Trouble in Paris#1

Note: this story co-inside with Teito in chaos#1 as will the other chap. Listed as Trouble in Paris.

It's been almost year ago since the city of Paris, was almost destroyed by the Great Oak Tree. (S.T. 3), but due to the exploits of the Pari- Kagegidan, the city that is also know as the flower capital was saved. All damages that the city suffered was rebuilt and all was fine, but lately in a grand theater, namely Chattes Noires.

Just like in Teito's Tei-Geki, Chattes Noires was a theater and also a secret base of operations of the Paris Hangumi. Lately there was a lot of shows being canceled or stop in the middle of the show; it seems the theater's main actresses are having difficulty performing on stage.

Late in the afternoon, Chattes Noires, in the mangers office. The Japanese ambassador enters the office.

Grand Mere "Bonjour; Monsieur Sakomizu, any luck in contacting Tei-Geki?"

Sakomizu "Merci, Madame, but I've no luck in doing so. It seems both the embassy's and Chattes Noires long distance Kinematron aren't working, all that we are getting is static."

Grand Mere "I see .... Any theories on what caused it?"

Sakomizu "Reports shows that the static is being cause by unusual energy build up in the atmosphere. I fear there might be an attack."

Grand Mere " I've got that feeling also, I've contacted the police and civil defense force to be on guard, with the state that the Hanagumi is in, it would reckless to send then out to battle."

Sakomizu " I know, it seems that the Pari-Kagegidan has lost a lot of their spirit, both mentally and ability wise. I fear that something bad happen back in Tokyo."

Grand Mere "Yes, all of them are feeling ill, for more than a week. The most affected visually is Erica, Hanabi, and Coquelicot. But knowing both Lobelia and Glycine, those two are trying to hide it, but try as they might, their sadness it written on to their faces."

Sakomizu " I don't want to be the one to say it , but I think something bad happen to Ogami-kun ."

Grand Mere " As much I hate to admit it, yes. Knowing that, it's more important to contact Tei-Geki." Sakomizu " Yes, knowing and getting the facts. Even if it's dreadfully true . .. By the way I didn't see any of the Hanagumi lately?"

Grand Mere " I believe it better to let them rest and sort out is matter on their own. I gave them an indefinite day-off until further notice."

Sakomizu " I hope so. If the enemy attacks in the state that we're in. It will be disastrous." In his mind "I wish, for once that Ogami-kun is here."

At the now closed flower exposition, in the center of the garden stands, a Tree of Sakura. Behind it, a blinding flash of light appeared, a young man with spiky black hair; wearing a bowtie and a reddish-orange suit, looks around his surroundings.

Ogami " Paris ..." He looks that the Cherry blossom tree. " It's just like I've remembered it .... I've made it just in time to warn them, I better move!" He quickly dash to out of the garden.

At Chattes Noires, the two girls namely Mell and Ci are in the entrance heard a familiar voice calling out to them, both saw a figure which they knew."

Ogami " Mell!! Ci !! Warn Grand Mere!!! There will be an enemy assault on this theater!!"

Mell " Ogami-san! How did you ??!!"

Ci " I thought that you're in Tokyo .."

Ogami " Please both of you!! Warn Grand Mere of the situation!! ASAP!"

Mell & Ci " Oui !Monsieur! " both girls rush to the manager's room. Both Grand Mere and the ambassador was taken surprise and was even more surprised to hear on what the two girls said. Grand Mere phoned the civilian authorities to raise the alarm. She also told Mell to contact the Hanagumi, ASAP.

At the Hanger, The chief of the mechanics named Jean saw Ogami.

Jean "Ogami Taicho !! What in blazes??"

Ogami " Chief Jean!! Is my Koubu F2 ready to go?!"

Jean " It's been waiting for you ever since you left!!" He shouts at the mechanics telling them to double time.

At the same time. All members of the Pari-Kagegidan receives an urgent call form their portable Kinematron and all answered it. At frist they thought it was dreadful news, but in Mell's last sentence. Mell " Everybody!! Ogami Taicho is back!!! He's going to preempt a strike at the enemy!! Alone!!! Please return to the theater ASAP!!"

Erica " Ogami-san!!!" She quickly goes out of her dorm "Your, Vice-Captain will be at your side."

In the Bleumer mansion.

Glycine " Hanabi!! We better hurry!! We can't let Taicho face the enemy alone!"

Hanabi " Yes! Why won't he wait for us? Facing the enemy alone, is dangerous!"

Glycine " That's the way that he is, his pride won't let the enemy harm what he holds dear. Let go!!"

At the circus

Coquelicot " Ichiro!! He came back!!!"

At the bar

Lobelia grins "So the stupid ticket clipper came back, as always an idiot, but he's an idiot that you can always count on."

In the city air raid sirens sounded, all of the civilians where evacuated. Chattes Noires raise its defensive wall on its perimeter. The invading Kaijins where taken by surprise by the change of the situation. Leading the Kaijins is man wearing a black heavy armor.

Jackal "How did they knew our plans? Humph!! Whatever none will stop me in destroying Paris Floral Assault Squad! (A.K.A. Pari-Kagegidan) With their power at their lowest, they won't stand a change against me!!" Then he heard someone spoke. Behind him was a man in brownish hair, wearing a silver knight's armor.

Ritter " That kind of thinking suits you well, many generals that thought the same way as you are either in six feet under or in a unmarked grave."

Jackal "Well, well the almighty "Ritter" is here, what's your damn problem?"

Ritter "None. Just your arrogant attitude of yours, it's irritating me."

Jackal " You dare insult The Great Jackal!! I'll have your head!" Just he was going to draw his weapon, but at an instant a blade was pointing at his face."

Ritter " .... .... Just do as you were ordered to. Destroy their base and retreat. Unlike you I don't see any pride in fighting weaken foes and Non- combatants. You're just a pathetic fool."

Jackal " Tch!!"

Ritter sheathes his Claymore and left the area. Leaving an angry Jackal behind, he leads the assault at Chattes Noires, nearing the defensive proximity of the theater. Two Kaijin units called pawns was going to attack the protective wall of the theater. A white Koubu F2 jets into the area, destroying one of the pawns and pushed back the other one.

Jackal " ?? Spirit armor?!! I thought all of the Pari-Kagegidan are out of their base!! I thought there where only five of them!! Who's that bastard?!!"

The white Koubu made its Ni-Tor-Ryu stance, bluish electricity flowed on its two blades.

Ogami " Pari-Kagegidan member, Ogami, Ichiro!! I will not let you pass!!!"

The Ogami's unit engaged three enemy units, he was luring them in a corner and fought them one by one, never letting them to surround him. Jackal was furious and began charging the white Koubu. Jackal's steam beast's weapon cross swords with Ogami's unit, with his left flank opened, a pawn shoot's it's rifle and hits the Koubu, then another pawn sets up to strike it blade at his right flank, he quickly repels it by using one of his unit's katana. Jackal seizing the opportunity rams the white Koubu, sending it crashing to a building; The Koubu quickly regains its ground, enemy units are staring to surround his position, Ogami's see a steam pipe on the ground and strike's it, causing a blinding fog in the area, because of the thick smoke the pawns mistakenly attacked each other.

Jackal " This blasted smoke!!! Show yourself!!!" suddenly in front of him. Sparks of bluish electricity was slowing building up.

Ogami "Rokkou Mekkyaku! Ou! Shi Rai E Shen!!" Three bluish wolves crisscross, hits the steam beast and followed by a blue lighting bolt.

The steam beast was badly damaged by the attack and ran away, as the smoke slowly clears. Ogami was alarmed to see that he was surrounded by five enemy units.

Jackal "You'll die a slow death! Mortal!! You're finished!!"

Ogami talks to himself "I must hold my ground!! I must buy some more time for them!! I will never let you pass though!!! For the trust that they gave me, I will protect this trust they gave me, without fail!!!"

Jackal "It seems that this fool is having hallucinations, before his demise!!"

Five enemy units begun charging Ogami's unit, suddenly a burst of gun fire hits the three enemy units, were followed by a couple of arrows and missiles, destroying all three units. The other two pawns was destroyed by both Glycine's and Lobelia's Koubu F2.

Lobelia "Still the same idiot that we know, you still haven't change, Taicho!"

Glycine "My apologies for being late, Taicho. Hearing what you said earlier makes you truly whom you are, monsieur."

Coquelicot "Ichiro!! Nice to have you back!!"

Hanabi "Ogami-san, are you hurt?"

Erica "Ogami-san!! Your orders!!"

Ogami "Erica-kun .. ... All right!!! Everyone follow Erica Taicho's orders!"

All of the girls gave a puzzled looked.

Erica "Ogami-san, are you sure it alright?"

Ogami "Erica-kun, I appointed you to be the captain of the Paris Hanagumi, because I have complete trust in your abilities."

Erica "Ogami-san . . Does it mean I can order you around?"

Ogami a big sweat drop (Anime style) "Ye-yeah.. You're the Pari-Kagegidan's Taicho after all . .."

Erica "Okay!!! Ogami-san!! Provide cover to Hanabi-san and Coquelicot-san!! Lobelia-san and Glycine-san!! Cover my flank!!"

All was surprise by Erica's 180 degrees change in attitude.

Ogami "Affirmative!! I will assist both of them without fail!! Erica Taicho!!"

All "Pari-Kagegidan Sanjo!!!!!"

The Paris Hanagumi engage and destroyed all of the Kaijin's pawns leaving Jackal to fend for himself and was about to retreat.

Hanabi "Ogami-san, the steam beast it's escaping!!"

Ogami "Erica, Taicho! I will cut the leader's escape route!!"

Erica "I understand! Glycine-san you know the drill!"

The white Koubu with its katana ready attacks and disrupt the steam beast escape, Erica, Hanabi and Coquelicot opens fire with their range attacks. Lobelia attacks it's back and then the blue Koubu F2 ready it battle axe. Glycine "Parable of the seas that slumber through the ages. Awaken!! Puree Neptune!!!" A tall blue column of energy hit's and destroys Jackal steam beast.

After the battle, everyone outside of their Koubu's.

Ogami "Everyone, you guys did great!! A job well done, Erica Taicho!" gives a thumb's up.

Erica blush a bit "I don't deserve the credit, the credit belongs to everyone."

Lobelia "Yo! Taicho!! I give you credit for doing a good job stalling the enemies, even if you're an idiot, you amaze me. Sometimes."

Glycine "Taicho, thanks for giving us time to reach Chattes Noires, if it weren't for you, the Kaijin could have overran our base."

Ogami "Thanks, I appreciate the compliments that you guys giving me, but I can say if you guys are put in the same situation as me. I am very sure you guys will do the same. By the way, Lobelia, Glycine, Erica-kun is your Taicho, not me

Hanabi "If Ogami-san wishes it, but it quite strange, all of us are used to know you as our captain."

Coquelicot "That right, Ichiro, it going to take sometime for me to get use to it."

Glycine "Taicho, no I meant Monsieur, Ogami; we thought that about less than two weeks ago you're in Tokyo? How did you got here so fast, even the fastest ship that this on route to France, it will take at least a minimum of three weeks."

Ogami "Ogami will do fine, Glycine. That true, but I've took an airship, I'll tell you the rest later when we return to Chattes Noires. Everyone, aren't we forgetting something ?"

Hanabi smiles " Ogami-san, you haven't change a bit !"

Coquelicot " I've missed that doing with you! Ichiro!"

Erica " Hai ! Hai ! Ogami-san you have the honors!"

Ogami " Yosh!! Minna no Ikusu!!"

All "Victory pose!!! Paris Hanagumi Style!!"

Later in Chattes Noires all of the Hanagumi are in the planning room.

Ogami salutes "Lieutenant Ogami, Ichiro reporting for duty!!"

Sakomizu laughs a bit "Ogami-kun, there no need formalities. Rest as ease."

Grand Mere "Monsieur, you're in a circle of close friends, there's no need for that."

Ogami "Yes, I understand."

Grand Mere "Monsieur, aren't you going to take the position of captain of the Hanagumi?"

Ogami "I don't think it right for me, seeing how well Erica-kun perform as Taicho of the Hanagumi, it's for the best that she holds on the position."

Grand Mere "That's Gallant of you, everyone want you to be their Taicho, its okay, but if the situation arise that your skill as the leader of team is needed. I will automatically reinstate you as the captain of the Hanagumi."

Erica "Eh? Does it mean that I'll be the one that will clip tickets, but .."

Ogami laughs a bit "Don't worry about it, Erica-kun!! I'll still be the one to that, speaking of clipping of tickets." Sees Mell "Mell-san, do you still have my ticket clipper uniform?"

Mell "Yes, but why? Ogami-san?"

Ogami "Well because of an unfortunate accident, my luggage and my rest of my belongings, how can I say it .. My belongings are probably taking a cruise on the open seas .."

Glycine " Monsieur, don't tell me that other than your ticket clipper uniform and what your wearing is your only clothes?!!"

Ogami "Yeah, sadly and I'm broke also."

Lobelia " Let me guess you've been pick pocketed ? You're really the idiot that I know of."

Ogami " Nope, most of my funds are in my traveling bag which is now floating in the sea, I've spent the rest of it by finding my way here. Ambassador, is my old apartment still available ?"

Sakomizu " Not quite ... Better ask Erica-kun about it."

Erica " No problem!! Ogami-san!! We can stay together, like a couple living in the same roof." The rest of the Hanagumi glared at her.

Ogami " Yare, yare, looks like that I'm running out of luck today."

Coquelicot " Take it easy, Ichiro."

Hanabi blushes a bit " Ano ... Ogami-san, I think that Glycine can spare a room at the mansion, right? Glycine?"

Glycine a bit taken back and blushes a bit " Ah .. It can be arranged, I will tell Tarebu to ready a room .."

Ogami " Thanks for the offer , it's not proper for me, if Erica-kun is living in my old apartment that means the attic in Chattes Noires is vacant, right?"

Ci " Yes, but it will need some cleaning."

Ogami " Then it's settled!! By the way it's great seeing you guys again!!!"

Grand Mere "Monsieur, I was just wandering, why are you in Paris?"

Ogami " I wanted to do some traveling, the first thing that pops in my mind is Paris, I wanted to see the sight and sounds of the Flower Capital."

Grand Mere " I see , is that all? Any personal reasons?"

Ogami " Hmm ... Yes there is, I have a personal reason that's why I'm here. For because I'm quite fond with her."

All five girls were stunned and shock in what they heard.

Grand Mere "Monsieur, I'm surprised that you're openly said your feelings, who's the one that you're quite fond of?"

Ogami looks at the Hanagumi " It's .... A secret" Laughs a bit. " Ambassador, can we talk somewhere private?"

Sakomizu " Sure, Ogami."

Both of them left the theater and went in the embassy

Sakomizu " First and foremost I'm surprise that you could talk your way out of Grand Mere questioning, in the past you're quite, Err .. How can I say it .."

Ogami " Gullible, is that right word. Well I can say that's another part of "me". I also know that the "Iron wall Sakomizu" is contemplating the story that I've told everyone."

Sakomizu " .. .. Yes , your story is on track, but."

Ogami " I know, like how did I knew the enemy attack, Mr. Ambassador, I promise you in due time you will know, I know it's quite selfish , but please trust me on this."

Sakomizu " .. ... I understand ."

Ogami " I also need a favor. I know it quite unusual .."

Sakomizu " I know, I'll ready your funds and get you a katana."

Ogami " Apologies."

Sakomizu "Nothing to apologies about, this nothing compared what you did to save the city of Paris."

Ogami " It's not only me that saved the city. The credit belong to all of my team, everyone in Chattes Noires, everyone did there part in saving the city."

End of Chapter #1