A/N: Special thanks again to the best beta reader APerfectGrace


„Dean, I think I got a case. Johns Island, South Carolina. Three people died in the last two weeks. Each of them in a closed room. They couldn't find any evidences of a burglar."

"You think it's a vengeful spirit?"

"Seems like. Let's have a look."

"Okay, I'm getting ready."

Sam watched after his brother when he left the room. It's been almost three years since Castiel left them. Almost three years since Dean had his breakdown. And almost three years since Dean had ever spoken about Castiel again.

Sam would be lying if he said that these three years have been easy. It took Dean three months to finally leave his room for more than 15 minutes a day. That wasn't the reason why Sam was worried about his brother, no. He was more worried that Dean wasn't grieving at all after those three months. Sam knew his brother. He knew that he still suffered inside, but he also knew that, if Dean decided to ignore his feelings, there as nothing he could do to help him. The last couple of years were okay. They had a few cases, but nothing they couldn't handle. Life became normal again... and Sam did not like it one bit. Of course he was happy that they did not need to save the world again, but he hated how his brother acted. He hated how his brother pretended to be okay. How he pretended that nothing had happened; that Castiel had never been a part of their -his- world. And what he hated the most was that Dean still did not get what Castiel wanted to tell him with the yellow ribbon. It took Sam 3 days of researching (yes, he researched about a yellow ribbon), to understand what Castiel wanted to say. Still Dean had absolutely no idea. Sam wanted to tell him about it, but he just couldn't. It was Dean's job to find out what his angel wanted from him. He really wanted to stay out of this, but after almost three years of watching his brother dying inside Sam couldn't stand it anymore. He made a decision and he also devised a plan. Sam would make his brother see what he hadn't seen all these years. That Castiel still cared about Dean.

Sam was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he did not hear Dean coming.

"You're ready, Sammy? Sammy? Hey, Sam."

"Huh, what? Oh, yes. I'm ready."

The elder Winchester looked confused. "Is everything alright?"

"What? Yes, yes of course. I just.. thought about something."

Dean grinned. "Huh, some dirty thoughts in the middle of the day? I'm proud of you Sammy. You're finally becoming a man."

Sam rolled his eyes. "Whatever Dean. Let's go." He grabbed his laptop and put it in his duffel bag. He had everything he needed to open Dean's eyes. The only thing Sam was not sure about was the yellow ribbon. He has never seen it again since the day Castiel left. He only could hope that Dean did not throw it away and still carried it around.

After a long drive the brothers were only 2 hours away from Johns Island and with every minute Sam got more nervous. It had to work. He couldn't watch Dean having a breakdown for a second time.

"Dude, are you alright?"

"Huh, what?"

Dean watched his brother out of the corner of his eyes. "You seem nervous, man."

"Nah, I'm just a little tired that's all." Damn it. Sam needed to calm himself down, otherwise he would destroy everything.

"You sure? You look pretty bad."

"Thanks, Dean."

The elder Winchester had to hide a grin while Sam was throwing bitch-face #45 at him.

"Maybe I just need some good music."

Sam started to fumble in his duffel bag until he found what he was looking for. Before he could even reach for the cassette player Dean hit his hand away.

"Dude, remember? Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole. Seriously, what is wrong with you? You've been like this for days. Wanna tell me something?"

"What? No? No! It's nothing. I just wanted to hear some music."

"Well, just FYI. We ARE hearing some music."

"Sorry, I meant good music."



Dean grinned again. It had been ages since he grinned that often in one day. "But I'm serious man. You're alright?"

Sam looked out of the window. "Yes, I am. Don't worry."

No word was spoken after this until they reached Johns Island.

Sam and Dean were walking through a park in the middle of the night. "Seriously Sam, what the hell are we doing here? I thought we're searching for evidences in houses. As much as I love to have a romantic picnic with you, I think now isn't the right time."

"Just shut your mouth Dean and follow me."

After a few minutes and some curses of Dean later they finally reached what Sam was looking for.

"Dude, that's a tree."

"Yes. It's called the Angel Oak Tree."

Sam could see how Dean suddenly grew stiff.

'Now or never', he thought. "Dean, we have to talk."

"There never has been a case, right?" Dean still watched the tree, not moving an inch.

Sam sighed. "No. I made it up..everything, but I had a reason."

"Oh, lemme hear." He could her the anger, but also some pain, in Dean's voice.

"It's about Cas. I th-"


"Dean, please. You ha-"

"Sammy, please. Just..don't..."

Sam froze. He knew Dean would not take it easy, hell he even knew that Dean would be damn angry, but he never thought that Dean would plead him to stop. He took a deep breath.

"Dean, look at me."

He didn't.

"Please. It's.. just listen okay?"

"What the hell were you thinking? We drove over 17 hours to South Carolina for this?!" Dean pinned his brother against the tree. "Really, Sam, really?! To show me some damn fucking Angel Oak Tree and talk about Cas?!" His voice broke. "Just.. what the hell were you thinking, Sammy?"

Sam looked at him pleadingly. "I wanted to help you."

Dean laughed bitterly and let his brother go. "Help me? By dragging me to some tree? I don't need help Sam. I'm okay. I'm totally f-"

"No you're not Dean. Don't lie to me."

The elder Winchester looked at his brother, but said nothing.

"You are my brother, Dean. I know you. You're hurt. I can see it, okay? I've watched you suffer for the last three years and I can't handle it anymore."

"I'm sorry for not taking care of your feelings."

Sam rolled his eyes. "You exactly know what I mean. Just stop being a whiny bitch and think."

"I'm not a whiny bitch, bitch!"

"Do you still have it?"

Now Dean seemed confused. "Still have what?"

"The yellow ribbon. Do you have it?"

Dean immediately cringed. Without a second thought Dean reached for something in his pocket and a moment later a yellow ribbon was lying in his hands.

Sam released the breathe he has been holding. Dean still had the yellow ribbon. It will work. It had to work.

A long time passed before Dean started to speak again. "This is bullshit. I can't believe I kept this." He threw the ribbon away and walked back the way they came from.

"Dean! Wait!"

"Stop it already. I'm tired of it, okay? I'm tired of everything. Let it be."

"Oh for God's sake! Could you please tie the yellow ribbon around the tree?!"

Dean stopped and turned around. "Excuse me?"

"Come on Dean. Think about it. Cas did not give you this ribbon without a reason. Have you really never thought about why he left a yellow ribbon?" Sam could see in Dean's dumb face that he in fact never thought about it. He sighed.

"Wait." Dean suddenly said. "You've researched about a yellow ribbon?"

"Yes, I...", he could see how his brother started to grin like an idiot. "That's not the point! Just.. Damn it! Listen, okay?!"

Sam fumbled with his mobile and few seconds later a song started to play.

"Really, Sammy? Music? Now?"


Dean rolled his eyes, but obeyed.

I'm coming home, I've done my time. I've got to know what is and isn't mine.Ifyou received my letter tellin' you I'd soon be free then you'll know just what to do if you still want me

"Okay. I'm feeling like an idiot right now. I'm going."

"No! Wait.. listen!"

If you still want me...

Tie yellow ribbon 'round the ole oak tree. It's been three long years do you still want me? If I don't see a ribbon 'round the ole oak tree I'll stay on the bus, forget about us, put the blame on me, if I don't see that yellow ribbon 'round the ole oak tree

With every word of the song Dean's eyes grew wider and wider. "You're kidding.."

"I don't think so."

Without thinking Dean picked up the ribbon and looked at Sam, the song still playing in the background. "You really think Cas wants me to tie this ribbon around the oak tree?"

Sam nodded.

"And it has to be this Angel Oak Tree? It couldn't have been an oak tree in Kansas? Really Sam? You know how corny this is, right? If I were a girl, I'd marry you right now."

Only now Sam realized that it was indeed corny. His face begun to blush. "I-I just wanted to help you..."

Dean chuckled. "It's been three years, do you still want me.. mhmm.." He took some steps towards a branch and with a little hesitation he tied the yellow ribbon around it. Slowly he closed his eyes and thought about his blue eyed angel. "Hey Cas..it's me. Y'know..I did it.. so.. you're coming home, right?"

...and I can't believe I see. A hundred yellow ribbons 'round the ole oak tree. I'm coming home...

"Hello Dean."

Within seconds Dean opened his eyes again and turned around. There, right in front of him, stood Castiel. The angel, who gripped him tight and raised him from perdition. The angel, who rebelled for him. The angel, who betrayed him. The angel, who asked for his forgiveness. The angel, who always has been there for him. The angel, who left him. The angel, who he fell in love with.

Dean did not know what to say. There were too many feelings inside him. Anger, confusion, hurt, fear, but also happiness and love.

Castiel looked at the ribbon and smiled. "I knew you would need some time to understand what I wanted to tell you, but I have never thought it would literally take you three years to figure it out."

Dean still wasn't saying anything. The smile fell from the angels face and he locked his eyes with Dean's.

"I am truly sorry. I know there aren't any words to make you forgive me. You need to know that I had to go, I didn't want to. I never wanted to leave you. That's why I gave you the ribbon. I really hoped that you would do that." He pointed at the ribbon. "That you still want me in your life." Castiel sighed and broke the eye contact. "Please..say something."

Dean couldn't. He just couldn't say anything. His mind had gone blank. He saw the fear, but also the honesty in Cas's eyes. Of course he wanted him back in his life. Why would he tie the ribbon around an oak tree if he didn't? Why would he do such girly things if he didn't? He wanted Cas. He needed him. Dean has been a wreck all these years without him. He couldn't lose him again. He wouldn't lose him again. And then his body moved all by itself. He took a step towards the angel and threw his arms around him, hugging him tight. Not in a brotherly way, no, but in a I'll-never-ever-let-you-go way.

The angel gasped out of surprise, but hugged him back immediately. "Dean..I'm sorry.."

"Just shut your cakehole.." Dean tightened his grip and pressed his face into Castiel's neck, breathing in his scent. How he missed his scent, his warmth...him. He forgot everything around him, even Sam. There was only Castiel. Everywhere was Castiel.

After a while Sam really felt to be out of place. "Ehm... I'll just.. y'know go back to the motel... It's nice to see you, too, Cas." He did not get an answer, but he wasn't mad. Sam smiled and headed back to the motel. It worked. His brother was happy and so was he. "Maybe I should become cupid... well, a dressed version of cupid."

Dean and Castiel stood there, what felt like an eternity, just hugging each other. Neither of them realized that Sam was gone. The green eyed man loosened the hug and looked into Cas's blue eyes. Dean loved those eyes. His eyes traveled down to the angels, sinful, full lips. Absently he started to lick his own.


"Would you please just shut up?"

"But I-"

"A screw it."

Before Castiel could say something again he felt Dean's soft lips on his own. A groan escaped the Winchester's throat and also Cas could not stop himself from making a satisfied noise. He closed his eyes and started to kiss Dean back. At first there were only small kisses, but after Dean sucked at Castiel's bottom lip and took advantage of the angel's moan to shove his tongue into Castiel's mouth, the kiss started to get more passionate.

Dean had kissed a lot of women, but he never experienced a kiss like that. His heart began to beat faster. After three years his angel came finally back to him. Castiel came home.

The End

A/N: The song is called 'Tie a yellow ribbon 'round the ole oak tree' by Tony Orlando & Dawn. You guys really need to hear that song, it's awesome!

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. :)