Frozen Heart

Summary: Shunned by everyone Danny fled, he couldn't dare to bring himself to face his town. That is until his friends stumble upon his new home and tell him of what has happened without him. Now he must look deep inside of his cold heart and find the feelings he once buried and learn to face past his fears and save his town, or watch it crumble and die. My version of the movie Frozen, but DP style!
Chapter 4

Sam stared into the eyes of the ghost, for a moment she felt as of something had entered her body, but the feeling quickly diminished as the creature let out a loud roar, startled out of her trance-like state she felt the tight grip on her loosen, her eyes widened.

If he lets me go...I'm doomed. She thought, she quickly looked around, she had to find some place to land on where she won't get to badly injured. She felt her body shift, the ghost was loosing its grip. No, no, no, no-

"NO!" She screamed as she slipped through its fingers. As she fell with her back facing the ground, she could see the ghost roaring as if in pain, but who could of...? She didn't dwell on the thought too much, she looked down and could see Jazz and Tucker trying to find something to save her.

. . . .

Danny gritted his teeth and kept his eyes shut rightly as he leapt out of the shadows. He opened his eyes and saw the ghost. It had pale icy blue skin and had the shape between a snake and a lizard. The ghost eyes were a dark black onyx color and when the creature opened its mouth, rows of a million jagged sharp teeth could be seen. The creature's skin was a shiny, scaly type.

Danny shuddered at the sight of it. He ran out towards the scene and in mid jump he turned ghost, allowing his body to have an extra boost so he could fly. With his eyes flashing green he aimed and with a mixture between his ghost ray and ice powers he created an explosive snowball.

With a direct hit he threw it at the creature's back causing a loud roar to emanate from the ghost's large jagged teeth mouth. He smiled at the precise aim, but then his eyes flew to Sam who was slipping from the ghost's slimed hands. His eyes widened, but before he could go to her, the ghost back-handed him in the face throwing him into a building.

Danny let out a groan and tried to shake off the pain, he created a large ecto-energy ball and shot it towards the ghost. The ball was soon followed by a couple of ecto-energy waves. He smirked as the ghost was stunned and in that time he saw it let go of Sam.

"Ugh! I'm such an idiot!" He shouted to himself. He had forgotten that the creature had been holding Sam the entire time. He heard her scream and without wasting anytime he dashed over to the scene.

Please don't let me be too late! He thought.
. . . .

Sam shut her eyes tightly, the feeling of falling was starting to wane on her, if Danny were here he would have caught her by now, but she knew he wasn't. She was only halfway to the ground when it happened.

She had squeezed her eyes shut, when suddenly she was flying. Opening her eyes in shock she saw the ground was now a long distance down, glancing up, her heart almost leaped out of her chest.

It was him, the only person she knew that could fly. He had definitely grown. His hair seemed to be longer and whipped to the side as he flew. His green eyes seemed to be a dark green, but they held that familiar warmth they always did. She looked at his expression, it seemed to hold a serious face, but when he looked down at her, his eyes told her that he was genuinely worried and concerned.

"Sam, are you ok?" He asked. Sam nodded, but she couldn't tear her eyes away from him.

"Danny? Is that really you?" She asked. He smiled briefly and nodded.

They had landed on the ground safely and he set her on the ground safely. Sam immediately flung her arms around him.

. . . .

When Danny had caught Sam and stared into her violet orbs, he was breath taken. He hadn't seen Sam in long and seeing her now made his heart beat fast. As he set her down gently on the ground he was taken aback when she had flung her arms around his neck. He smiled as she hugged him and he didn't delay to hug her back. He felt comfortable holding Sam, he felt like he could do anything now.

Pulling back he opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't get a chance to when Sam had suddenly pressed her lips to his.

And I'll end it there.

Sorry guys, I just feel like being mean XD well I hope this chapter was enjoyable, sorry if it was another short one, I'm just a big meanie ;)

Aside from all of that thanks for reviewing and reading this. It means a lot to me.
Please review :D

Thanks for everything y'all! Be sure to share this with your friends! Hehe jk, jk.

Does anyone else think the fighting scene sucked?