Chapter 26
We will meet again

"Evie? Evie, wake up, are you okay?" I heard the familiar voice from far away. "What the fuck did you do to her?" The voice shouted a bit too loudly for my aching head.

Some low mumbling was the reply to my newest protector outburst, along with some rustling sounds that were in the background. Moments later I felt a pair of strong arms slip under my body and felt myself being lifted up. My head was closely coddled to a warm, bare chest and at its sensation I snuggled in deeper into its heat, a heavenly spicy scent engulfed me. Maybe I was finally at home, I thought happily as the warmest ended all too soon and I felt myself being deposited down onto a soft surface.

"Evie, sweetie, you've got to wake up." The low voice murmured.

The annoying muttering of someone else speaking was a buzz in the background and soon the loud sound of a door shutting resonated through the room. As much as I didn't want to wake up, I knew I had too, but damn my head was killing me. I cracked my eyes open and to my dismay the same ugly ceiling from earlier stared back at me. Damn ... still here, I thought bitterly. But man, my head really did hurt ... I reached up to rub the sore spot at the back when a familiar face came into my field of vision.

"Hey, your awake." Zak smiled down at me.

My stomach dropped.

"You ..." I gasped, trying to scramble up and get away from him.

"Whoa, whoa, chill out, it's okay." He put his hands up, as a show of peace but I wasn't buying a single minute of it. This was the man that started everything.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I shouted loudly, causing my head to throb like a drum at a heavy metal concert.

A slight flicker of annoyance appeared on Zak's face but it was gone within seconds and it was immediately replaced with a serious gaze of concern.

"Evie, please. I don't want to hurt you." He bent forward slightly and lowered his voice. "I am on your side."

I felt myself shrink back even more into the old couch I had been deposited on. I had not seen Zak more than the one time back in Chicago but I knew exactly who he was. This was the man my sister married and trusted. This was the man that had helped capture me. Although I could see why Ana had fallen for him, he was quite something to look at on the exterior but his eyes ... they told a whole different story. They were sad and filled with pain. They were completely different from when we had first met.

-"Why should I believe you?" I finally asked, keeping my hard gaze on him.

Zak shrugged and with a heavy sigh he sank to his knees on the dirty linoleum floor.

"I don't know ..." His head lowered and for the first time I noticed he was shirtless and looked unkempt and weary. "I seriously never meant to hurt you ..." He paused midway into his sentence, seeming like he wanted to gather his thoughts. I felt myself relax as I watched him having some sort of inner battle with something inside of him. I couldn't be sure if he was being truthful but he really did look like a man who had many regrets. Zak raised his head and to my surprise his eyes were clouded by unshed tears. "I never meant to hurt anyone. I didn't even know if you were real."

"What do you mean?" I asked softly.

"It's not an excuse, but Keane ... he always lies. That fucker couldn't tell the truth even if he was on his death bed. I had no idea if he was making shit up about Ana having a sister and I wasn't willing to risk her safety on his say. I had to protect her ... " Zak sorrow-filled eyes were full of shame. "I am so sorry Evie ..."

I found myself nodding as I watched Zak bow his head once again his demeanor screaming that he was regretful. The man that emitted an aura of strength and power when I first met him had been reduced to someone who was obviously suffering beyond words. I slowly scooted to the edge of the couch and with a careful tentative hand I reached out and set my hand on his large shoulder. His head immediately snapped up.

"I know you didn't want to hurt anyone ... I don't either." My voice trembled. "That's why I am going in that place, that shadow world and I am going to end this today. So no one else gets hurt over this shit."

-"I wish there was another way out of this." His voice was flat and didn't seem to reflect the tough guy that he was.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Justin wants me to make sure you – that you do what you have to do." He replied not meeting my stare.

"He wants you to go in and kill the Guardian with me?" I gasped, surprised. Zak nodded. "But won't that kill you too?"

"Most probably." Zak laughed without much humor.

I mulled this over for several minutes while Zak hoisted himself off the ground with some difficulty and took a cautious seat next to me. I didn't know Zak at all. All I knew was the little bits that I had picked up from Keane, Ana and Nick. Zak had been Nick's best friend and I knew that losing that had really torn at Nick. He had always spoken highly of Zak and he was still baffled by how his friend had gotten mixed up with this whole strange situation. Zak had been a loving husband and caring father ... maybe he did speak the truth when he said he had done those things out of desperation.

Extending my hand out towards Zak, he picked his head up and gave me an unsure look.

"Well, it's nice to finally meet my brother in law." I gave him a shaky smile.

Zak chuckled and gripped my hand in a tight hold for a long moment. His big hands practically swallowed mine and I wondered how he managed to be so gentle with Ana, who was so tiny compared to him.

-"Yeah, likewise, little sis." He gave a sad grin which soon fell from his face. "I just don't understand one thing." His hand dropped from mine and I gave him a single nod to continue. "Why are you so willing to just give up?"


"You are just going to let Justin sacrifice you?" His voice held a hint of anger.

"I don't want to die, if that is what you are insinuating." I replied calmer then I felt. "But I don't want to see anyone else get hurt because of me. I mean let's face it, Ana is a weapon that the world can never find out about and I can make it so she will never be used." I gave a laugh which came out much more bitterly then I had expected. "It seems like no matter what, everyone is always falling over and scrambling to get to help my sister."

I really didn't know my sister all that well. Too be fair, we had barely spent any time together, but I couldn't help feel a sense of jealousy at the fact that she had two men, who apparently would backstab, kill and even die for her, and it would seem that I was prepared to do that too. Despite my snarky comment, Zak set his hand on my knee and gave it a friendly squeeze.

"You are more like Ana then you are giving yourself credit for." He gave me a tight smile as if he was remembering some sort of event from some time ago. "Ana would give up her life too to save the people she cares about." Zak finished, not elaborating much more.

But he didn't have too, his words really hit home. I had no idea what Ana had done but it was obvious that whatever it was, she had saved lives and it and Zak admired her greatly for that. Maybe she and I really were not so different after all ... I glanced over at Zak who wore a sorrowful expression.

"I get why I am here, but what are you doing here, Zak? There is no reason for you to die with me."

Zak gave a loud chuckle and stood up hastily as if the thought of being seated for a moment longer was going to kill him. He paced several times before speaking.

"It would seem that karma caught up to me." His voice held a hint of humor I did not understand.


"Justin and I ... we have a long history, from before this shit." Zak sighed loudly. "I fucked up his life plans, so I guess it's only fitting that he screws up mine."

Ana handed the taxi driver several dollars before she jumped out of the car, happy she had kept her bank card and that Zak had insisted that they get international banking because of all the traveling they did. Although, it had taken Ana some time to get to where she was now.

She had no idea the exact location of the warehouse and after describing the place to several people, one had finally told her it sounded like the old abandoned ship-sail maker factory and warehouse. Not wasting a moment, Ana had found a taxi and made her way to the old building which was located just outside of London.

Ana had the taxi driver drop her off a few blocks from the actual building but as she approached it she knew it was the right place. The images from Keane's mind were seared onto hers and this exact building had been the place he had been heading too. This was here Evie was being held. Ana just had no idea how or what she was going to do to save her sister, but she knew she had to do something to get her back, even if it meant she had to march in there and bargain for Evie's freedom with hers.

Stopping near the old, crumbling warehouse, Ana looked up suddenly feeling overwhelmed. The place did seem empty, at least from the outside but looks could be deceiving. Ana decided to make a quick assessment of the building itself. It's not like she could simply waltz in the front door after all, but she was willing to bet that there were doors in the back which would give her a way to get in.

The giant building had a very Gothic feeling to it. Constructed of old a brown brick with several tall peaks at the roof, the place was very intimating. Ana counted three floors with several large windows. Some were broken while others were boarded up. Trees and the classic English ivy was overgrowing every which way, in and out of cracks in the building itself.

With ease she slipped to the side of the building and scurried along in the shadows. Not that anyone would have noticed. The neighborhood itself was in shambles and while many of the buildings seemed to be unoccupied, Ana kept her guard up. She crept her way along the building, her brown lace-up wedge-boots crunched over the bits of asphalt and glass as she tried her best to be quiet.

Ana walked steadily until she reached the corner. When she rounded it she found herself in a small courtyard where it must have been the loading area. The giant garage doors had been boarded up but Ana noticed at the far end of the building there was a single door slightly ajar. Seeing the perfect opportunity to get inside, Ana made a dash for the door but as she passed one of the several small alcoves she was suddenly grabbed by the waist and pulled back into its shadows. Ana tried to scream as the attacker's grip around her waist tightened, but a cool hand came up and stifled the scream.

"Shhhh!" The voice whispered too close to her ear. "It's me, relax luv, it's just me, Keane."

Ana twisted her head to the side and was met with the familiar bright hazel eyes. Sensing Ana relax a bit, Keane's hold loosened and his hand dropped from her mouth. He let Ana take a step away from him, but in a hasty move he suddenly gripped her wrist in a painful grasp and yanked her hard so she was pressed up against him again.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here, Anastasia?" He whispered harshly.

"I -" But Keane gave her no time to reply.

"Don't bother." He spat angrily. "Do you really think you could peer into my mind and I would not notice?" His voice stayed a quiet whisper but Ana could see the immense anger in his stare. "I went to great lengths to protect you, why are you here?" He gave her a violent shake.

Ana gripped Keane's forearms, clutching at the scratchy wool blazer as she tried to steady herself.

"I couldn't let you come alone." Ana managed to grind out.

At those words Keane stopped his shaking, his face lost all its anger.

"Anastasia..." He groaned. "You cannot be here."

Ana was about to ask why when suddenly Keane frantically pulled her towards him, but only to push her further into the alcove, shoving her behind him.

"What are you doing?" She asked, slightly panicked.

Keane pushed Ana until her back hit the moss brick wall. He pressed his back to her chest. Ana could feel his entire body stiffen and before he could reply she saw why he had pushed her back. Two silhouettes appeared.

"'Bout time you showed up, warrior. I was beginning to think your conscience would never kick in." The shadow laughed. To Ana's surprise the noise sounded vaguely familiar.

Ana heard Keane curse as he turned his head to the side.

"You should have listened to me." His voice was sad, but held a certain steel and anger to it. He turned back towards the fast approaching strangers. "Fuck you, you bloody arsehole." Keane spat.

Ana had never heard Keane swear and it would seem the man coming towards them had never either. He let out a loud whoop of laughter that pierced Ana like a knife. She knew that laugh...

"Wow Keane. Your language has gone downhill." The man approached and soon his features became visible. "What's wrong, you don't like being backed into a corner?" He grinned widely as Ana let out a gasp.

"Justin?" She whispered.


Ana and Keane were dragged into the old warehouse. As soon as they entered the large building several men converged on Keane who didn't resist or fight any of his captors. A man quickly snapped a pair of handcuffs around his wrists along with a matching set around his ankles. When the men were done they quickly moved back and assumed a military position near them.

Ana's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as she watched Keane keep his head high and his hard gaze on Justin. Her Justin. The man she had been supposed to marry three years ago. After she had gotten back from Transylvania with Zak, Ana had not seen much of Justin at all. She remembered their last encounter together. She had been at his old apartment, packing up the few things she wanted to take with her to Las Vegas.

To her surprise Justin had been pleasant and had even seemed happy.

"Are you sure you don't want the couch?" Justin asked, his tall form leaning against the frame of the bedroom door.

"No, I just want a few pictures and books that I have here." Ana replied, still feeling slightly guarded against him.

Justin nodded and slowly approached her, taking a seat on the edge of the bed, next to her. He glanced down at the scattered photos she had laid out on the bed, making separate piles, some for her to take and others to leave. Justin reached for a picture she had left in his pile. It had been taken at one of her mother's costume parties, she and Justin both smiling widely at the camera.

"I remember when we took this; we had been dating for three weeks." Justin chuckled. "You were so nervous that you ended up changing twice when I got to your apartment to pick you up. Cathy had grilled me the entire time." Keeping his eyes on the photo he sighed at the memory. "She hated me the day she met me."

Ana smiled despite being wary of him.

"Yeah ... remember when she had that guy she was dating at the time disconnect the fuel pump from your car."

"That bitch costed me a hundred bucks for the tow." Justin grinned, his tone held no malice or hatred. Both Ana and Justin fell silent as they both stared at the picture which seemed to contain a bit over three years of memories for them. Justin set the picture down and glanced up at Ana. "Things didn't always suck for us, Ana." He sighed and stood up. "I really hope you and Zak are happy, I mean that." He murmured and quickly left the room, leaving her to pack alone.

Now as Ana stood in the same room with that very same man who had wished her well made her brain hurt. Why was he even here, and looking like some sort of crude, hardcore military guy. Keane's restrained jangled as he tried to adjust his hands which were turning a sickly shade of purple.

"Do you like them?" Justin asked Keane with a grin. "They are specially made for you. They are made of tantalum. That shit is expensive by the way, but it's one of the strongest metals in the world. I figured it would hold you long enough."

"Justin what is going on?" Ana asked before she even knew the words left her lips.

He turned to Ana.

"My civic duty, Ana. Protecting the world from this menace you have been harboring."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Justin laughed.

"God, I forgot how fucking clueless you were."

Justin casually strolled towards Ana but before he could reach her Keane snarled like a violent animal, he then took a leap to put himself between Ana and Justin, but seeming to forget his legs were shackled, he took a nasty tumble. Justin let out a loud howl of laughter as he came to an abrupt stop.

"Keane!" Ana quickly dropped to her knees next to him, but he was already attempting to stand and with Ana's help, Keane got to his feet and stood in front of Ana.

"Stay away from her." He growled out.

"Some great warrior you are." Justin scoffed, dismissing Keane, his eyes meet Ana's. "I am the one that has been ordering your husband around, Ana. I am the one that has your sister and I am the one that will save the world from that monster you can unleash."

At Zak's name, Ana felt her heart plummet. Zak had been working with Justin ... willingly? It would seem that the deeper she got into this mess and the more she discovered, the more she saw how right Justin was, she was incredibly stupid about somethings.

"How did you even know about any of this?" Ana asked, her voice trembling. "I don't understand how you even know what I am. You never even believed in this stuff."

Justin shrugged as he began to casually pace in front of Keane and her.

"After you moved to Vegas, I started to do a bit of digging around. About you, about Zak and this new stranger." Justin eyes locked with Keane. "This guy that just appeared out of nowhere but that seemed to know you very well." His gaze turned away from Keane and a small smile curved onto his lips. "I am a reporter, I know how to look for things that people don't want you to find. Well I guess my digging got the attention of this group ... they were actually looking for you Ana. They needed you for something."

Justin stopped pacing. He stopped in front of Keane and returned the angry glare. "I convinced these people that I was with them, on their side and they told me everything. How you are the key to releasing this Guardian creature and that it will somehow make the world better or some stupid bullshit like that. Either way I didn't give a fuck." Crossing his arms over his chest he sighed heavily. "Then I learned that you had a sister who could kill this thing ... well that is when I started thinking that this could somehow work to my advantage. And now here we are about to make history!" He grinned widely, his insinuation very clear. "I get famous and get rid of all the thorns in my side at the same time."

"You bloody bastard." Keane suddenly lunged for Justin again, this time knocking him to the ground.

Justin's men rushed over and with some difficulty got Keane off of Justin's body, who quickly rolled to his side and stood up. Like a rabid animal Keane snarled and snapped at the men that tried to restrain him. Ana had never seen Keane so violent and angry. Justin face was bright red and Ana knew that look all too well. He was furious and embarrassed. With a high pitch laugh, Justin took a step towards the still struggling Keane.

"What's wrong asshole? Don't like it when someone pulls the wool over your eyes?"

"I will bloody kill you!" Keane roared fiercely.

"Yeah, whatever. In a few hours you will be dead."

Ana felt her heart stop.

"What?" She whispered.

Justin gave a nod to the guards to take Keane away, but Ana felt like she was falling apart. Zak had betrayed her, in more ways than she could count and Keane was going to die? Keane could not die, could he? Ana felt herself crack. With a desperate cry she launched herself towards Keane. Things seemed to slow down and it was almost as if she was watching a movie.

"No!" She heard herself screech. Her hands landed on Keane's arm just as a body guard stepped in front and stopped her body from going any further. The man gripped her by the waist and easily lifted her off the ground. She tightened her grasp around Keane's arm. "No, Keane, please!"

Her fingers slipped and soon she was pulled away from the last stable thing in her life.

"Take him to the back." Justin barked. "And put her in with our guests."

"Don't you dare touch her." Keane howled as he was dragged away. "Anastasia, I will get you out of this!"

Ana struggled against her captor but to little avail. She watched Keane being dragged off, while she was being taken away.