We are done! Thank you so much to everyone for reading this little story. It means a lot and I hope you enjoyed it. This is by far my favourite chapter and I hope it is yours too.

Jake leaned over the toilet and as discreetly as possible he retched again. Emptying his lunch into the toilet. He had been in here a good 15 minutes now and knew Amy would be getting suspicious. When she had agreed to come back to his apartment Jake had been bursting with joy. He thought there were many ways this could go, but throwing up while she ordered pizza was not one of them. It had been the peach cobbler; stupid old lady had tried to give him food poisoning. Just thinking about the cobbler caused a new wave of nausea and of he went again.

Once that round was over he lay his head down on the cold side of the toilet and begged for a miracle. His thoughts were interrupted by a soft nock at the door.

"Come on Jake let me in, I know you're sick."

"Amy go away, I look a mess. Just order pizza and I will be out in a…"

Mid-way through he gagged and emptied his stomach out again. With a click the door swung open and Amy walked in.

"How did you get in?"

"Please I am a police officer. I have my ways. Jake seriously why didn't you tell me you were ill?"

"I am not, I am ok just a little peachy."

At the thought of peach's he turned once again. A light hand started to rub along Jakes back while another cold hand touched his forehead.

"Jake you're burning up. Okay up go get changed and get into bed. I will bring you something to be sick in ok."

Jake weakly nodded his head and made his way towards his bedroom. Tumbling onto his sheets he made a half-hearted attempt to get out of his jeans and into something comfier.

By the time Amy had searched Jakes house to find any towels and a bucket, Jake was already asleep. His brow was glistening with sweat and his cheeks had become a flushed red. Amy smiled down at the sight, he was a cute sleeper. His long legs sticking out either side of the bed and his face squished into the pillow.

Amy place the bowl by the side of the bed and then gently lifted up Jake's head; placing a towel underneath it. She had never seen Jake look weak before, he had always been the person putting on a brave face. He had always been the one there for her and she had never realised it. Through the entire break ups where had brought her in gummy bears because he knew that they were her break up food. Or when her uncle had died and he had brought her pizza the night after the funeral so she wouldn't have to think for herself. He had pretty much been an amazing boyfriend to her when they weren't even together. Now it was her turn to return the favour.

She went to the bathroom and found the most clean looking flannel, covering it with cold water she walked back to Jake. The water seemed to do its job, slowly the flush on his cheeks cooled down and he feel into a more peaceful sleep. It had gotten late and she didn't want to leave him. Rummaging through her draws she found a warn police department gym shirt which was over sized on Jake so knew would cover her small frame. With that she curled up into a ball in the small gap between Jake's arm and leg.

-The sun hit Jakes face with a waited burst of light. He had felt the heat of the rising sun crawling up his leg but had wanted to put of any form of waking for as long as possible. It was odd he always remembered to shut the blind but it had clearly been forgotten. As Jake swallowed he felt the burn at the back of his throat. That's why, he was ill all night. Oh God, Amy had seen him. Stretching out he felt a small bump on his arm. Speak of the devil there Amy was all curled up in one of his shirts. Her usually perfect hair slumping out of its hair tie and hanging all round her face.

Jake reached out and pulled her towards him so her head ended up nestled in to his shoulder.

"Morning Jake, you any better?"

"I am completely fine and ready for my breakfast burrito."

"Really after how much was spewing out of you last night you want to go eat more sweets?"

"Only way to get my energy back up."

"Pretty sure there are better ways."

Amy raised herself up so she was peering at him.

"Well you do look better I will give you that."

"Amy thanks for last night. The fact you didn't go running when my idiotic body decided to ruin our evening means a lot."

"Someone had to be here to tell the story."

"I mean it Amy, thank you."

Amy didn't think twice as she leaned in to kissing. Stopping millimetres away from his lips.

"Eww Jake, go brush your teeth."

"Way to ruin the moment Santiago."

"You tried to kiss me with a mouth that's been throwing up all night. No thank you."

"Fine then, give me two minutes."

-He had been two minutes just like he promised. Coming out of the bath room he had a proud smile on his face.

"Amy Santiago did you clean my bathroom while you were here."

"It was such a mess and you had wet towels all over the floor. It is a harbour for germs really."

"You couldn't have one apartment that wasn't under the cleaning wrath of Amy."

"Oh shut up and kiss me."

No one needed to tell him a second time as he leaned into her. His body weight pushing her body down onto the mattress. He pulled away and looked into Amy's eyes.

"What Jake you have a look in your eyes and I am not sure if it's good?"

Then he started to tickle and Amy lost it, her head hanging backwards and girly giggles falling out of her mouth.

It may not have been the biggest house. It may have technically been Gina's. It wasn't neat and old fashioned like Amy's. Yet there were memories to be made there. Arguments and make ups. Their futures and dreams. It was just another flat in New York City, but it isn't the place which make's a house a home. It is the people inside it, when they finally stop fighting it and show their feelings. Anywhere can become home.