Prompt: Sarah is fluent in another language. Tells Cosima I love you.

"You're not the only smart one you know," Sarah said as they sat in the airport waiting for Cosima's flight.

"I never said I was, I simply was pointing out, that of all of us, I am the one that seems to have the most capacity for information. Nature Vs. Nurture. I studied more," Cosima tries to explain, but the look on Sarah's face tells her that the other woman simply doesn't care.

"How many languages to you speak Cos?"

"English and a little french, Delphine is-" Sarah holds up her hand, she didn't care to hear any more about Delphine than she already had and Cosima's mouth snaps shut before opening once more. "The amount of languages I know has nothing to do with how smart I am, I'm a genius, regardless."

"Tu doar crezi," Sarah says with a laugh, as Cosima's eyes widen.

"Sarah! You speak, wait, what were you just speaking." Cosima asked with an intrigued smile.

"Romanian, you learn things when you're always on the run, pick up things along the way, yeah?"

"Say something else," Cosima ordered, turning her body inwards to face Sarah.

"Esti prost."

"What does that mean?"

"It mean you're stupid."


"Sorry," Sarah says with a laugh.

"Tu nu esti prost, dar esti o durere în fund." The look of confusion on Cosima's face made Sarah laugh, she loved that she could stump their resident clone club genius, she loved that she knew something Cosima didn't. It made her feel important somehow. "I just called you a pain in the ass," Sarah said through a fit of giggles, Cosima shaking her head, dreadlocks bouncing as she did.

"That's mean, say something nice," Cosima said with a small pout.

"Flight 335 to Minnesota, now boarding."

"That's me," Cosima mumbled as she stood up and fixed her dress and coat. "I guess I should go, thanks for the ride to the airport and for staying, you didn't have to do that."

"It's no big Cos, honest, it was fun yeah?" Sarah said as she stepped forward and pulled Cosima into a hug. "Pentru tine, as face orice. Cine a stiut, as cădea în dragoste cu cineva care are fata mea, da? tine-ti firea Pentru ca si cand te simti singur, stiu doar eu sunt peste cap de tocuri în dragoste cu tine."


"Get on the plane, Cos," Sarah said, pushing the woman towards the gates.

"Wait!" Cosima says pulling out her phone. "Repeat what you just said," Cosima hit record and Sarah laughed, but did as she was told. "Thanks, I should really-"

"Go," Sarah laughed out, shaking her head as she watch Cosima disappear through the crowd.

When the seatbelt light went off, Cosima fumbled through her bag for her laptop and her phone, quickly doing her best to translate what Sarah said to her at the airport.

She fiddled with the spelling and tried her best to figure out what it all meant and right before she gave up, it clicked, she hooked up her phone to the computer and ran the file of Sarah's voice through a translation website and if it hadn't been for the fact that she was 30,000 feet in the air, Cosima would have jumped off the plane and ran straight into Sarah's arms.

"For you, I would do anything. Who knew I would fall in love with someone who has my face, yeah? Keep your wits about you Cos and when you feel alone, just know I am head over heels in love with you."