Sam was about ready to rip John's head from his shoulders. Let's go to Bobby's house, he said. He found a new creature, he said. We need your research skills, he said. Well, Sam said fuck you, John Winchester. Jordan was looking at Sam with total confusion written on his face.

"What the hell is this?" Sam generally tried to refrain from swearing at all, least of all in the presence of Pastor Jim. They, they being John, Dean, Caleb Reeves, Joshua Arins (one of Bobby's buddies), Bobby (duh), and Pastor Jim, turned to look at him.

"What do you mean? They're" Sam held up a hand, eyes closed, silencing Joshua.

"What the hell do you think that you are doing?" Sam's voice held all the calm before a storm, or more accurately, a typhoon.

"Sam," John barked, "they are an unknown species. We have to-"

"Have to what? They are-"

"What are they Sam? All I see are two supernatural creature that we know nothing about, we don't even know what they are capable of!" All of them, Sam and John excluded, cringed. Winchester-War-Everybody-Lost-Count was about to start.

"It isn't what they are capable of that you should be worrying about."

"What should I be worrying about, then?"

"What I am capable of."

"Are you standing on their side? Over your family's? Over humanity's side?"

"Yes, I am standing on my family's."

"Doesn't look like it from here."

"I said my family's, John. Not yours."

"What are you talking about boy?"

"Meet your son-in-law, Jordan," Sam gestured to the blonde man tied to a chair in the center of Bobby's panic room, "and your grandson, Jesse." He gestured at the small boy sitting, bound, on the cot off to the side.

"Sam, what is going on here?" Caleb jumped in, asking what Sam was fairly certain all of them were wondering.