There are three types of people when it comes to watching the execution of sorcerors.

To The first type it doesnt matter whether the condemned is a sorceror or not they just like the excitement of a public execution.

The second type turn their heads away unable to watch as another persons head comes off or unable to stand the screaming as flames engulf the body of the condemned. This type never willingly go but often get caught in square when Uther has ordered one.

Type three are pleased another sorceror is gone they watch the execution and feel safe.

And then there's Merlin. Merlin hates it as much as type two but he never turns away. He watches silently face pale fists clenched making himself remember their faces. Each pained scream. There is the occassional evil sorceror but most are druids...or worse completely innocent. Its horrific but he never turns away not until the smoke from the pyre has dissapated or the severed head has been placed on a spike. Merlin vaguely wonders what the kings logic is that means some get beheaded while other face the flames. If Uther bases judgement on the percieved severity of the crimes Merlin knows as the princes manservant his percieved betrayal would be so great he would face the flames.

Her name is Megan. She is twelve years old. The daughter of a wealthy merchant Megan's clothes are only a little less fine than those of the lady Morgana's. She is very pretty with blonde hair and wide innocent blue eyes. And she is a sorceress. Allegedly anyway all she did was ask the wrong person if it was true you could bring back the dead. She is twelve years old and wanted to see her dead mother again. Well in a way she got her wish. It is days like these when Merlin has to keep repeating to himself the reasons why he cannot kill Uther Pendragon.

Arthur and Merlin stands by the window in Arthur's chambers staring out into the courtyard as the child burns. Neither daring to speak. She screams and cries and the smoke is just touching her feet. Merlin can't stand it anymor his eyes flash gold and the girl jerks forward suddenly her neck breaks. She dies instantly. Arthur looks at him strangely. Merlin realises what he's done. Fear evident on his face. "Come here" Arthur sighs pulling his clumsy servant in for a hug. When he finally pulls away he simply says. "You must never be caught Merlin."