"authors note" i would like to give credit to those who is helping me write this fanfiction, those who edit, catch my mistakes and help me re-write senteces, unfortunatly i dont think they want their names to be out in the open so thanks LL,PG,ES"

Chapter 1- The Letter

"Oh shoot, I'm late," Anna mumbled to herself, running towards the nearest bus stop. She was running late this morning, having overslept as usual,and is now trying to catch the bus that is creeping away from it's stop. The redhead waved at the driver, hoping her gesturing would make the vehicle come to a halt. Of course, her pleading was more along the lines of incoherent babbling while gasping for air. Her lungs were on fire. She didn't know how much longer she could keep running at this pace. Sure, she has done plenty of sports in high school, but none of them involved chasing after a bus, now, going forty miles per hour.

The flagging down didn't work but she did make it to the next stop in time. Thank god she did, she was about to kneel over from lack of oxygen any second. As the door opened, Anna rummages through her pockets, grabbing the fare to pay the man. It had taken longer than she anticipated, having forgotten to grab a dollar to spare the man from dealing with her.

"Just one more...ah ha! Found you there mister nickel! Thought you could pull a fast one on me now didn't you!" the redhead announced triumphantly. With the driver staring impatiently at her, a blush creeped up on the her face as she quickly dispensed the money into the box that collected the bus fee and rushed toward the back.

"Whoops! Almost forgot that." Anna sheepishly smiles as she returns back to the front, grabbing the bus pass from the driver who rolls his eyes in reply. She isn't even sitting before the bus jerks forward. Causing her body to lung forwards, ultimately lying flat on her face. "Oh this day cannot get any worse…" she groans pulling herself up and climbing onto the closest seat, with feverish, nervous, movements.

The girl pulls her messenger bag onto her lap and searched through it with a tongue sticking out and a look of determination painted along her face. After a moment of searching she found it stuffed between the bars of chocolate she always carries around and the novel she was currently reading. It was a letter, written to her by her best friend who was currently deployed overseas. She grew up with this person for the last 15 years of her life when she was just only 3 years old.

Now that her best friend is 21, it's been three years since they enlisted in the military. Which was very hard on Anna because they were very close. The person who is in the military had to go because of certain circumstances. Although Anna did not approve of her best friends decision, she had to go support them. It was what they really wanted to do. Due to the circumstances of Anna's and her best friend situation before the military life, it was the best decision they made in order to keep their lives from falling apart.

Anna fumbles opening the letter, puts on headphones to listen to "let her go- the passengers" and she opens the letter to start reading

" Dear Anna,

I hope you are doing well and not causing any trouble with Dr. Wesselton. I know that you dont

not like him, but he is the only person what will allow us to live in his complex without any trouble like the

others. I trust that you are doing well in school, and at least doing decent on your school work. Unlike last

semester, which you didn't do so well in. I am doing fine here overseas, Commander Bjorgman is trying to take

it easy this week. Last weeks mission took a toll on him, seeing that we lost one of our men because of

shrapnel that was lodged into his leg after an IED blew up 10ft from where we were doing a stakeout at.

Luckily I jumped out of the way and took cover before it blew up. The other guy though was not so lucky,

while he did get out of the way bits and pieces got caught up in his leg. Sadly we were too late, the guy died

from loss of blood. It was a mission that none of us will ever forget. So the commander ordered us to retreat

and abandon the mission. We did however bring the body back with us so we can give it to his family to give

him a proper burial. At least we gave them his Dog tags, so they will always remember what he died for. His

death will not be in vain. Thankfully we were able to get stationed out of that area and into a more stable and

preserved base. Of course there will still be violence in this area but it won't be as bad as it was near Bahrain.

At least Iraq has quieted down a bit. Don't believe half the crap you see on the news, its not nearly as violence

as they say, its actually not as bad as you think here. Hopefully after these next few months we should be able

to come back home. I can not wait to see you. I Love you and miss you very much, stay cool my snowflake" -

Petty Officer Elsa Arendelle