Helllllllllo fellow readers and welcome to another chapter of Darkened Dawn. This chapter is going to be special, you'll see why at the end. Anyway first things is first! THANK YOU ALL FOR 250 REVIEWS! There is no way I'd still be here without you guys, I love you all! Thank you all! Secondly, you haven't read it already, go check out Cheezel's Into a New World. He has some amazing talent and you all should check it out. Lastly, I want to thank Mario21275 for making this awesome sprite of Gold for me, check it out on my profile picture. TO THE REVIEWS!

BADA55: Don't worry Ensis more awesome Maxed Out action in this chapter too. No one can stop the duo!

AngelCake20: Ooookay then...

Meteor: Yep Dark Sonic and Mephiles. Here it is!

Captain: I fixed the swearing thing. TWIN POWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Sora: Yep, that's most of them, can't remember the rest XD

Christian Wolf99: Stop. With your damn character. I won't need him.


Mario21275: Yeah, I think Dark Sonic should get some more canon appearances too. Dark Sonic was in Sonic X in one scene. I don't dare watch it cause...POOR TAILS! WHY SEGA WHY!

Tail: I FIGURED OUT YOUR SCRAMBLED NAME! Yeah, some phoenix action coming your way. That's a lot of moves...

Well, here we go. I warned you the time would be coming.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except Gold, the Eon, the plot, etc. All OCs belong to their respectful owners.

Gold the Fox presents...

Eon Chronicles

Darkened Dawn

Chapter 25: The Darkness Will Not Rule

Gold and Dark Sonic ran at each other in blinding speeds, colliding together with their heads. A black and blue shockwave emitted from their feet when they collided, trying to push the other back. Dark Sonic threw a kick at Gold's gut, making him back off. Dark Sonic then proceeded to zoom forward headbutt Gold in the gut, sending him skidding back while holding his gut. Gold recovered and started rapidly shooting Eon orbs at Sonic. Sonic started running around in a circle to dodge the projectiles, as Gold sometimes shot behind him while he was running. No matter how fast or how many Eon orbs Gold sent his way. Gold could not make contact with Sonic. Gold got frustrated at the failed attempts and quickly stored some Eon into his body and then releasing it by means of a blue ring the expanded around him. The area of effect attack worked, sending Dark Sonic slightly into the air in surprise. As if in slow motion, Gold ran and jumped at Dark Sonic while he was in the area and sent an Eon covered punch, launching Dark Sonic into the ground creating a small crater where Sonic landed. Dark Sonic teleported out of the crater to behind Gold while he was still in the air and hit him in the back with two fists, sending Gold to the same crater, face down. Gold started to get up from the carter but was disrupted by Dark Sonic slamming his foot on his back, putting him back into the ground.

"Face it Gold, you will never overcome the darkness." Dark Sonic said with a deep voice, adding some extra pressure to Gold's back with his foot.

"There...is no way...IN HELL that I'm letting Sonic beat me." Gold said.

Gold got clever and used one of his tails to throw Sonic off balance by grabbing his leg with his tail and pulling a bit. With Sonic off balance, Gold bucked Sonic off his back and flipped himself over to launch Dark Sonic into the air using his feet. This sent Dark Sonic up out of the crater in midair. Gold shot a Eon laser from in the crater to send him further up and to cause pain to him. Gold finally got up and propelled himself into the air using Eon as a boost to get to Sonic's level. Once there, he prepared to kick Sonic down but Dark Sonic teleported away. Gold rapidly looked around for him and found him in the way of a fist hitting Gold across the face, sending him flying in midair to the side. Dark Sonic teleported to him again and sent him downward toward the ground. Before Gold could hit the ground however, Dark Sonic teleported to him and sent in back skyward with a kick to the jaw. The fight continued like this, Sonic hitting Gold in midair repeatedly while staying in the air. One more kick made Gold fly in the air and Sonic teleported to where Gold would fly to and started to charge up a dark Chaos beam. Gold flew right toward Sonic but he caught himself in midair and put up a small barrier in front of him, the attack hitting the barrier after. The beam lasted a few seconds and you could see Gold's barrier deteriorating from the attack. Before the attack broke through however, the attack died out and the barrier came down. Dark Sonic went to attack with a flying kick to Gold but Gold reacted quickly and grabbed his foot before he could do anything. He threw Sonic toward the ground and Sonic went into ball form to slow himself down so he wouldn't crash. Because of this change of form he was left a bit vulnerable and Gold took full advantage of this. Gold came down from the air and punched Sonic on the top of the head with his Eon covered fist, instantly creating a small crater below Sonic and throwing some dirt and debris in the air. Sonic took the hit and grunted in pain while grabbing his head. He shook his head to look for his fox opponent only to feel two hands grab the sides of his head. Gold got behind Dark Sonic and had grabbed his head. Gold's hands started to glow a bright blue as Dark Sonic started to howl in pain. Gold was inputting regular Eon energy into Dark Sonic who was overcome with Dark Eon since he was in his Dark form. Gold kept pumping the energy into Dark Sonic until Sonic's fur started to go back to its normal cerulean blue tone and his eyes went back to the emerald green. Gold let go after using a rather large amount of Eon energy to do that, breathing a bit harder. Sonic turned around to face the tired fox and got punched in the face by him. Sonic looked back after the hit, clutching his cheek.

"I guess I deserved that." he said.

"You're damn right you did." Gold said.

Their small talk was interrupted by Gold getting hit with some black lightning on the side of him, Gold yelling a bit from the pain. The lightning stopped and Gold glanced to his left to see the Dark Mane Six there, the dark Twilight's horn glowing a black, indicating she was the one to fire the lightning.

"Congrats, you beat Dark Sonic. Doesn't surprise me, Sonic was always weak anyways." Mephiles said, hovering above the dark clones.

"You are going to eat those words when we punch you right in your no mouth of a face." Sonic said confidently toward the dark hedgehog.

"It will be you eating those words hedgehog. Now prepare to die by the Elements of Darkness." Mephiles said, putting up his pointing finger to point at the group present.

The Elements of Darkness as they were called started to rush toward everyone, the unicorns charging their horns, the pegasi flying at incredible speeds toward them and the earth ponies running at quite a rate toward them. But they were all stopped by a large amount of purple lightning, stopping them in their tracks as they felt the pain of a thousand volts of magic electricity run though them. Gold looked to the side to the actual Mane Six ready to attack, with Twilight leading the group with her horn flaring with energy. Snow and Bright came flying from behind them, their feathers set ablaze with fire and confidence.

"Hope you don't mind us bringing some friends!" Bright called out the the evil group that had formed at the battle.

"How did you restore them!?" Mephiles yelled in a booming voice.

"Gold isn't the only one that can heal beings!" Snow yelled.

"Damn you, you filthy seagulls!" Mephiles cursed at the two phoenixes.

"SEAGULLS!? You hear what he just called us, Snow?!"

"Yeah, I did, and I don't like it."

"Wanna kick his butt?"


The phoenixes flew toward the dark hedgehog while the Mane Six below charged at the Elements of Darkness.

Snow and Bright flapped their wings hard to get to Mephiles. Bright opened up the assault with magic move called Burning Sun, burning Mephiles a bit while also severely blinding him. While he was blinded, Snow unleashed a Hail Storm, sending sharp shards of ice downward at an angle toward Mephiles, some slicing him while some became embedded into him. Mephiles shook his head and got rid of his blindness only to be blinded again, but this time a little differently. All he could see was white, a blizzard had engulfed him in a white-out, the howling winds blowing snow all around him. He looked around slowly and heard a bird noise from behind him and turned toward it, sending a purple crystal toward the source. He didn't hear any kind of response that told him his attack made contact and still looked around for the birds. Suddenly a loud whoosh came from behind him. Bright was flying fast toward him, encased in an orange aura. He didn't have time to react and got hit from the attack, sending him above the blizzard, also burned a bit from the attack. When he was above the blizzard he saw Snow above him charging some energy. She released it in a form that many Pokemon players would describe as an Ice Beam, hitting him in the chest sending him back to the swirling blizzard below. When he hit the ground hard, the blizzard blew away in a snowy fashion. He looked up from the ground to see Bright charging a large sphere of an orange energy above her beak. It almost looked like Bright was making a small version of the Sun. Mephiles put his hand out to try and stop her charging but had his hands frozen to the ground by Snow shooting him with some magic. He struggled against the magic ice to no avail and saw Bright let go of the Sun-like orb, sending it down toward the ground at Mephiles. It made contact with Mephiles body, burning him badly and creating a large crater when it exploded. The two phoenixes looked down in delight of their job well done but quickly stopped when they saw all of Mephiles's wounds close up and heal. He stood up in the middle of the crater and looked at them with a smirk, if you could call it that with no mouth.

"My turn."

With the Mane Six fighting the Elements of Darkness, things were heating up too. Pinkie was hopping around while laughing and singing some random song while her hopping made it possible for her to dodge Pinkamena's rapid knife throwing. She was laughing and hopping in glee until one of the knives caught her right above her hoof, making a small cut with a tiny amount of blood coming out. Pinkie stopped hopping to look at her wound and Pinkamena stopped throwing knives to look as well. Pinkie looked up from the wound to look at Pinkamena. Something was different though about Pinkie, her normal light blue eyes looked more like a gray-blue color.

"Now that wasn't nice..." she said with no joy whatsoever.

"It wasn't supposed to be nice, silly! That's the point!" Pinkamena with a crazy, maniacal, and high-pitched laugh that could scare even the most manliest of men.

"Oh, so you think you are a big meanie Pinkamena?" Pinkie asked.

"Of course I am! I am Pinkamena!" Pinkamena said.

"No...THIS, is Pinkamena."

In an instant, Pinkie's mane turned straight and gray, almost like her dulled eyes. After they stared at each other from the sudden transformation, Pinkie got a giant grin on her face. She stood on her hind hooves and started charging an energy ball in front of her and let it go to turn it into giant beam of energy. It rocketed toward Pinkamena and hit her straight on while she had a face of absolute shock. The dark Pinkamena started screaming in a high pitched scream as she was just turning into a blob of black in Pinkie's attack. Once Pinkamena was fully gone, the attack receded. Pinkie smiled a bit more and went over to the Element necklace the clone had left behind and put it on. When she put it on her mane poofed back out again in all its pinkness and her eyes got their color back, as well as the Element turning back to normal. She randomly took out a band-aid from no where and held it in her mouth before moving toward her hooves with her head. She spit out the band-aid and it landed on the small scratch she had. The band-aid had random pictures of rainbows and colorful colors as Pinkie looked back up with absolute glee.

"All better!"

With Fluttershy, she was backing away slowly from Flutterage as the she started taking slow step toward Fluttershy. With every step, Fluttershy got more and more scared. But the thing that happened next scared her the most. A small beetle walked between them, Flutterage not seeing it and still stomping toward Fluttershy.

"Um...could you please look out...that beetle, I'd rather me get hurt than it." Fluttershy somewhat whispered but still demanded.

Flutterage ignored her and took another step. Squish. She landed right on the beetle. Fluttershy gave out a scared gasp and covered her mouth with her hoof in shock. Flutterage lifted the hoof she squashed it with and shook off the 'bug guts' that were stuck there.

"Ooops. Too bad, stupid insect." Flutterage said.

There is only a few times in this universe where Fluttershy gets mad. One, you hurt her friends. Two, you talk about her friends in an awful way. Or the worst yet, three, you hurt an innocent animal. And that's what just happened. Fluttershy got a look of absolute confidence and anger and flew straight at Flutterage and landed a hoof at her snout, making Flutterage skid backward. She followed up with another hoof that sent her back more. A third. A fourth. The fifth time Fluttershy sent her hoof a bit upwards in an uppercut. The uppercut made Flutterage's Element fall off of her and onto Fluttershy's neck, getting back its color. In quick thinking, Fluttershy emitted out yellow projectiles from the Element around her neck, each one hitting the Flutterage, making it turn slowly into dark ash. The last of the projectiles missed because by then Flutterage was gone.

With Applejack and Appliejack, they stood across from each other while traditional western music played in the background, courtesy of Unknown holding a random radio not too far away. They both stared at each other with hard glances before Appliejack scratched the ground with her front hoof, creating some dust. They kept their gaze for a while, until...

"Draw." Applejack said.

They both sprinted toward each other, both with a look of determination on their faces. When they got close, they both spun themselves around, their hind legs facing each other. They simultaneously bucked their back legs and hit each others hooves perfectly. For a minute, nothing happened, their hooves just stayed like that. A tumbleweed rolled across the ground as they were waiting. Then a crack could be heard. Appliejack's back hooves were cracked like a stone or boulder would be. Appliejack looked back in horror as the rest of her body started to crack like the hooves and she fell in pieces. Applejack meanwhile wiped her hooves on the ground in slight cockiness while her Element attached to her neck and went to normal.

BOOM! BOOM! Two loud booms could be heard on the battlefield. Yeah, you guessed it it was both Rainbow Dash and Dimmed Rainbow. Dash had her traditional rainbow streak behind her, rocketing toward her opponent after doing the Sonic Rainboom. Dimmed Rainbow was also heading toward her opponent, a dray-scale rainbow streak following her. They keep going and going toward toward each other until they collided. When Rainbow collided with Dimmed Rainbow with their hooves hitting each other at high speed, Dimned Rainbow broke apart like a pane of glass would, the Element necklace also falling off and attaching to Rainbow.

Rarity and Broken Gem (A\N finally made a name for her) and their fight was pretty straight forward. This is basically how it went.

"Hey, you want a diamond?" Rarity asked her opponent.

"A DIAMOND!" Broken Gem exclaimed.

"Yes, I would generously give you one." Rarity said and threw a clear diamond she brought with her between them.

Broken Gem instantly went for the bait, jumping forward to grab the diamond and roll it in her hooves, eyes going big at the sight of it. While she was basking in the jewel's glory, Rarity was charging an attack with her horn, something she rarely did. Once it was at as much as she could manage, she fired at the unsuspecting Broken Gem. The attack hit her straight on, Broken Gem turned into cloud of white ashes and blew away. Rarity walked over to where she used to stand and picked up her diamond and her Element necklace.

She whispered to her diamond, "I would never give you away, my precious baby."

Lastly, it was Twilight and Darkened Dawn's battle. They immediately started by firing their magical lightning spells at each other. The spells hit each other dead on and started to fight against each other. Darkened Dawn powered on more power onto the spell, making the golden aura that formed from the collision of the spells go toward Twilight. Twilight struggled to fight it back but was able to add more power to her spell, putting the golden aura back in the middle. They went back and forth putting more and more power into the attacks, the golden aura changing location with every power boost.

"Face it Twilight Sparkle, you can't outmatch me! I am your dark twin! You cannot beat yourself!" Darkened Dawn spat at Twilight.

"I can outmatch you!" she said confidently.

"What makes you so sure!"

"Because...I have friendship and you don't!"

Twilight put every once of magical power she had into the attack. The golden aura zoomed toward Darkened Dawn and hit her. Small holes of light protruded out of Darkened Dawn with her mouth agape as they did. Finally, the dark clone exploded in a dark purple light and the Element tiara floated toward Twilight and landed on her head.

"You know, that last line was pretty cheezy." someone said behind her.

"It's not cheezy! It's the truth!" Twilight argued a bit from the smirking fox that said the comment.

"I guess, good work though." Gold said.

"Yes, good show, Potter." Unknown said.

"What in the hay does-" Twilight was about to ask.

"It's reference, don't ask." Unknown stopped her from asking.

"Oh good for you. You defeated my Elements of Darkness." Mephiles said, not a care in the world.

"And you're next!" Gold said, putting the attention back at Mephiles.

"No. No I'm not. I'm going to stay alive for a long time and I'm going to keep coming to find you all, especially you Gold, and I'm going to make your life a living hell. Now, ta ta." Mephiles threatened and snapped his fingers to teleport away.

But he didn't teleport away. He snapped again. Nope. He snapped again, but no cigar.

"What the hell did you do?!" he yelled at the group in front of him.

"Actually, we did that." Snow said in the sky.

Across from her was Bright, both of them using their magic to create a large dome around the group including Mephiles.

"Yep, this magical barrier means no leaving, by teleporting or by other means. In other words, you are stuck in a dome with a bunch of people and ponies who hate you a lot. And I mean, A LOT!" Bright yelled down to Mephiles.

"Damn you birds, I'll turn you to fried chicken when I'm done with you!" Mephiles yelled up at them, which Bright responded with a tongue sticking out.

"Well look at this everyone, we get to finally fight this coward." Glimpse said.

"And look at this, I get to kill you all early than expected." Mephiles said, tilting his head a bit.

"No, not when we have this." Gold said, and behind him Sonic pulled out all the Chaos Emeralds.

"The Chaos Emeralds will only empower one of you, I can still kill you then." Mephiles said, not caring.

"Sonic, toss them in the air." Gold instructed.

Sonic threw the Emeralds in the air. They levitated there, in a circle. Gold reached behind himself and pulled the Eon Shard he had and tossed it as well. It went toward the middle of the circle that the Chaos Emeralds formed and started spinning in place rapidly. The Emeralds also started to spin rapidly in a circle. The Eon Shard let loose seven blue lasers, each one hitting a Chaos Emerald. The Emeralds glowed their respective colors before shooting a laser of the corresponding color into the air. The lasers came back down in a arc, hitting the ground around out group of heroes. Once all the colors hit the ground, the circle they made was filled with a bright white light. Once the white light hit the heroes feet, a huge surge of energy went through them all, engulfing them in the same white light. The light dimmed a bit to reveal what had happened. Glimpse was in his Super form (same as the one he can instantly turn into, but with no time limit or stress limit or aftereffects), Blade was in his Super form, Aura was in his Guardian form (like Glimpse with no time limit or repercussions afterward), Ensis was in her Maxed form (no time limit), Xavier and Nia were both in their Kyuubi forms, Unknown was in his Empowerment form, Sonic was in Super form and Gold...was still in a white light.

"HOW?" Mephiles said, looking at them all.

"The Eon Shard has distributed its power to the Emeralds, and the Emeralds to us. We don't interact with Eon so it made us go to our basic Super forms." Glimpse explained, he didn't really know, but it was a good guess.

"I still will kill you all!"

Xavier and Nia shot out of the group and rocketed toward Mephiles. Xavier led the way with kick to Mephiles. Mephiles flew through the air due to the force of the kick, but Nia kicked him back toward Xavier. They took turns hitting him like a tennis ball, shockwaves forming with every attack. This was until Nia froze down time while Mephiles was in the middle of them. Unknown, who was able to move freely through the slowed time and stood a couple yards away from the slowed Mephiles. He started an attack with an ball of energy that looked like the night and the stars itself, a celestial kind of beam.


The attack launched while time unslowed. The beam of time and space hit Mephiles sending him back away from the family of three toward the next fighters. Ensis was there waiting for him. She quickly shot out daggers at him at the speed of light each one embedding itself in his body. Mephiles largely ignored the knives and tried to get a hit, but Ensis moved fast like a ninja and got behind him and punched him with the force to easily crushed a solid steel door. Mephiles was stopped from moving when Blade caught him and looked at him straight in the face.

"Say hello to the sun for me." Blade said.

Blade tossed up Mephiles a little off the ground and did a flying uppercut to his chin, sending sky high. Blade looked toward Aura and Glimpse in their super forms and they both flew toward the flying Mephiles. Glimpse did a Chaos Bind to Mephiles, stopping him midair. Glimpse rapidly shot multiple Chaos Lances through the frozen Mephiles and when he unfroze, Glimpse snapped his fingers and made all of the Lances explode with Chaos. Aura appeared above the falling Mephiles and prepared Aura Blast Cannon. It was ready to fire and he did just that.


The beam hit Mephiles sending him toward the ground faster than before. When he reached the ground, Blade was ready and sent a forceful punch across Mephiles jaw, sending him spinning to the side. Super Sonic was there and grabbed Mephiles by his arm and started to spin rapidly, becoming a golden and purple blur. Sonic let go of Mephiles, sending him flying even faster. Mephiles flew by the Mane Six and got hit with the Rainbow Attack thing they do with the Elements. Mephiles skidded across the ground with massive momentum but was stopped by a solid object. He looked up and saw the bright white light that Gold was still encased in. But at that moment, the light broke off of Gold, revealing him. Gold had wings like he did in the Elements form, but these angel wings were a blue like his eyes. Gold also had a blue halo above his head, which looked almost transparent due to the Eon. The most notable thing however, was Gold had five extra tails. They looked like the energy tails that Kyuubi would have, the now eight tails representing the symbol of Eon. He still had the same deep blue eyes he always had. This was the Eon Angel form. He looked down at Mephiles with some sort of pity.

"Who are you?" Mephiles asked on the ground.

"I am your living hell." Gold said in an almost god-like voice.

Gold kicked him right in the face, sending him skidding across the ground. Gold took a big leap forward and brought his foot down. A small trail of dirt popped out of the ground and started snaking toward Mephiles still on the ground. The closer the trail got to Mephiles the more small blue crystals popped out of the ground. The trail ended abruptly at Mephiles for a few seconds before a giant blue crystal structure jutted out of the ground, hitting Mephiles in his back and sending him up in the air. Gold followed up with a multitude of smaller Eon crystals from his hand, some slicing into Mephiles and a few embedded into him, causing massive pain to the hedgehog of the dark. Mephiles recovered from the attack and spun around with a dark aura following his finger tips and he disappeared in a dark aura. Gold remained absolutely still in focus. He then put his arm facing behind him and shot a single Eon crystal out of his hand, hitting Mephiles right where he teleported. Gold then spun around and grabbed Mephiles by the throat and threw him in the air. Gold flew up with a bat of his blue wings to Mephiles's altitude. Gold snapped his fingers do do an Eon version of the Chaos Control time freeze. Gold teleported around Mephiles at different angles, leaving large Eon orbs behind as he did. He flew back to his original position and snapped his fingers again. Time unfroze and the Eon orbs flew at the airborne Mephiles, leaving a dust cloud behind. Mephiles fell out of the sky, smoking and badly injured. Gold gently flew down to his level and looked at him. Unknown to him, Mephiles silently snapped his own fingers.

"So, Mephiles, what was that about killing us?" Gold asked, rather cockily.

Gold, he is going to kill you.

Gold looked around for the source of the voice but saw no one but Mephiles on the ground.

"Who said that?" Gold asked, looking around.

It's your father, the voice that he discovered was in his head said.

"Dad?" Gold said, out loud to the voice in his head.

Yes. Now like I said, Mephiles is going to kill you.

"Ah, Dad, sarcastic like me."

I'm not being sarcastic. You are worthless and weak, and Mephiles will kill you.

"Alright Dad, cut the jokes, hehe."

This is no joke Gold. You are worthless and weak, period. You couldn't save me and you couldn't save Tails.


And look, you can't even save yourself.

Gold had lost his focus on Mephiles while talking to his father's voice inside of him. Mephiles was up now and aimed a Dark Eon sphere at Gold and launched it. Gold with little time to react took the brunt of the attack, sliding back while the attack pushed him until it exploded. It actually hurt a lot considering Gold was absolutely filled with Eon because of his form.

See. You can't save anyone no matter how much you try. You are going to die, all your friends are going to die, and Twilight will too.

"No they-"

Gold again lost focus and got a Dark Eon punch to the face. He slid backward until he tripped and start to roll, eventually stopping on his face. Gold started to get up but felt a Dark Eon orb on the back of his head and stopped while he was on his knees. The attacks had taken him out of Eon Angel form because of the Dark Eon in them.

"Now, this is what is supposed to happen." Mephiles said.

Yes, this is your fate Gold. To die knowing you couldn't save anyone.

"Now die."

Now die.

The voice and Mephiles said that last line at the same time and Mephiles started to ready the Dark Eon orb to enter Gold's head to end him. Gold just stayed there on his knees, no where to run or head, darkness hanging over him like it had been his whole life. But then a different voice rung out.

Gold. This is your true father. I know everything in your life has sometimes been darkened. Me dying, Tails dying, and your friends and love almost dying. Don't let the darkness take them too. And do me a favor son, and kick Mephiles's ass.

Gold's face changed from sad to determined from hearing that and turned around smacked Mephiles's arm away, the attack completely missing him. Gold secretly still had the Eon Shard and pulled it out of his tails and swiftly stabbed Mephiles right in the stomach with it. Mephiles's face went to an expression of horror as he looked down at the Eon Shard that had been stabbed into him. Gold put his palm onto the Eon Shard and started to focus. The Shard glowed brightly as Eon energy flowed through it, the Dark Eon that was embedded into Mephiles's body and soul being sucked out and turned into positive Eon energy. When the conversion was complete, the crystals that were in Mephiles's spines were completely gray, they had lost their normal dark purple. Mephiles now collapsed on his knees and looked up to see Gold back in the Eon Angel form.

"The darkness will rule my life no longer."

Blue Eon energy started to swirl in Gold's hand as he placed his palm on the forehead of Mephiles. Mephiles had no Dark Eon left in him to fight back with. For once, he couldn't do anything. Gold unleashed all the Eon into one beam at point blank, the Perfect Eon Blast. The Blast fully engulfed Mephiles as he screamed in agony from all the Eon. Mephiles's figure in the large beam turned into just a black shadow, the demon and darkness inside of him burning away. Once all the darkness was gone, the beam started to recede into Gold's hand and back into him. Small Eon orbs flew out of Gold as the excess Eon energy left him, turning Gold back to normal state. Gold was left there, on his knees, looking at a small pile of tiny purple crystal shards where Mephiles once stood. Behind him, he heard an eruption of cheers and shouts and high fives. The ponies were all celebrating, Unknown had Xavier put in headlock and giving him a noogie, Snow and Bright were having a wing high-five, Blade and Ensis were hugging like the couple they were, and Glimpse and Aura fist bumped in celebration. Gold glanced back at their celebration but had his attention drawn back to the purple shards left in front of him.

You know what you can do Gold. We are both waiting here if you want to do it. It is solely your choice.

Gold looked back at his group of friends. He saw a particular hedgehog not celebrating with anyone really, Sonic. He was just staring at the sky, wondering and thinking. Gold looked back at the shards with an idea set in his head.

Wise choice son. Even though you have the option of having your own father back, you care more about what your friends want. I certainly taught you well. Gold's father's voice paused for a moment. He is ready, Gold.

Gold looked intensely at the group of crystals before he heard the sound of hooves approaching him. Gold held out his hand behind him as a sign to stop. Twilight who was going to hug him and do what people in love do she backed off. Gold dug his hands into the pile of crystals and started to focus and pushed Eon out of his hands. The small crystals started to glow under the blue light. Suddenly, one of the small crystals shot out a white light that lasted into the sky. This caught Sonic's attention as he glanced over to what Gold was doing. Other crystals followed with the same white light until the whole pile was glowing. Gold was just looking with focus on them, his eyes glowing the same white as they did. The glow of the crystals grew harsher and harsher until they strobed out in a white flash, blinding everyone who was looking. After the light dimmed down and they rubbed their eyes, they could see a standing figure. It kinda looked like Gold, but Gold was still on the ground on his knees looking up at the glowing figure. The figure looked very similar to Gold's figure, but not exactly. There was one major difference. One. Less. Tail. Sonic had already rushed ahead and hugged the figure that was there, knowing exactly what happened and who was back.

"Uh, Sonic...kinda just came back to life, already squeezing the air out of my lungs." the figure said, and Sonic backed off with one of those anime sweat drop things.

"Sorry buddy, just...so happy you are back." Sonic said to his now revived friend.

It was Tails, fully healed and fully brought back to life.

"You should be happy this guy is alive." Tails said, pointing at the kneeling Gold, who looked like he staring into space.

Sonic turned around to face the light blue fox that had just brought Tails back.

"Look, I know we had our differences and fights, but this...just thank you..."Sonic said, getting a bit teary.

Gold just gave a slight smirk and then fell onto his face, the blank stare returning to face when he fell.

"GOLD!" Twilight yelled out and went to go check on Gold by laying down next to him.

Tails went over to the other side of Gold's body and started looking at his status.

"So Gold just brought Tails back to life using the shards that came from Mephiles since Mephiles is the one who killed Tails in the first place?" Glimpse said.

"Precisely." Tails answered.

"And when he does this he has one of two consequences, he either is put in a Eon coma for a week, or he loses his life?" Pinkie said.

"Not gonna question how you know that, but yes." Tails said.

"Wait, you mean to tell me...Gold could be...dead?" Twilight said, choking up a bit on the last word.

"Well..." Tails said unknowingly while looking over Gold.

Tails pulled Gold's arm out from under him and held his wrist to check for a pulse.

"I can...I think I can..."

"Can you feel something or not!" Twilight basically screamed, wanting to know if he was dead.

Tails looked up, both with a face of relief and worried.

"It's faint, very faint. Seven days he will be like this. Seven days."

SURPRISE! I told you people it would be very soon, and it is done! I was going to split it into two parts but I've been super slow with you guys so I decided to sit down and write this 6000+ word chapter finale for you guys. I have a whole lot of people to thank such as...G..and...A...a...Pink...why is...this not...working again...

The environment was very airy in the Eather. It was also very quiet, like it usually is. But today was special, indicated by three female voices talking in the Eather's most private and holy area, the place where Ionia resided.

"It is great to have meet you here again, Miss Ionia." a regal and understanding voice said.

"It is my pleasure Princess Celestia, having you visit is always a treat. I also want to welcome your sister up her too, it is great to have you here." Ionia said, revealing the identity of the two other voices.

"I am happy to be here alongside my sister." Luna said to Ionia.

Ionia got a plate from a small table to her right and offered it to the two princesses, "Would you like a sugar cookie?"

"No thank you, we ate before coming up here." Celestia denied.

"More for me." Ionia said with a shrug before taking three of the sugar cookies and stuffing them into her mouth. "Sommf...letmff dismffcus..." she started to say before stopping.

She started to chuckle a bit while actually eating her food first, gaining also small chuckles from the princesses.

"Well that was quite something." Luna said a bit before a small chuckle came from her.

"Just try to lighten the mood a bit. This is my land my dear friends, let loose a little, you know?" Ionia advised.

Celestia thought for a moment before asking, "Why Ionia, with you the goddess of special energy, and how are you this relaxed?"

Ionia took another cookie and ate it before answering, "Well, I've taken care of Gold for most of his life and he loosened me up a bit, getting rid of that awful royalty stereotype. Plus when you hang with Gold a lot, you WILL loosen up." she answered laughing a bit afterward.

"The fox sure is something." Luna said.

"Speaking of Gold, I have heard he had to make an important decision after his victory. Luckily, he picked a good choice." Celestia said.

"Either choice was good, it was just on what Gold wanted. He's a good kid to pick Tails over his father. Speaking of decisions, when did you decide to bring your pegasi here? For an air show perhaps?" Ionia said, pointing behind Celestia.

Celestia looked back to see the whole pegasi population of Equestria coming toward them in the sky, excluding Rainbow.

"Dear sister, I do not feel good about this." Luna warned, also looking on.

"Me either. This isn't right."

The pegasi had gotten closer to them but something happened. They started to turn into black pony looking things, with their wings having holes in them.

"Changelings." Celestia said, firing some magic at one.


Celestia turned her head to see Luna getting circled around by a dark mist looking aura. With their attention on Luna, a bigger looking changling landed on the cloud, creating a large green shockwave that knocked Celestia and Ionia off the cloud and hurling down to Equestria. The shockwave must have done something to Celestia's wings, as she couldn't control them. Ionia had turned into her Mobian form when she fell out of the cloud and couldn't really do much in the air. Celestia, being bigger, was falling faster and went under Ionia to soften the fall when the both hit the Equestrian dirt, still knocking them out despite the cushioning by Celestia. Back up on the cloud the mist surrounding Luna had stopped and turned into a familiar evil character, King Sombra. The larger changling was their queen who knocked off the two to the ground, was Queen Chrysalis. After the mist cleared, the queen spoke.

"And the trio is completed."

And then another voice rang out between the two.

"May the night rule the day, and the darkness rule the light."