A/N: Hello everyone, enjoy this stupidly written drabble(?) of mine, as I bang my head to the nearest wall because of my untalented writing.

Pairing: Yuna/Koga

Plot: Koga and Yuna briefly talk about everyone seperating. Koga reflects on his feelings toward the Aquila Saint.

*Rose Quartz*

He had felt that emotion shutting stomach crushing sensation of fear of losing so much that he had started to think he had chicken DNA in his genes.

Losing what though?

A lot of things. He had lost a lot of things. But the only important one that he definitely couldn't afford to lose among them was now her.


She, who he could trust with the issues of his confusing cosmo. She, who was silently watching over him and protecting him all the time. She, who was there for him when he felt like falling into pieces to the point he was drowning in the waters of his soul.

What a sissy he was. After losing Aria, he had became this…'fuck-off-and-leave-me-alone' kind of guy who didn't care for anything until he was slapped by her and came into his senses after a lot of sulking. Was Aria his first love? Or did he think of her as like the sister he never had? He didn't know. All he knew was how the pain was wrecking his entire existence. They were soul twins, he did know that much though. Still, that didn't give him the right to push his precious comrades away.

She still didn't leave him.

She, who was willing to give her life for him. She who trusted in him much more than he trusted in himself.

He didn't know when she had managed to get under his skin that much. It was her touch that saved him from the iron dungeons of darkness, it was her voice and words that opened the doors of abyss for him to escape.

He was saved. With that, he had lost the count of the times he was saved by her. It was everywhere on her skin when he finally opened his eyes to the grim reality. It was so wrong seeing her like this: body covered in dust and the dark wounds, so damaged and weak that she couldn't even move, looking at him with eyes swirling with so many emotions he couldn't define…Happiness, sadness, kindness, relief…He felt the guilt and fear stabbing his heart with twin swords, his pulse pounding on his ears.

He wanted to hold her. So tight that maybe a part of him would drift into her and heal her wounds and maybe make her into a whole again. In a twisted way, he had forgotten that they were in a situation of life and death, and cared about her safety only.

Damsel in distress much, Koga? He had asked himself.

He found himself frequently thinking of her after the whole war with Mars, Abzu and all. His mind constantly repeated the times he spent with her, never failing to put it in HD. The motherly smile that blossomed on her face when she looked at them, the way she sometimes stayed behind and watched the entire group bickering like a proud parent watching their child from afar. Small things about her suddenly became precious to him.

"Something on your mind?"

Well there she comes, always popping out of nowhere when he hastily daydreamed about her. She could read stars, he wouldn't be surprised if she actually could read minds.

He was %100 sure that he would run away from the country if she knew he had started to think of her in a weird way.

"Eh, nothing. Just stuff." He couldn't look into her eyes which were a fair tone of amethyst.

A smile tugged on her lips. "Just stuff? Well it looked rather important to me since you look like you're trying to solve the secret of universe."

You're telling me.

"Its just…We're all going to our own paths you know. Ryuuho and Haruto are already on their way, God knows where Eden is, and you're—" He stopped, trying not to look he was sad about it. "You're going too." He finally glanced at her, to only find she stood there with an understanding glint in her eyes.

"We'll see each other again Koga, we've endured so many things together. Don't you think we will forget about each other easily like that."

When she said it like that, everything seemed possible to him. "You're right…" He mumbled after shrugging.

"Now tell me what's really going on."

He didn't want to tell her that. He would keep this…feelings inside him to the grave if he could. They were so strong that it really frightened him and he had no doubt they would creep her out too.


"Okay." Yuna sighed. "I want you to have this."


She was holding a stone in her hand…A pink stone?

He couldn't read her expression, there was something in her smile that radiated sadness. "Alright…Thanks!"

"May you remember me when you look at it."

How can I even forget you when you don't leave my head for even a second?

"There might be a chance of me losing it. A high chance."


He grinned. "I'm just kidding, I'll treasure it forever."

Then she hugged him. There was a second he had this OMG SHE'S HUGGING ME OOOOOOOOOOOOOH moment but he didn't hesitate hugging her back either. In fact, he hugged her a little too tight while the emotions were rocking his heart. He wanted to run his hands through her smooth looking hair but he restrained himself, what was he, a pervert?

After then, she departed. He looked pretty much like a kicked puppy while he was watching her walk away.

That night, he went to Saori to ask what the stone was that she had given him. Seiya and Saori had looked at each other with unbelieving eyes, then at the stone. At each other, then at the stone. Then smile, and then look at him with eyes hinting something he couldn't quite understand, he was glad he hadn't told them it was Yuna who gave him this.

"Koga, this is a rose quartz." Athena had patted his arm. "Do you know what it symbolizes?"

He had shrugged rather nervously and impatiently. "I wouldn't come to ask if I did." He could be the killer of Abzu, the God of Darkness but he clearly had no information about what women implied after all.

"If you give it to the opposite sex, it means 'I love you.'. This stone was often used by Eros, who used to spread it to humans in the antique times." Seiya had added.

His mind was blown, Koga was pretty much sure he didn't sleep that night.