Chapter 14: The End and The Beginning
A/N: Well, this is it. Thanks to all the people who have stuck with me through this story. I have learned a lot from writing it and I hope I can do a better job with my next story.
*a couple of people asked about why I introduced Nathaniel Hale and Martha—since everyone else was getting busted I thought it might be amusing to see Rick's protective side with his mom…plus it gets them in the office to talk…which they need to do.
Please leave feedback if you have enjoyed the story.
"Kate you DO realize that they were just making –"
"…plans that don't include us?" she jumped in fast before he could embarrass Martha further. "Yes, I'm fully aware." She gave Rick a look that said it would be best if he would quit talking now.
She flashed Rick her very best smile, flashing her teeth and making eye contact, then she slowly licked her lips and pulled her bottom lip under her teeth. She watched as his focus was drawn to her mouth and away from his mother. Mission accomplished.
"C'mon, babe," she gently pushed his chest to turn him towards the kitchen. As he turned, she transferred her hands to his back and continued steering him, soothing over his protests along the way.
"But—How come you've heard of Nate and I haven't?"
"Because I actually take the time to talk to her…and I don't try to intimidate her dates." She took a bottle of water from him, pulled his hand, and led him to the office couch, quietly closing the door between him and his mother.
"Well," said Martha, laughing nervously up at Nate, "All in all, I think that went pretty well.
Kate gently led Rick into the office and shut the door behind them. He was still not quite sure how she had gotten him in here and away from that man his mother brought home.
"So tell me again, how is it you knew about Nate, when I've never heard of him?"
Taking the top off her bottle of water, Kate sat down on the large sofa, "He was a student of your mom's a while back…He got a lead in a local theater production and he wanted to take a few lessons." She took a long sip from her bottle, "They've gone out several times." She pulled her legs under her as she sank into the cushions that lined the back of the couch.
Rick was peering through the window of his office, trying to see what his mother and Nate were doing. "Weird…I wonder why she hasn't brought him over sooner." He sounded genuinely confused and looked at her quizzically.
Leaning against the arm of the couch, Kate's face froze in a blank stare, "Really?" she said sarcastically. She wasn't sure why she was still surprised at his ability to be so smart and so obtuse at the same time.
She shook her head and smiled at him, patting the space next to her. "Can I talk to you for a minute, please?"
"Sure, sweetheart." He sat in the middle of the couch facing her. "What's up?"
She swung around until she was facing him too. She reached out and took his hands in hers. She took a deep breath and then raised her eyes to his, feeling a bit unsure of how to proceed. "I wanted to talk to you about yesterday." Gently she ran her fingers over the slightly bruised knuckles on his right hand. "Not about the fight, but about Leo…about our relationship."
Rick took a deep breath as well. "Okay, I'm willing to listen to whatever you need to tell me. But you need to know this upfront…nothing you can tell me will change how I see you or how I feel about us."
"Other than you, Leo was probably the most important relationship I've ever been in. I learned a lot about myself during our time together."
"Like what?" Rick was curious to what insights he might gain into her through these revelations.
"I learned that I'm capable of locking people out…even the people I care about…my dad, Leo, my friends at the time. I learned from the pain of my mom's death and my dad's drinking, that I had serious, trust and abandonment issues." Absently she turned his hand over and began drawing designs in his palm.
Rick couldn't stop himself; his fingers were itching to bury themselves in her long locks. He toyed with her hair where it hung near her shoulder. "Leo and I talked a little yesterday and he gave me some insights into the kind of person you were back then." He smiled gently at her. Stopping her wandering hand, he tugged her into his arms and leaned back, wrapping her up under his arm. "I think it's understandable that you learned all those self-defense mechanisms. You needed them to protect you while you healed."
She rested her head on his shoulder and scooted in closer to him, until his warmth became a soothing presence. He could feel her smile against his chest. "Yes I did, for a while, but then they just became a habit…my comfort zone. And every time I stuck my head out and took a chance, I would go running back when it looked like I was going to get hurt." She absently placed a kiss on his shoulder, just because she could. "I really don't think Leo meant to encourage my 'walls', but he genuinely didn't want to see me hurt anymore, so he would constantly remind me not to get too close to a situation or a person—just in case. 'Don't let people get close enough to hurt you, Kashka—always hold that piece of yourself back—just in case,' She quoted Leo..She could still hear him saying it. "He would have me questioning people's motives…and it just became second nature."
Kate ran her hand up to where Rick's heart was beating. She left it there, enjoying the feel of his strong heartbeat. He brought his hand to hers, toying with her engagement ring as her hand rested on his heart.
"You've paid for all those walls Rick and I'm sorry, but I'm so glad you kept picking away at them. I'm so grateful that you refused to let me run and hide for long. And I'm so amazed at your patience that you waited until I felt comfortable enough to crawl out over those last few feel safe enough to leave them behind."
She reached up and pulled his head down to hers, pouring all her love into that kiss, inwardly she pledged never to block Rick out of her life, her emotions, her fears and joys. "I'm so happy that you accept me flaws and all and love me in spite of them."
Rick pulled back to look her in the eyes. "Kate, listen to me. Remember the prom dance, not long ago? …You asked me if I had any regrets." He ran his thumb against her cheek. "I said no, because everything that has happened to me up to this point has led me to right here… in this moment with you." He gently cupped her face in his large hand, "I feel the same way about your relationship with Leo. It's all part of what makes you the woman you are today…and I love her. To me, you are perfectly flawed."
He studied her ring, how it sparkled in the light. "You see your ring? How it shines and sparkles?"
She nodded
"These diamonds aren't flawless, Kate. That's what makes them so extraordinary. Like you." He raised her hand to his mouth and gently kissed the top of it, caressing her knuckles with tender lips. "The imperfections only make you more precious to me."
"That was beautiful, Castle. Thank you" She turned her mouth up to his, he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on her lips. "Have you ever considered writing?" She smiled against his lips.
They kissed each other slowly, breaking apart frequently and starting over after a breath. Rick pulled Kate onto his lap and deepened the kiss, his tongue dueling with hers, sucking on her lower lip…gently pulling it into his mouth—
The sound that started as a moan turned into a groan when Castle's phone rang. "Let it go to voicemail," she mumbled, teasing the corner of his mouth with her lips.
"Okay," he muttered, still he was expecting a call. He lifted his phone so he could see the caller ID. "One second…I need to take this," he whispered, as he broke their kiss and moved the slide to answer the phone.
"Castle," he answered. He listened for a moment…eventually his face breaking out in a grin while he checked his watch. "That's great! Eleven? Can we make it eleven thirty just to be on the safe side?" He gave Kate a thumbs-up while he waited on the caller to check the new time. "Great, I think we can make it," he told the person on the other end.
Kate was trying to get her ear close enough to the phone to hear, but he kept spinning out of range.
"Yeah, okay…see you then. Yeah…text me the address if you don't mind. I appreciate it. Ok, Bye."
Rick disconnected the call and turned with smiling eyes to the gorgeous woman in front of him. "If you want to put make-up on you'd better get a move on…we have to be uptown in an hour."
Before she could say anything, he pressed one finger to her lips. "Don't ask. It's a surprise… Just go get ready…what your wearing is fine…just cover up that fine beard burn….oh, speaking of that, can I borrow some moisturizer?
"Castle, you do remember I don't like surprises, right?" She used her best suspicious cop persona that made most criminals think twice before crossing her.
Not Rick. He swatted her sharply on the ass, dumped her on the couch and grinned at her, "C'mon, last one ready is a rotten egg," as he ran for the bathroom.
Kate managed to find a place to park about a block from their destination. Rick still hadn't told her what they were doing here. It was 11:20. So they had a few minutes to spare. "Okay, we're here Castle. Now please tell me why we're here."
"I told you, we're meeting some people…That's all you need to know."
"Just remember, I still have my gun. This had better not be one of your practical jokes…Today is not the day."
Rick stopped and pulled open the door to a trendy restaurant. His arm went around her waist as they stepped into the lobby area. He leaned in and spoke quietly to the Hostess, who pointed in a direction to the rear of the facility. He put his hand at her back to guide her to where there table was waiting. He knew Kate hadn't noticed, but he was keenly aware of several male heads turning to look at her. He was both proud and possessive, she was easily the most beautiful woman in the place and she loved him. Kate was surprised when Rick led them to a large table where a lone woman was sitting.
She looked up at their approach. "Kate! Richard! Thank you both for coming on such short notice." Lynette Sullivan stood to offer them both handshakes and hugs.
Kate noticed Lynn looked tired, she had dark circles under her eyes as if she hadn't been sleeping very well in the two days since they had last seen her. She looked fabulous on the outside, sharply dressed, hair and make-up perfectly done, but the signs were there if you cared to look.
Kate hugged her back and said with a genuine smile, "This is a pleasant surprise. Rick wouldn't tell me who we were meeting." She sat down in the chair Rick was holding for her.
Rick also hugged Lynette and sat beside Kate. "Have the others arrived or did we beat them here?"
"No, you beat them." Lynn smiled at them, "They should be here soon though."
Their server appeared and took their drink orders. Rick and Kate each ordered water. Lynn ordered another whiskey neat. The one in front of her was still half-full.
Rick and Kate shared concerned looks at Lynn's drink choice. They both remembered how extremely drunk she had been Wednesday night.
Lynn cleared her throat awkwardly and addressed them. "Before the others get here, I just wanted to say thank you again for taking care of me the other night and to apologize for all the trouble I've caused."
Rick reached out and gently put his hand over Lynette's hand. "Are you ok? Listen, if we can help you in any way, just let us know."
Lynn's smile seemed a bit brittle, "I'm fine Richard, really. But I appreciate your concern." She patted his hand and took a quick sip of her whiskey. "Oh look, here come the guys."
Castle and Beckett turned to see two very well dressed men approaching their table. One was tall, blonde and athletic; the other was a bit shorter, muscular, with black hair and a styled shadow thin beard.
Lynette stood up to make the introductions. "Everett," she said, motioning toward the tall, blonde man, "meet Richard Castle."
Everett turned his charming smile on Rick, "The author?" At Castle's nod, he continued, "It is an honor to meet you." He extended his hand and introduced himself, "Everett Kennedy—no relation—and this is my husband, Clint Kennedy."
Both men shook hands with Rick and exchanged greetings. Rick placed a hand on Kate's shoulder and said, "This is my fiancée, Detective Kate Beckett, A.K.A., Nikki Heat."
Beckett gently swatted Rick's arm before reaching to shake hands with each man, "Please, do not call me Nikki…Kate will do just fine. Rick likes to irritate me, don't pay him any attention." Her thousand-watt smile was already charming the well-dressed couple.
The server appeared and delivered their earlier drink orders. He took the Kennedys' drink order before quietly slipping away.
"So we understand you two are in need of another wedding planner since Lynette has a scheduling conflict, is that right?" Clint asked politely.
"Yes that's correct. You two come highly recommended by Lynn." Rick's smile was charming yet professional.
Kate asked them, "Has Lynette shared the plans we were able to make so far?"
"Oh yes," said Everett, "As usual, she has done a fabulous job and I believe we can pick up seamlessly where she left off." He looked at his partner. "Clint and I work together as a planning team and we would like very much to have a chance to earn your business."
For the next hour, the five of them ate their meals, looked over portfolios and discussed ideas. By the time they were finished, Kate caught Rick's attention and gave him a slight nod. She was pleased.
Rick stood up, indicating the meeting was over. He helped Kate to her feet then with a broad smile turned to Everett and Clint. "Well Gentlemen, it seems you meet Detective Beckett's exacting standards. If you are willing, we would like to retain your services."
The Kennedys agreed and seemed delighted to have landed a famous client. Rick and Everett exchanged business cards as did Kate and Clint.
Hugs were given all around and then the future Mr. and Mrs. Castle headed for the door, arm in arm, both very happy with their new wedding planners.
Six weeks later— The Old Haunt
Tonight the bar was closed for a private event. Kate took in the scene around her. She was surrounded by friends and family. Her family, Rick's family and their work families had all gathered to celebrate their engagement.
The iconic sounds of John Coltrane's Blue Train filled the time worn walls of The Old Haunt. The soulful jazz made Kate wonder about all the things this place had seen and heard in its time. Once it used to be a blacksmith's shop, a house of ill repute and then a speakeasy during the prohibition era. Soon it would be hers. Or at least partly hers; It already felt like home.
Victoria Gates and her husband had been among the first to arrive. The Mayor, his wife, Judge Markway and his wife had arrived by the limo parked in the back ally.
The Mayor's own caterers and security staff was working tonight since the Paparazzi had gotten wind of the event, nobody wanted anything to mar the night's festivities. Of course, Castle was going to make a sizeable donation to his campaign to cover the cost.
Kate looked over at her fiancé, who was making a show of pantomiming the talented piano player in the famous Jazz quartet. Kate couldn't help but laugh as he pretended to tickle the ivories with his foot for a moment. Not to be outdone, Javier was playing a small push broom he found in a corner as a stand-up bass. He had on black shades, and twirled his instrument with exaggerated skill. Kevin Ryan was sitting on a short stool behind Castle. And he was, according to Jenny, quite possibly the best jazz air drummer to play at The Old Haunt. Even the Mayor was enjoying himself. He was taking a turn pretending to play a real saxophone someone had 'borrowed' from lost & found. His white dinner jacket and bow tie were a perfect look for the evening's performance.
Once the impromptu air jazz quartet had made their big finish, they all made their way back to their tables. All smiling, clapping each other on the back, fist bumping and laughing as they rejoined their tablemates. Rick walked up to where Kate was standing possessively draped his arm over her shoulders, "Excuse me," he smiled at the group of people she was talking to. He swung her around until they were partially blocked from view by a large wooden post. Without a word, his large hands gently cradled the back of her head and pulled her in for a passionate and too brief kiss. "I love you Mrs. Castle," he spoke the words from his heart and her heart responded to the love she heard.
Kate smiled up at him, letting him see her heart in her eyes. "I like the sound of that, Mr. Castle." She playfully tugged his lapels with both hands and leaned in to give her own kiss. "I can't wait for you to call me that when it's official." She grinned like a love-struck teenager at the thought of officially being Mrs. Richard Castle. Like the previous meeting of lips, this one spoke volumes of Kate's happiness and contentment…and desire for the man of her dreams.
"I'm so glad you saved this place," Kate sighed. "It was one of the sweetest things you've ever done."
"Seems to me you thought I was doing it for my ego," he teased her, his brow furrowed as he thought back to that day.
"You know, it took me a while to figure out, and then even longer to admit it, but your playboy act was just that…An act to cover up the fact that you are really a loving, thoughtful and sentimental man." Kate put her arms around his neck as he began to sway to the Elton John song playing in the background. "Will you be the one to remember all the important dates…like the 15th anniversary of the first time we met, or the 25th anniversary of the first time we made love, or our third date-aversary? " she teased him.
"Of course," he said in mock offense, "You mean you don't keep track of all those?"
She laughed, and his heart skipped a beat. "I love you Kate."
"I love you too Rick."
LT came by and gently tapped Rick on the shoulder, interrupting their romantic bubble. He and his wife were about to leave and wanted to say their goodbyes. They thanked them for coming and walked them partway to the door.
Holding hands, they paused to listen to Alexis, Javier, Lanie and Kevin arguing over whether or not to have strippers at his bachelor party. Since Alexis was officially his best man, he was pretty sure she and Lanie would win that argument.
The party started winding down around one in the morning. Kate and Rick stayed until the last guest left. The Haunt's manager would stay to see the caterers out and lock up. Rick knew the place was in good hands.
The only people remaining were his family. His mother and daughter were shrugging their jackets on and Jim was helping Kate with hers.
Castle walked up to Kate. He dropped a quick kiss on her cheek, because he couldn't resist, and said, "Are you ready to go?"
"I am now" she smiled up at him.
"Alright everyone, let's go home."
Once inside the loft, Martha and Alexis said their goodnights and headed upstairs. Kate took Rick's hand and pulled him to her.
"Did you have fun at our party tonight?" she wanted to know. She slowly started untying his tie.
"I did. Did you?" he asked in return. He gently pulled the pin that had been holding her hair up all night. It drove him nuts when she put it up, because he kept picturing it down. Imagining what it felt like when it tickled his chest, how it smelled when he buried his hands and face in those beautiful, long, brown curls.
"mmhmm." She ran her hands through the hair he had just released.
He wondered if she knew how sexy she looked when she did that. Probably not.
He led her to their bedroom. Slowly they began to undress each other, taking time to run exploring hands over skin, as it was uncovered. Quietly they loved each other with their eyes and hands.
No words were spoken as they feasted on each other, just quiet moans as one pleased the other with a touch or a kiss. Tonight they wanted to worship each other slowly, making love tenderly as they reveled in the sensuousness of the emotional and spiritual connection they made.
They clung to each other as passion gave way to release. They were still connected as their breathing returned to normal, as the air turned cool on their overheated bodies.
Rick started to pull away.
"Stay," she whispered. "Don't leave me yet. I like to feel you inside me for a while…after." She closed her eyes as the aftershocks of her orgasm rippled through her.
He could feel her inner muscles spasm, each one felt like a bolt of lightning on his over sensitive flesh. He propped his weight on his elbows and watched her as they happened. He groaned when she clamped down around him again.
"If we ever make a baby, I hope it's on a night like tonight." She milked him again as another spasm shook her. "Nights like these, I swear I can feel our souls touching."
"I know what you mean, I feel it too." He placed a soft kiss on her cheek, her beauty mark. "And I would love to make a baby with you, but when, not if."
Kate's gaze dropped shyly to his chin, then lower as her fingers came up to play in his soft chest hairs. "When did you have in mind?"
Rick held himself very still, not wanting to scare her into bolting. "I think it would be awesome if we made one tonight" He kissed the tip of her nose. "You are the only person I want to make a child with Kate…So, as far as I'm concerned, the when is up to you."
"So you wouldn't mind if I got pregnant right away?"
"I would be thrilled, to be honest." He dropped a kiss on each beautiful cheekbone.
"Okay then" she agreed. Biting her lip, her soft gaze met his. His baby blue eyes couldn't hide his happiness. "I'll toss my pills in the morning."
He pulled away and sat back on his knees, pulling her up to a sitting position as he did so. "Kate, are you sure? I mean …I know I'm ready, but I'm not the one who has to carry them. I can wait if you need more time."
"Rick, you are it for me. You are the love of my life, the only man I will ever share my body with, the only man I would ever consider bringing children into this crazy world with." She reached for his hands. He gave them to her eagerly. "Whether we get married or not, those facts won't change." Her eyes filled with happy tears, they spilled down her cheeks as she poured her heart out to him.
He interrupted her with a long, passionate kiss. For once in his life, Rick Castle was speechless.
Her beautiful laughter pealed softly in their room. "I have a feeling if we wait for the right time, we will never find it. So all we're wasting is, well, time…when we could be filling our lives with more happiness."
Tears filled Richard Castle's eyes. "Kate, oh Kate." He swallowed hard and a few tears ran down his cheeks. "I love you. I will only ever love you for the rest of my days." He thumbed her tears away gently. "I don't need a piece of paper to be committed to you, but I want it. I want the world to know that I am yours, and that you're mine. Forever."
"Always?" she teased, with a smile.
Their lips met, sealing the vows they made to each other.
"Always" he pledged.