Frozen Heart

Hey good people of the earth! The name is Gene, and I am writing my first fanfic ever! In your face Sally Moreno! I have done it!

Haha whoa, who was that crazy chick? Any ways, here is a story that I writing to you. It's a story project, hopefully you guys will enjoy it :D

Summary: Shunned by everyone Danny fled, he couldn't dare to bring himself to face his town. That is until his friends stumble upon his new home and tell him of what has happened without him. Now he must look deep inside of his cold heart and find the feelings he once buried and learn to face past his fears and save his town, or watch it crumble and die. My version of the movie Frozen, but DP style!

Chapter 1:

There comes that point in your life where everything changes. Whether it's because you made a wrong choice and screwed up everything, or you did the right thing.

Right now it seemed as if I made the wrong choice.

I had been fighting Skulker and I had gotten to cocky…

"Wow is that all you got? Seems to me like you need to upgrade!" I yelled shooting at the metallic man. He growled.

"How dare you insult me whelp! I'm more powerful than you'll ever be!" He said firing a beam at me. I simply dodged it.

"Right, that explains why you've never been able to catch me!" I said laughing. But that's where I screwed up. I didn't see that bright yellow blast flying towards me. I yelled in pain as a sharp agonizing current of electricity sparked up throughout my whole entire body. I yelled as I fell down to earth.

But I failed to notice that I had changed as I was falling.

"He's the ghost boy?" I heard someone say. I heard people gasping and talking amongst themselves. I looked down; indeed I was now Fenton…which meant everyone knew my secret! I froze, not knowing what to do.

"Is he even human?" Another person asked. I slowly looked up at everyone. They backed away in fear…the fear I was so desperately hoping would never show. I didn't want them to fear, I tried saying something, but the words wouldn't exit my mouth. I tried to reach out to them, to show them that I was human and that I wasn't going to harm them, but even lifting up my arm seemed risky.

"Look out he's gonna shoot!" One guy said. Everyone yelled and ran.

"Wait! Please I'm not harmless!" I cried out.

They had to see that! They had to know that I was, I practically saved them every day!

"Danny!" I heard two familiar voices call out. I looked in that direction and saw my two best friends.

"Sam! Tucker!" I cried with relief. But before I could run to them I was pulled down.

"We got him! We got the freak!" A man said. I looked around as I sat on my knees, they really thought I was evil. They had put me in a net…a ghost net…which meant. I looked up and saw my parents. They looked torn, I could tell they wanted to help me…but they didn't. I called out to them, my voice choking and my eyes leaking out tears. "Mom!" I cried out hoping she would come, "Please mom! Please dad!" I begged. I could see my mother's shoulders wracking with unheard sobs and my dad gave turned the other cheek. This couldn't be happening…this wasn't supposed to happen!

I stared in bewilderment…my parents…they wouldn't lift a finger to help me…I sunk back down to the ground in defeat.

"Let him go!" I heard Sam's voice cry out. But I was done…I didn't want to fight.

"He won't hurt you!" Tucker said. I smiled on the inside, even though they knew what would happen they still sided with me, they truly were my friends. I heard the people gasp and look at them.

"Are you working with him?" A woman asked.

"I think their doing witchcraft." Someone softly whispered.

"This is all a big mistake." Sam said, "Danny is harmless, he saved your lives. Why are you treating him like this?" She asked. Everyone became silent, except for one person.

"I'll tell you why! Because he is a freak! He doesn't belong here!" I looked to that person. How could I have let this happen? I should have been more careful…I should have! The people began to circle around me. I stared at every one of them. They began moving towards me, I began to fear. I closed my eyes tightly. I didn't want to lose it…if I became fearful…I might harm them.

But I couldn't fight it off. The fear of being rejected made the feeling twice as strong. I felt that familiar cold surface rise up and I opened my eyes. I knew they flashed green because everyone near me looked worried and unsure for a second.

"Stop!" I cried out to them, "Stop!" But no one listened and I felt hands grab me. "STOP!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I knew it was a mistake, but right now all I wanted to do was run away. I unleashed a ghostly wail that blew the citizens away from me.

I fell to the ground weakly, I looked around, everyone was slowly standing up in pain…and it was my fault. I felt the net wasn't on me anymore and I felt relieved…I could run now.

"Monster!" A woman cried out, "He's a monster!"

I stood up and backed away, the citizens began to run.

"Run Danny!" Sam and Tucker yelled. I did so, without another thought I ran. They could take care of themselves, they didn't need me…I was a freak…and I always will be. I bit back sobs as I ran out of the place I once called home.

As I ran I couldn't fight the tears. They all hated me, and it was all because of a stupid mistake! I flew up in the air and growled, I looked back at the town that I cared so much about.

Without another thought I unleashed another strong ghostly wail and I flew off without looking back.

And done! I hope you guys enjoyed that! Please review :D I gladly take reviews and nice thoughts :D

Until next time! Au revoir!
