I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh GX!

(So after pretty much forever in my book; I finally got a new chapter up for this story! This will be about Chrystal time at North Academy and just a few things I want to say before you guys start reading this. Chrystal going to be taking on a nickname that I will be referring to for now on. I had this plan from the start so you think I want to change her name or anything. Also before anyone says anything or get mad about what I did for this chapter, he does go to North Academy and his one of my favorite characters so haters can hate me for doing this! Plus his going to have a big part in the School Duel chapters. Yes, I said chapters. I'm making the School Duel a two parter so look forward to that. Oh and I'm making Ojama Yellow a female along with the other Ojama monsters in this too. So I hope you guys enjoy since I put a lot of work into the final duel in this chapter and I think it turned out great. R&R!)

Chapter 16: Chrystal vs. Crystal Beasts

For someone who she thought would make it big one day, Chrystal knew she hit rock bottom after she left Duel Academy. After leaving the island on her family's yacht, bad luck hit her hard. First, her yacht broke down in the middle of the ocean, then she ended up falling off of it after hearing voices in her head (don't ask), and now she find herself on a frozen wasteland after making it to shore. Chrystal could have dealt with all of this but with being tired, hungry, and freezing plus lost in the middle of nowhere; her will was starting to break.

"So this is how it's going to end huh?" Chrystal chuckled as she sat down and leaned her back against a block of ice. "No fame, no glory, and no fortune. At least no one is here to see me like this."

"What are you talking about, boss? I'm still here by your side!"

Chrystal growled in annoyance as she looked to her right to see a female little yellow duel spirit with string like eyes and was wearing a bikini. "Would you just leave me alone already?!"She snapped at the monster she learned was called Ojama Yellow.

After making it to shore, Chrystal found that all her cards were ruined because of the water and the first card she happened to find to replace them was this useless one. She tried to throw it away but she just couldn't. So long story short, she was pretty much stuck with this thing.

"Oh come on, boss; you don't really mean that. You're just in a bad mood that all."

"Jezz, I wonder why? Maybe it's because I have to listen to you!" Chrystal snapped again as she caught the spirit between her hand and it disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Sinking duel spirit…." She mumbled before she blinked a few times after she realized what she just said. "I'm losing my mind out here." She stood up and started walking again; to where she had no idea but it was better than just sitting and listening to Ojama Yellow.


Meanwhile, a little ways away from where Chrystal was, a boy was sitting on the icy ground with his back leaned up against an igloo, one arm behind his head as a pillow while the other was holding a fishing rod. In front of him was a small opening in the ice that opened up to water where he was currently ice fishing. The boy had teal hair and jade green eyes. He was wearing a dusty grey jacket and a brown t-shirt under it, black pants and grey boots. Now if you were a normal person, you would have just noticed him but he wasn't alone. Sitting on his lap looked to be a little cat but it was far from that. The cat had four ears, was purple in color, and had big ruby color eyes; a ruby on its forehead and its tail had a ruby at the end of it too. The cat-like creature also happened to be a duel spirit.

"Ru be be?" The cat like creature said making the boy look down at his duel spirit.

"Yeah, I know, Ruby." The boy replied with a bit of a southern drawl in his voice. "I need to stop making dueling bets with J.J. when I know I'm going to lose." The boy shrugged with a laugh. "Well nothing I can do about it now. I guess I just have to keep my end of the deal until it's time to go to Duel Academy. Oh man, J.J. going to be so surprise."

The duel spirit now known as Ruby yawned after that like it was tired but its four ears soon stood up in the air before the cat-like duel spirit hop off the guy's lap and took off somewhere.

"Hey, where are you heading off to, Ruby?!" The boy called as he stood up before following after his monster.


Chrystal kicked a block of ice that was in front of her in anger. "Ice, ice, and even more ice! When is this snow kingdom going to end?!" She yelled in annoyance. "I can't believe I'm saying this but Duel Academy starting to sound good right about now." A picture of Jayla grinning popped into her head. "On second thought, never mind."

As Chrystal continued on walking through the frozen wasteland, she soon stopped once more when something crossed her path. It turned out to be a see-through cat creature. "Oh no; not another one…" She groaned when she noticed the cat thing was really a duel spirit and it wasn't alone.

"There you are, Ruby." The creature turned its head and smiled before it scampered back to where it came from. Chrystal blinked in surprise as a boy around her age appeared from where Ruby came from. Ruby crawl up the boy's leg and coiled up on his shoulder. "Don't go running off like that, Ruby. I don't want you ending up falling in the water again. You know how Emerald Tortoise feels about the cold so fishing you out isn't something he likes to do." The boy told his spirit which all Ruby replied to was pointing her tail in Chrystal's direction. The boy did what she said and finally noticed Chrystal standing there, looking at him weirdly. "Well hello there, miss. I didn't see you there." The boy said sheepish, rubbing the back of his head. "I never have seen you around here before. You just moved here or something?"

Chrystal ignored his questions as she looked over at his duel spirit. Where have I seen that thing before? She wondered before she pointed at Ruby. "What is that thing?"

The boy blinked at that before he smiled. "Oh this here is my pal, Ruby Carbuncle."

"Ruby what now?"

"Ruby Carbuncle;" The boy corrected with a laugh that made Chrystal narrow her eyes.

Okay, this guy is way too happy….he's like a male version of Jayla with a southern accent …oh god, it's my worst nightmare come true…there are two of them! The boy must have noticed the freaked out look on Chrystal's face after she thought of that.

"Uh miss, are you okay?" The guy asked waving a hand in front of her face. "You know you're face will freeze like that in this type of weather if you do that for much longer."

Chrystal growled at that as she slapped his hand out of her face. "Okay pal, just who do you think you are, coming out of nowhere like that?!"

The guy was taken by surprise from her sudden anger but soon his sheepish smile returned. "Oh I guess I never really introduced myself, did I? Well the name's Jesse Anderson but you can just call me Jess if you want. That's what my friends do anyway. And you are?"

"Wait…Jesse Anderson? You're the guy with the Crystal Beast deck!" Chrystal gasped. She normally didn't care about other people's lives but she knew for a fact about the Crystal Beasts and their owner. How could she not since her sisters went all out just to get their hands on those super one of a kind jewel cards.

"I guess my reputation precedes me." Jesse said with a nervous laugh. "Look, before you say anything; I'm no different from any other duelist. I just happen to have gotten a great family. Isn't that right, Ruby?...uh Ruby?" Jesse looked at his shoulder but was surprised to see that Ruby was gone. "Oh where did she run off to now?"

"Boss, look at the cute little kitty! Can we keep her? Can we?!"

"Oh god no;" Chrystal groaned as she looked at the ground to see Ojama Yellow playing with Ruby Carbuncle.

"Hey sweet! You got a duel spirit too? I thought I was the only one in the area that had any." Jesse beamed which got him a glare from Chrystal.

"And you still would be the only one in the area to have any if this annoying little bug would just take a hint and leave!" Chrystal growled as she made Ojama Yellow disappear by stepping on her.

"Ruby..." Ruby disappeared from fear of Chrystal's sudden rage of anger.

"Hey, why you do that for? She was only playing!" Jesse frowned at Chrystal before he pointed a finger at her. "I don't like to get angry at people but miss, you don't just go running around and hurt/scare duel spirits like that."

"Would you stop calling me, miss?! My name's Chrystal Queenton!" She snapped.

Jesse blinked at her name before he smiled and laughed. "Well alright then, Chrystal, but I still don't like how you treat your duel spirit."

"Well it doesn't matter what you think! I'm out of here!" Chrystal stormed before she started to take off to somewhere.

Jesse didn't try to stop her as he watched her wonder off. I don't remember J.J. being this mean to her monsters. I guess everyone with a duel spirit is different after all. Well I better let Chancellor Foster know about her before she does something stupid.


"Huh, finally something that isn't just ice." Chrystal said with a grin as she was now standing in front of a giant yellow building. "Not a bad place but then again, my place is better." She walked up to the front door and started to knock. "Open up! Let go! Is anyone in home?! Hello?"

"Oh there home." Chrystal turned when she heard a small mumble from someone and was surprised to see a man who looked to be in his late forty's or so sitting there on the ice with a small fire burning before him. He had on glasses and worn down torn up clothes. "But you'll need forty cards to let you in. I'm afraid that just how it works here at North Academy."

"North Academy? So this is the school that's Duel Academy's major rivals with out of the four branches." Chrystal was kinda surprised that out of all places she could have ended up, she ended up here. She shrugged at the thought as she walked over to the guy and sat down next to him.

"That's right and I should know, I been here for a long while." The guy replied in a low voice making Chrystal look at him. "How it works is that there are cards hidden all over the place in this area from to the tops of the glaciers to the bottom of the frozen over lake which we stand on. It's kinda a test around here; if you find forty cards then their let you in."

Tough school; Chrystal thought looking back at the yellow school building before she looked back at the old man. "So how many did you find?"
"I just barely was able to find thirty-nine cards but it took every bit last of my energy just to do so." The guy answered. "I'm to worn out to go look for the last one."

"Great so that means that you don't need the other thirty-nine then." Chrystal said as she took out a credit card. "Here I'll buy them off you. You look like you could use the money more than the cards, pal. Now come on, take it."

The man looked like he was about to take the credit card but soon he flinched back. "No! Besides this fire and these destroyed old clothes, these cards are all that I have! There priceless to me!"

Chrystal narrowed her eyes at that before she stood back up. "Fine, I find my own." She started walking away after that.

"Well good luck then, young duelist. You're going to need it." He called after her.


I can't believe I have to fetch forty cards just so North Academy can open there freaking doors for me. Chrystal thought with a growl as she was climbing up an icy cliff just so she could find a few more cards for her new deck. Talk about a school that's hard to get into. I'll be surprise if there are even at least ten students there because of this bull crap. As Chrystal finally got to the top, she saw at least two more cards. "Yes!" And just as she was about to pull herself to the very top, her footing went off on one of the really icy pieces of the cliff and she started falling. "Oh no!" She screamed knowing what was going to happen next but instead of hitting the ground, she felt a hand take her's and pulled her up. Chrystal didn't question it as she rolled onto the ground and was gasping for breath.

"You know you really shouldn't be mountain climbing without the right gear. It's dangerous and it only gets worse when the cliffs are frozen over, Chrystal."

Chrystal glared over at the person that just saved her. She was taken by surprise a little to find that it was Jesse. "What the heck are you doing here?!"

"Well at the moment, saving you." Jesse joked making Chrystal's glare darken. "Also a little birdy told me about how you're trying to get into North Academy."

Chrystal sat up at that. How does he know about that? She wondered but instead she asked; "So? What if I am? What's it matter to you, Anderson?"

"We're going by last names now?" Jesse frowned at that before he shrugged to her question. "Well Queenton, if you must really have a reason, I just don't like seeing little ladies during crazy things that could get them killed just to get their hands on some cards. Plus your stubbornness reminds me of my sister, J.J. She's a duelist too you know." He smiled as he held out a hand to her to help her back up. "Also I happened to know this area like the back of my hand. I can show you some easy places to find some more cards at if you really want to get into North Academy."

Chrystal thought about his offer as she looked at the ground to where she spotted the two cards at. She picked them up and added them to the rest of the cards she collected so far. "Fine," She answered as she stood up on her own. "But stay out of my way."

"Yes sir….uh mam I mean." Jesse laughed making Chrystal roll her eyes at the country boy.

This is going to be a long day. Chrystal thought with a sigh.


It took the rest of the day, night, and half of the next morning but after forever of searching and with help from Jesse; Chrystal finally found the forty cards that she needed to finally get into North Academy. Now on her way back to the academy building, all that Chrystal wanted right now was to get rid of Jesse. Yes, Chrystal was thankful for his help, not saying that out loud of course, but the country boy was really starting to get on her last nerves. The whole time, Jesse has been telling stories about the crazy things that him and his sister, J.J., had down a few years back before he moved down here and his sister went to Duel Academy. Chrystal was wondering how she could have missed a girl like that when she was at Duel Academy but after hearing what some of the things that these two did, Chrystal was kinda thankful that she never did met her.

"So this one time, J.J. and me went to Disney World in Florida and it was awesome; mostly because J.J. freaked out when she first saw Mickey Mouse. Oh man, I should have filmed that. It was priceless." Jesse laughed while Chrystal was this close to telling the guy to shut the hell up and she was about to but she stopped herself when she noticed they finally made it back to the yellow building of North Academy.

"Finally," Chrystal mumbled before she looked over and noticed the guy from before was sit setting there next to his fire. "I see you'll still busy doing nothing."

The man also noticed them and his eyes widen as he stood up in shock. "You'll back?! Did you find them?! Did you find forty cards?!"

"Yep she did." Jesse said throwing an arm over Chrystal's shoulder. "My new friend Chrystal here is too stubborn to give up so easy."

"Jesse….get your arm off me before I rip it off;" Chrystal growled at him with a small blush on her face. The said boy grinned sheepishly as he did as she asked.

The man blinked at them before he said. "Well congratulations are in order then. I'll guess you'll be moving on to greater thing. But don't worry about me. I'm quite alright. Well until the winter gets here anyway."

Chrystal raised an eyebrow at that. "The winter?"

"Yeah these are summer months right about now, Chrystal." Jesse explained. "Spring and fall are pretty nice too but the winter is about 30 below around here. It isn't pretty."

"The boy speaks the truth." The man agreed to what Jesse said. "But again, don't worry about me. I'm sure you want to get on your way."

Chrystal glanced up at the building. "Men, all you know how to do is complain." She mumbled before she looked back at the older guy. "Look pal, I lied to you or should I say, I didn't tell you the whole truth. I didn't just find forty cards. I found forty-one. An extra one so you could come in too."

Jesse looked like he was about to comment on that but he shut his mouth when he saw what Chrystal was trying to do. Well what do you know? She does have a soft side after all. He thought with a smile.

"You mean…I get to enter? Really?" The man asked in shock and surprise.

"Yeah get over it." Chrystal said as she took her new formed deck out of her duel disk and started to go through it before she took out the card that she didn't need or want for that matter. That card would be Ojama Yellow. "Take your sinking card already and don't make a big deal about it, okay?" And as she was trying to hand the man the Ojama card, it continued to move from one side to the other of the man's head.

"Well….are you going to give it to me or not?" The male asked from confusing.

I guess Ojama Yellow really taken a liking to Chrystal. Jesse thought trying to hold back a small laugh since the spirit refused to be taken by someone who wasn't her new master.

"I can't….I can't let go of it…." Chrystal growled in annoyances at the card before the spirit of Ojama Yellow appeared before her.

"You can't give me away. We're pals, boss, you know; best friends forever." The female yellow monster said.

"We are not!" Chrystal snapped at her, creeping the guy out while Jesse was trying to hold back a grin. "You know what, nevermind." Chrystal said putting the Ojama card back in her deck. "That was the wrong card." She took out another card and handed it to the guy. "Take this one instead."

"Yeah sure whatever you say." The man said gladly accepting the card. "I really owe you miss….."

"The names Chrystal Queenton and don't you forgot it." She warned him before she pointed to Jesse. "And captain idiot over here is Jesse but his not as important so you can forget about him if you wish." She then walked over to the fire he was once sitting at and sat down herself with her arms behind her head as her back was leaning against the icy background. "Now go ahead and get inside. The Chrystal likes to make her own entrance."
"Oh yes, uh course. Well thanks again." The man replied with a big smile as he hurried his way inside.

"Yeah thanks for nothing." Chrystal mumbled as Jesse took a seat next to her.

"You know something, Chrystal; you really do have a kind heart even if you don't like to show it." The country boy said with a smile.

Chrystal rolled her eyes at that as she looked away. "I don't know what you're talking about, Anderson. He was just going to continue to bug me until I give him a card." She sighed. "Now I'm down to thirty-nine again. This is just great. Now I have to go looking around again just for the last one."

"I wouldn't say that." Chrystal looked over at him and was surprised to see that Jesse had taken a card out of his deck and was handing it to her. "Here, I know how much you want to get into North Academy and I guess I owe you for annoying you with all my past stories." He laughed sheepishly.

It's more like the other way around. Chrystal thought. Jesse pretty much saved her life, helped her find all her cards, and now was giving her one of his just so she could get inside. As she was about to take it from him, she stopped herself and looked at him. "And what about you?"

Jesse raised an eyebrow at her before he got what she was asking. "Don't worry about it, Chrystal. I didn't have plans to get into North Academy anyway. Besides, like I said, I know where to find cards around this area. So I'll be fine." He then smirked. "I didn't know that you cared so much."

"I don't," Chrystal said with a small blush on her face as she took the card and stood up. "I'm not one for saying this but….thanks…."

Jesse shrugged. "Hey, it's no problem, little lady. But I should warn you, I heard rumors that the students of North Academy are tough."

"Good, I was hoping they would be." Chrystal said as she walked until she was in front of the doorway. "Alright open the door! I got your forty cards right here!" Right after she said that, a flash of red lights come from the giant wooden door before they hit Chrystal's duel disk and turned it on.

Chrystal raised an eyebrow at this as the door opened up and Chrystal gazed inside the Academy building but was taken by surprise at what she saw. While the outside was a frozen wasteland, the inside of the building looked like something you would find in an old western movie.

"Well now I'll see how Jesse got his accent." Chrystal mumbled glancing at the said boy who looked like he was trying to take a nap or was asleep. "Wow, his unbelievable." She shook her head before she started to walk inside. "So this is North Academy? I was kinda hoping for something better; not something from the old west."

Right after she said that, Chrystal stopped when she heard a yelp and looked over to see the old man she helped out being kicked out of a building. Chrystal stared for a few seconds before she ran over to him.

"Hey baldly, you okay?" Chrystal asked kneeing next to him.

The man groaned before he looked at Chrystal. "Uh…what happened?"

Before Chrystal could answer, she stopped when she heard someone laughing. "You got the North Academy welcome, that's what happened." Someone said with a Russian accent.

Chrystal looked up to where the voice was coming from and the first thing she found was a large group of students with North Academy jackets on that all had N's in the front standing there watching her. Oh you have got to be freaking kidding me. She thought.

"And now it's your turn." Chrystal finally found the person that was taking which turned out to be a guy with brown hair with a sleeveless North Academy jacket and was sitting in a rocking chair with four other students standing next to him. "Are you up to the challenge, little girl? Do you?"

Chrystal narrowed her eyes at that. "Who are you?"

"I'm the guy who runs things around here when our best student is out doing whose knows what. They call me Czar." The Russian guy answered. "You're little friend here just went through our little ritual; the 50-Man Duel Garnet."

"50-Man what's it?"

"Duel Garnet; it's how we rank students around here. You have to duel 50 students and you start from the lowers rank and you work your way up. When you lose, that's your rank. Unless you don't lose then you'll have to duel me, number 49 and if he decided to show up, number 50." Czar explained.

Well this sure is different from Duel Academy. No tests and you always make it in but skill is what matters here. Chrystal thought before she looked up when a few other students started talking.

"But everybody loses; like your friend here. He lost the very first match he had."

"Guess who's on clear up duty now?"

Chrystal ignored them as she stood up and smirk. "So I just have to win fifty times and that's it? You guys better find your 50 duelist because this is going to be over in less than an hour."

"It's easier said than done, rookie!"

"The name is Chrystal! Chrystal Queenton but since you guys want to treat me like a little girl then you can just call me Chris; and soon, you're Czar and you're amazing dueling king will fall and then, the Queenton will rise!"


An explosion could be heard from inside the North Academy building and a big one too which made Jesse woke up from his nap with a yelp. "Who's setting the world on fire?!" The guy yelled as he jumped to his feet as he realized what he heard was someone getting beat really badly in a duel inside North Academy. "We really need to get sound proof walls in this place." He mumbled as Ruby Carbuncle appeared on his shoulder. "Oh hey, Ruby, what's up?"

"Ruby, be Ru." Ruby replied in the language that Jesse learned to speak with his Spirit Partner.

"Wow really? She's about to face against Czar?" Jesse was kinda surprised but not really at the same time. "Wow, I can't wait to duel her now." He grinned.


Meanwhile back with Chrystal or Chris as she started to call herself and was starting to like the sound of it, she had just finish beating the top 6-3 students in a duel at the same time and Chris pretty much owned them. The girl then glanced over at Czar who was still seating in his rocking chair. "Alright grandma, I just beaten all of your pathetic friends. It's just you and me and after that; I'm going after your champion and taking his throne away from him."

Czar just chucked as he stood up from his chair and started his duel disk. "Keep dreaming, girly, it's you who's going down because now it's the Czar against the Queenton and there's no way I'm losing to someone like you and taking the rank of third. You better get ready for a battle royale."

"Bring it," Chris replied as Czar walked to the middle of the field.


(Chris: 4000 Czar: 4000)

"Me first," Czar said as he drew. "And I'm going to active two copies of Fiend's Sanctuary. Now I get two Metal Fiend tokens." And right after he said that, two monsters made up of nothing but metal appeared on the field (Atk: 0 Def: 0). "But like you, they won't be staying long. I sacrifice them and summon Zoa in attack mode." The two Metal Fiend tokens disappeared as they were replaced with giant blue fiend monster with yellow glowing eyes and horns on his body (Atk: 2600 Def: 1900). "Next I'll place two face downs and end my turn. My side of the field is already stacked! Now you see how's it's different with the Czar!?"

"But it will end the same." Chris said unimpressed as she drew but she got mad when she saw what she got. "Oh you again?!" She growled at the Ojama Yellow card.

"Next to see you too." Ojama Yellow said popping out of the card. "Need me to fight a monster for you?" She turned around to see what was on the other side of the field but her eyes bugged out when she saw the giant blue fiend. "Oh…never mind."

"You know, I think I finally found a way to get rid of you. I play Ojama Yellow in defense mode!"

The Yellow female monster appeared on the field in panic (Atk: 0 Def: 1000). "No please anybody but me!" The monster cried.

"Then I'll throw down two face downs and end my turn." Chris finished as two face downs appeared on her field.

Czar started laughing after that. "Time out; some garbage been thrown onto the field. Oh wait I'm sorry that's just your monster. Oh well, she's going to be trash anyway once I active my face down Metalmorph and I'll equip it to Zoa." The monster on his side of the field flashed colors before his body turned into this weird kind of metal.

Zoa: (Atk: 2900 Def: 2200).

"Now I'm going to sacrifice Zoa so I can summon something even more powerful. Meet Metalzoa!" The monster on his side of the field disappeared before a giant metal robot version on himself appeared to take his place (Atk: 3000 Def: 2300).

Ojama Yellow started crying again while Chris grew tense.

"Next I'm going to active my trap card, Call of the Haunted!" Czar continued as his second face down rose up. "Now I can bring back one monster from my graveyard and I'll bring back normal Zoa." The blue fiend reappeared in attack mode.

"So you have two big ugly freaks on your field. Big deal; I'm still going to win." Chris said with a grin.

"Oh you think so huh? You forgot that I already seen you duel forty-eight times. I know you don't have one monster that's as strong as either one of my two monsters." Czar said with a laugh.

Maybe but I know how to make the best out of what I got. Chris thought.

"Alright, Zoa attack and destroy that pile of trash!" The blue fiend obeyed and destroyed Ojama Yellow, who was still crying, with his giant monster claws. "And now that's she's been taken care of; Metalzoa, now going to take care of you. Attack!" Chris flinched as the metal fiend attacked her with his giant claws.

(Chris: 1000 Czar: 4000)

"Why thank you;" Chris said with a smirk surprising Czar. "Since you dealt more than 3000 points of damage to me, that means I can play my face down, Inferno Tempest! With this card, all the monsters in our decks and graveyards are taken out of play."

"Why would you do that?! What are you planning?!" Czar demanded.

"If you know my deck as well as you say you do then I'm sure you know." Chris answered smirking as she drew. "And you know that you're going to lose this turn."

"What are you talking about? I have two monsters out and you have none and now you don't have any in your deck! You have lost! I'm not going to lose! I've only lost once and I'm making sure that doesn't happen again, girly!"

"Oh have I?" Chris asked as she held up the card she just drew. "I'm sorry to disappoint you but with this one card; your fate is sealed. I play the spell card, Chaos End!"

Czar watched in horror as his two remaining monsters started to break apart into pieces. "What's happening?!"

"That's the magic of Chaos End. Where there are seven or more cards removed from the game, Chaos End destroys every monster on your field." Chris explained her smirk widen.

"No way," Czar mumbled as his two monsters were destroyed.

"And now, I'll play a trap, Return from the Different Dimension!" Chris's other face down rose up. By paying half my life points…"

(Chris: 500 Czar: 4000)

"All the monster I removed from play can come back to the field to destroy you. Now come on back everyone!" Chris said raising a hand in the air as Gemini Imps, Disc Fighter, Skull Knight #2, KA-2 Des Scissors, and yes, even Ojama Yellow reappeared on the field in attack mode (Atk: 1000 X4 Atk:0 Def: 1000 X4 Def: 1200).

"Hey, thanks for bringing me back, boss." Ojama Yellow said.

"I mean everyone expect you!" Chris snapped at the duel spirit which made the yellow monster started crying.

"Wait….stop!" Czar said talking a few steps back.

"Stop? I don't think so! Now give this guy a king size butt kicking!" Chris ordered as her four monsters each attacked Czar, talking off 1000 of his points each time, until he was left with nothing. "You go bye-bye!"

(Chris: 500 Czar: 0)

"And that's how you be the best." Chris said with a smirk at the now knocked out Czar before she turned and looked around at the students who had return to watch the duels at the sidelines. "Okay, where the number one student around here?! I don't have all day you know! I have times where I pick to kick someone butt at Duel Monsters."

No one answered her which made Chris narrow her eyes. "Unless you people what to get your asses kicked again then you better answer me!"

Again, no one answered her and Chrystal was about to make that threat real but she stopped herself when she heard the academy door opening up. She turned around to find Jesse standing there with a grin.

"I knew you could make it." The country boy said making Chris raise an eyebrow at him while some of the other students gasp. Chris glanced over at them before her gazed returned to Jesse's.

"Yeah I did but it sucks to be you now since you're going to have to duel all of this guys if you want to get in." Chris replied but Jesse's grin didn't fade.

"I don't have too. I only have to duel one."

"What are you talking about, Anderson?"

"I'm him,"

"Him who?"

"Him as in number one duelist around here."

"What?!" Chris gasped while Jesse laughed.

"Yeah, I know it's hard to believe but I'm your guy." He rubbed his back sheepishly. "I guess I should have told you before but I didn't want you to make a big deal about it and I wanted it to be a surprise."

Chris just glared at him for that. At first she didn't believe him but when no one was yelling at Jesse but instead looking at him like he was there god or something; she was starting to believe him. Plus, this was the guy with the Crystal Beast deck that she heard so much about so he had to be good.

"So I just have to beat you and I'll be number one around here?" Chris asked.

"Yep but just because we're friend doesn't mean I'm going to let you win, Chrystal." Jesse replied.

"Good because I didn't want to beat you knowing that you weren't even trying your hardest. Also, the names not Chrystal anymore; it's Chris." Jesse raised an eyebrow at that. "If I'm starting flesh around here then I'm changing the name." Jesse shrugged at her answered as he and she started their duel disk while all the other students were already gasping about this.

"She's dueling against Jesse!"

"Do you think she has a chance?"

"Are you kidding?! Jesse going to cream her."

Chris glared over at the student that said that before her and Jesse's duel started.

(Chris: 4000 Jesse: 4000)

"Ladies first," Jesse said making Chris glare at him as she drew.
"I can't wait to wipe that annoying grin off your face." Chris mumbled thinking back to Jayla when she grinned. She said it once and she'll say it again; Jesse was the male version of Jayla and way more annoying even if that was hard to believe. "You want ladies first huh? Well fine, here's a lady for you! I summon Witch of the Black Forest in defense mode!" A woman with long purple hair with a third green eyeball in the middle of her forehead appeared kneeing down (Atk: 1100 Def: 1200). "I also play a face down and that's all."

"That's what I'm talking about. Now how about I take things from here?" Jesse drew and a wide grin formed on his face. "Well since I figure you're getting sick of dueling in this place now after 49 duels so how about we changes things up a bit?" His field spell zone opened up and Jesse placed a card inside it before it closed up. "I play my field spell, Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins!"

Chris was taken by surprise as the area around them changed to that of a colosseum with four yellow towers at the top and a rainbow right above it. "Where the heck are we?!"

"We're in Ancient Rome! The proud home of the Crystal Beasts! Speaking of my beasts, my field spell won't be doing much until I summon one so I'm going to summon my old pal, Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise in attack mode!"

Chris watched as an emerald appeared on the field as it started to crack before it burst into pieces. What took its place was a tortoise with a dark blue shell and on top of it were emerald gems (Atk: 600 Def: 2000). "So let me get this straight…..out of the seven Crystal Beast that I heard about….you opening move is a turtle?"

Emerald Tortoise hid his head in his shell from the insult. "Hey she didn't mean it, buddy; she's just hasn't seen you in action yet." Jesse told his monster.

"If you're planning on attacking me with that thing then you're a few cards short of a deck. My witch has 1200 defense points while you're turtle only has 600 attack points. You're way out match." Chris smirked.

"Maybe but not for long;" Jesse took a card from his hand and placed it in his spell and trap card zone. "I'll play the Crystal Release spell card! With this, Emerald Tortoise here gains 800 more attack points!

Chris watched wide eyed as the Crystal Beast's power went up.

Emerald Tortoise: (Atk: 1400 Def: 2000)

"So you'll bite size turtle gain some more power. Even if you do destroy my Black Witch of the Forest then I won't still take damage."

"She's got a point there, Jesse." Emerald Tortoise said poking his head out of his shell for a second to look at said boy.

"True but I'm about to change that with this little spell card right here, Card Rotator! With this, I just have to send one card from my hand to the graveyard and all you're monsters battle positions are changed!" Chris's eyes widen even more as Jesse sent a card to his graveyard. "Don't worry, Ruby, I'll bring you back soon." Chris guessed he sent Ruby Carbuncle to the graveyard but she didn't have time to think it through as her Witch rose to her feet. "Now that you're defense is gone, Emerald Tortoise can attack you with Emerald Cutter attack!"

The crystal turtle, whole body in his shell now, shot out waves of emerald color that were coming at Witch of the Black Forest. Chris watched as her monster was destroyed but not before…

"I play my face down trap card, Backtrack Attack!" Her face down rose up. "If I happen to get inflict damage from battle, I just have to send one card from my hand to the graveyard and you take the damage from your attack instead of me." Chris explained with a smirk as she did just that.

(Chris: 4000 Jesse: 3700)

"Well I'll be a monkey's uncle; she turned our own attack against us." Jesse laughed at that. "I knew I was going to enjoy this duel."

"Jesse, I'm happy you're having the time of your life but I'll feel safer if I changed to defense mode." Emerald Tortoise pointed out.

"Sure pal," Jesse replied as he did just that. "You'll see, once per turn, Emerald Tortoise can change any monster that attack this turn into defense mode and I'm picking him. I'm also throwing down a face down and that's all I got for now."

"Hiding behind your shell huh? Coward but since your tortoise using his own effect then I'm going to use my Witch of the Black Forest's effect. When she's sent to the graveyard, I can take a monster with 1500 attack points from deck and add it right to my hand. Now I think I'm going to summon that very monster, Cameraclops, in attack mode!" A robot looking human warrior appeared on the field (Atk: 1400 Def: 1600). "And now I'll have him attack you Emerald Tortoise!"

Jesse blinked at her move. "But my monster has more defense points."

"And that's why I'm attacking." Chris smirked as her monster destroyed Emerald Tortoise, shocking Jesse. "When Cameraclops attacks a monster whose defense points are higher then its attack points then he can destroy it and I won't take any damage."

"Wow sweet effect; now let me show you Emerald Tortoise's second one." Jesse pointed to his spell and trap card zone and Chris was surprised to see a fragment of an emerald was now in one of the zones. "Instead of going to the graveyard, my Crystal Beast's stay in my spell and trap card zones as crystals. Also since you destroyed Emerald Tortoise when he was equipped with Crystal Release, I get to take a Crystal Beast from my deck and place it in my spell and trap card zone too." Jesse took out his deck, looked through it, and took a card out and placed it next to Emerald Tortoise. What appeared next to the crystal was another fragment but this was of an amethyst stone.

I'm starting to see why his number one around here. Chris thought as she placed a face down to end her turn. "You're move, Anderson."

"If you say so, Queenton;" Jesse smirked at what he just drew. "I'm going to play the Crystal Beacon spell card! When there are two or more Crystal Beasts in my spell and trap card zone, I get to summon another one from my deck; now come forth, Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger!"

A yellow topaz jewel appeared on the field before it cracked open and out come a white tiger with a long white horn on its head with topaz crystals on the side of its neck (Atk: 1600 Def: 1000).

"That tiger got some bite to it." Chris mumbled.

"He sure does and so does my other beast." Jesse grinned as his face down rose up. "I active Crystal Promise which lets me summon a Crystal Beast from my spell and trap card zone."

The amethyst stone that Jesse added to the field burst open and what come out of it was a pink cat with a amethyst stone in the middle of her chest (Atk: 1200 Def: 400).

"Meet my Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat." Jesse looked at his two felines. "So who feels like taking a bite out of Chris's life points?"

"Do you really have to ask, Jesse?" Amethyst Cat asked with a growl as she was staring at Chris, hungry. "I can't wait to take a bite out of her."

"Hey down, girl, you'll get your chance in a second." Jesse chuckled before he looked at Topaz Tiger. "You mind, pal?"

"Why don't you tell her about my special ability first?" Topaz Tiger asked.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. You see, Chris, when Topaz attacks a monster, he gains 400 more attack points during the damage step only; now attack with Topaz Bite!" Topaz Tiger growled at he leaped at Cameraclops while his attack points went up.

Topaz Tiger: (Atk: 2000 Def: 1000)

"Oh nuts;" Chris mumbled with a small growl as the white tiger destroyed her monster.

(Chris: 3400 Jesse: 3700)

"With you defense out of the way, Amethyst Cat can attack you direct with Amethyst Nail. It's feeding time!"

"It's about time, Jesse." Amethyst Cat said as she leaped at Chris and tackled her to the ground before she scratched her face causing Chris to scream and curse at the cat.

(Chris: 2200 Jesse: 3700)

"Well I think my beasts have done enough damage for one round so I'll just play two face downs and end things for here." Jesse said as two face downs appeared on his field.

Chris stood back up with a snarl. "Lucky shot;" She said as she drew. "I'm going to active my trap card, Call of the Haunted. With this, I get to summon a monster back from my graveyard and I'll pick Witch of the Black Forest!" The witch from before reappeared on the field.

Jesse chuckled at that. "Hey thanks for doing that. Now I can play this." One of his face down rose up. "I'm going to play my Triggered Summon trap card but why stop there?" His other face down rose up which turned out to be another Triggered Summon. "This can only be active when you special summon a monster. Now we both can summon a level 4 or below monster from our hands onto the field and since I played two of them then we can summon two monsters each."

What's he up to? His letting me get the upper hand by playing this. Chris just shook her head as he played two more monsters onto the field. "I summon Sangan and Gyaku-Gire Panda; both in attack mode!" Two monsters appeared on her field; the first was one with three eyes and green arms while the other was a giant panda (Atk: 1000 Def: 600) (Atk: 800 Def: 1600).

"As for me, I'm summoning Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle and Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth in attack mode!" Jesse said as two more crystals appeared on his field. The first one was a blue cobalt gem which burst open to form a brown eagle with cobalts in his wings (Atk: 1400 Def: 800). The second one was amber that cracked up and what appeared from it was a giant purple mammoth with an amber jewel in his forehead (Atk: 1700 Def: 1600).

"Hey guys, what we miss?" Cobalt Eagle asked as he landed on the ground.

"I hope not much." Amber Mammoth added. "I want some of the action too."

"Don't worry, guys, you're get some in a little bit." Jesse told his beasts as he looked at Chris. "Well it's still you're move."

"I know that!" Chris snapped at him. "I'm going to active my Gyaku-Gire Panda's effect. For every monster on your field, he gains 500 more attack points and I count four of them."

Gyaku-Gire Panda: (Atk: 2800 Def: 1600)

"That is one bulked up panda." Jesse said in awe.

"And his just the warm up since I'm now going to play Polymerization! With this, I'm going to fuse Sangan and Witch of the Black Forest that are on my field to summon out Sanwitch in attack mode!" The two monster swirled together until a new monster with green skin, three eyes, and was dressed in robs and was carrying a shaft appeared (Atk: 2100 Def: 1800).

"Now that's playing your cards right. I think J.J. would be proud at that move. If I may ask, what's next?" Jesse questioned since he guessed she wasn't done yet.

He was right. "What next? Well first since Sangan and Witch of the Black Forest were sent from my field to the graveyard, I can use their effect to add two monsters with 1500 or less attack points from my deck to my hand and once again, I'm going to summon one of them. Behold, KA-2 Des Scissors in attack mode and just to make sure he had enough power to take down your Crystal Beasts, I'm going to equip him with United with Stand!"

The blue metal crab monster Chris has used during many of her duels here appeared on her field before it's power went up by 800 times 3 for each of her monsters on her field (Atk: 1000-3400 Def: 1000-3400).

"Three monsters with over 2000 attack points?!" Cobalt Eagle shrieked.

"Jesse, please tell us you have a plan." Amethyst Cat added making all the Crystal Beasts look at their master who was at a loss of words at the moment.

"Oh did I make you go speechless?" Chris smirked. "The only real question now is who should I destroy first? Well since that cat of yours attack my face." She pointed at Amethyst Cat. "Gyaku-Gire Panda, destroy that cat!" The giant of a panda bear roared before he changed at Amethyst Cat.

"I active my Cobalt Eagle's special ability; once per turn, I can send one Crystal Beast card on my field and return it to the top of my deck." Jesse counted. Just as Gyaku-Gire Panda was about to hit Amethyst Cat, the pink monster disappeared in a flash of light and her card appeared on top of Jesse's deck.

Chris growled in annoyance. "So you're birdy saved your cat but can he save himself from my next attack?! Sanwitch attack Cobalt Eagle!" The witch fired off a beam from his shaft at the said Crystal Beast.

Jesse looked at Amber Mammoth who nodded to his master. "Cobalt Eagle isn't the only one with a sweet effect; I active Amber Mammoth's effect which lets me change the target of your attack onto him."

The energy beam that was once coming at Cobalt Eagle changed directions and came right at Amber Mammoth now and destroyed him but he still reappeared in Jesse's spell and trap card as an amber fragment.

(Chris: 2200 Jesse: 3300)

Now Chris was really starting to get annoyed. "Now I see why you're Crystal Beasts have low attack points." She mumbled. "Whatever, I still have one attack left and this time, you're bird is cooked. KA-2 Des Scissors attack Cobalt Eagle and this time, don't fail!"

Jesse couldn't do anything to say his beast this time as Cobalt Eagle tried to fly away but was still caught by the metal crab's claws which crashed him. He was, however, still brought back as a crystal in the spell and trap card zone.

(Chris: 2200 Jesse: 300)

"Hey what's going on here?! You should have lost the duel from all that damage because of KA-2 Des Scissors's effect!" Chris yelled.

"I guess I should tell you about some of the effects of my field spell now. When there are two or more Crystal Beasts in my spell and trap card zone then once per turn, I can cut the damage I take from an attack in half." Jesse explained with a grin. "But hey nice try; you almost had me there."

"Just go," Chris growled in more annoyance than ever.

Jesse shrugged. "Well okay then;" He drew his card which was Amethyst Cat since he sent her to the top of his deck. He added her to his hand before he said; "I'm going to active another effect of my Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins field spell! Since I have three Crystal Beasts in my spell and trap zone, I can send one to the graveyard to destroy a spell or trap card on your field." The emerald crystal on his field disappeared. "Sorry Tortoise but I'll make it up to you later." He mumbled before he pointed to her United with Stand equip spell which then was destroyed and KA-2 Des Scissor's attack and defense returned back to 1000. "Next, I'll active the Rare Valve spell card. When there are two or more Crystal Beasts in my spell and trap card zone, I send one to the graveyard and I can drew two cards from my deck." Just like Emerald Tortoise, the cobalt gem disappeared from the field and was sent to the graveyard while Jesse drew two new cards.

So his giving up his own beasts just to get cards and destroy one of mine? What is he planning? Chris wondered a little bit worried since the last few moves Jesse made almost made her sweat.

"I think you're going to like my next beast, Chris." Jesse grinned. "I summon Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus in attack mode!" A sapphire jewel appeared on the field before it burst open and a white Pegasus with yellow wings with a sapphire horn and two sapphires in his wings like Cobalt Eagle appeared (Atk: 1800 Def: 1200). "And just like the others, my Pegasus also has an effect. When his summon to the field, I can take a Crystal Beast from my hand, deck, or graveyard and place it in my spell and trap card zone and I'm picking my old pal, Ruby Carbuncle." A fragment of a ruby appeared next to the amber one.

"Nice dueling, Jesse, but before we get to the good part; I need a little bit more power." Sapphire Pegasus told him.

"I'm way ahead of you on that one." Jesse replied with a grin. "I'm playing the Magical Stone Excavation spell card. With this, I can take a spell card from my graveyard and add it right to my hand but why wait to use it? I'm going to play Crystal Release once more to give my Sapphire Pegasus 800 more attack points!"

Sapphire Pegasus: (Atk: 2600 Def: 1200)

"Crap," Chris groaned.

"Now let's start bring the hurt. Sapphire Pegasus attack Sanwitch with Sapphire Horn!" Jesse ordered which then his now powered up monster took to the air and blast the witch with his attack and destroyed it.

(Chris: 1700 Jesse: 300)

"Now Topaz Tiger, attack Gyaku-Gire Panda with Topaz Bite!" Topaz growled at he leaped at the panda and destroyed him with a powerful bite.

(Chris: 1500 Jesse: 300)

"Good it's over." Chris let out a sigh of relief but she really wanted to take that back as soon as she saw the smirk on Jesse's face.

"Not quite, I now active Ruby's special ability. When she's summoned to my spell and trap card zone, I can summon her and all the other Crystal Beast that are with her onto the field." Chris's eyes widen as Ruby Carbuncle burst out of the crystal before she shot a beam of red light from her tail that hit the amber crystal. Soon Amber Mammoth appeared on the field too (Atk: 300 Def: 300)

"And now that I have two more monster to attack with again; Amber Mammoth attack KA-2 Des Scissors with Amber Stomp!" Jesse ordered which then his giant of an ancient elephant changed at the robot crab and destroyed it.

(Chris: 800 Jesse: 300)

"Now let's not forget about Ruby Carbuncle! Attack Chris direct with Ruby Flash!" Ruby Carbuncle jumped into the air as she let out a shrieked that hit Chris.

(Chris: 500 Jesse: 300)

"Man, I'm having a blast with this duel! What about you, Chris?" Jesse asked with a laugh making Chris want to punch him so badly in the face.

His an idiot but his good alright but his not as good as me. Chris thought as she drew and played that same card. "I'm playing Pot of Greed which lets me draw two more cards." Give me something good! I can't be second best to this fool! She drew the two cards and the first one she got made her want to curse her life at the moment.

"Hey boss!" Ojama Yellow said appeared on her shoulder. "What's up?"

"You," Chris growled as she grabbed the Ojama and threw her away. "Unless little worm," She mumbled getting her a frown from Jesse and his Crystal Beasts. "Oh shut up!" She snapped at them before she looked at the other card she drew and a smirk formed on her face since this was the very card she needed to win this duel which also turned out to be the same card that Jesse gave her. "Oh the irony;" She shook her head as she played that very card. "I'm playing Spell Shattering Arrow!" She held up the card in the air.

Jesse blinked at that before a look of panic crossed his face. "Oh no, that card destroys all the spell cards on my field and I get hit with 500 points for each card destroyed!" The country boy looked at his field and noticed he had two spell cards which made a total of 1000 points. "Uh oh,"
"Uh oh is right!" Chris smirked as an two arrows shot out of the Spell Shattering Arrow card. One destroyed the Crystal Release equip spell while the other destroyed the field spell Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins. "You go bye-bye now." A final arrow appeared from the spell card and flew at Jesse, hitting the boy in the chest and knocking him to the ground.

(Chris: 500 Jesse: 0)

"And the Queenton takes the throne!" Chris smirked as the field returned to normal and the cards on the field disappeared.

Jesse sat up and scratched the back of his, sheepishly. "Beaten by the card I gave her." He chuckled. "It's sad because that's not the first time that happened to me."

"And yet, you're still one of our top students, Jesse." Jesse looked up and Chris raised an eyebrow from surprise when the old man that she helped a hundred times already come to stand next to the now second best student.

"Well I wouldn't say top since I was beaten but what can you do, Chancellor Foster?" Jesse shrugged as he stood up.

"Wait chancellor?!" Chris looked at the old man. "You mean to tell me that this old homeless creep is the chancellor around here?!"

"Well again, I didn't want to ruin the surprise for you." Jesse laughed.

"And we have to have a little talk about this, Jesse. You know the rules and you broke a few of them by helping Chrystal." Foster said making Jesse chuckle, nervously.

"Okay, I'm in trouble but I still get to go to Duel Academy right? I want to surprise my sister." Jesse started but was cut off before he could say more by Chris.

"Look Foster, if that's even your real name; the name Chris now and I just finished dueling 50 of your students. I better get some kind of reward for it." She said narrowing her eyes.

"Oh yes, of course. You see, Chris, your now the best duelist at North Academy. That's mean you're going to be our represented in the School Duel." Foster explained.

"So I'm going up against someone from Duel Academy?" Chris asked.

"Yes, we choice Jesse at first but since you beat him…" Foster glanced over at Jesse. "And since I already have to punish him anyway..."

"Hey, it's fine. The best man won this fight….well in this case woman but you'll get the idea." Jesse replied.

"Yes and now the school bows to you, Chris." Foster said kneeing down in front of her like she was his new queen.

Chris smirked at that as she glanced at Jesse. "Well you heard the man."

Jesse shook his head with a laugh. "Don't get a big head, Chris. You're going to end up losing in the School Duel if you do."

"Speaking of that, who am I dueling anyway?" Chris questioned looking back at Foster.

"I believe it was a girl under the name of….oh what was it now?" Foster wondered while Jesse already had that answer.

"You're dueling against my sister, J.J." The country duelist answered before a grinned formed on his face. "Good luck, you're going to need it."

Chris rolled her eyes at that. "Yeah if she's as easy to beat as you then this won't take long."

"Hey!" Jesse yelled surprising Chris a little at his sudden anger. "Jayla is a way better duelist then I am! I'll be surprised if you did beat her!"

"Wait….Jayla?! As in Jayla Yuki!? Your sister is her?! But you two look nothing alike, sound alike, or anything like that!" Chris knew this guy acted too much like her but now that she thought back to it, Jayla and Jesse both had one of a kind jewel decks. "You have got to be kidding me."

"I don't kid around when it comes to her." Jesse answered with a rare serious tone in his southern voice. "As for the whole family thing, I'll explain that to you on the way to Duel Academy."

Chris thought about it before a devilishly smirk formed on her face. "Oh I can't wait."