The evidence was all there. Anyone could see it. Hades, a blind man could see it. A pirate had been caught with the Book of Peace in hand as he fled from the palace, his crew at his side and his knife found by the unconscious guard. Worse, earlier, he had threatened the prince to steal the Book. And the pirate was to be put to death.
And yet, Proteus couldn't accept it. Sinbad had been his best friend for years. He had saved Proteus' life over and over again. Proteus would have died for him as a child. He only wondered if he was willing to die for him as a man.
Sinbad may have changed, but Proteus still saw the cocky yet sweet grin of the street boy he had saved. That had dreamed of joining the Navy by his side. It was hidden beneath the cold, arrogant mask or a pirate that Sinbad wore now, but it was there.
Proteus had spent his childhood saving Sinbad's life, just as Sinbad had saved his.
And yet again, it was his job to save Sinbad.