Disclaimer: I don't own twilight. I just like using the characters as my puppets ;)

Chapter 1 - Introduction

If you want something, have it. If you feel like it's forbidden, you'll want it even more. Whenever I have a craving, I go and have it and just make sure I don't have it again the next day. - Jerry Ferrara

Ludic lovers view love as a game or sport; conquest; may have multiple partners at once. They are players, more interested in quantity than quality of relationships, ludic lovers want to have as much fun as possible. Ludic lovers choose their partners by playing the field, and quickly recover from break-ups.

As I leaned up against the bar surveying the dance floor, I felt like a lion sizing up his prey. And just like in the animal kingdom I was going to find the weakest gazelle. I looked over the crowd at all the short skirts and tight dresses. I saw a few that were ripe for the picking but none that jumped out. Yet. The night was still young and I wasn't gonna go home alone.

Just then I felt a small nudge on my right side. I looked down and saw a bundle of fiery red hair. I leaned down and pushed some of the hair back and was met with dilated green eyes. I smiled to myself and turned on the charm. I had found my gazelle.

"I'm sorry. I was trying to get to the bar when my heel snapped and I fell." She giggled drunkenly.

"Oh no problem. Here let me help you up." I stretched out my hand to her and pulled her up. She teetered for a few seconds before finally catching her balance.

"You okay?" I asked when she slipped off the bar step again. Like I really cared. I just didn't want her too banged up. Doesn't make for a good fuck session.

"Oh yeah, I think I lost my friends. They said they were gonna meet me here but I don't see them. Maybe you can keep me company?" She batted her green eyes at me.

"Man she is making this too easy." I thought to myself. I downed the rest of drink and smirked at her before leading her to the dance floor. As soon as we got there, she took her shoes off and began grinding all over me. She had no sense of rhythm but I didn't care. I wasn't looking for a dance partner.

"I'm Victoria. But you can call me Vicky." She winked seductively.

I smirked again and turned her around, running my hands over her curves, accessing her body. Now I loved women but I wasn't one of those guys who loved all women. You had to have a certain body type to ride this ride. In other words, no fatties and no anxeroric bimbos. Vicky wasn't my ideal fuck but she would do.

After a few more dances, I was tiring of the club scene and suggest that we move things to a more secluded location. It was then her friends decided to show up. After listen to them squeal and shriek for a few minutes, I slipped out and started heading towards my car. I had just opened the door when I heard someone call out behind me.

"Leaving already?"

"Yeah, didn't have much luck…" I started before catching sight of the person the voice belonged to. It was a brunette beauty, dressed rather skimpy considering the temperature was in the mid 50's. The mini skirt she wore stopped several inches from her knees and her top was cut so some of her midriff was exposed.

"Well why not come back in and buy me a drink. Maybe your luck will change." She winked before heading into the club.

I thought about it for a second before slamming my car door shut and locking it up before following her into the club.

As soon as I got through security, I searched for the bombshell I met in the parking lot. I found her by the bar sipping on Coke with a couple slices of lime floating on the top.

"I see you changed your mind about coming in." She shouted as I neared.

"Yeah, I think I might have given up too soon." I flashed my panty-dropping smile. She nodded and looked back at the bar. "She is gonna be a tough cookie to crack." I thought to myself.

"So I owe you a drink. What will you have?" I asked, flagging down the bartender.

"I'll have a shot of Grey Goose." She told him once he came over. He nodded and looked at me.

"The same."

"So can I know the name of the person I'm buying this drink for?"

"You can call me Izzy." She winked again.

"Emmett. Emmett McCarty." I told her before realizing what I said. Why did I need to give her my last name? Why couldn't I use my A-game on this girl?

The bartender returned with our shots. I paid for the drinks and turned back towards Izzy just in time to see her downing the shot like it was water. This was my kind of girl. After a few more shots, we headed to the dance floor.

We spent the rest of the night dancing, well she was grinding on me and I was enjoying it. During "Last Call" I asked her for her number.


"This was fun. I think we should do it again."

"Don't worry I'm sure we'll see each other again." She winked once more before heading out the door, leaving me aching in more ways than one.

I ran after her but by the time I got out to the parking lot, she was gone. Although the club scene was a total bust the night wasn't over yet. As I was pulling out the parking lot, I pressed number 5 on my phone. As soon as the person picked up, I simply called out:

"My place, thirty minutes. Don't bother with clothes."

I awoke to the sun streaming through my window and birds chirping in the air. I grabbed my watch from the night table and saw it was almost 8 am. I threw it back down and rolled over only to be met with the sight of Rose's blue eyes. She knew I hated it whenever she stayed over.

I had met Rosalie during my freshman year of college. We tried dating for a bit but it didn't work out. But the sex was amazing. Out of all the bar sluts I fucked, none of them could hold a candle to the things she could do. So we decided to keep seeing each other on a strictly friends with benefits basis. But lately I was only calling her if I struck out at the club or if I was bored.

"So what are you gonna be doing this weekend? I figured if you weren't busy we could maybe go to brunch with my parents? They ask about you all the time, you know." Her parents had loved me while we were together and had expressed on several occasions their desire to see us tie the knot.

I rolled over and smiled as sweetly as I could at her. "Rose, you know our deal. You know what this is. After all, you're the one who suggested it. Besides, I got plans." I told her, slapping her ass.

"Well, do you wanna maybe hang out later? I miss the friends' part of our arrangement." She asked, slipping out the bed and picking up her trench coat off the floor.

"Got plans but I'll call you when I'm free."

She nodded and walked out towards the door. At the last minute she changed her mind and walked over and planted a small kiss on the side of face.

"I still think about you. I never stopped loving you, just so you know." She whispered before headed out the door.

God, why did she have to go and do that shit! It always messed with my head whenever she said stuff like that to me. It always took me back to the old days when we had first met. We had so much fun just being with each other.


Rosalie and I met during a joint Greek Life event. One of the sororities were having an auction to raise money for their philanthropy group, "Autism Speaks" by auctioning off dates from eligible bachelors from different frats. She out bid everyone else. She seemed so determined to make sure she was the one who went home with me that night. On our date, I asked her about it.

"I saw you out there. You waited until I came out to start bidding. Why?"

She took a sip of her water before answering. "I like you. I've seen you around campus. The way you carry yourself and who you interact with. You stay away from the sluts and only hang out with classy women." She winked.

From that date on, I was hooked. People always said we were a mismatched pair but I didn't care. We were so perfect together, until we weren't.


"But those days are over. That's why you guys are just fuck buddies!" I told myself.

"Who are you talking to?" I heard my roommate call out from my door way. Edward Mason and I met when we both pledged the same frat. After bonding over our pledge task, we became really close. He actually became more than my frat brother. After our initiation, we began to think of each other as blood brothers. I only had my mom to depend on. My dad left us when I was 8 years old.

After living in the Frat house for a couple of years, we both decided to move off campus as we would need our space during our final two years of college. Edward and I were currently 5th year seniors; he was studying law and I was studying architecture.

So his parents and my mom pooled together to help us get the house we lived in now. It was of decent size with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, and a full basement with a laundry room. As much spaced as it has, we only used about half of it.

"Just arguing with myself over nothing. What's up?" I flipped the covers back and placed my feet firmly on the floor.

"I was coming to see of you were ready. But I can tell that you are nowhere near."

"Ready? Ready for what?" I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

Edward took a sip of the coffee from his mug and pushed off from the wall. "Remember a few months ago when I told you my sister was transferring to UW and my parents want her living with us rather than in a dorm."

I shook myself awake and thought about it. I remember him saying something about cleaning out the basement to make room for his sister. But I thought he meant for a summer visit. I kept forgetting that he had a sister. He didn't really talk about her too often so I took it as a sign to not ask.

"You forget. I should have known." He shook his head. I apologized and asked him what he needed me to do.

"She's flying in this afternoon at 4. Her friend Alice is going to pick her up so you and I can finish fixing up the basement and bring all her stuff from storage." Now that I remember; a few months, Edward kept getting boxes delivered to the house. One afternoon while he was out, I got curious and opened one. When I saw that it contained women's dresses, I jumped to conclusions and assumed that he was a cross-dresser. When I confronted him about it, well it was a very awkward and unpleasant conversation.

"Ok, give me thirty minutes to wake up and shower." I grabbed my pajama shorts from the floor and was getting ready to put them on but hesitated when I saw Edward was still in my room. On his face was a pained expression and he was looking everywhere but at me.

"Edward, if you got something to say just say it man." I laughed.

He chuckled dryly before looking at me.

"Emmett, you know you're my best friend and I would do anything for you right?" I nodded my head, not knowing where he was going with this.

"But at the same time, I know how you are. You will fuck almost anything with legs."

"What are you trying to say, Edward?"

"Isabella is my only sister. My baby sister. And I would do anything for her. So just…she's young and hasn't lived yet…" he struggled. I knew what he was getting at. Stay away from his sister.

"I got it. Don't worry. Baby Sis is off-limits. Besides if she looks anything like you, it would be like trying to bed Chewbacca." I joked.

Edward's face cracked into a smile. We had a mutual respect for each other so I would respect his wishes. Besides the girl probably wouldn't even be my type if she was anything like her brother.

I got out the bed and slipped into my boxers before straighten up my room. I may be a guy but I couldn't stand clutter. Once I had finished that I headed across the hall to the shower. While I was washing off, my mind went back to the chick I met last night. Izzy. I wish I could have gotten more but all she would tell me was her name and that she was here for school. There was something about this girl. It felt the same way it did when Rosalie and I started dating.

"What is going on with you man? It was just a random girl. Some bar chick." I told myself while I was brushing my teeth. I couldn't understand why I was so obsessed with her. She was beautiful but there wasn't anything extremely special about her.

"Wait, since when do you refer to chicks you meet in a bar as beautiful?" I questioned myself. I shook my head and headed back into my room. I pulled on a grey graphic tee and dark blue stonewash jeans. Once I slammed my feet into my boots, I headed into the kitchen only to catch Edward and his girlfriend of three years, Tanya Denali in a heated make out session.

"Get a room." I groaned. The two of them were a constant reminder why I liked my lifestyle. Man was not meant to be tied down to just one woman. And when they are, we turn into sappy, love sick puppy versions of themselves.

"Good morning to you too." She rolled her eyes and slid off the counter. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed some Gatorade. Edward placed one more kiss on Tanya's cheek before answering his cell phone.


"Edward? It's Alice. You called me this morning?"

"Yeah, it's about Isabella. Her flight is scheduled to arrive at 4 at Gate A23. She promised me that she would wait until you got there before leaving and that she wouldn't talk to anyone. "

"Edward, relax. Bella and I chatted last night. I know everything. Esme and Carlisle made sure of that. All her furniture is in the storage unit and everything else has already come. Her bank account is set up and she is all registered for school. She only needs to meet with her counselor to set up her classes. Once she starts school, Carlisle will come out and help her buy a car."

"Yeah I know. It's just this is her first time away from home. And I just don't want anything to happen."

Alice assured him that everything would be fine before hanging up.

"You worry too much, sweetie. I am sure that Isabella will get here safe and sound. You are going to stress yourself out." Tanya told him, wiping off her lipstick from his face. She grabbed her bag off the counter and headed out the door, with promises to be back later.

"Man, you are really freaking out about this. I'm sure everything will be fine."

He nodded and motioned for me to follow him to the basement. When Edward was first told of his sister's exodus out here, he spent a lot of his free time fixing up the basement. He cleaned up the laundry and laid down tiles before we painted all the walls a pale powder blue.

"So I figured we could pull the truck right up the front yard and carry everything into here and then arrange it."

"Are you sure you don't want to let her do this?"

He shook his head no. "I can't have my Baby Sis moving furniture around. You know how chicks are. Always afraid to get their hands dirty."

I nodded my agreement and walked into the room and started opening boxes. It was close to 11 when we got all the boxes unpacked and majority of her clothes hung up in the closet.

"Man your sister is almost as bad as Alice when it comes to shopping." I told him as we hung up the umpteenth dress. I met her when she began dating our pledge brother Jasper Whitlock but Edward knew her from his hometown in New York. Apparently she grew up down the street from them and ran into Edward on day on campus.

"Yeah, Alice can't wait for her to be here. She'll finally have a shopping partner." He chuckled as we headed outside. Edward had gone out yesterday to pick up a U-Haul truck to bring all the furniture from the storage unit to the house.

By the time we got all the furniture out the storage unit, closed the account and got back to the house, it was almost 2:30pm. We were bringing in the boxes when Edward's phone started going on. He dropped the boxes off on the living room while I continued on and placed what I had in my arms in the living room of the basement. When I got back upstairs, Edward was leaning up against the truck, slapping his phone against his hand.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah; apparently my sister decided to catch an earlier flight so she'll be here in about an hour." He sighed, pulling out more boxes. I groaned and followed his lead, trying to get everything off the truck and into the house as quickly as possible. When we got to the heavier furniture, it was a bit of a slow go but by the time Alice called to say she had picked up his sister, Edward and I had unloaded thee entire truck and had everything in the basement.

I was sliding all the boxes into the spare bedroom when I heard Edward calling me. I slid off my packing gloves and ran up the stairs. Edward was in the kitchen chatting it up with who I assumed was his sister and Alice.

"Hey Emmett meet my sister, Bella." He smiled at me. I approached the group but found my steps faltered when I caught sight of a brunette beauty. The same brunette beauty I saw last night at the club.


"How did you know that was what I called my sister?" Edward questioned.

"I-uh-I didn't. I just- I'm sorry. It's just that you remind me someone I met last night at the club."

"Well it couldn't have been her Emmett. Her plane just arrived today. She just got to town today." He laughed incredulous.

I laughed lightly with him and apologized.

"I'm sorry I'm not Izzy. I'm Isabella but you can call me Bella or Bells. Either is fine." She stuck out her hand for me to shake. As I did, I took in her appearance. She wore a red cropped hoodie with a black shirt underneath, and dark jeans that flared out at the ankle only to reveal stylish custom converse sneakers.

"This can't be his sister. They look nothing alike." I thought to myself. Edward had bronze colored hair and stood over 6 feet tall while she looked to be only 5'4. But she was hot. She didn't have a lot of curves but she worked with what she had. Her hair was styled so it fell over one shoulder and down her back with her long bangs swept over her left eye. And speaking of eyes, hers were a bright hazel brown color with specks of gold.

"It's nice to meet you Bella." I managed to squeak out embarrassingly.