I can't stop the salty tears from flowing Roy seems to work out what happened next as he stands up rage and deep trauma shown on his features. "When did this happen? Who did it!" I gulp "last week" it was the wrong thing to say, he grabs up throwing my body into the wall. He holds me there, a shaking hand around my neck. "WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" At this I smile sadly "What Roy doesn't know won't hurt him" He drops me onto the course carpet, turning away. "get out and don't speak to me again"

I don't. But I never forget the relationship I had with my Brothers. I never throw away my heart.

A/N: I am So sorry! Please forgive me school was a bitch then I was away most of summer! I know that's not a good enough excuse so I truly am sorry.

Umm This was the last sad chapter, now i'm moving on to the cute suggestions you guys have come up with :D

I was overwhelmed with the response for this fic so I would like to thank you guys for that and you were all really kind so thank you :) Each and every review is seriously valued

Dixie G xx