Here we go, Final Fantasy IV, from Kain's tired view! I take the freedom of changing the talking slightly, since most of us have played the game and know the lines already. I'm not into copying (and I don't feel like playing it through just concentrating on writing down the exact words :p It could spoil the game feeling for me. What did you say about egocentric?!). 


~*~Chapter 1 Being Kain, Cecil's best friend~*~

 "Hey, Kain!"

    There was the sound of someone hurrying down a stair, and man wearing big glasses and clothes stained with oil ran out of the open door.

 "You should take it easier, Cid," Kain smiled, "you're no youth, as your wise daughter says."

 "Bah, she talks too much!" the chief mechanic snorted.

 "Why are you in such a hurry?"

 "Is Cecil back yet?" Cid asked, "I feel like talking to that boy; he's seemed a bit down lately."

 "The troop should come back from Mysidia any moment."


    Muttering, Cid went back upstairs, to watch the sky from the castle wall. Kain gazed after him, then shook his head and started walking again. He was aiming for the door into the main building. But another call made him stand still.


    Rosa hurried over to him, with her white cloak dancing over her back, the shiny, blond hair flying as she ran, looking like a river of gold flooding from her head. Kain froze. She stopped in front of him, breathing deeply because of the run.

 "What is it, Rosa?" the dragoon asked, hoping that his voice was steady.

 "Is Cecil back yet?" she asked.

    She didn't know that her words cut like hot daggers in Kain's heart.

 "No," he said. 

    He didn't dare say something more, he was sure his pain would show.

 "I wanted to talk to him," Rosa sighed, "this whole Mysidia thing makes me concerned…"

    He wanted to wrap his arms around her, kiss her hair and say that everything was fine, but she hadn't come to talk to him. How he wished that she had come running with only his name upon her soft lips! But just as Cid, she didn't want to speak with him; she wanted to talk to his best friend.

 "It'll be alright." he forced himself to say.

 "I guess…" Rosa said.

    She looked up and smiled warmly.

 "Thank you anyway, Kain."

    She turned and walked away again.

    Kain watched her until she disappeared behind the main building's corner. She always smiled so warmly at him. She smiled differently at Cecil. The dragoon wished that it could have been the other way around.

    He stood there, in deep, sad thoughts, for a moment. Then he shuddered and went inside.

 "Sir Kain, Sir Cecil has returned!"

    He stood up and nodded at the maid, with a small smile.

 "Thank you."

    It felt much better when Cecil was in the castle. As long as they were close to each other, Kain knew that he really couldn't feel jealous. He felt guilty for keeping that dark, childish feeling inside his heart, but he couldn't help it. Kain loved Rosa, he had to admit that. But she loved Cecil…

    He went up the stairs and into the small, unguarded room one had to pass to reach the throne-room, but stopped with his hand on the handle. There were upset voices to be heard from inside the big room.

 "You are now relieved from your post!"

    It was the king of Baron. Kain felt a coldness wrap itself around his heart. What the…?

 "But Your Majesty!" Cecil's shocked voice called.

 "Your new mission is to take care of the monsters sighted around the village of Mist in the north!" the king growled, "you may leave!"

    Kain threw the door open and rushed in.

 "Wait!" he yelled, "my liege, I'm sure that Cecil didn't…"

    The king gave him such a cold gaze that he almost dropped dead. He had never seen the king look like that, so cruel, so scornful…

 "Well, Kain," the king said, "if you're so worried about your friend, you may go with him!"

    The whole world seemed to turn inside out, and judging from Cecil's eyes, he felt the same.

 "But…!" Kain stuttered.

 "And take this with you!" the king snarled and threw Cecil a package.

 "Yes, my liege…" the dark knight whispered and bowed.

    In despite of other options, Kain did the same. The two men left the room.

 "Sorry for dragging you into this mess…" Cecil mumbled as they were standing in the main corridor.

    Kain put his hand on the dark knight's armored shoulder and shook his head.

 "No," he said, "you're my friend, I couldn't let you go on such a journey alone. I'll make some preparations, you just rest after your trip to Mysidia."

 "Alright… thank you, Kain."

    Cecil really seemed down. Kain watched him walk away, concerned. The dragoon's friend walked like his feet weighed a ton each, he looked very depressed even from behind. Had something happened in Mysidia that had made Cecil like that, or was it because of what had happened in the throne-room?

    Kain went over to the table where a couple of soldiers were sitting, and heavily placed himself on a chair. The wood squeaked; he had forgot his armor. He gave a silent, relieved sigh as the chair didn't break.

 "Better be careful, Sir!" one of the soldiers chuckled, "furniture is put on the payment-list!"

 "Yeah, I know." Kain said and managed to smile.



 "Where did Cecil go?" she asked, once more slowing down close to him.

 "We're sent to Mist to hunt monsters…" Kain said, suddenly completely blank.

 "What?" she gasped, "why? Where is he?!"

    Kain pointed in the direction in which Cecil had left. Rosa hurried off again.

 "Damn!" the dragoon snarled as she went out of sight.

    His fist made the whole table shake. The soldiers looked at him, concerned.

 "Excuse me, Sir," the second one of them said, "but why would you…"

 "I don't know," Kain sighed, "the king was furious because of something Cecil had said or done, and I tried to defend him… then we were both sent to Mist, just like that."

 "I'm sure that you'll get your titles and reputation back as soon as you've fulfilled your mission." the first soldier said, encouraging.

 "Thank you." Kain managed to smile a bit.