Hey! This is my first fanfic, so please go easy!
Note: This will be the first story in a series.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately LoTR doesn't belong to me *sniffle* I only own my OCs obviously.
Our parents got into the same boat as each other, when Frodo and I were twelve. We were riding our horses and reding books under trees. Our parents', Dani, Dandy, Primula and Drogo, were in boat fishing, but suddenly the sky went black! It was like a light had been switched off! The light came back on very quickly. However there was a strange creature lurking beneath the crystal blue waters. The boat rocked! And rocked again! Suddenly a monster rose from the lake, dripping with tears from of the ocean. It's eyes gleaming red, it's mouth blood thirsty. It was Sauron, Sauron of Mordor. He grinned the most devilish grin and scooped down to release his fire! Then vanished! Dani, Dandy, Primula and Drogo were knocked off the boat! The boat was unfit. My parents and Frodo's were in the lake. Me and Frodo has seen the sun die and live again. So we rushed to the lake, but other Hobbits (who had also witnessed the boat sink) restrained us from going into the water to help our parents. All we could do was watch. Hobbits- can't- swim.