Alright folks! I know it's been awhile since I've updated but good news! Chapter 11 is finally here! :D

I've also decided that this may be the last chapter until I end this book. But don't worry! I've already planned ahead and decided there shall totally be a book 2 ^^

And best part! It's already in the making! I'm about 2 chapters deep in book 2 and I'm hoping to post it soon, but I'll need at least about 5 chapters for that. Anyways, here's chapter 11! And please leave a review telling me if you like it, I'll love the encouragement to make the next book and maybe even a 3rd :D

Chapter 11

Jack Sparrow then trudged towards his next class, which was the very last class of the day. Or at least it better be! It had a weird name but he guess it was for a good reason. StudyHall.

As he walked into the classroom, Jack realized with a gasp that it was Mrs. Coffee's class. I guess other people have different teacher's for studyhall? He sighed, letting his shoulders sag. He'd really much appreciate it if he had gotten Mrs. White. Shrugging, he chose the nearest chair which was obviously the 1st and waited until the bell had rung again. Glancing up at the sound of fast-walking footsteps he no sooner saw Mrs. Coffee come rushing into the room as usual. "Alright folks. You are now in the last period of the day which is studyhall. And guess what? Studyhall is a time for reading, doing homework and especially being quieted." She gave a stern look to the class as she continued. "I'll be working, and rushing in and out of the room from time to time only due to the fact that… I'm a busy woman." She shook her head, partly smiling as if wanting the class to agree with her.

Ain't that the truth…

Suddenly a sharp needle-like tip jabbed him in the neck. No!... Anything but William! Whirling around he saw… Scrum? "Ello!" He chimed, with a smile. Tipping his head to one side… Jack was absently lost. "W-wait… Were you the one who-" "Uh-huh!" Scrum interrupted. "Why? Did I hurt you or something? It's only a sharpened pencil." There was a short pause between them as Jack answered coldly. "No… Course not."

Scowling, he turned back around to find Mrs. Coffee zipping right by him, heading straight for her desk which was about only a foot away from his. Pulling out papers, she then began rummaging through her drawers and such when suddenly a large stack came crashing down off her desk to hit the floor scattering everywhere. Wide-eyed Jack couldn't' help but stare in shock. He waited as Mrs. Coffee only continued digging and finally spoke. "You two gentlemen, pick those up for me."

Jack stared on in utter silence at the fact that she hadn't even lifted her head. "Guess she wasn't lying when she said she be a busy lady." Scrum whispered sarcastically in his ear with a playful grin. Jack only grunted in agreement before hauling himself out of his seat to help the small pirate with the papers.

Gazing at Scrum as he worked Jack couldn't help but admiring the pirate's look. He wore a blue vest (like almost all of them did) and fancy clothing like marines would wear. Yet he couldn't hide the disdainful lock of mangled hair as it fell on either side of his head. It was then suddenly Angelica appeared at the door, coming a few paces in before stopping at Mrs. Coffee's desk.

Jack couldn't help look away in utter embarrassment as his face grew red. I mean, what do ye expect! He was just on the floor, gathering scattered of papers everywhere!

He then listened intently on the conversation above. "Whatcha need?" Mrs. Coffee urged, walking towards the other end of the classroom to grab a pen before rejoining Angelica back at her desk. Right as Angelica was about to speak she left the Hispanic girl speechless as she strutted to the very far corner of the room to begin searching through a pile of papers, then, began making her way back towards he desk once she found the right one. "Hello? I can't stand here all day!"

Anger shot through Jack like a mad bee, causing him to drop all of the newly gathered papers. All three of them, Mrs. Coffee, Angelica, and even Scrum stopped dead to stare at Jack. "Seems to me that you hardly stand in one spot!" The teacher only raised an eyebrow and laughed hysterically. "Yep that's basically the case." She then remarked. "Don't you ever sit down at all?" Scrum asked from his work. All three students turned their gaze onto her as she spoke. "Not a lick. If I had the choice, I'd sell my own chair, because by gosh I don't ever hardly sit in it at all."

It was then when Jack realized she had a slight notation of country to her voice, and especially how she spoke in words.

"Now what do ya need?" She asked again, turning back towards Angelica. "I need help with number 2." Scrum then looked up, dazed. "Oi! You can ask for help on your homework?" Everyone in the room seemed to nod in shock. "Oi! In that case!" The young pirate then scrambled to his feet and rushed to his desk, flinging out his math book and standing right next behind Angelica. "I've got loads of questions teach!" Mrs. Coffee gave a fake laugh then began helping Angelica again.

"Oi! You're not leaving me to pick up all these scurvy papers are ye!?" Jack demanded rather harshly. But he couldn't stop the sudden shock yet fury rising from within his chest. "Basically yes." Scrum answered simply. Jack instantly stopped and threw the few gathered sheets onto Mrs. Coffee's desk that only went flying into the air again and soon drifting to the floor.

Mrs. Coffee… Never looked up again.

Jack shrugged. If I don't care, Scrum doesn't care, and even she doesn't care… Then I guess no one does.

Suddenly the bell rang, sending a flash of hope surging through Jack. "Is that the last bell!?" He screeched aloud. "Yep." Mrs. Coffee answered, then darted out of her room, leaving Angelica alone again. "Uh… You know… If ye ever need help, I could always have a look at them math problems." "Oh ya Jáck? Then how about you do yours first."

Bewildered at first, Jack then realized what she had meant. Dropping his gaze to the floor she went on. "But if you really insist, have a look?" Panic then swept through him. "Uh err… I'd love to luv but I've gotta go." Suddenly footsteps then sounded behind him, and he turned to see his first mate Gibbs! "Gibbs ya filthy first mate! Why didn't ya come sooner?" Gibbs only looked slightly puzzled but Jack knew he was only using him to get out of the embarrassing moment. "Come come, we shall be off!"

As they set off down the halls, then down the small flight of stairs and finally out into the fresh yet retreating sunshine, Jack breathed a sigh of relief. "This is what I call… Life!... Not stuck up in some dirty building all day!" "Aye!" Gibbs agreed, as they walked together down the cobblestoned road in the sunset. "I can't wait to get home to me beloved ship!" Jack went on as they later came upon the docks. The sea was just as he had remembered it. A long peaceful silence fell upon them… That is until Gibbs made a remark which sent a horrible chill down Jack's spine, and he even almost felt like leaping right into the waters below to drown himself. "Aye Cap'n… But what about tomorrow?"…

We'll just see about that… He thought to himself and dramatically yet charmingly placed a foot on the very deck of his beloved ship, which had nothing but the words 'freedom' written all over it. Captain Jack Sparrow had finally made it through the first day of school.


Stay tuned for book 2 which is already in the making! :3