A/N: This took far longer then I anticipated. Life has been beyond hectic, I just had no ability to write. This follows along with my original vision, so I hope that you all enjoy the ending.

Thus the world was tossed into a new form of chaos, the likes of which they hadn't known. After everything they'd done, after everything they had accomplished Emma had still found a way to best them. And this time, no matter how Regina kissed her, she wouldn't awaken.

There was no doubt, Regina and Emma were meant to be. More so than even Charming and his idiot wife. More so than the moon and stars. It was the plain truth, everyone, anyone could see it. Gold had proven it with magic. Yet, no matter how hard she kissed her. No matter how much she begged, or cried over her. Emma Swan was refusing to wake up.

"Okay kid. We went through the video. We know you snuck in, what the hell did she give you? Because your mom's kiss is doing all of jack shit" Tia growled out at the boy as she held him by the collar. Glaring down at him.

All the sneaky boy did was grin back. He wasn't about to crack, no way no how. He took her hands off of his shirt and she huffed at him. Going back to sit across from him. Tia, Regina, and Ruby had dragged his juvenile ass into the interrogation room at the station. Grinning cockily he leaned forward and drank the hot chocolate Ruby had brought for him.

He drank heartily, for some reason this was the best hot chocolate that he'd ever drank. It felt like bliss going down his throat, and made him feel all tingly. He barely paid attention as Tia repeated her previous questions. Yet the words were clear in his head. And his mouth opened of its own accord.

"Emma told me what to do. I followed her instructions verbatim. I gave her the sleeping curse." Spilled from his lips. His eyes going wide, his hands turning into fists. Wondering why, and how, he had just blurted out such things.

"What instructions? What did you do, exactly? Why won't Regina wake her up? We need to know. And we need to know now" Demanded an angry Ruby as she paced. Biting her thumbnail worriedly.

The shocked boy blinked. His mind racing, he was biting his lips painfully. Trying his hardest not to speak, but his body, his mind, everything but his heart wanted him, was begging him, forcing him, to tell them the answers they sought from him. Finally his mouth opened once more.

"Stole from Gold. True love isn't the way to break this sleeping curse" Was rushed out between gritted teeth. "Emma said I needed to put something from someone else to make them the curse breaker. She believed that by doing that no one could wake her up"

"That fuckface!" Cursed Tia as Regina's eye twitched. The dancer pointed at the angry and confused Henry. "Then you have to kiss her, immediately. Don't you see, the only way to save Emma is to be on our side. To wake her up, to show her that Regina, despite all of her faults, does love her back"

Angry beyond reason Henry kicked the table leg across from him. Causing the table to knock into Tia's and his mother's stomachs. They barely flinched at the contact. Too worried about Emma, too stressed from the entire situation to really feel such a small amount of pain. This only pissed off the boy more.

"I'm not the right one. I don't know who is. I used a random hair I found on the ground in the bathroom." He glared as he spoke, then everything clicked in his mind. He'd heard talk of such spells during his sneaking around when Emma first came back. "You truth spelled me!" Roared the angry boy.

Shocked that this had happened to him, that he had been so stupid as to just accept a drink from the wolf. Especially his favorite, complete with cinnamon. Henry wanted to slam his head into a wall, he should have known something was off when it tasted, and felt, so damn good to drink. But he hadn't, and now he was suffering the consequences.

"What other choice did we have?" Said Regina forlornly. Had she wanted to go down this route? No, certainly not. But really, time was short, Emma was still down for the count. Henry was uncrackable, this had been the only option.

"You! You bitch! You lying bitch!" He screamed and jumped to his feet, knocking his chair backwards. "You promised you'd never, never do magic on me without my permission!" He slammed his fist onto the table. Regina looked ready to cry.

He knew he was hurting his mother, but right now she could have been on fire and it would have probably taken him a good thirty seconds to contemplate whether to piss the damn shit out or let her burn. Deep down he knew he'd have saved her, she was still his mom. But right now. He'd never been more angry, not even when she had been the Evil Queen and the curse had still been in full effect.

"She didn't, she refused to take part in any step of the process you ungrateful" Regina raised an eyebrow and leveled a glare at the wolf. "Child. I did this, with no help from her. I chose to do this, and I shall take that blame. She almost didn't allow it, but as much as it hurt her to allow it, she knew this needed to be done."

"I hate to interrupt this little glare fest you two ladies have going on. But you can fiddle all you want with the sleeping curse, but true love will always be a most vital key. Now, I can be in no way certain, but from my own past in magicks I would venture to bet heavily on there needs to be a double kiss."

Everyone just stared at the man who had literally appeared from nowhere, and had, obviously, been listening and possibly watching the entire time they'd been in the tiny slightly smelly room in the back of the station. Ruby glared at him, huffing before finally stopping her incessant pacing. Regina stared at him with hope, and Tia sighed deeply.

"A double kiss? How is that possible, how would that be done? How do you doubly kiss someone?" Tia was beyond confused, causing the dark one to run a hand down his face. As dealing with non magical people was just a small step above dealing with the idiot brigade known as Charming and Snow.

"Yes. A double kiss. One from her true love, as the heart, no matter what science says, lives in your heart that is likely where Regina will need to kiss. Whilst this unknown party will have to kiss her forehead. But prior, both will have had kissed her lips" Rumple said as he scratched his chin, mind racing.

Testing had to be the most annoying, disappointing, horrifying thing to do in the world when it meant you were testing blood against blood to try to figure out whose blood Emma's would react to. However, they had no other choice. The son of the savior truly hadn't known whose hair he had dumped into the potion.

They had tested him first, followed by Tony and Leroy. Then they'd gone further down the list. Until they had finally tested Tia's blood. The combination of Regina's, Emma's and the dancer's made an explosive little bomb that had Rumple smiling in relief, and Regina ready to strangle the woman once again.

Of course her true love's revival now depended on their cooperation. And while all it would do would be awaken her, and keep the curse from killing her, it was something. Regina knew she'd have to cure the heart another way. How she had no clue of, nor did Rumple. That was important, but first thing first. They needed to wake up her true love.

So. They had both kissed the sleeping blonde's lips. Then, carefully and at the exact same time Tia had kissed her forehead while Regina had rested her lips above her heart. Both women were shot away from the body from the force of the curse breaking. However, the red leather jacket unzipped and laid splayed open.

As everyone stood up, Emma included, they all knew that Emma's magic was back. Freed. The sleeping curse had broken, and with it, the enchantment keeping the woman's magic at bay. No one moved for several moments as the blonde glared. Then she thrust her own hand deep inside of her chest and removed the still decimated heart.

Not a single soul had stayed still. Rushing to the woman, but none, not even Ruby, was fast enough to stop her. The heart slid through the air, like a baseball thrown by a major league first string pitcher. As it hit the wall with a sickening thwack it shattered.

Immediately Regina had raced for the chunks, gathering them up and pulling them as close to her person. Cradling them in her hands like glass. Crying as she leaned against the wall, sliding down until she was sitting. Shaking her head as she stared at the heart. Switching every few seconds to look at the crumpled body of her love.

The love that Ruby had grabbed mid fall. The love that Ruby was crying over. The one that the wolf had declared dead. It was all over as far as the mayor was concerned. She simply couldn't fight this any longer, and so she reached into her own chest.

Fingers grasping around her own heart painfully, yanking it. And she stared at it as it lay among the pieces of Emma's own organ. Tears continued to rain down her face, splashing down onto her hands and the precious cargo it holds.

After a few minutes she began to notice that on her heart a little red swan was appearing, and it's black counterpart was beginning to appear on one of the larger chunks of Emma's heart. She stared at them, confused, scared, and maybe even a little bit hopeful.

As the hope and love began to pulse through her at the sight of the two swan's she felt her magic reacting of it's own volition. Rushing through her blood like one of those racecars her son liked to watch - something she fully blamed on Emma.

What was even more surprising than the sheer amount of magic now coursing through her was the fact that it was light magic. The kind born from only the purest of loves. Which only made her cry harder. The magic built up inside of her, racing and zipping through her veins until it began to pour out of her hands.

Enveloping the hearts in a lavender magic She stared, shocked out of crying, at the swirling haze of magic. Ruby came over, eyes wide, staring at the scene. As did Tia and Rumple. Rumple's mouth hanging so far open that it literally looked like it would need to be surgically put back on.

When the light finally dissipated and the magic stopped coursing through her Regina was shocked to see two hearts in her hands. Two fully healthy, fully put together, hearts. Each one beating in sync with the other. On one there was still a red little Swan. Her heart. On the other was a matching mark, save this one was black. Emma's. Emma's heart was healed, healthy, and strung (strong).

Ruby didn't have time to get out of Regina's path as the woman jumped up and rushed her like a linebacker. Knocking her out of the way, and onto the floor. Racing for her true love's body, which still lay lifeless despite the heart now beating strongly in one hand.

As she fell to her knees beside Emma she replaced her own heart. Before lightly kissing Emma's heart. She clenched her eyes, and prayed to gods she knew didn't exist, before carefully plunging the organ back into Emma's body. Kissing her cooling lips as she did so.

The entire diner stopped and just stared. Open mouths and raised eyebrows, a mixture of fear and confusion pounding through everyone's systems. Ever since Regina had healed Emma's heart everything had seemed perfect. As Emma had moved back to town, Tony and Tia had left to take care of their dance studio.

Six weeks without fighting or curses. Well, there were a few heated glares on the weekends when the twins would come down and stay with Emma. The blonde lived back in her house, and had even taken back the Sheriff's badge. The Savior and her Queen could be seen kissing, cuddling, or holding hands several times a day.

The only person who complained or seemed anything but overjoyed with their union was Snow White. Even as much as she truly detested the relationship, and had no problem glaring or making a few snide comments here or there the fairy tale princess couldn't help but admit that she would rather Emma not only alive but in town then out in the real world and dying because of what she had done to her heart. A heart that was cured by Snow's nemesis.

All this had started with Emma singing that first song incognito. Now she was standing at the microphone, no magic, just herself and a guitar. A bright grin on her face, and a spark in her eyes. But still. People couldn't help but feel apprehensive, could this lead to another giant Ogre of a problem? Why was Emma singing again?

It was clear that Regina had not known about this performance, or Granny who was eyeing the stage waringly as her fingers tightened around the spatula she was holding. Emma began to tap her foot as she waved her hand and music began to fill the room, then she began to play the guitar.

"What if I told you that I think you're perfect?

Beautiful sky in your eyes, it's so worth it.

I know you make me feel alive.

What if I told you that I'm in forever?

Nothing to hide, yeah, I'll go wherever you go.

You make me feel alive.

And I'll be hanging on every word you say to me.

Hanging on a feeling that I get,

Cause you make me

Laugh a little louder

Love a little harder."

Sang out the blonde. Regina's heart couldn't help but stop. She loved the woman so much, and her only regret was that she hadn't been able to admit it all those years ago.

"Are, are you crying?" Snow asked in disbelief as her eyes grew to the point she looked like one of those bugs that have eyes for faces. Regina of course shook her head violently as she wiped her eyes and muttered something about dust.

"And I feel alive when I'm with you

Every time it's something new.

Never knew what love could feel like

Until I walked away the first time.

And I feel alive when I'm with you.

Deep inside it's something true.

You're the only reason I fight,

You're the best thing in my life.

What if I told you that I'd never hurt you?

Always be there for you to hold on to.

I know you make me feel alive

And every single second's a lifetime memory,

I'll be holding on to each moment

'Cause you make me

Laugh a little louder

Love a little harder."

It was clear as day that the song that she had chosen was coming directly from the heart. Coming from a place so deep inside of her that most people just didn't ever have the chance to reach.

Just like all those times before where she had sang for her love an object drifted down from thin air, appearing in front of Regina. She stared at the little box. Then, with every pair of eyes on her, and shaky fingers, she opened it. Inside was the perfect, most amazing, engagement ring Regina could have ever hoped for, could have ever dreamed for.

The true love couple that had blasted Snow and David out of the water locked eyes as the Sheriff finished her song, and the once Evil Queen slipped the ring onto her finger. Everything was fine, was perfect, and everyone knew that there would be ups and downs in the future, but they also knew that Emma and Regina had found their happy ending. Each other, and their son.

A/N: So that's the end of this one folks. I know this took far longer then it should have. I'm sorry for that. I hope you enjoyed the ride, and will one day enjoy another story that I write in the future. As always please, please, let me know what you thought.