I don't own Pokémon or Naruto because if I did the Naruto would've been as strong and smart as the Yondaime hokage with tons of wind and water style Jutsu under his belt and some knowledge of fuinjutsu and kenjutsu and Ash would've caught all the Pokémon and have won all the Pokémon leagues. Pokémon is owned by Nintendo and Game Freak while Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto and VIZ Media.

"Character Speech"

'Character Thought'

"Flashback / Pokémon thought / telepathic speech"

"Pokedex Entry"

Pokémon Attack

Battle at Vermillion City

Finally, after 3 days of walking from Professor Bill's laboratory, Naruto along with Ashley, Misty, Brock and Pikachu had finally arrived to Vermillion City. As the four trainers stared at the entrance to the city Pikachu collapsed, right before the trainers cheered to have finally arrived to civilization.

"Hip-hip Hooray! Hip-hip Hooray! Hip-hip Hooray!" they cheered.

"Oh, I can't wait to take a bubble bath" said a tired Misty.

"I'm gonna hit the laundry mat" said Brock.

"I have to see if I didn't kill Professor Sarutobi" said a worried Naruto.

"I'm gonna find the Vermillion City Gym right now!" Ashley announced, but was stopped when Naruto grabbed the back of her shirt.

"Hold it right there" the blonde said.

"Hey Naru-kun what gives?" she asked her boyfriend, who then pointed at her Pikachu who looked weak from both exhaustion and hunger.

"Chaaa" Pikachu weakly moaned.

"Pikachu" Ashley said as she picked up her pokemon.

"It must be hungry" Misty said with a concern look to her face.

"We haven't eaten anything decent for 3 days now" added Brock.

"Sigh… thanks for reminding me of that" Naruto interjected as his stomach growled.

"Hey Pikachu… feeling hungry little buddy?" she asked as her stomach growled. This made everyone look at her with a deadpan look.

"Hehehe…. Guess we're all a little hungry. Hey Pikachu?" she asked embarrassed for even asking her pokemon if it was hungry when she too was hungry.

"Pika…" Pikachu nods its head weakly agreeing with his trainer.

Pokemon Center

While Ashley and her group speaking to Nurse Joy, Naruto was at the video phone hoping that Professor Sarutobi would pick up the phone, but it was his mother who answered the phone and she didn't look very happy, which scared Naruto.

"Naruto… what did I say about causing for Prof. Sarutobi?" she asked as she gave Naruto a stare that would scare a herd of Tauros into changing their direction.

"I know, but to be fair I did try to warn him about the giant Dragonite, and he didn't listen…. By the way how is he?" he asked about Sarutobi's condition.

"Sigh… I saw his call log so I believe you when you told him about the Dragonite. As for the Professor, he should be out of the hospital in a week, so until he returns, he left me in charge of the laboratory with Iruka Umino as my assistant" she said as Iruka came into view carrying a case of pokeballs.

"Oh, you're overseeing the lab? How're my pokemon doing?" asked Naruto concerned about the condition of his pokemon especially his latest addition.

"Your pokemon are fine, and your latest pokemon has been sleeping near the lake surrounded by your other pokemon, it's kind of cute really, but what made catch it in the first place?" asked Kushina. Naruto then explained to her of how Bill spoke of how lonely the Dragonite was looking for someone to call friend, then how it was attacked by team rocket thus forcing him to catch it for its safety. Kushina after listening to her son's story would've done the same thing to protect the large pokemon and to hear that team rocket attacked the poor creature with rocket launchers made her seethe with hatred of how despicable the criminal organization was and their capture tactics.

"Anyways mom I'm at Vermillion City, me and Ashley are going to challenge the gym here" he said to his mother.

"That good to hear please let me know of the outcome" she said as she cut the feed. Naruto then hung up and then joined up with the group. Ashley and Misty seemed to be arguing about challenging the gym after seeing so many injured pokemon come in after challenging said gym.

"A badge is a badge!" Ashley yelled right before she was flicked in the nose by Misty.

"Owww" she cried in pain.

"Then why don't you prove how tough you are by battling the Vermillion City Gym" Misty said.

"From the looks of things here you have to be tough to battle with this Lt. Surge" said Brock.

"I've heard of him, my father told me that of all the gym leaders in Kanto, Surge is among the top 3 most ruthless gym leaders" Naruto said joining the group.

"Is he that tough?" she asked worried if what her boyfriend said was true.

"Me and Brock gave you badges, you know. How do you think how bad we'll look if you get crushed by Surge?" taunted Misty.

"Ummm… didn't Ashley beat the two of you fair and square for her gym badges?" asked Naruto as he clearly remembered how Ashley through training with her boyfriend had managed to win her first two gym badges.

Misty at this remembered how Ashley mopped the floor with her when she brought out her Pikachu who should've refused to fight since it was fighting against a friend, but it would seem that the loyalty between pokemon and trainer plus a glare from Naruto made the electric mouse think twice of backing out from helping its trainer.

Ashley and Brock chuckled at this making the Cerulean gym leader fume at being reminded of her defeat.

Before she could say anything, a chime was heard and Nurse Joy appeared before them "Your pokemon are ready for you" she said informing the group that their pokemon were ready for them.

Pikachu was munching away at an apple while sitting next to a 4 trays carrying everyone's pokemon.

"Pikachu" Ashley called out to her pokemon getting its attention.

"I hope you're full because we're aiming for that gym today. Come on and let's go win a badge" she announced.

"PLEASE HURRY! JUST HOLD ON PIDGEY!" a random boy yelled as both he and a chansey were running to the emergency unit with a badly beaten Pidgey. Seeing this Naruto cringed at the thought of seeing his or anyone's pokemon in that state and hoped that both he and Ashley were ready for this.

"I guess they must've come from that gym" stated Misty.

"PI!" yelled Pikachu.

"Huh?" everyone looked to the yellow pokemon.


"What don't be a coward Pikachu" said Ashley as she put her hands on her hips.

"Pika. Pikachu" said Pikachu.

"Huh? Don't I even care if you end up like that Pidgey in there? Is that it?" she asked her pokemon.

"Pika Pika" said Pikachu agreeing with what Ashley said.

"Wow…. for a Pikachu who're known for being brave you're a coward" said Naruto getting Pikachu's attention.

"PIKA PI!" yelled Pikachu.

"You heard me wimp, I bet Setsuna will win at the gym because I have faith in her and she has faith in me, so unless you have that same level of trust with Ashley then you'll always be a weak coward" he said as he walked away as everyone looked at the retreating blonde.

"Come on Pikachu let's go" Ashley said as she collected her other pokemon. Pikachu wanted to protest, but decided to not argue with its trainer, so it followed her dreading what's to come.

Vermillion Gym (Outside)

"So this is the gym…. Not very appealing to the eyes, but I guess I has character" Naruto commented on the outer appearance of said gym.

"You can appreciate the gym later Naruto-kun, we got a badge to win" said Ashley excited to challenge the gym.

"I'll just stick around to watch you two get creamed" commented Misty.

"If you think we'll be creamed, you're going to be disappointed" argued Ashley.

"Ummm….. Are we ever going to go inside?" asked Brock wondering if the two females could leave their Meowth fight (Cat fight) for another time.

Naruto approached the gym and opened its double doors, revealing two older trainers in punk outfit.

"Hello, we've come to challenge the Gym leader to earn the Thunder Badge" announced Naruto.

The male older trainer turned "Hey boss, another victim for the emergency room" he said.

A large figure behind him got up "which one?" the figure said in a low baritone voice. As the figure approached, everyone sane Naruto backed up a bit intermediated of the imposing figure approaching.

When the man came into view, they could see that the man is a large, tall man, who has yellow short spiked hair and a slight tan. The man wears a large dark olive green openly military button shirt which is rolled up into small cuffs, with black pants and boots. He also wears black fingerless gloves, with some iron buttons on the edge, as well as an army token necklace on his neck.

"Woah, he's huge!" commented Brock.

"I-Is he the gym leader you two have to beat?" asked Misty.

"I guess so" said Naruto.

"Welcome to Vermillion Gym" he said as he hugged Misty.

He pulled away from the carrot top "Oh, my next challenge is a cute one. Don't think I'll go easy on you" he said convinced that this girl was his next challenger.

"Um, excuse me, but I'm not the challenger" she said with a nervous chuckle.

"Then who?" Surge asked.

"That would be us" said Naruto.

"Oh another cute one and a baby" he said turning to them.

"B-baby?!" asked Naruto angrily of the insult.

"I call everyone who loses to me baby" he said as he noticed the Pikachu hugging Ashley's leg.

"Oh a Pikachu. Hey look at this the cute one brought a baby pokemon" the gym leader said getting a laugh from his comrades.

"Quit it. Why are you making fun of my Pikachu?" asked Ashley insulted that Surge had the gull to insult her pokemon partner.

"Pika Pika!" complained Pikachu.

"I'll show you why" Surge said as he pulled out a pokeball.

"Go pokeball" he said throwing the pokeball calling upon the pokemon inside. What came out was a bipedal, rodent-like Pokemon. The pokemon is covered in dark orange fur with a white belly. Its bifurcated ears are brown on the outside, yellow on the insides, and end in a distinctive curl. There are circular yellow markings on its cheek where its electric sacs are, and it has a triangular, dark brown nose. Its arms and feet have patches of brown fur at the end, and the soles of its big feet are tan with circular orange pads. On its back are two horizontal brown stripes. Its long, thin tail has a lightning bolt-shaped end.

"Rai" the pokemon cried.

"It's a Raichu" said Ashley, as both she and Naruto pulled out their Pokedex.

"Raichu, a Mouse pokemon of the electric element. Raichu is the evolved form of Pikachu. It can shock with more than 100,000 volts, enough to render a Dragonite unconscious." (Ashley's Pokedex entry)

"Raichu. The Mouse Pokemon. The evolved form of Pikachu. This pokemon exudes a weak electrical charge from all over its body that makes it take on a slight glow in darkness. Raichu plants its tail in the ground to discharge electricity." (Naruto's Pokedex entry)

"Chu/grrrr" growled Pikachu with Ashley mimicking her pokemon. Naruto only glared at the pokemon who practically screamed arrogant.

"Well babies. If you wanna quit now's your chance" said Surge arrogantly.

"Raichu" added the mouse pokemon.

"There is no way we're going to quit now" argued Ashley while Naruto stayed silent watching the interaction between his girlfriend and the gym leader.

"Heh! What could a baby like that do? If you want to become a pokemon master, you should make your pokemon evolve as soon as you catch it" Surge said patting his Raichu's head. This however got Naruto's interest because what Surge said gave a clear indication of the type of person he was.

"There's more to raising a pokemon than forcing it to evolve. And I like this Pikachu just the way it is" Ashley countered as she put her hand on Pikachu's head.

The three Vermillion gym trainers laughed at what Ashley said "wrong baby, an electric pokemon is only useful once they learn all of their different electrical attacks. You keep it puny like that it's no more than a little pet" Surge taunted.

"Pika!" Pikachu growled as it discharged some of its stored electricity.

"Can Pikachu beat Raichu?" asked Misty.

"I seriously doubt it, if Raichu know all the electrical attacks" Brock said.

"There is also the fact that experience comes into play" Naruto added.

"Okay baby, did you just come to show use your little pet?" mocked Surge.

"We came to earn a Thunder Badge" said Ashley.

"Pika, Pika" Pikachu said ready to battle.

"Pikachu?" asked Ashley.

Pikachu only growled at the Raichu discharging more electricity from its red cheeks.

"That's unusual. Pikachu really want to go into battle" said Brock surprised that Pikachu would battle with its stronger evolved form.

"I'm not surprised" said Misty.

"Pikachu, I'm counting on you" said Ashley.

"Pikachu" nodded the yellow mouse pokemon before turning to the Raichu.

"Oh well, I guess you'll learn that playing with the big boys can be a shocking experience."

(Ashley vs. Lt. Surge: Canon; Lt. Surge won)

As Ashley went to pick up her badly beaten Pikachu, Surge laughed "well what can I say once a baby, always a baby" he taunted as Raichu and the gym trainers laughed at the humiliating defeat.

Naruto finally having enough stepped up "shut up you arrogant muscle bound pea brain" he yelled silencing everyone getting a glare from Surge.

"What was that punk?" he asked trying to intimidate the smaller blonde.

"Are you deaf as well?" he asked with no fear in his eyes.

"You're dead punk" the gym leader said.

"Bring it" he said as he walked to the challengers square. As Ashley passed by the blonde he handed her a full restore.

"Here this should help" he said getting a grateful look from the girl, right before turning to his opponent.

"Alright, Surge I know your pokemon of choice, here's mine. Setsuna I choose you" he said as he threw the luxury ball. The pink Dratini appeared from its pokeball ready for battle.

"Oh look a pink Dratini what couldn't find a blue one so you chose a girly pokemon" laughed Surge.

This made both Setsuna and Naruto angry "shut up and battle" Naruto growled.

"Alright it's your funeral. Raichu Thunder Shock" Surge ordered. The mouse then attacked the pink Dratini with electricity.

"Setsuna counter it with Thunderbolt" Naruto ordered. The pink dragon pokemon then launched its own electrical attack. When the two attacks collided an explosion occurred.

"What power" Brock said amazed that Setsuna is able to keep up with Surge's Raichu.

"What kind of training does his pokemon go through for them to be that strong?" asked Misty.

Ashley didn't say anything because she was a bit jealous because Naruto might get his badge before her and that upset her greatly like she was being left behind by everyone she knew.

Surge growled that his Pokémon's own attack was countered "don't think I'm letting that last comment slide, Raichu Mega Punch" Ordered Surge. One of Raichu's hands glowed a bright white as it charged at Setsuna.

"Setsuna dodge it then use Aqua Tail" Naruto ordered. Setsuna using its slender body managed to dodge the Mega Punch as its tail started to glow blue and once it got close, it did a side sweep managing to land a direct hit which set Raichu back, but it managed to right itself before landing on all 4s. Lt. Surge growled at this because to lose to a punk was unacceptable.

"Raichu, you still in the fight?" he asked his electric pokemon.

"Rai" it said nodding at its trainer.

"You must've trained your Raichu very well if it could stand after a direct hit like that" Naruto said complimenting Surge's Raichu.

"Hehehe…. I trained it to take a hit and never back down from a fight" Surge said getting a nod from Raichu.

"Let's go Setsuna Dragon Dance" ordered Naruto. Setsuna then let out a mighty roar releasing a surge of red and black aura.

Surge not wanting to miss the opportunity attacked "Raichu Thunderbolt shut it down now!" Surge ordered wanting to stop the pink Dratini from whatever it's doing.

"RAICHU!" Raichu then launched a powerful surge of electricity at the small dragon engulfing it in electricity.

The attack it and now the pink Dratini was engulfed in electricity "SETSUNA!" Naruto cried out as he saw that Setsuna started to glow white.

"DDDRRRRAAAAA" it started to glow. It started to grow larger; the ears grew longer, the small horn protruded out more, and two balls formed at the tip of its tail and under its neck.

"D-don't tell me/ It sure is/ Setsuna is evolving!" everyone said.

The pokemon to appear is a long, serpentine, pokemon with pink scales and white underside. Its magenta eyes are dark and glossy. It has a smooth, rounded snout and a small, white horn on its forehead. Its head is flanked by two small, stylized wings, which are white and curve into a swirl at the base. Three orange, crystal orbs, one on its neck and two on its tail, adorn its body.

"DRAAAA" Setsuna gave a mighty roar when the light faded.

"Setsuna you evolved!" Naruto shouted happily as he pulled out his Pokedex.

"Dragonair; The Dragon Pokemon. The evolved form of Dratini. It's crystalline orbs appear to give this pokemon the power to freely control the weather."

"So what if your pokemon evolved, I'll still win! Raichu Thunderbolt now!" ordered the gym leader.

"Not this time Setsuna Dragon Pulse full power!" Naruto ordered his newly evolved Dragonair.

Setsuna then unleashed a powerful dragon shaped blast at the Raichu just as it was about to unleash another thunderbolt. The attack hit dead center at Raichu stopping it from attacking and sending it flying to the wall behind it. As it crashed into the wall, the impact caused the wall to crack when Surge's Raichu slammed into the wall. The poor Raichu slowly fell to the ground with swirls for eyes indicating it had fainted.

"Raichu is unable to battle the winner is Naruto from Pallet Town" the judge said.

"I-I can't believe I lost to a punk" Surge said completely lost for words as to how he lost to Naruto, but shrugged as per the rules if a challenger defeats a gym leader, he/she must give the challenger a badge, and so he reached into one of his vest pockets and pulled out a Thunder Badge.

Naruto ran to Setsuna and hugged her happily to see that his beloved Setsuna had evolved to win the match. Ashley wanted to congratulate her boyfriend/rival, but she felt a ping of jealousy because had done what she couldn't do; beat Surge and earned his next badge.

Surge approached Naruto and Setsuna "congrats kid, you're the first challenger to beat me to date, and as proof of your victory here, a Thunder Badge" he said handing Naruto the covenant Thunder Badge.

Naruto accepted the badge and joined the rest of his group. He approached Ashley who tried to hide her jealousy from her boyfriend, but Naruto knew that his victory upset her, "Let's go to the pokemon center so we may discuss a battle plan" he said as he left the gym leading his group to the vermillion pokemon center where both Ashley and Naruto had their pokemon checked out. As Nurse Joy healed their pokemon, Naruto sat with Ashley and her traveling companions.

"Sigh… Ashley I know that this defeat hit you hard, but I know you can do it" he said trying to cheer her up.

"Easy for you to say, you already have your third badge and your Setsuna evolved" she said still upset that she was left behind by Naruto.

"Ashley I know you're upset, but don't let this…" he said, but was cut off by Ashley.

"No you don't understand, while you have been training to be a pokemon trainer for as long as you can remember, you've been given tools to help you on your journey and you've experienced what being a trainer is like… I just started my journey and I'm not like you…. So, please I want to do this on my own" she said in a defeated tone.

Naruto was silent, but when he heard her he complied and left to retrieve his pokemon. Once he did, he left the pokemon center leaving Ashley and her travel companions. When Brock asked why Naruto left, she didn't say a word, instead she left to sit somewhere else wanting to be left alone.

*Ashley vs. Surge: Battle similar to canon; Ashley wins*


Naruto was heading back to Cerulean city as he was told that the way was blocked off by a Snorlax, so he headed for route 10 which will take him to Rock Tunnel which was a direct line to Lavender Town the home of the Pokemon Tower. As he continued he trek, he remembered what Ashley had said about how he was better equipped, better trained and the most experienced which was an unfair advantage when traveling with a companion because said companion will begin to doubt him/herself as a trainer, so he then decided to travel alone until he made his way to the Indigo Plateau Conference.


The champion of Kanto was lying in a hospital bed hooked up to IVs, heart monitors, EKG machine and blood bags. The man was staring at the ceiling with his remaining eye thinking about how Minato; a once good friend now the right hand of Team Rocket had fallen so far. Ryoku took his left hand to touch the stump that was once his right arm. Ryoku closed his eye remembering the fierce battle that took place three days ago…..

Flashback Three Days Ago…

Celadon City, a beautiful metropolis and home to the Celadon City Gym ran by Erika the grass pokemon gym leader and also the location of one of Team Rocket's secret bases, however, it wasn't so secret anymore because Ryoku had discovered its current location and is now standing in front of not only the base, but the one in charge of said base the former Indigo League Champion, ex-husband of Kushina and biological father to Naruto; Minato Namikaze donning a white male Team Rocket uniform with his signature short sleeved white haori but instead of red flame on the bottom, the flames were black and on the center of the back was a big red R. Minato with his arms folded over his chest glared at the current Pokemon League Champion and husband and father to his former family.

"Ryoku Tatsumori…. We meet again at last I thought the bomb I set off back in the lab would kill you, but that was just too much to ask for" he said with a clearly fake hurt tone.

"I'm not that easy to kill Minato, and I was hoping to never see you again, but then again, small world" the Dragon Master said as he glared at his former best friend.

"So tell me… how's the bitch and brat doing?" Minato asked trying to get Ryoku riled up since he knew that Ryoku cared deeply for Kushina and Naruto. This got a growl from Ryoku who didn't fall for the obvious trap.

"They're fine… in fact my son started his Pokemon journey a few weeks ago and has already won two badges and is going for his third" he said putting more emphasis of the words 'my son' as he remembers all the calls Kushina made to him telling him of their son's exploits. At this Minato growled.

"They were mine before you showed up" growled Minato.

"They were until you left Kushina alone to carry and raise your child and did you know 2 months before Naruto was born, she was kidnapped to draw you out" the current champion said informing Minato of an incident involving his ex-wife.

"Oh…" Minato said almost as if not caring.

"I was the one who saved her life… and where were you nowhere to be seen. I was her pillar when she needed me and the father figure to Naruto when he was growing up, so I did everything you were too scared to do Minato!" he yelled at his former friend.

"So you married the slut and fathered my bastard child…. You want augghh!" he said, but was stopped when Ryoku decked him in the face sending flying through the wall of the building behind him.

"I will not stand here and let you insult my family you bastard!" Ryoku yelled trying to keep his anger in check, but was failing to do so as some of his aura was leaking out of his body. As the smoke cleared, Ryoku could see movement as if people were scurrying away from a battle, but then he sees a figure walking towards the hole.

"As always…. You have a hairline trigger" said the familiar voice revealing it to be Minato, but was wearing some sort of futuristic armour.

"What the hell is that? …Minato what have you done?!" Ryoku asked.

"Oh this… this is a countermeasure for Aura Guardians like you… you see an aura guardian can only be beaten by another, but since they're rare the R&D of Team Rocket has been researching a way to artificially draw on the aura around us and weaponize it for our own troops" Minato said with a sinister grin.

"Artificial Aura Guardians… you've fallen from grace Minato….. The person who was my friend is dead and now all that's left is this monster before me, so as my final duty to my fallen comrade….. I will terminate you" said Ryoku in a defeated tone as he unleashed his dragon aura.

"Hmm… I like to see you try" Minato grinned as he activated the armour drawing in aura from the air. The aura was yellow and was creating electricity that was dancing around him; which was ironic since Minato was considered the best electric pokemon trainer since Lt. Surge, Wattson and Volkner.

The two glared at each other as if waiting for the other to flinch first. It was then debris from the hole in the wall fell that all hell broke loose. Both Ryoku and Minato charged at each other with blinding speed that when they meet an the middle, their impact created a shockwave so powerful that it destroyed every window, uprooted street signs, flipped vehicles and anyone unfortunate enough to have been outside where knocked back.

The two were locked with their hands gripping one another. Aura surged from them as if fighting for dominance. Then Ryoku cocked his head back and deliver a nose breaking head butt, which stunned Minato long enough for Ryoku to open his mouth "DRAGON PULSE!" a dragon of pure energy launch from Ryoku's mouth and slammed into Minato.

"SHOCKWAVE!" Minato yelled as he created a surge of electrical energy to deflect Ryoku's attack.

But Ryoku anticipated this so he sent aura to his hands thus taking the form of Dragon Claw and charged at Minato. In seeing this, Minato did the same creating twin Thunder Punch; the two fought each other in hand-to-hand combat.

The fighting was intense. So intense that the concrete street under their feet cracked from each time their punches and kicks collided with each other or were blocked. As this was going on, the police lead by Officer Jenny helped to evacuate the soon to be warzone while trying to get some of her own personnel into the building to arrest the Members of Team Rocket, before they manage to escape, but since Ryoku and Minato were too close to the secret lab, the officers stood back and waited for the opportunity to rush in and apprehend some members of the infamous organization.


The two combatants were staring down each other, heavily wounded. Ryoku had lost his right arm and right eye, while Minato's injuries mirrored Ryoku's only he was missing his left eye and arm. Both their armour showed signs of heavy damage, but Minato's were worse off due to the damage the armours circuitry giving out when he sustained his injuries.

"Give up Minato... you've lost" the current champion said as he panted heavily.

Minato chuckled a bit "you think this is over... not by a long shot... you may have won today, but Team Rocket will thrive and all data from the Celadon City laboratory has been moved to the other locations around the region, so even if this location has been compromised, Team Rocket's ambitions will continue" he said as two Team Rocket grunts appeared flanking the down Minato. One of the grunts called a Koffing and had it use Smokescreen to cover their escape.

Once they've disappeared, Ryoku had finally passed out due to excessive blood loss, the last thing he could recall before blacking out, was Officer Jenny running to him.

Flashback end

Ryoku sighed and had only thing to say as he felt a wave of dread rolling over him "Kushina is going to kill me".

Naruto's Party:

Bulbasaur/ Ivysaur (Nickname: Shido) Gender: F Level: 30 (Shiny)

Dratini / Dragonair (Nickname: Setsuna) Gender: F Level: 30 (Shiny)

Zorua (Nickname: Yoko) Gender: F Level: 18

Squirtle/ Wartortle (Nickname: Mizukame) Gender: F Level: 30

Charmander/ Charmeleon (Nickname: Amaterasu) Gender: F Level: 30 (Shiny)

Pidgey/ Pidgeotto (Nickname: Hane) Gender F Level: 29 (Shiny)

Naruto's Pokémon at Sarutobi's Laboratory:

Mew (Nickname: Omni) Gender: N/A Level: 48 (Shiny)

Suicune (Nickname: Seiyō-fū) Gender: N/A Level: 7

Ralts (Nickname: Kanjō) Gender: F Level: 7 (Shiny)

SpearowFearow (Nickname: Suzume) Gender: F Level: 25 (Shiny)

RatattaRaticate (Nickname: Mausu) Gender: F Level: 25 (Shiny)

MagikarpGyarados (Nickname: Rivu~aiasan) Gender: F Level: 25 (Shiny)

Goldeen (Nickname: Koi) Gender: F Level: 25 (Shiny)

PoliwagPoliwhirl *2 (Nicknames: Otamaja and Kushi) Genders: F Levels: 25 (Shinnies)

CaterpieMetapodButterfree (Nickname: Cho) Gender: F Level: 25(Shiny)

WeedleKakunaBeedrill (Nickname: Suzumebachi) Gender: M Level: 25

Ekans *18 (Nickname: N/A) Gender(s): 9-M, 9-F Level: vary

Arbok*2 (Nickname: Kobura) Gender: F Level: 25 (Shiny*1)

Paras (Nickname: Kiseichuu) Gender: F Level: 14

Zubat (Nickname: Kyuketsu) Gender: F Level: 10

Clefairy (Nickname: Otobe Kigō) Gender: F Level: 11

Geodude (Nickname: Iwa) Gender: F Level: 11

Nidoran (Nickname: Kingu Hari) Gender: M Level: 9

Nidoran (Nickname: Kuin Nidoru) Gender: F Level: 9

Giant Dragonite (Nickname: N/A) Gender: N/A Level: N/A

Ashley's Pokémon party:

Pikachu Gender: M Level: 17

Butterfree Gender: M Level: 15

Pidgeotto Gender: M Level: 15

Bulbasaur Gender: M Level: 12

Charmander Gender: M Level: 13

Squirtle: Gender: M Level: 13

Ashley's pokemon at Oak's Lab

Krabby; Gender: M Level: 9

Beedrill; Gender: F Level: 12

Spearow; Gender: M Level: 10

Nidoran ; Level: 11

Comment and review and to those who flame please do me a favor:

Cry me a river

Build me a bridge

And get the [beep] over it

Peace out and happy hunting Demonzone out.