A/N: This is it! The beginning post of the newest story coming to this site, but for obvious reasons this has to be rated T, but I'll give all of you the best I can do. This story will require you to get a language translator, for it will contain Japanese language, but I'll put in subtitles if you have a hard time translating them. I would like to thank all those have stuck by me to the end since the last story ended and I hope to get more reviews in this story. Updates are daily, so be patient.

Thank you all, enjoy the story. (Okinawa)

The Pacific War was raised by an ambush attack on a Hawaiian military navel port. Thousands of American soldiers were lost, but they did not fall. Given orders by the president himself, the American military began a full attack on the island of Japan, responsible for the attack. Knowing of their arrival, the Japanese military began to arm and defend their land and prepared to die with honor. From July and on, the pacific war continued, claiming the lives of both sides. By December, the Americans had gotten near the heart land of the Imperial Army, while they were doing all they could to fight them off, or die trying.

The day before the Americans claimed victory on heartland, a division of Americans were found slaughtered miles away in an Imperial Army base camp. Only a few had gotten away, with reports of seeing something beyond life that had taken out their division. What they found that the Japanese had discovered, was what lead to the detonation of the Atomic bomb.

This is what really happened. . .

December, 1944

10 miles from Okinawa, Japan

Location titled as: Hell's gateway

The rain poured in towards the side, combined with the strong winds and lightning flashes, there was any chance any wolf would be out here. The blades of grass blew over from the wind and soaked from the continuous rain fall, almost as if it was all nature's shower. All this view of nature had come to a close, as blood splattered onto the tips of the grass blades, with a form falling down onto its back, blood pouring onto the think mud hills; the form had the Imperial army band on its forehead.



The war cry had been interrupted by a gunshot echoing, as another wolf fell to the ground, dead.

"Trevor, burn them out!" shouted an American soldier. That soldier hid behind a rock as another American came behind him, ran ahead and fired his flamethrower directly in front of him. The wall of fire had spread out to the grass field in front of him, and then hearing cries of pain coming out. Many Imperial soldiers stood up from the fire and dropped to the ground from the flesh burning their bodies.

"Don't let up, they won't stop now!" the American wolf from earlier said as he got up with his Thompson assault rifle and ran ahead towards a hill.

"BANZIA!" shouted a Japanese wolf wearing a grass-suit holding a bayonet and running towards the American wolf. The American wolf shot at the Japanese wolf, in the neck, dropping it dead. "Wolves, kill anything that moves! They'll do everything to keep us away!" The American ordered the 30 American wolves behind him.

One of the America wolves threw a grenade up into the air, where it was able to bounce off a rock and explode behind it, throwing two Japanese wolves out into sight with their arms blown off.

"アメリカ豚" (American pigs) shouted a Japanese wolf as he came out from behind a rock and ready to fire his rifle when his head is suddenly blown off into pieces by an American wolf armed with a trench gun. The American wolves continued towards a base camp that's built into the earth.

Another American wolf ran up to a downed tree and armed up his M1 browning machine gun, and began firing towards at a tree line, where blood was seen splattering the trees revealing that there hidden Japanese wolves waiting to attack.

The Japanese wolves were dropping like flies, already 75 were killed by the American wolves and many more were protecting their base camp, but were losing ground in minutes.

"アメリカ人は進めています。 私たちは、このようなトンネルが今必要とする!" (The Americans are advancing! Get those tunnels ready!) Said a Japanese wolf to a group of Japanese wolves who were underground digging tunnels to create an ambush from below.

"急いで行く, 急ぐ 急ぐ; 急がせる" (Hurry up!) Yelled one of the soldiers to a soldier digging the tunnel. He was sweaty, tired, and hungry. He sped up digging as much as he could, that was until he removed a rock that caused the dirt above to suddenly come crashing down.

The Japanese wolf fell back and coughed from the dirt cloud. Three more Japanese wolves came down to see what had happened. "では、は正常ですか? 何が起こったのか?" (Are you okay? What happened?)

The Japanese wolf got up, dusted himself off before looking to the pile of rocks, when he noticed something some faint glowing. He went over to the rocks, moving them out of the way until he came across a rock, but it was no ordinary rock.

This rock was in a shiny black form, with little blue circular blue lights shining from it. The other Japanese wolves looked over to see what he had found. One of the wolves was about to touch it when the small rock moved.

They all reacted but still watched as the rock began to move, then they heard a small cracking noise. One of the wolves reached for his boot knife when he turned his attention to the rock, where it suddenly cracked open, releasing a small amount of a dark blue mist from the inside. Then it all became quiet.

Out of nowhere, a demonic small screech was heard as something jumped out that was too fast to be blocked, where it landed on the Japanese wolf digger's chest and began to dig its way into his body, making him cry in pain and struggle. The two wolves next to him backed away in fear but were stopped when two more small forms jumped out of the rock and dug into their chests.

The fourth wolf only watched as the things began to head into their hearts. Then they all fell to their knees as he heard their flesh began to tear and rip. That's when their paws blew open, their skin was gone, where their paw fingers were beginning to mutate into chrome colored blades that were bent into their finger forms. Their feet paws were mutated to where they grew slightly bigger and tiny spikes came out from the heel.

The tip of their tails were taken off as a long, boney appendage attached with a blade came out and swung around.

Finally, the made the expression of almost puking, but instead of vomit, the skin and fur blew off and spilled out like vomit. They all looked up at the one Japanese wolf, smiling. But they weren't really smiling, their teeth and fangs were all exposed, all larger and sharper, the skin around the mouth was removed in the shape of a smile.

Blood dripped from their mouth, all letting out howling-screeching noises. The one Japanese wolf ran as fast as he could, with the three 'wolves' behind him. He was able to make to the ladder, climb up, and shut the hatchet behind him.

The other Japanese wolves looked at him in confusion. That's when one Japanese wolf came up to him and was about to speak, when out of nowhere they all heard the screeching in the tunnels below them. They all armed their rifles in defense from the noise. One of them went over to the hatch to open it, when out of nowhere, one of the 'wolves' crashed out and landed in front of the Japanese wolf, then everyone heard a slashing noise.

They all saw the Japanese wolf's head quickly fall off the body, and then the upper half of the body fell off as well. All the Imperial soldiers fired their rifles, only making the 'wolf' looks at all of them as the bullets barley penetrated its body.

An American wolf shot an Imperial wolf and was about move when he hears screaming and gun firing coming from inside the dugout base camp. "What the hell is going on in there?" asked another American Wolf as he came by his side and along with the rest of the division.

Then, they all saw movement coming from the entrance of the base camp area. The American wolves readied their weapons at the enemy when the wolf is suddenly impaled through the heart and dragged back into the camp, screaming in fear.

"What the hell?! Did anyone else see that?" One wolf asked. "Something's here, keep your guard up" the division leader said as he cocked his assault rifle. The wolves heard growling coming from inside.

The leader walked slowly to the entrance, and was about to call some soldiers in when he hears rumbling at his feet. He looks to see a spider-hole right in front of him, and in a flash, the 'wolf' jumps out and bringing out a bloody bended blade coming out of its left forearm.


The leader dies from a single slice going from under his right arm across to his left shoulder. "Holy-" one of the American soldiers exclaimed before more of the 'wolves' came out from other spider-holes, all former Japanese soldiers.

"Kill them!" One of the American wolves shouted as he began to fire, along with the rest of the division. But nothing worked; the bullets only took off a tiny piece of their body skin.

"地獄も上昇しています!" said one the mutated, demonic, former Imperial Army wolves.

(Hell has risen!)

27 of the Division soldier were slaughtered. The Imperial 'Wolves' were unable to be killed. The surviving Americans were able to make it to other soldiers and warn them of the incident. To more surprising news, the Imperial 'Wolves' had infected the other Imperial soldiers in Okinawa and had grown in higher rates.

Soon the infection, which has been believed to be a Parasite, had spread to towns nearby.

The Americans were unable to contain the infection after claiming victory in Okinawa, and when news had be received by the President who feared that it would spread to other countries and eventually infect the united states, he had ordered the Atomic bomb.

The Infection rate had dropped, with many of the Imperial soldiers who have not been infected never knew of what really happened in Okinawa, thus ending the pacific war.

The real reason remained classified; including records of Japanese scientist who have may have discovered a surviving sample of the Parasite that started it all. But no one knows for sure, or why.

Until. . . .year 2094

A/N: How was it? Tell me in your best reviews, this is my best work. It might've suck, but it will improve overtime. Thank you. . . and goodnight!