Usagi reached over to run his hand over his 13 year old brother, Raphael's scalp. His current youngest brother was curled up on his side, head resting on his lap. He glanced over to the opening of the library in time to see Leonardo walk back in, carrying a tray with three mugs on it. Though he already knew the substance he nodded his thanks, "I feel like I haven't slept in days:"

"We haven't hence the little brother sleeping on the couch instead of in the comfort of his own room." Leonardo's' lips twitched lightly in a small smile, though the dark circles under his eyes were unavoidable. Usagi was almost too afraid to look in a mirror. He had a feeling he would either be frightened of his own appearance or shatter the mirror with his image.

It had been many days since their mother had been taken to the town hospital. And just a few hours ago they had gotten word that their mother had gone into labor. Usagi leaned back against the couch to take a deep breath.

A new sibling

"He didn't want to miss out on anything." Leo shrugged before taking the blanket off the back of the couch to drape over the sleeping form, "He's been up ever since Mother went into labor."

Usagi nodded before looking back over to the coffee table and a purple quilt rested on. He had been in town for hours searching for a perfect gift for his newborn brother or sister. He was a bit surprised when he met up with his brothers to find out Leonardo and Raphael ha d picked out an orange blanket. It had been a moment. Returning home to welcome the arrival of the new baby.

But they came home to an empty house

With no family in sight

Despite their reassurance to Raphael, Usagi couldn't help but share the same look. with Leonardo. The concern between them going unspoken in a silent oath. At least until they could get alone or Raphael went to sleep

Something was wrong. But they had decided to not worry their little brother by providing a number of distractions.

But even Raphael had to realize something was wrong.

Usagi rested one hand his brother shell before leaning his head back against the back of the couch. His eyes heavy from days of no sleep before looking back over to Leonardo, "If you wish to sleep, I do not mind staying up longer."
"No, it's not fair to you brother. You need rest as well."

"I do not think I could sleep if I wanted to Leonardo."

"Yeah" Leonardo leaned back on his seat, the purple blanket draped against his knee, a sigh going through him. Usagi nodded, his hand gripping his brothers shell-

The sound of popping hinges filled the air. Usagi couldn't help but go flying to his feet he glanced back to ensure that Raphael was still asleep, but his vision was all but blocked by the shape of Leonardo (he was pretty fast on his feet). Instead of jumping out of his skin, he simply nodded before rushing forward.
Hamoto Yoshi was sitting on one of the couches in the front room. His brown fur was darker then usual, a gleam to his fur indicating sweat ,the sleeves of his robes rolled back to reveal with whit under fabric, still damp face resting in his palms that were covered in bandages. Bandages that weren't there when he had left, he glanced back to his brother before stepping out, "father?"

Yoshi's head popped up blood shot eyes darting around the room till they fell on the two 17 year old brothers. Usagi wasn't sure what he had been expecting, but when their father rose to his feet he did not expect his father's normally dry firm eyes to shimmer ever so lightly

"Come here boys."

He had never hesitated to go to his father, but he somehow Leonardo was already to their fathers side, griping their fathers hand. But a look from their father sent him over to grip his other hand. Not a look of cruelty, anger or disappointment. But it was a look he had never seen on Hamoto Yoshi face


"Where is Raphael?"

"He's asleep father, "Leonardo assured, "he was tired. I can go wake him-"

"No, no its better he sleep." even their fathers voice was tired. Usagi wasn't quite sure how his brother was still sitting up, "and you are sure he won't wake up?"

"He didn't awake when we ran in here,"

"Good, good." His breath came out in a huff, his head lowering again. Usagi immediately gripped their fathers shoulder. He was not used to their father bring so shamed.

Like Leonardo, he had grown up on stories of their father in battle. How he stared death in the eye and laughed, to see their 'war hero father', the governor of North Island.

And the fact he still hadn't said anything about their mother and the new baby made his stomach churn.

He slowly lowered himself onto his knee, taking his father hand to his face before looking back up. Their eyes meeting for the first time since he had arrived, "What's wrong with mother?"

"Your mother is alright, exhausted but alright. She was in labor all day, while I stood there like a fool. Your uncle was no better." he spat out the name he had chosen to describe himself, "it took another day for the egg to even hatch. The boy was screaming at the top of his lungs the moment the shell cracked."

"Boy? It was a boy. "alteast he knew that much now. He knew the egg had hatched, he knew that the baby side had a set of lungs on him, "Is he alright father?"

Yoshi's lips twitched ever so lightly a small smile grew across his face if only for a moment. "Handsome…boys."

"Boys?" Leo spoke first and it took a well-aimed bite to his cheek to keep from interrupting him. But Leonardo's eyes had met this there was a eagerness in his eyes that made Usagi's throat tighten ever so lightly. The way Leonardo's face lit up, his hands going up to grip their fathers brown furred arms, "There were twins? Little boys? Twin boys?" but Usagi knew that he had forgotten

HE had forgotten why their father had been away for so long

And that meant Usagi had to ask the painful question. His hands going back over their fathers drawing the attention, "Father are they ok?"

Hamoto Yoshi bowed his massive head again. All his life, their father had towered over everyone around him but in that moment. Usagi had never seen his father look smaller "The older twin is fine, he's wheezing a little bit but the Doctor said that's' normal in newborns. But the smaller one hasn't eaten, he refuses his mothers milk. I've been with them, but I do not know what is to come of him. Your mother thought I should come and tell you boys what was going on…."

Usagi slowly let his hand drop, though Splinter kept his grip tight. His free hand met his face a shiver shot through his spine

Too cruel

"Father how they not knew there would be twins?" alteast Leonardo was keeping up the slack. He wasn't sure if he could talk without being sick. "They should of known-"

"They were within the same egg. We thought it was simply a large baby, but when the egg hatched they were both in there. Their little hands were holding the other so tightly." The tall rat couldn't help but shake his head, "the youngest shed tears when they were separated," he lowered his elbows onto his knees again, but his hands still gripped his sons. Usagi could barely notice the pain in his hands.

The smallest refused to eat

"What are their names?"

Usagi wasn't even aware he had spoken till he realized Leonardo and Yoshi were both looking at him. He almost thought he had said the wrong thing till Leonardo looked to tall rat, "Father?"

"I apologize, so much has happened. I forgot to tell you, "voice was tinged with embarrassment, "Your mother and I had decided on list of name to pick from. The smallest is named Mi-"


Usagi was quite sure it wasn't him speaking this time. Possibly because he had seen Leonardo speaks with wide eyes that didn't seem to belong on his face. Leonardo gently took their fathers hand to his lips, "One moment, please. "Without waiting for an answer, the oldest (or alteast, the equal oldest) son ran out of the room to the library. Though their father looked puzzle Usagi couldn't help but smile when he realizes what Leonardo had been adamant to get. Especially when he returned, with their 13 year old brother leaning against his side and palms rubbing his eyes tiredly

"Now you can tell us."


"He has grown quite a bit, has he not?"

"Hm?" Usagi glanced up from his tea,

Usagi glanced up from his tea, he could just feel the heat of the 'violated' drink reach his whiskers but he smiled back to Master Splinter before lowering his gaze onto the boy sitting in his lap clinging to his chest. Don had all but abandoned his tea in order to keep staring at the rat sitting across the table, "A little bit, he drinks his milk." he said with a smile, "don't you Donna-chan?" he asked the boy, even though he really didn't expect an answer. Even so he looked down to his little brother. Don made eye contact for a moment before he cast a glance around with waiting room. AS though to reassure himself they truly were truly alone in the well decorated room before returning his head to lean against this chest. Usagi shook his head lightly before setting his tea back on the table and hugging his little brother tighter to his chest, "My apologies Splinter-Sensei, he is still getting used to being around so many people."

"Michelangelo was the same way when he started going to school here as was-"The old rat paused for a moment, looking back to the child in Usagi's arms. Usagi drew in a thick breath looking back to his tea for a moment before putting it back on Don's hands, "Drink little brother. "He ordered lightly before tucking his scalp under his chin, "You are referring to Raphael."

"Indeed. He had trouble fitting in as a youth due to his anger. I was the only one who could calm him down."

"I think that was because he knew you, you were always at the house while we were growing up." He smiled, "Leonardo always looked forward to your visit, and Mother would make a meal from Japan,"

"I believe I miss your parents more then I miss their food." The old rat paused, "As I miss Raphael."

Usagi breathed and nodded, leaning back into the cushion of his seat


Though Usagi had been young at the time, he could still remember Raphael's birth, he could remember when Raphael went to boarding school, and he could remember when he joined the military-

He felt something brush against his bottom lip, drawing his attention enough to see the ceramic cup that Don was holding up to his lips in a clear invitation. The concern in his eyes said his intentions, "Thank you Donna-chan." he put his lips around the rim and allowed a little bit of the disgustingly European tea to be poured into his mouth before pulling away, holding his little brother even tighter to his chest. He could only imagine how tired his little brother was

"Were you mad at Daddy?"

Usagi choked on the warm liquid maybe it was because Donatello had never spoken before a stranger before (let alone TO). But mostly likely it was because of the question itself, "Donna-chan, we don't ask things like –"

"But-but he trained Daddy and I-if I haven't seen him since I was-was a b-baby th-then th-they ha-haven't talked in a while."

"Donatello-"a small laughed reached him. Usagi raised his head enough to see a smile on Splinters face, "Your little brother is quite perceptive."

"I'm sorry Master Splinter, he knows better then to ask questions like that-"

"It's alright Usagi. He deserves an answer." Master Splinter leaned forward, taking up the small milk pitcher his other hand going out in invitation, Usagi relaxed his grip long enough for Donnie to lean over and hand him his cup, "Thank you little one." he started to pour milk into the empty cup"You might like this more than that nasty tea. But yes, your father and I had a disagreement. It leads to a rift that I regret to this day."

"You were his Daddy? Right"

"In a way I was," Splinter leaned back over to put the cup back in his tiny hands, " When your father was just a boy he lived with a huge clan that I was a part of as well, your father had a friend who also lived in our home, there had been a plague that had swept through our homeland that took so many of our clansmen. Your father and his friend were left orphans and alone, along with so many others. I took in the two boys as my own and we left for a bigger city. I have always thought of them both as my boys. I trained them as my clan rules demanded."

"Daddy and Uncle Namahage "

Usagi's hand immediately went up to rest on the side of Don's head, his stomach churning so tightly that he was surprised his blue dress vest wasn't visibly rippling, "Master Splinter this isn't a appropriate conversation for him."

"But brother-"

Usagi shushed , "Drink your milk Donna-chan." before looking back to Master Splinter. He couldn't stop the anger from emerging, and he knew it shone in his eyes. But the old rat smiled at him, almost pitying-


Despite his service in the military, he jumped almost a foot in the air before realizing he knew that voice. He twisted to look towards the other side of the room. Truth be told he had almost forgotten why they were at the school till a green 8 year old turtle standing in the doorway with a large suitcase a bright smile, but that smile grew even brighter when his eyes fell on the little boy sitting on Usagi's' lap, "DONNIE!"

"Mikey!" The little boy in his arms began to bounce around, struggling to free himself of Usagi's hold," Let me down let me down!"

"Alright alright!" he slipped the boy off his lap and snatched the cup out of his hands in time for the boy to charge across the room, the twins almost knocking each other to the ground (then actually to the ground, with Mikey on top)"Be careful!" he called before his fist going up to his mouth, "Jesus-"

"I can tell you love those boys."

A part of him wanted to ignore the old rat and watch the happy reunion between the boys. Btu he couldn't help but sigh and look back over, "Those boys mean the world to me."

"I can tell you're especially protective over Donatello."

"How can I not? My day circles around his wellbeing, making sure he eats, making him take his medicine, tutoring him," he couldn't help but sigh," He's only 8 Master Splinter, there are things he doesn't have to know about yet."

"I believe your little brother knows more than you think. He knew Oroku Saki well enough"

"He thinks he was the Namahage. "

"It is not far from the truth. Your father had stopped talking to me at that point. But I heard what Saki wanted." his eyes went over to the wrestling boys. Usagi couldn't help but wonder what the old rat was thinking about? Was he thinking about the boys he had raised? The rat and the human side by side, about their childhood? Was he thinking about the pocket watch he had shown Usagi when he was a child? the inside painted with a tiny portrait. The image of a tiny old rat overshadowed by the tall proud brown rat and the tall man with his black hair tied back.

Usagi sat up in his seat before reaching his hand out to hold Master Splinters, "Leonardo misses you greatly, and the boys would like to see you at the house. But you have to understand, we haven't' told the boys a lot but they're still so young. Leonardo and I said that we wanted to wait before we consider telling them about our family."

The older Rat smiled lightly, taking his teacup to his lips for a moment before reaching and taking Usagi's' hand, "Tomorrow beings the schools official break, and I have a new batch of sweets and treats I can bring by if I can come by."

"It sounds good Master Splinter." He smiled back. –then a squeak of pain sent him on his feet, "Boys! Boys you're playing too rough!" he took Mikey by the hips and quickly lifted him off, "Enough enough-"

"Ugi!" arms flew around his neck and a giant kiss stabbed him right in the eye, "I" miss you Ugi!"

"Ow! I missed you too-OW!" he quickly held the youngest at arm's length before rubbing his eye against his shoulder, "Michel-chan calm-"

"And Donnie's here! He's here! I can't believe it!" His arms shot up hugging Usagi tightly around the neck. He felt arms wrap around his waist. Usagi quickly wrapped his arms around Mikey's knees to free an arm enough to wrap around Donatello, "Yes Michelangelo we're all very very happy right now!" He leaned over to give Mikey a kiss to his brow, "We missed you very very much -."

"Can-can you believe I'm going to be home for 5 weeks?!"

"No I can't, but I'm going to enjoy every second of it. We are going to have-"


Usagi twisted around to find the source of the shout, only to have a rat almost push past him, the arms around his waist disappearing and a wheezing sound caught his ears. Splinters arms were wrapped tightly around the older twin, from whom the horrible noise came from

His body shot into action, he set Michelangelo to the side before falling to his knees as he reached into his pocket to pull out a small flask the string dangling around his hand, his arms snaking between Splinter and Donatello to pull the child over, his teeth twisting off the metal cap a neasusting smell wafted up from the contents, "You kwon the drill Donna-chan." he put the flask next to his mouth. The little boy leaned his head over to breathe in the smell, his face twisting up lightly; "Good now drink a little bit of it." the boy took the larger flask to his hand s and gingerly tipped the contents. A small gagging sound indicated the finish as he twisted the lid back on, "Are you alright? "

Don nodded quickly his hand going up to rub his throat. Mikey was already at his brothers side hugging him tightly. It was nice to know the youngest still understood his brother's asthma attacks, but teal eyes looked back to him, "C-c-can we pl-play out-outside while you talk?"

Right after his brothers asthma attack?! He almost wanted to say no, but he looked back do Don and the way he leaned against his brother. His hand going up to wipe his eyes under his glasses.

Oh bloody Mary

"You can play in the school garden, but do NOT leave the school grounds." The two boys lit up lightly , Usagi turned back to Don "YOU did very good Donna-chan." he nodded lightly, though he felt like a fool to do so. He drew out the tiny flask and put the 'rope' over Donatello's neck to tuck the flask under his shirt, "Just keep it on you alright?" before kissing him between his eyes turning to do the same to Michel-chan. The older nodding before the twins ran back and out the door before Usagi could get back up to his feet and turning back to Master Splinter, "Thank you, I think it's time for us to go home. " Don's asthma attack said that more then anything, He reached and took Michel-chan's large suitcase, "Splinter-san, I'll see you at the house tomorrow."

"And I you child, "his muzzle bowed lightly, before he smiled to the twins "I'll see you boys tomorrow.'

The old rat looked to the door the twins had just exited out of then looked to the rabbit, "My friend, I know you are a perfectly good caretaker. But please, do not alienate Donatello. Do not treat him differently than you do Michelangelo, for his sake if not anyone's."

Usagi looked back towards the door to where the boys were now waiting outside. A shallow sigh coursed through him before he looked back to the old rat, allowing a smile to grow across his face that did not reach his heart "I try, Splinter-san." His head lowering down to rest his other hand on his, "Thank you-"

A shout came from outside, Usagi fur all but curled off his body as he found himself running for the front door, his forearm slamming the door open.

The crowd swarmed down the street, panicked shouts following. The house down the street set shimmering orange, indicating a flame


Usagi's eyes shot around the small school garden, till his eyes cause a familiar bright orange shirt and the kame standing just at the gate, "MICHELANGELO!" he ran over, his arm wrapping around his brothers waist his hand flying up to cup the back of his scalp pressing a kiss into his brothers forehead as arms strangled his neck. He could feel the fear and mad panic shooting by the people running by. His fur standing on end as the echoes of gunshots echoed through the back of his mind

War and chaos were always too close to comfort

, "DONATELLO!' He shouted, searching over the garden, "DONATELLO GET OUT HERE!" praying to see the little kame running out from a bush, having run to hide.

But he was nowhere in sight

His heart began to beat in chest in unison with the sound of pounding feet. He stumbled away from the gate before balancing Michelangelo on his waist to look him in the eye, "where is your brother!?" he demanded, 'did he go back inside?!"

The youngest shook his head, teal eyes brimming with tears. Hand slowly going up and pointing towards the mass stampede coursing through the streets.

without a second thought, Usagi ran for the door to the school, all but handing Michel-chan off to Splinter-san, "keep him HERE." he demanded, he turned back towards the crowd of chaos and surged forward, plunging himself into the mayhem, a shout leaving his lips,