Pansy woke up in the corner of the cave and found Ron's strong and protective arms around her. She smiled faintly as her eyes traced the redhead's innocent, sleeping face. She wondered why she had never noticed how cute he looked before.

Slowly removing his arms, Pansy stood up and did a quick survey of the cave; Potter and the youngest Weasely were curled up at one side of the cave, but Draco was nowhere in sight.

He must be sleeping in one of the trees, she thought, with a smirk. Draco had always loved to climb trees. When they were younger; the whole Malfoy house was always frantic because Draco often didn't come back for the night. In the end, it was always she who found him sleeping peacefully on the branches of his favourite tree.

Pansy walked out quietly into the bright sunshine. She scanned the surroundings as she took out her wand... Just in case.

She then looked around at the top of the trees, looking for any signs of Draco's black cloak. Suddenly, a movement caught her eye. It was Ivy, one of Draco's eagle owls. She swept down and dropped a note onto Pansy's hand. She opened the note curiously to see the blonde's neat handwriting.


Gone to Knockturn Alley. Needed to find out something. Will get back to you soon. Stay in the cave... Make sure no one (especially Potter) leaves, who knows what dumb thing they might do.


Pansy snickered silently, this was so Draco-ish. Always pretending that he didn't care about a single thing in the world. Pansy sighed. Great.this meant that she would have to baby sit all of them. She wondered what Draco was doing, but after knowing him for so many years, she had come to understand that the Slytherin had many secrets and she had learnt to accept that.

She stroked Ivy who had come to a rest on her shoulders. Then, she turned around and walked back to the motionless cave.


Draco gulped down his drink as his cold grey eyes stared at the black figures walking briskly along the grey streets of Knockturn Alley. He didn't know why, but he was absolutely sure he would find Granger here.

He gulped down the remainder of his drink and stepped out onto the cold street. He put on his hood that covered his platinum blond hair and walked around, glancing from side-to-side, wary of the witches and wizards that stared emotionlessly back at him. Suddenly, he saw them.Aurors. They were going into every single shop and checking every single person and room. He knew who they were looking for, they were looking for the very same person he was seeking. Draco hurried along and turned into a dark, filthy and unnoticeable alley. This was where the homeless or outcast lived. A horrendous stench hung in the air, and then suddenly, he felt a sudden magnetic force coming from his right.

He stared at the door and pointed his wand at it. It swung opened soundlessly, and he entered, wand out and ready to fight.


Draco spun around to find the source of the voice. A light flickered on. Hermione sat there before him, sipping a cup of wine delicately and watching him intensely with her black eyes.

Looking around, Draco realized that it was probably a storeroom, as it was filled with bottles and bottles of wine. He also noticed another door that was probably leading to a bar.

"So, you have made a decision?"

Draco turned back and stared with hatred at Hermione. "Of course not." He snapped, "I'm just here for some answers."

Suddenly loud shouting was heard outside the little room. "It's the Aurors!" Draco gasped. "They are looking for you, Granger!"

Hermione's eyes narrowed, "You told them where to find me!"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Why would I tell them about you? I will just be wasting my precious energy." He turned to Hermione, "You had better get out of here, quick!"

Hermione looked startled. "Since when did you care about me?" she muttered. "Why run away? I can easily defeat them." With that, she strode towards the door with her wand in her hand, and was just about to reach the door to open it, when Draco grabbed her and threw her back against the wall.

He trapped her against the wall and covered her mouth with his. Not a second to soon, two Aurors came bursting in with their wands out and the sight of a blond guy snogging a girl senseless greeted them.

"I.. Er. We.. er. sorry about that." One of them mumbled, their cheeks turning red. "We er... were looking for someone... sorry."

Draco waved his hand dismissively as he continued to bite and lick Hermione's lips, his grey eyes warning her dangerously not to make a sound. Then, they both heard the sound of the door closing behind them and Draco immediately broke away from her (quite reluctantly).

"Well, at least we are safe.. for the moment." Draco said as he crossed over to the door and peeked out. "Now, lets get down to business."

Hermione stared at him as he drew up a chair to sit. That kiss.. it was definitely unexpected. It reminded her of something...what it was, she didn't know. Hermione struggled with the feelings inside her. These feelings were.strange. She had never had this feelings before.had she?

"Where are my parents?"

Hermione snapped back into reality and gazed at Draco. "They are safe.For now."

"Why do you want Pansy and I to be on your side?"

Hermione paused and then answered smoothly, "You are both powerful. And would be great spies for me."

Draco narrowed his eyes suspiciously, "And why are you telling me all this? What makes you think we will join your side?"

Hermione smirked. "What's the point of keeping you in the dark? You will have to know sooner or later. And, I am sure you would join my side as I have both of your parents hostage." She crossed over and stood directly in front of Draco. "You can either join me and become a Shadow Stalker.Or you can watch your parents die in your arms."

Draco glared back at Hermione, eyes full of fury. "Don't you dare threaten me with my parents!" Draco whispered forcefully.

Hermione blinked. Suddenly, she felt a rush of emotions inside her. What on earth were these feelings? She blinked and frowned in confusion and stumbled back against chair. She sat down and covered her pale and mystified face in her slender hands. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to understand these strong feelings inside of her. Her brain felt like it was going to burst. Strange emotions that were unfamiliar to her suddenly felt so familiar.

But what were all these unfamiliar feelings?

It was so familiar, yet it was alien.

Hermione began to shake uncontrollably. Draco stared at the fragile looking girl. Suddenly, she didn't look like the powerful and evil Dark Lord she claimed to be. Tentatively, he got up and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Draco had never been great at comforting people, so he really had no idea what else to do.

Draco stared at the girl he hated. He knelt down beside her, "Hey, you okay?" he asked softly, his grey eyes trying to mask the concern he felt for her. He could barely hear Hermione mumble a weak "No".

Suddenly, she looked up and grabbed Draco by the shoulders. "What do you call these feelings? What are all these emotions? What are they?" She gasped, "Tell me!" she whispered agitatedly. Her dark eyes locked with Draco's misty grey eyes intensely.

Draco stared at her. "What do you mean?" he asked apprehensively as he slowly removed Hermione's shaking cold hands from his shoulder and held them tightly, his fingers intertwined with hers.

Hermione gasped. "I don't know!What are these feelings?" she roared as tears leaked from her eyes. "Why are tears coming out? What are these weird and strange feelings?" She whimpered and softly said, "Suddenly, there is so much emotion.A rush of unfamiliar emotions.... I do not understand them."

Draco stared at Hermione bewildered; he had no idea what on earth was going on. He struggled to understand what she was going through. He then realized that she had no feelings when she turned into the Dark Lord. Suddenly, pieces from this jigsaw puzzle started to fall into place. Draco eyes widened in comprehension, and he watched Hermione's shaking shoulders. Draco hugged her hesitantly as he felt her shaking subside. Then, he heard her whisper, "Yes, tell me. What is this feeling?"


The air in the cave was tense. Pansy had removed her cloak to lessen the heat and was now sitting at a side of the cave and staring at the ceiling. Harry and Ginny were sitting opposite her, with Harry's arm over Ginny. The young girl was resting her head on Harry's shoulder and both of them were silent. Ron was walking up and down the cave, restless. Unable to decide whether he should sit next to Pansy or his best friend and sister. Finally, he sat down next to the Slytherin and stretched his legs out and lay back, resting his back on the cave.

Harry smiled faintly and nudged Ginny. Ginny looked up at him with her gorgeous brown eyes and watched as Harry jerked his head slightly at his best friend and the brunette girl. Both of them gave each other a knowing smile, indicating that they had noticed the Ron-and-Pansy mini drama.

Then, Ron's stomach gave a loud rumble that broke the tension and silence. Harry and Ginny began to snigger uncontrollably as Ron blushed a bright shade of pink and a smile broke out on Pansy's clear face as she tried her best to restrain her laughter.

Ron mumbled meekly, "Sorry! I'm hungry!"

Pansy shook her head, amused. Ron was really adorable, especially when he turn red in embarrassment. She shot a look at Harry and Ginny who were doubling up in hysterical sniggering fits and smirked. Ron was still blushing terribly as his face turned to the same shade as his hair.

Suddenly, they heard the sounds of screeching owls. Ivy and two other owls swooped down into the cave carrying a big brown package. They dropped the package and Ivy flew forward and landed on Pansy's shoulder. Ivy made a clicking noise as the two other owls flew away.

"It must be from Draco," Pansy said as she proceeded to unwrap the package. There was a note stuck on the side of the package and the four of them gathered around and read it curiously.

Managed to get some food for you all. Will be back soon. And make sure that those pigs (the Gryffindorks) don't finish the food (and sweets). I want some too.


Pansy snickered watching them turn red. Draco always managed to come back with a snide remark, no matter what. That's what she loved about him.

While the others were gasping in fury and spluttering, "That sly, sarcastic bastard!" and other words, Pansy removed the wrapper to reveal a big box as well as a big packet of assorted sweets.

Pansy opened the box and her eyes widened; there was tasty fried brown chicken, slices of pizza, buns and five bottles of butterbeer. She was sure she was beginning to drool. looking behind she saw the other three staring at the delicious looking food with Ron licking his lips.



Draco apparated Hermione to the cave. Hermione had fainted when a spasm of emotions passed through her. As Draco walked into the cave with Hermione in his arms, he saw the four Hogwarts students pigging out like they had never eaten before. They were laughing and talking and Draco heard a scratch of the conversation, ".. you should have seen Malfoy's face! He sure made a cute ferret!" The four of them then burst into fits of laughter with tears streaming down Pansy's cheeks.

"Oh really Potter? I didn't know you were so attracted to me," Draco cut in sarcastically.

The laughing stopped abruptly.

"Oh. oh er... hi Malfoy." Harry stammered, looking embarrassed. "I didn't.HERMIONE!"

Harry, Ron and Ginny let out a gasp and they rushed forward as Draco lowered Hermione onto the ground.

"What happened to her?" Ron asked faintly as he stared at Hermione's deathly pale face.

"She just fainted. She will be alright after she has eaten some food." Pansy said, walking up from behind them. "Does she need anything?" she asked looking at Draco.

Draco frowned, "I think it will be good if we give her some herbs, do you think you can make the medicine you made last year? You know the one you gave Aunt Melthana when she was very sick?"

Pansy nodded, "I think I can make it now. I saw some of the herbs around here." With that, she exited the cave.


Around an hour later, Pansy returned with her hands full of different types of leaves, herbs and plants. Draco had found a clean stone and cleaned the box used to pack the food. He passed it to her and she sat down and began pounding and grounding the herbs into a fine paste.

Harry, Ron and Ginny had been busy building a "bed" using big leaves they found. Then, they put the unconscious Hermione onto it.

Suddenly, Hermione began to kick and scream. She started sweating profusely like she was having a nightmare. " cant! What.? Noooo..!"

Draco and Pansy rushed over to the three Gryffindors as they tried to shake her awake. "Stop it!" Draco hissed, "She cant be woken up like that!" Pansy quickly took out her handkerchief and began to wipe Hermione's wet forehead.

"What should we do?" Ginny asked, her eyes wide and her jaw quivering.

"No!" Draco shouted suddenly, his eyes shutting tightly and his hands clenching forcefully at the side of his head.

"Draco, what is it?" Pansy whispered urgently.

"I'm in her mind ..." he muttered.

Then, he fainted. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Hermione stared at her surroundings. There was devastation everywhere! The magnificent Hogwarts castle crumbled to the ground after she had used her magic. "No!" Hermione screamed as her hands grabbed her hair. "Nooo!" She couldn't control herself, no matter how much her mind resisted, her body would do the opposite.

You Know What Needs To Be Done

"Why? Whhyy?" she screamed into the surroundings.

You know the reason..

"No, I Don't!" Hermione yelled again, this time, to the darkness that loomed over her.

For everything.

"It Doesn't Make Sense!" She roared, as fire flared up from underneath her in the darkness.

For the evil in the world..

"What About My Friends?" she shouted as the surroundings changed and space and stars surrounded her.

For your friends ...

"I Cant Kill Them!!" She screamed as black, devil-like wings sprouted out from her back. Images of Harry, Ron, Ginny, Draco, Pansy and others swam before her eyes.

You know you have to. ..

"But why me..? Why?" Hermione whispered, as purple, orange and black snake- like swirls appeared.

Because you are the one that holds the power ..

"I. cant... I just .cant." she whispered as the purple, orange and black swirls surrounded the earth.

"No!" she cried, as the earth surrounded by the swirls cracked like glass.

The world needs to be destroyed.


Hey! Im soooooo sooooo Sorry for not having updated for such a long time!! I seem to be losing interest in it. *sigh* Anywayz, thank you so much for your reviews!! I really appreciate them!! CherryBlossom - Hikari No Miko, Magor Malfoy, Crystalnia, Tenebrae (thanks 4 helping me edit!), Maddie, Fae- Aurora, blueberryfig, Stalker, bellezza, elentari, RavenSapphire, LadyLegolas, syl, Dark Serpent and Ligt Lion ever!!!!!!!!, Alex, Dreaming One, Bunny, Megan Malfoy, Cutiepie99, neon silver!! I hope I didn't leave anyone out! Im absolutely sorry about the time I took to write this!! It has been a crazy time here. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and review it! Thanks!!