Chapter 1: Chapter 1

AU verse

In the cicada's cry
No sign can foretell
How soon it must die.

- Bashō

A deep sigh forced itself through Usagi's' lips, his brains desperate attempt to get oxygen into his lungs ; a combination of stress and lack of sleep would do that to anyone though. But he could blame the gentle trickle of night spring rain outside to cause his eyelids to weigh heavily and the soft chair he currently sat in. Usagi's' head falling back to rest on the back of the chair when a small whine reached his ears, jerking him right back into a sitting position before his memory returned and he looked to the charge in the crook of his elbow.

Even though the little baby had only been born two weeks ago, Usagi could easily say there wasn't a cuter baby turtle in all the worlds (equal to his twin brother currently in Leos' care). Swaddled in orange blanket and sleeping soundly with his face resting against the soft fur of his bare forearm. Usagi moved his heavy body back to sit on the edge of his chair. The large room had been specially been designed for the arrival of the newest baby. Though at the time they didn't know their mother had been carrying two babies and not one. Not until she had delivered her egg and the egg had hatched and revealed two baby turtle boys.

Needless to say it had been a surprise for everyone.

Usagi gently cradled Michelangelo Jehoiakim Hamoto to his chest. In the short time he had been alive; he had never seen another being with such a bright smile before. It alleviated the stress in his heart and the tire in his bones.

He was a special baby.

His dark eyes moved back over to the rocking bassinet. The form of his younger brother, Raphael, leaning over the edge, hand reached into the bassinet though there was currently nothing in it. He was dressed in light brown pants and red pajama top. Usagi could feel the irritation and boredom going through his 13 year old brother. Usagi really couldn't blame him, if anyone had been neglected in the birth of the twins, it was the previous youngest, Raphael.

At first Usagi had thought it would of gotten better for Raphael when their parents left to deal with issues at the Port. But Then Leonardo had woken up to one of the twins, Donatello, coughing with flushed cheeks. He had near but flown to town to get a doctor. It had taken nearly a week for him to return with a diagnosis and the baby, but since then Leonardo had taken full care of Donatello under his wing. All but shutting out Raphael, who was only, concerned about their newest brothers.

Usagi's' prayers were with the older twin.

The oak door to the room suddenly creaked, prompting Raphael to jump to his feet and Usagi to turn his gaze, careful not to wake his charge.

Despite their experience in school, the two never had any problem exhibiting their Japanese heritage. Leo showed that fully in his European black pants and blue kimono robes that hung together in the middleblue scarf around his neck as his only extra choice for warm. . You could just see the yellow of his plastron and it was the clothes that he was most comfortable in his hand were holding a small swaddled form against his shoulder wrapped in purple. Usagi could just hear light breathing coming from the small baby. A good sign considering his poor lungs they doctor had diagnosed.

Raphael was already running over, his hand going up to grip Leos hand, the one not holding the baby, "Common Leo! Can't I hold him? Please?" though his tone was still rough there was a childish undercurrent that kept him his age, amber eyes eager. Even being so careful as to not yank on Leo's arm to hard, acknowledging the baby in his arms , "You've had him all day."

"My answer is the same as last time, he's not feeling well." despite Leonardo's authoritarian voice, it was still soft as a whisper, indicating the acknowledgement of the baby in his arms. But this was the normal dispute occurred between the 17 year old brother and the 13 year old one. It took both their parents and Usagi to keep the two from arguing on a normal basis, "Now go to bed brother, I'll tuck you in in a bit."

A horrible blush shot up Raphael's face, followed a snarl, "Shut up stupid! I'm not a baby, I don't need to be tucked in.' the red clothed kame stormed out the door. Usagi could just hear the door to Raphael's door slam shut. A small anger going through his stomach as h turned to look at Leonardo, "I cannot promised wouldn't of whipped his tail if he had waken the twins, brother."

"Don't be like that." Ever the voice of mercy, "He has not held Donatello once since he was born. It's alright that he's frustrated." before raising his head a little," And how is Mikey?"

"He drank about 2 gallons of milk and now I Need two arms to even hold him."
A soft hushed laugh escaped Leonardo's' lips, but it turned to a gentle sushing sound to be directed to the whining bundle against his shoulder. When Donatello stopped whining, Leonardo nodded his head towards the large bassinet. Usagi nodded in agreement, his arm tightening ever so lightly. Usagi lowering the younger, out of the corner of his eye he could see Leonardo lowering the second as carefully as he could. Not that he could blame him. Usagi got his hands free of Mikey before reaching over and placing a hand on the other twins brow," No fever?" he asked with a smile

"It died off a while ago."

"You have healing arms Leonardo. That only happens when you hold him."

"And mother."

"True, they'll be very proud when they return." Usagi cast another eye over the bassinet. The two twins, one wrapped in orange and the other wrapped in purple. It was about the only way to tell them apart. Leo raised his hand raising his finger, "I fed Donnie and gave him his medicine, you said you fed Mikey?"

Even though Usagi knew he had just Leonardo he had, he kept his frustration to himself and blamed Leonardo's absentmindedness on his brothers lack of sleep"Indeed, it was a while ago. But he is a full happy baby."



"indeed." Usagi couldn't help but simple as Leonardo counted off the tasks of 'babying' they had to do. Leonardo by now almost had it down to a art.

"Then I guess that's all, Why don't you go get some rest brother?"

"What of you?"

"I want to stay up. Donatello is still breathing a bit unevenly and I want to make sure he's ok.'"

"Are you sure?" Usagi couldn't help but frown. Leonardo had been up longer then anyone, he was sure Leonardo hadn't even rested after he returned from the Doctor. After that it had been constant hours of tending to a burning brow with Usagi to tend to the younger twin. The both of them had turned Raphael away from helping (something he didn't appreciate)

Needless to say Usagi was worried. Before the twins had been born, Usagi and Leonardo had been the closest in ages. They suffered many punishments together under the wrath of their 'purest' teacher who couldn't stand their languages.

They suffered for their heritage.

So maybe that was why Usagi was worried.

But why he was also confident in his brother's abilities, "I trust you brother." Usagi bowed his head lightly before looking back to the two little babies snuggled and warm. He didn't remember moving those closer, but he could assume it was a twin thing (despite the two of them lacking the ability to do so). Usagi couldn't help but smile and lean over the edge of the bassinet, leaning to press his lips ever so gently against the baby's squishy wrinkled face

"Suu~īto· dorīmu Michelangelo-chan."

He turned his face, giving the same affection to the twin that had been in Leos' care all day

"Suu~īto· dorīmu Donatello-chan."


9 years later

"DONA-CHAN!" a harsh voice shouting over the open firs floor, over the kitchen and living room, off the wall of the living room. Usagi glared over at the library door, "Donatello if you locked yourself in there again, I assure you there's going to be grounding!" his bare knuckles racking against the door, but there was no response, "I am not playing games! I'm talking no books, no sweets, and no workshop, No violin! no-"he thought hard, "No laughter I will TAKE your laughter! I mean it!'" though the no sweets thing wouldn't really affect a child with a sensitive stomach, any removal of 'learning tools' would be absolutely hell for him. His hand took a hold of the nob jerking it around before realizing it was unlocked, 'OH, well you are still in trouble!" Usagi frowned before pushing the door open all the way. Despite the stack of books that covered the floor (something Don called, the second house) there was no sign of the child. Usagi took a hold of the back of the couch to swing down and look under, but Don had not revered to Michelangelo's' panic and hide' routine.

Not that he wouldn't need to by the time Usagi was done.

Usagi jerked straight back up, looking over the room again with heavy panting (this being his 5th lap of the house) to ensure he hadn't missed him. Usagi dug his hand into his blue dress vest to pull out a silver pocket watch


Dam it, with another growl he shoved it back into his pocket, looking back around, "Donatello Eliakim Hamoto you should have taken your medicine an hour ago! I will not do this every day!" But once again his voice only sounded like an empty lonely mad rabbit. If Usagi had been a child, and not a 26 year old veteran, he surely would of stomped his foot.

He had no choice.

Usagi all but ran out of the library room; hand on the wooden engraved spiral staircase to leap up in the dizzying circle up into the open hall way, His eyes falling on the two doors sitting side by side. Mostly for show, since the two rooms were connected by an open wall, indicated Leonardo's' office and Usagi's. With barely a knock he forced the door open," Leonardo, we need to put a bell on that child; or a leash so that we can reel him in when we need to." Usagi rerolled up his sleeves trying to draw in his breath and the flush from his face, "it is like this every day! He knows how important his medicine in, but the moment the tutoring ends; he flees as though I was a demon of little boys." Usagi stormed over to the stove, yanking the door open and tossing in some pieces of wood that were lying by it before slamming it shut again. Normally the house was warm enough that they didn't need the extra 'comforts' but it was proven a while ago that Don's health pivoted on a warm environment. SO their parents had ordered that each major room have something in it that provided extra heat. And by now it was more out of habit then anything.". Realizing that he hadn't heard d a word from Leonardo, he turned around.

His brother was leaning back in his soft leather chair, bare foot resting on the desk and ignoring the stacks of paper there. But Leo's dark eyes wrinkled at him amused, but still not choosing to say anything.

Usagi felt a prickle on the back of his neck and a sneaking suspicion. He moved forward and glanced over Leos should. Only to bite back his shout of irritation

Donatello was curled up on his oldest brother's lap, blue mug barely resting in his hands. Head almost tucked into his pajamas and glasses resting on the desk thin purple ribbon marking where it would be tied at the back of the head to make up for lack of visible ears. Judging by the drool stain on Leonardo's chest from Don's mouth, Usagi could only assume that he had been there for a few hours

And despite the innocence of a child falling asleep in his big brother s arms Usagi was NOT HAPPY

"He was here the whole time and you chose to not tell me?" Usagi's arms tightening as they over his chest, his way of restraining himself"

"He was asleep before you were even looking for him. And I didn't' want to wake him up."

"Uh huh." Usagi eyes fell to the mug that was in Dons' sleeping hand, barely catching a whiff of sweet substance, "And you chose to give him hot chocolate?"

"I gave him his medicine Usagi, then some warm milk with barely ANY chocolate in it." Though there was no apology on Leos' face, his head lowering down to rest on Dons sleeping scalp before peering up at him. As though hoping Dona-chan's innocent sleping face would make him look more innocent, "Look at him, I couldn't wake him."

Usagi wanted to retain the anger that came from searching the Hamoto manor for an hour, but his eyes fell back down to the sleeping Donatello. Despite the boys constant attempts to escape the medicine Usagi had to force down his throat, he was still a sweet child. He was attentive when Usagi tutored him and, more often then none, Usagi often found himself in this same situation with Don as Leonardo was."

"And with that smile all is forgotten."

Usagi did his best to snap his face into a hardened scowl (he didn't want to prove Leonardo right), but his smile only softened. He reached forward to gently take a hold of Donatello's' ankle, "Leonardo why don't you go rest while I put him to bed-"

"Nono- "almost subconsciously Leonardo's arms had tightened over the boy, giving him a accusing (though not harsh) glare, "I'll do it, I can't remember the last time I tucked him into bed."

Usagi thought about lying and telling his brother it hadn't been too long. But they had promised to never lie to each other.

It had been awhile

So instead he watched Leo reached over to the ornate handled walking stick that he used for his bad leg. Bracing his arm, with his other arm moving Donatello around so he was situated against his waist with his arms draped over his neck. Slowly painfully using the limited balance he had to push himself up to his feet while an image of Donatello going flying to the ground sent his nerves on edge and his forward with his hands out to catch a falling child, "Be careful!"

"I am I am." though his voice was calm, it was still strained till finally his back straighten out. Child and all, Leonardo gave him a warm smile before rewrapping his arm around Donatello's' knees. Smirking at Usagi lightly, "Told you I got it"

"I'm happy to be proven wrong and not see our little brother planted under your chest."

"That was one time, "Leonardo limped past him "And he didn't even wake up."

Usagi rolled his eyes lightly though he couldn't help but smile as he watched the 9 year old boy nuzzling his big brothers shoulder in his sleep. An extra thought sent him back to Leonardo's office to pick up Donatello's' glasses before running after them again.

He reached the twins rooms in time to see Leonardo pulling a blanket over Donatello. Usagi glanced over to the other bed in the room, decorated with orange. But his attention was drawn back when Don twitched his legs he could just see the boy squirming around indicating that, despite their best efforts, the boy had woken up. Which was why Leonardo was sitting at his bed side with a hand running up and down Dons covered chest. Light brown eyes indicating that he wouldn't be up for long, "M-Mikey's' coming home soon right?"

"That's right little one." Leo's smile was soft, the blanket almost tucked to his chin," He'll be home soon and you two can play plenty of games. If you're up to it."

Usagi smiled lightly before looking over to the stove that sat in the room. Knowing it wouldn't take muchi to send Donatello tint a chill, Usagi moved over to the stove and knelt down, tossing in some wood for the dying flame.

"I will be." there was already a soft yawn to his voice, snuggling to absorb very warmth of the blanket and of Leonardo's hand running down his face, "C-Can I see Raphie tomorrow? Please Aniki?"

Usagi stopped propping the fire long enough to look back over. He could just see a painful shiver go through Leonardo, one he was obviously trying to hold back the tremor so their brother didn't notice. But Usagi could still feel paternal warmth going from him,

"Of course Donnie, but only if it's warmer out. For now it's time for sleep. "The blanket being pulled up to chin length, "Yoi yoru no ko."

"Anata ni onaji, Aniki." His voice was sleepy and tired.

Usagi felt a surge of pride going through his chest over his student ( he had been acting as Dona-chans' tutor for some time now) His hand going out to grip Dons ankle over the blanket, "Very good Dona-chan." before standing up, Usagi glanced around to make sure the room was dim but warm, "I'm a bit grateful that Michelangelo is at the private school, when he lived here full time it was almost impossible to get them to sleep."

"You don't have to remind me. I believe Michelangelo absorbed all the mischievous blood from your mother."

"I'd like to thin our parents would be proud do of both of them. Michelangelo's' talent with t paint brush, and Donatello's with his mind."

"He's been playing with the violin lately, he's quite good'

"I can hear him from my office." Leo's face was soft' His hand running over Donatello's' scalp, his fingers flexing and relaxing over Dons' blanket. Usagi knew stalling when he saw it; he reached out and placed a hand on Leonardo's shoulder "Brother he's resting fine and he took his medicine. You should let him sleep."

"OF course brother." But he lowered his head lightly, pressing a kiss to Donatello's forehead before getting up and limping past Usagi. Usagi lowered his head before pressing the same affection against Don's forehead, "Suu~īto· dorīmu." before following Leonardo's example out the door's

Leonardo was leaning against the open railing, cane leaning against the wood railing beside him. Usagi knew that Leonardo had walking stick aside whenever he could. It was his biggest shame. Usagi shared in that pain, knowing that he only got that injury from protecting him.

That was why Usagi didn't mind giving up his military career to become Leonardo's assistant. The two giving up the life of fighting to perform the jobs their parents had.

But also for another reason

"I think I'm going to read to Donnie tonight." Leos' voice broke his thoughts, soft and deep, "I haven't done it in a long time,"

"He does enjoy it. Though I think it's the company more than anything." Usagi couldn't help but tease. He looked back to the door for a moment. His sensitive ears just catching the sound of light snoring, 9 years he had spent listening to him sleep. Though Leonardo wasn't the only one who had nightmares about that sound, of waking up to a cold dead brother.

But that was a cold thought

Instead he looked over to Leonardo. Having been adopted when Usagi was a small child, there wasn't a day that went by when Usagi wasn't reaffirmed as their brother by his roles. Often more than none he acted as a nanny for Donatello (And Michelangelo when he was here) More in the medical sense, "When I was hunting for Dona-chan before," Usagi started, "How did you get past me long enough to warm up milk for him?"
Leonardo looked over to him, a smirk going across his face, "Former ninja's never reveal their secrets."

"That is, how the youth says it, FULL OF IT."

Leonardo burst out laughing bringing a shade of shame to Usagi's' face. Slowly the laughter began to die off and was replaced by comfortable silence shared by the two oldest brothers of the Hamoto family. Usagi's' thoughts drifted back to a conversation that he heard earlier today, "Leonardo your 'Otouto' and I talked about our parents today when I was tutoring him."

Dark eyes met his in surprise, "Oh?"
"I asked him what if remembered of his father. He was near broken hearted when he admitted he couldn't. Donatello told me that whenever he thinks of his father or even his mother, there is only one person he can think." Usagi knew what was implied, his head turning to look at Leonardo. Almost regretting being the cause of the sad smile on his brothers face. he thought he would of ruined the moment to say Dona-chan thought the same of Usagi.

"I don't know whether to feel proud or sad, he and Mikey were only 4 when they died." a sad sigh releasing through his lips, "their sacrifice is the only reason the Port is as it is.'

"And under your care, it has blossomed. They'd be proud of you brother."

Though Leonardo nodded, he obviously didn't believe him, his head turning to the staircase, ", 'Maybe I should light the alter for them-'"

"Allow me brother," Usagi's' hand going out to grip his arm" you go relax, I don't' think they'll mind if they're adopted son honors them-"

"Usagi, I keep telling you you're my brother. They loved you as much as they loved any of their children." with a smile he turned and walked back into the office.

Usagi almost wished that wasn't true. But he made his way down the stairs anyway where (not 5 minutes ago) he had been screaming bloody murder for his brother. Now the manor was descended into soft silence. Indicating souls at rest, it was enough to add weight to his eyelids and make him stumble for a moment on the carpeted stairs (added to keep Michel-chan from busting his knees so often).

Just above the fire place sat a beautiful oil painting, painted just before the couple decided to have children. A tall handsome brown rat whose eyes screamed oriental but robes said European navy. But it wasn't as European as the turtle he had his arms wrapped around. Gold hair piled up on her head and dressed in simple but beautiful red robe. Usagi reached over to the lit candle on the coffee table and picked up the lighting stick before moving over to the fire place alter, holding the small flame over the first wick, and then the other one, pressing his palms together and head bowed.

"Gomeifuku wo inorimasu." For their souls, and for the souls of his parents who had thought it best to give him to people leaving their homeland. To protect him

Sometimes he thought they just didn't want him though

He forced the thoughts of his birth-parents out of his eyes in favor of the parents who had loved to him. When his prayer was done Usagi raised his head again. His eyes catching glimpse of the second alter and second oil painting next to it. This one was newer, 2 years old new. The turtle in it garbed in fancy clothes that he had hated. But lined in the red color he so embodied. Usagi picked up the lighting stick again and held it up to that alters. Before lowering it down. His eyes glazing over the name and date he had read so many times when he came to light candles for his lost brother. A ache coming from burying someone before their time

Age 17

Raphael Abiram Hamoto

Rest in Peace



Suu~īto· dorīmu: Sweet dreams

Yoi yoru no ko: good night child

Anata ni onaji, Aniki: same to you, Aniki

gomeifuku wo inorimasu formal for rest in peace