Hi guys. Okay, so this is my first fan fiction. Constructive criticism is welcome. No hate please!

Sadly, I don't own the Mortal Instruments. Cassandra Clare does.

Gold. That's all she could remember. Bright and daring. Playful. But where was it now? The memory had vanished as quickly as it had come. She knew it would. That's how it always was.


Wondering. Waiting. Leaving her feeling so empty, as though she had lost something so precious and beautiful that she needed to have back night, for as long as she could remember, she was haunted by the golden color.

She wasn't afraid. With the light came the feeling of warmth and safety, something she hadn't felt. Not around Luke or Simon. She didn't even have the feeling around her own mother, Jocelyn.

Now, as she walked down the street, these thoughts were racing through her head. The bustling and noise coming from the city couldn't distract the redhead from her deep thoughts.

Then she was falling. She could vaguely remember hitting her foot. The ground was fast approaching and she brought her arms up on instinct to protect herself from a collision that never came.

Arms were around her. Lifting her and setting her on her feet. When she looked up, she gasped.

Gold. His eyes. His hair. His skin. Then, she remembered. It was like he was the key to everything.

And in the tiniest whisper that even he had to strain to hear, she said,


Please let me know what you think. Review!