Mirror Mirror

Chapter 3 – Old Faces

Author Note: Well, that was a long time, huh? But it's long as shit so enjoy!

The Hyuuga gates weren't the normal gates she was used to. These large, formidable iron gates were opened... and there was also no tall brick borders surrounding the compound to keep all of the many "impurities" out. Another thing that left an impression was the short white fence that had vines and flowers laced through it. Meanwhile, Hinata stood frozen at the threshold. Every emotion she was desperately trying to keep hidden was peeping out and the accursed butterflies started fluttering in her stomach. Hinata's unsteady heartbeat was outrageous and probably abominable for her health but...

Everything was different. So very, uniquely different.

Hanabi had already fearlessly entered the building. Now all that was left for them to follow.

Sasuke would have glared at the opal eyed heiress if it weren't for his own nerves. His mother, his father and his brother... Itachi... They were all waiting on the other side of the strangely welcoming thick iron gates, and maybe he wasn't as ready as he previously thought. Memories started assaulting him - memories he'd normally hide, or chide away - memories of his largely treasured childhood.

The impact of it all had just started to sink in. Beyond these gates, lay the ghosts of his early years. Beyond these gates, lay everything he had fought for and wished for... was he really ready to face it all? He was chasing shadows, thinking that he might be... but in reality... what was reality?

And so, it was Hinata who bravely took the first step, with Sasuke hesitantly following behind. As she stepped onto the porch, the suffocating feeling that was usually covering the compound ... wasn't there. It was as if it had disappeared. A very queer feeling settled within Hinata. Her home hadn't felt like this since-

"Hinata," a feminine voice called out, from beyond the large structure. "Ah, Mikoto, I have found them." She finished. Hinata tilted her head slightly, only to see two women. The woman named Mikoto rounded the corner with a bright smile stretched across her elegantly beautiful face. She looked strangely like Sasuke... but Hinata was too preoccupied with the woman on her right to notice. Sasuke, meanwhile, stood frozen with a panicked expression strewn on his person.

"I thought you said you had a mission!" She exclaimed, walking over towards them. It seemed like her very essence was motherly. "Sasuke, did you lie to your mother?" Mikoto turned on the motionless statue that was Sasuke. "Well?"

She gasped when his hand shakily touched her cheek. Sasuke's brows were dipped and his eyes were stormy ... as if he was struggling within himself. Air had sharply escaped Sasuke's lungs upon seeing his mother give him a soft smile, placing her smaller hand into his. Alarmingly, Mikoto noticed his trembling free hand and grabbed it. "... Mother," was his barely audible reply.

Mikoto stood before her son, beyond bewildered. "Sa-" her words were cut short when he pulled her into a tight, engulfing hug. She didn't know exactly how to act (how does one act in such a situation? Maybe there was a guidebook?) But went along with it and hugged him back.

Hinata's eyes hadn't left the indigo haired woman that stood in front of her. "Did something happen?" Hikari's amethyst eyes quizzically went from the emotional Uchiha to her daughter... only to find tears trying to fall from her face. "Oh dear, Hinata!"

Hinata flinched when she heard the voice of her mother who had died long ago, and proceeded to cover her face as hot tears poured down her cheeks. Whispering apologies, Hinata tried to redeem herself. If her father was here... she shuddered at the thought. What would he have done, being witness to such weakness that would folly the great Hyuuga name? "I...M-mother, I-" She was embraced by her mother as heavy sobs racked her body. Hinata hadn't know that the wound from her mother's death still bled until this point.

Both puzzled mothers glanced at each other with identically bright smiles. "Hinata," Hikari cooed, attempting to get Hinata to cease her unnecessary crying. "Hinata...listen to me, okay?" She tenderly wiped her daughter's tears with the sleeve of her floral-patterned dress.

Hinata nodded slowly, accepting her mother's words. That was when Mikoto excitedly grabbed her hands. "There's nothing to be sad about," she paused, her eyes starting to sparkle in remembrance. "This is a beautiful thing!"

It was Sasuke and Hinata's turn to be confused, even more than usual. Hikari tapped her chin thoughtfully, staring at them with suppressed glee. "I dowish you were married before this but-"

Mikoto interrupted, waving her hand dismissively. "Hey, Hikari leave them alone! I just knew you weren't just going on a simple mission, Sasu-chan!" The Uchiha woman pinched her son's cheek affectionately.

Hinata rapidly blinked at the two clearly crazy women. "I d-don't understand?" It sounded like a question, which it was. How could her mother say...? From all the people, they assume it to be with...? And how could his (at least, she thought so) own mother...? Hinata's head was spinning to the point where she couldn't even formulate proper questions anymore.

Sasuke's frown deepened even more at when he realized what they were suggesting. Insinuating. If Mikoto hadn't been his mother, blood surely would have been spilled by now."She's not-"

"You're pregnant!" They both chimed, directing their gazes to Hinata. It was said so factually, too...

Her face dramatically lost color as she took a step back. "N-no-"

Hikari nodded fervently and grabbed Hinata's hand. "Of course, dear! These drastic mood swings plus the fact that you've changed into maternity clothing. It's truly beautiful, Hinata!"

Mikoto nodded in agreement. "Come, come, we should meet up with your fathers now," she exclaimed, unable to hide the excitement in her voice. "They'll be delighted to hear the news!"

"But m-mother, I'm not p-pre-" she was so embarrassed that she couldn't properly get the words out. Wait, this was the second time someone has mentioned something about her attire! There was absolutely nothing wrong with it! What on earth did her counterpart usually wear?

Sasuke roughly grabbed his mother's wrist. "She isn't pregnant," he declared with a tone of finality, ending the topic. How dare his own mother think that he would father a child with... with the girl that was obsessed with the dobe the majority of her miserable life?

Hinata nodded in ardent agreement. "I'm not!" There was no way she'd let him impregnate her. She already didn't want the Uchiha looking at her and his touch made her skin crawl. There was no chance in her universe of that ever happening.

Mikoto and Hikari visibly deflated at the news. "Tch, it'll happen soon." Mikoto mumbled under her breath, her black eyes wide with disappointment.

Hikari tilted her head, allowing flowing navy hair to fall over her shoulders. "Then is something seriously wrong? Will you tell me, daughter?" Asked Hikari, a crease appearing between her eyebrows. She couldn't forget the way that Hinata had cried out, and if it wasn't the fact that Hinata was pregnant, it worried her immensely. Why did Hinata cry? The amount of love and concern honestly frightened Hinata momentarily. She had never...

Mikoto stopped the inquiry, shaking her hand dismissively. "No more discoveries tonight. Let's just eat, okay?"

"Hai," they all answered (except for Sasuke... he who was tries to imitate a rock) and entered the dining room.

Hinata should have known something was wrong when her father and Fugaku Uchiha walked into the dining room with matching light smiles on their faces, and even more so when her father walked up to Hanabi and her mother and tenderly kissed their temples. "Hinata," he said before greeting her with the same action. In response, Hinata was absolutely shell-shocked... to an extent, it was hard to believe her own eyes. Was this the father who had regularly insulted her throughout her childhood and teenage years? Was this the father who was the star of many of her present day nightmares? If it was, how could it be?

A blush dusted Hinata's cheekbones (who would never be used to such displays of affection) as the man took his seat. "Father," she replied respectfully. Hinata glanced over at the stoic Sasuke.

Fugaku also acknowledged his son and wife. "Ah, Sasuke I thought you had a mission to attend to?" It was a relaxed afterthought, but it still put his son on edge.

Sasuke observed his father's neutral face carefully. He was waiting... Waiting for the ghost of his childhood to appear, to shower him with scorn and contempt. But even though he was searching as best as he could, he could find no hidden mockery or disappointment laced within his words... just genuine, fatherly concern. Sasuke didn't know how to respond to this man, and he decided that the best course of action was to remain quiet.

Hanabi groaned loudly, fed up with the strangely tense atmosphere. "Sasu-chan," she stressed. "Why are you being so quiet? Tell us a joke!" Her lilac eyes shimmered in adoration for the young Uchiha male. Hinata nearly choked on the piece of chicken she was eating. Sasu-chan? Joke? The terms Sasuke Uchiha and joking were as far apart from each other as the sun and moon. How on earth did the Sasuke Uchiha of this universe act?

The man in question didn't joke nor did he acknowledge the younger girl's words. Instead, he folded his arms and tranquilly closed his eyes. Hanabi pouted, her lower lip jutting outwards slightly. "What's wrong with him?"

"Surely I haven't missed one of Sasuke's jokes," a deeper voice interrupted the scene. A shadowy figured moved through the door, and Sasuke turned just in time to see his brother walking through. "Excuse my tardiness, I stopped home to clean up." He humbly bowed to the adults.

Fugaku flippantly waved it off. "You are not late, Itachi. Take a seat." He informed his eldest son.

Itachi dutifully obeyed. "Ah, so this the famous Hinata Hyuuga I've been hearing so much about?" asked Itachi, taking a subtle glimpse at the scowling Sasuke. Hinata glanced up at the sound of her name. She shouldn't have been surprised to see him, and yet she was. Itachi Uchiha had adopted quite a few names in Konoha; but then again, so had Sasuke. Even so, she somehow didn't feel the same aggressive vibe from Itachi as she did with Sasuke. Smiling shyly, she nodded in greeting.

Itachi patted Sasuke's back. "Good job, brother," he complimented. That was when he noticed that his younger brother was trembling, and hadn't even replied to his words. Sasuke's knuckles were white from pressure and his breathing had stopped all together. He tried not to look at Itachi, as memories were beginning to assault him - and there was so much he wanted to say, so much he wanted to do - but he had to remember that this was not Itachi, this was not his Itachi; this Itachi wouldn't understand.

Itachi quickly removed his hand, slightly concerned over his brother's strange behavior. He would have to ask about it later because right now was not the time... "Have I missed much?" Itachi inquired, shifting the attention away from Sasuke and to himself.

Mikoto sighed sadly, before beginning to explain that had taken place previously. "No, but we thought Hinata was pregnant." Hiashi choked on his water and clutched his chest as Hikari soothingly rubbed his back. Through hazy eyes, he glared murderously at Sasuke.

"Oh Shi-shi, don't worry, she's not!" Laughed Hikari teasingly, glad to be able to make fun of her husband.

He wiped his mouth and sighed in relief. "I am much too young to be a grandfather," the Hyuuga head confessed, his comment aimed at both Hinata and Hanabi. Hinata turned pink, while Hanabi giggled girlishly.

Fugaku gave a deep chuckle. "Ah, Hiashi... I do not believe that to be much of a problem." Hiashi huffed with a smirk.

Rolling his eyes, he couldn't help but mutter under his breath. "We'll see when you become one..."

Hinata smiled at her parents ' antics until she felt eyes burning through her. Lilac tinted eyes happened to glance over into onyx eyes that belonged to the eldest Uchiha son. They stayed like that for a while, and Hinata couldn't help but be captivated with curiosity - were these really the alternate eyes of a murder - who murdered his own family, no less? Alas, Hanabi poked her side asking her something crazy, and the moment was interrupted (if that could be called am moment). She quickly turned away from the male just as the food was being served.

The observant look from the youngest Uchiha went unnoticed. As did the sigh he exuded. Hinata really just wanted this dinner to be over already, in order to talk to her mother more. She looked up at said woman. In her heart, she couldn't help the unease that was enveloping her - was her mother really, physically here? Wasn't it like she could disappear at any moment, and next thing Hinata knew, her mother was buried six feet under? And so the irrational glances would continue, somewhat as a meager reassurance that her mother was - yes - still there, still in front of her eyes, still alive. In fact, to Hinata's relief, Hikari was laughing with her father and the old man even had a blush dusting his features (how... in the name of the Hokage was this the same person who was the terror of her childhood?!). Hanabi was mischievously teasing them both about something Hinata missed. She absently touched her thumping chest.

Now that she thought of it... with her mother here, smiling, laughing, she couldn't help but think that...

This world... wasn't so bad, after all.

After they ate dinner, Hinata politely bowed to her parents and the Uchiha family. "Thank you for the food. May I please be excused from the table?" Hinata's voice, soft and hesitant, possessed a tone of inquiry.

Hiashi waved his hand freely, even though he looked slightly startled at Hinata's words. "You are an adult now. There's no need to ask to be excused, go on." Encouraged Hiashi. Smiling lightly, Hinata almost felt dazzled at the paternal light he was portraying. It was so unlike what it usually was; at home, her father was stoic and blunt, and didn't seem to care for her at all. She was glad... glad to have met this person, who was almost like what she wished for her own father to be.

Grinning, she stood with a nod of acceptance before heading for the stairs. "Hinata where are you going?" Her younger sister called out, puzzled.

Turning around to face her, Hinata gave her a questioning look. Hanabi's face was cocked slightly, and the curiosity on it testified the fact that she was not playing a practical joke. Dumbly, Hinata stared back, unable to answer the question. Finally, Hikari asked, "Have you forgotten something in your room, dear?"

"No..." Had she? No, she was pretty sure she hadn't. Well, even if she had, it wouldn't have been in this room, since she was in a different universe, and... Why one earth were they asking this of her anyway?

Hanabi pursed her lips out at her sister, looking slightly put out. "Impossible, considering how you haven't lived here for six months," ' she said, in a slightly conversational voice. Had Hinata not been her sister she would have missed the bitterness in Hanabi's tone. She pocketed that piece of information, choosing to analyze it later. "You live with Mr. Perfect now," she finished.

"W-what?" But, impossible! Hanabi had to be lying... she had to be. Hinata couldn't even fathom herself having a proper conversation with him... and yet in this universe, they were living together!? Looking around the room, she saw that no one looked particularly surprised, so this wasn't new. Nor was it a lie. But! How? How had this happened? She pinched her skin, reminding herself that it would be too suspicious to cause a scene here; already, her family members were gazing at her with concern. Shaking her head, she looked towards Sasuke who hadn't even reacted. Actually, Sasuke had barely said a word to his family throughout the whole dinner. Was he still in shock? "I... We can't possibly-"

Sasuke stood up just as silently as he came and proceeded to leave the room. Hinata flinched under the pressure that was given to her unconsciously as both parties looked at her curiously. A struggled sigh left her lips when she decided to follow him. It would be the normal thing to do - and it was better than being left to prying eyes.

"U-Uchiha-san, didn't you-"

"No," Sasuke bit out. There was no way he was living in a house with this annoyingly shy woman ... and her idiot (Naruto) loving ways. He would rather sleep on the rocky grounds of the forest ... actually ... that sounded better.

Hinata wasn't hurt by his words (she knew better) - she also wouldn't be able to sleep well at night with him even miles near her. There was a part of Hinata that couldn't bring herself to trust Sasuke anymore than he did her (maybe even more... Sasuke viewed her as an annoying fly... or maybe mosquito. In contrast, to her, he was the big bad wolf with red eyes). "That's f-fine," she told him.

A curt nod was returned to her. That was when Sasuke saw his brother stroll over to them. "I would like to walk you-," onyx eyes caught lilac ones momentarily. "And Hinata-san home."

Sasuke was about to reject his offer until the elder brother ruffled Sasuke's hair affectionately. Inwardly, Sasuke felt conflicted... almost in turmoil. While he missed his brother, and he missed this, he couldn't forget that this wasn't his brother (his perfect brother), he wasn't his (perfect) Itachi, and while he couldn't forget, somehow, he still managed to do so. Meanwhile, Hinata tried suppressing a smile at the interaction. There was something heart-warming about the way Sasuke reacted to Itachi - and vice versa. "H-Hai, thank you Itachi-san."

He nodded, his raven haired pony-tail swishing as he did so. "Of course," he replied.

Sasuke gritted his teeth as Itachi walked by them. All the things he had wanted to talk to Itachi about vanished and were replaced by bitterness... Even in this universe, Itachi was the better (perfect) person... the better (perfect) child. Was this his counterpart's way of dealing with Itachi? Acting completely out of character? Or was he? Or maybe he was being too emotional? Why was it only - always - Itachi who affected him like this?

Hinata walked in the middle, Itachi leading and Sasuke following (somehow, their agreement forgotten - or discarded - in between). Hinata chewed on her lip as they walked down the streets of Konoha. The sun was setting beautifully behind the Hokage Monuments, the market was busy with the buzzing chatter of the townspeople, and the trees looked as straight and green as they always did. She could've closed her eyes, and she wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between this Konoha and the Konoha in her own universe. But after a few more minutes of walking, they made it to the apartment.

Itachi stopped beside the door as the other two hesitantly stepped onto the small porch. Silence broke out for a long (unfathomable) moment. "Will you be opening the door?" Itachi pointed out, and if Sasuke hadn't known better, he could've sworn that it was awkward.

A blush burned Hinata's cheeks and for some reason she looked at the angry younger Uchiha. Sasuke was leaning against the railing with his arms firmly crossed. Dark eyes glanced up at lilac ones. "Why would I have a key?" He asked sharply, his question directed more at Hinata than Itachi.

Itachi smirked, amused. "Why wouldn't you, brother?"

Sasuke slowly exhaled through his nose before pushing himself off the railing and towards the door. He stared blankly at the wooden object for a moment before kicking it open. Hinata's lips curved downward with disapproval at his actions. They were only guests (in the universe, much less the home) for goodness's sake!

Walking into the quaint apartment, Hinata immediately noticed the... mess. It wasn't a mess, it was a disaster! Shattered vases, a broken coffee table, torn furniture and other tattered things. Itachi chuckled lightly at her embarrassment (and she knew she shouldn't be embarrassed because it wasn't even hers to begin with, but it was so bad, that she couldn't help but be embarrassed for their counterparts). Sasuke stood by the door with more disgust than before.


Itachi raised his hand and turned to his brother, silencing him with ease. "It is fine. I must be going now and on the chance I am not called for a mission I would like to talk to you," said Itachi, his tone warm.

Sasuke didn't reply to this. He didn't know what he should reply to it. But the elder Uchiha turned his attention elsewhere, and sent a smile to Hinata. "It was a pleasure finally meeting you, Hinata." Finally? Finally?! Was she missing something? How long... had her... and... Been together?!

"L-likewise," she mumbled quickly, stopping herself from thinking too much.

Sasuke sent out another grunt when his brother started for the door. It bothered Sasuke how he was reduced back to a helpless child that hadn't accomplished anything in front of his (perfect) older brother. A night without him snooping around sounded great.

"W-wait, Itachi-san!" Hinata called out and the eldest Uchiha immediately stopped as if that was what he had been waiting for, Sasuke noticed. "You may stay the n-night if you want." She finished softly and more than a bit shyly. She felt bad for sending out Itachi like that in the first place, and besides - she didn't want to be alone with the younger Uchiha in one building. Who knew when he would murder her in her sleep...?

Itachi watched the blushing girl then turned to his brother who was glaring daggers at her. "I am not the one to intrude, Hinata-san," explained Itachi, just as softly.

"You're not!" She said, more forcefully than she had planned.

Itachi smiled at this, his eyes soft. "So be it. I will take the guest room then," he turned to his brother. "Care to join me, little brother?"

Sasuke shot another glare at Hinata before following his (perfect) brother to the guest room. Somehow, he had lost the voice that could have rejected him - and while he had wanted Itachi to leave (and get his nosy ass out of there), there was a small part of him that wanted him to stay. The mixed feelings he had were beginning to frustrate him beyond belief.

On the other hand, the young Hyuuga let out a sigh of relief - for now, Little Red Riding Hood was safe from the Big Bad Wolf.

Their counterpart's room was actually clean (much to her very blatant disbelief) aside from random article s of clothing here and there. She sat on the left side of the Queen sized bed and took a minute to absorb the scene around her: the walls were a neutral cream, the furniture a dark mahogany... There were numerous pictures littering all angles of the room, and she couldn't help but pick up one of them. Her counterparts: what did they look like? She didn't know what she had been expecting, but the Hinata and Sasuke in this universe were happy in the photograph. She was busy drinking something while he kissed her cheek.

A blush burned her cheeks. "C-cute," even she had to admit. Opal eyes scanned the room and finally found the closet. Finally, what did her counterpart wear!? She, of course, wanted to know the reason why she had been called pregnant. Did she look fat? Was her counterpart skinny? And if that was so, if she had been called pregnant, didn't that mean that she and Sasuke had to have had... had... had... She silently shrieked at the thought. No! That was impossible! Gross (well, maybe not gross, but certainly not welcoming)! And... She'd have probably exploded of fear, rather than anything else. Absently walking to the closet, Hinata's blood ran cold the moment she laid her eyes on what laid inside, and all unasked questions were answered.

The contents? Very small shorts, plenty of mesh tube tops and even her jackets were thinner. She couldn't even force herself to take a look at her underwear - she was positive that she'd go redder than she was already. No wonder they thought she was hiding a baby bump because her counterpart DIDN'T WEAR CLOTHES!

Hinata groaned (she didn't remember ever feeling so humiliated) and picked up one of the alternate Sasuke's white t-shirts. Sitting it on the bed she went rummaging for night bottoms only to discover alternate Hinata didn't own anything besides revealing, racy night gowns. The scarred (for life and beyond) Hyuuga settled for Sasuke's pajama pants. Leaving it on the bed, she went to take her shower in order to cleanse herself in both body... and spirit.


Itachi was annoying, Sasuke found out. He was still the very same (perfect) prodigy child of his own universe but now he was... brotherly. He didn't try to kill him or rip his eyes out or start a battle - that really shouldn't have surprised Sasuke as much as it did - instead, he made lame jokes and asked him about strange memories they shared. While trying (and failing) to block out Itachi, he noticed that the guest room had a bathroom, too. Hopefully he would be able to sleep tonight.

"I'm taking a shower," he stood up from his make-shift bed because there was no way he was sharing a bed with a male, brother or not. Since that horrid kiss he'd shared with Naruto, too many people had been questioning him about his sexuality, and maybe that left him to feel sorer than he cared to admit.

He padded into the next room without much thought and saw night wear on the bed waiting for him. He grabbed the shirt just as the bathroom door opened revealing the Hyuuga girl in a black robe. Her eyes widened, as she hadn't expected the younger Uchiha to enter her room. "W-what are-"

He rolled his obsidian eyes, unimpressed. He'd thought that she was too interested in Naruto for anyone else - he'd obviously overestimated her... vastly. "I didn't come in here for you," he snapped.

"N-no," she managed, frowning and also trying (and failing) not to think of him as a prick. Why did he think all the girls in every universe wanted him? "I picked t-those out for me."

His brows dipped. He didn't know whether to be relieved that she didn't expect him to sleep with her, or whether to be further disturbed knowing that she was settling for his clothes, and not him. "I don't care, Hyuuga." Either way, it was bad news. Sasuke activated his Sharingan just to frighten her only to find the Byakugan glaring back at him.

Her face was actually burning in anger and not embarrassment or nervousness. Uchiha Sasuke was now an established prick that really got under her skin. "So?" she asked, mimicking his uncaring tone.

Sasuke's brow rose at her boldness, but he decided not to comment further. "Oh," he smirked which caused her to waver for a moment. "Your robe is slipping, idiot."

Now it was embarrassment. She looked in horror to see that her black robe had slipped so low that her breasts were nearly visible - she fixed it more quickly than the eye could blink. By the time she looked up the clothes she had picked out were gone and so was Uchiha Sasuke. Frowning, she turned on her heel feeling more defeated than she should.


Itachi had fallen asleep quickly. He was exhausted, it seemed. Sasuke as usual couldn't fall asleep and he didn't know if it was because he really couldn't or because he knew he shouldn't. Thinking about it just made his head throb even more.

He silently left the room and headed to the living room (he was almost disgusted at how open this Itachi left himself... his Itachi would have immediately woken up at the slightest movement). Sasuke laid down turning his back to the pictures of their counterparts and friends. It was all too bothersome. He closed his eyes again. If his family was alive in this universe then he (hopefully) couldn't be haunted by them in his dreams. Closing his eyes, he allowed exhaustion to take him away.


When morning arrived, the eldest Uchiha padded into the kitchen to see Hinata standing and nit-picking over breakfast. "Hinata-san," he greeted his eyes focused on the food in her hands. Opal eyes lifted and gave him a sad smile. Hinata had started to experience the symptoms of homesickness... and really, it wasn't the most pleasant experience.

"Oh, g-good morning," she whispered, her voice even lower than usual. "I made breakfast if... if you want any, of course." She ended up mumbling, trying to make sure he didn't take her the wrong way.

Itachi nodded, ignoring her nervousness and sat at the island. It was a dark green marble, with a couple of high stools underneath it - it matched the hardwood floors and dark cupboards. "Hai. Have you seen Sasuke?" He questioned - and was there a light tease in his voice? - As Hinata searched for a plate that had miraculously remained un-cracked.

"N-no," Hinata answered, happy when she found a clean plate. She remained oblivious to Itachi's light banter.

Itachi chuckled lightly at her naivety, and decided to elaborate. "I assumed he slept with you-"

Well, now the plate was cracked. A deep blush covered Hinata's face so she let her dark hair curtain over it."Sorry!" She squeaked bending down as she tried to clean up the shattered mess.

"I'll help," Itachi offered - and he would have sounded guilty had he been anyone else.

"No!" Hinata raised her hands up in protest, but it was already too late. Itachi had started to pick up the glass.

Itachi gave her a soothing smile. "It's fine, alright?" It was more reassuring than it should've been.

Her cheekbones burned while looking at him. His eyes were much more different compared to the cold ones that Sasuke has (like ice). Itachi's were... nice. Calm. Warm. Self-assured. Then Hinata remembered exactly why Sasuke's eyes were the way they were.

She ripped her eyes away from the handsome Uchiha and turned them to the plate. Exactly why had she been so frightened of Itachi Uchiha in the very first place? He was the one to kill his whole family - the entire Uchiha - leaving but a lone Sasuke. He had been her enemy, in a team with the man who almost killed her. He had been... dangerous. And he still was. It wasn't fair to blame this Itachi, he didn't know but- "Ah," she whispered; she had been abruptly cut off from her wandering thoughts.

"Are you hurt?" Itachi asked, looking and seeming concerned.

She tightly clenched her bleeding hand. "I'm f-fine!" insisted Hinata. She was hesitant to show weakness - it was un-ninja like. Un-shinobi like. Itachi's smile dropped as he sensed her hesitation - but he nevertheless took her wrist.

"Please do not lie, for your own sake," he helped her stand even though she was more than capable. "Hinata, be careful." Itachi hand guided hers to the sink and his voice softly scolded her as he ran water over the cut.

"Itachi-san," she said in protest but he continued.

"Clumsy. If Sasuke knew I allowed you to get hurt-"

Her brows dipped in frustration because... because... "I-Itachi-san," Hinata forcefully tried taking her hand back. "I can heal myself..." She was a medic Nin, and this was a small cut. It was ridiculous.

His actions slowed just a bit. "I'm fully aware," he replied dryly as he took a towel to dry her hand off. There was a thin red cut running across her palm. "However in this situation, it's the principle."

"T-thank you," a soft giggle left her lips. Right that second, he didn't exactly play the part of a dangerous, wackily-crazy murderer.

He observed her closely, his onyx eyes trailing her person. "My brother is very lucky, Hinata-san."

That's when Hinata (with quite the jumping start) realized how close they were and that he was still holding her hand. "I-"

But before she could end her sentence, the door opened revealing a sweaty Sasuke. If he saw them jumping away from each other he didn't show it but the look he gave Itachi was a strange one.

"Sasuke," Itachi started, his face as blank as a slate.

The younger Uchiha raised his hand, knowing that Itachi was intending to reprimand him. "Not in the mood," he snapped before quickly disappearing down the hall.

"I should talk to him," Itachi muttered to himself (and possibly Hinata) as he went after his brooding brother. Had he always been such a brat? If only Itachi kept lollipops at times like these... But he didn't like sweets, did he? Would tomatoes suffice? Itachi continued his internal discussion a long time after he had also disappeared down the hall.

Hinata sighed just as the door swung open again. What now? Well, she was in for the surprise of her life. In multiple ways. Her eyes looked at the presence standing at the door, widening when she saw identical eyes shining back at her. "N-Neji?" Disbelief shone in her opal orbs - she'd never thought that she'd see her stoic and grumpy cousin once more (oh, but she also never thought that she'd ever see him not being stoic and grumpy).

"Hinata-chan!" He cried tears of joy as he ran into her arms. "How I've missed your bosom!" It was just so squishy... Neji couldn't resist. So squishy.

"Nii-san!" She surprisingly forgot to cry considering he was using her... um, chest as cushions. What the...?

He froze and looked her in the eyes, his chin still nestled between her breasts. He was almost too exhilarated by the squishiness to think straight. Almost. "Are you sick? Why haven't you hit me?"


He grinned cheekily, his hands reaching to where his chin was. "No matt-"

"Hyuuga, move." They turned to see (Neji grumpily untangling himself from her... lovelies) Menma and Sakura come through the door. "Hinata, where is Sasuke?" Menma asked, his impression cool and calm, as if he saw this every day.

Hinata was horrified.

Meanwhile, Itachi emerged from the hall (like a ghost, Hinata blearily noted). "It appears he trained until exhausted and just passed out," the eldest Uchiha informed.

Menma frowned at the answer. "After he wakes up I want you," he pointed to Hinata crudely, and she was bewildered. How could this be Naruto? But their personalities had been switched... It led to an almost terrifying revelation (that she should have already known, but it had just clicked now). "And that bastard to report to me, understood?"

"Hai, Naruto," Hinata stumbled over her words in shock.

He ran a hand through his dark hair. Hinata missed the bright blonde-ness. "What's Naruto? It's Menma. Menma-sama," he corrected before leaving, just as abruptly as he had come. Sakura (the ghost) giggled, waved and followed him.

Hinata briefly rubbing a headache away and decided that being alone was the best option at the moment. She needed to have time for all the information she had learned these past two days sink in. Starting with... Was Neji-nii-sama a pervert?

Author Note:

Aurora: THIS IS ALL MY FAULT. I am SO, SO SORRY. I shall try to NEVER AGAIN let it repeat, but I can sadly, leave no promises. :/. Know that it is all MY FAULT, so please do NOT BLAME Kia. Really. She is wonderful (and on time).

Kia: And I also understand that life happens and since I am in college and Aurora is kind of busy but really wanted to get this chapter out, it'll be awesome if you guys would tell us your thoughts.